Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cat & Mouse

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

After more than two years Hawke and her crew finally cornered The Empyrrean. A rogue Ex-Sith Pellaeon Star Destroyer roughly four light years south of Lianna. The two ships fired broadside at each other through an asteroid belt as they sped hellbent forward. "First Officer Thryken. Lets bring the hunt to an end. Roll us over the belt and sweep their topside from above. I want ever gun firing we can bear". Hawke rose from her command chair to gain a better vantage of the adversary and their own movements.

"Ayy Sir. Alright, bring her up thirty degrees and roll twenty degrees to port". Carefully and with years of training Hawk's helmsmen rose The Templar like a mighty creature breaking the seas surface. As they rolled over the targeting computers worked overtime to calculate firing trajectories. She outgunned the larger ship favorably. And as the lack of Tie Fighters harassing the cruiser; they seemed to no longer have the squadrons anymore. Whether maintenance, a personnel issue, or they'd been lost, she didn't care to much for the reason. Only thankful for their lack. The Templar was now upside down from her previous vector. The Empyrrean was taking corrective action as they'd been coming to nip them from behind by rising straight up to bring more guns to bear. A risky move, but they'd few options and outrunning wasn't one.

Now firing full force it was looking very well for The Republic in this fight. It was only a matter of time now. Hawke headed back to the rear of the bridge. One of the Jedi were aboard. And she may as well be of use Hawke figured. "Ike. Do you feel up for joining the boarding crew. A Jedi is quite the boon and I'd like to use all my cards f it can spare casualties".

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Hawke Katamirth"]

Nico looked up from her seat and smirked at that. Well mostly because she was here alone and while a padawan had some nice enjoyable skill. Now it was all a matter or moving quickly and correctly as she rose up looking at Hawke. "Always." Her saber gauntlet not activating but she clenched her fists with them shaking. "Star destroyers are usually easy to navigate mostly. Once we get past all the fighters and hope they don't use that overbank drive." Her smirk remained though at the idea of fighting and that old fighting spirit from before she joined the jedi showed. "So when do we leave?"
[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

"Fortunately they seem to lack fighter escort. I'd imagine they're undermanned too. Not likely all the crew have stayed this long either". Hawke looked out the transparisteel viewport. The Pellaeon was being whipped by all the batteries they could aim. The shields wouldn't hold long. "Get to the hanger Padawan. Once they're crippled we'll come along next to them and board". Ike was dismissed to rendezvous with the marines. Things were going smoothly in her opinion. Hawke pondered whether she could fight The Templar if she was in command of The Empyrrean. Skill against brute force would be that duels terms.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Hawke Katamirth"]

Nico gave a nod of her head and moved going for the hanger. Her hands clenching as she went to load up and wished Serenity was here to guide her. While she sometimes found the AI annoying she had to admit.. it was helpful and somethign that can hack while she fights and defends.. Well worth it. THen Nico was in the hanger and in the ship standing shoulder to stomach with most of the ones in the ships. "Alright loaded up commander."
[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

"Very good. Take your team and storm their bridge. I'll be there shortly to join you". By the time Nico had made it down to the hanger the obscene amount of guns this ship possessed had sliced through their shielding. The deck of the Empyrrean was like a ruined landscape of scrap. They suffered hull integrity from the mass drivers. Likely a few decks lost some atmosphere before countermeasures locked the breached areas. The underbelly was still fully armed though, but Hawke wasn't going to fight the other half if she didn't have to. Too risky with how low their own shielding was. For now she was just going to knock out their engines to really cripple them.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Hawke Katamirth"]

Nico gave a nod hearing the plan as the ship she was in went down, entering the destroyers hanger as the doors opened and the team moved. The plop and snap hiss of the blade coming out as the shifting colors of the saber and her energy shield deflected a shot. Nico spun around letting a force push come from her hand with a smirk. "Move out now." The soldiers giving her a look before heading over to the corridor so they could run to the bridge. "Katamirth we are on our way."
[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

"Affirmative Nico. Don't get in trouble now". Hawke directed her ship around to the aft of her foe. A few shots crippled her drives. Dead in the water as a terrestrial would say. Victory was imminent, and it felt sweet. Years of chasing her have lead up to this day. Now no way to escape, The Empyrrean's reign of terror was over. And the last remnant of rogue Empire ships was an end too. Hawke turned to her second second in command. "Ready the holding areas and prep the crews to take her once the fighting is finished". An ye aye Captain rang off from the man. Hawke too would ready to go over herself.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Hawke Katamirth"]

Nico kept moving letting her face go blank as she kicked off a wall and slashed with the saber into a trooperand came around. The shield popping up to deflect a blaster shot while she tossed the man over her shoulder. A fluid motion finishing with a roll into the other side of the wall and kicking off to slid across the floor under a heavy trooper. She was going towards the bridge and blasted a force push to put a small group into an escape pod before jettisoning it. "Understood, we're moving up to the bridge and putting as many as we can in escape pods."

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