Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This time when Lan-Dai spoke in her mind, it didn't startle Aren at all. Though she was sort of creeped out by it. If he could put his thoughts and words into her head, what else could he do up there?

However, she trusted him and followed his suggestion. Following the stream of music in her mind, it appeared to have no beginning or end and she stopped. Just the amount of IT around her was staggering.

When she stopped, darkness surrounded her. The music fell silent, but she felt its thrum all around her.

Sparks of light flashed and she found herself inside what appeared to be an office...and then it was gone.

Opening her eyes, she found she had moved on the earth she had been sitting on and now lay sprawled on her back about ten paces away from where she had been before. Sitting up, she was no longer meditating.

"What happened?"

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
While for sake of the lesson attempted the best thing to do was to concentrate on meditation, Lan-Dai couldn't help but to try and make sense of the glimpse he received. However, that would soon be made to wait as he sensed that Aren likewise received a vision of her own.

At first he didn't move, but then as he sensed and then heard her somehow moving from her current position he instantly rose from his sitting position to follow her. Something was amiss, and perhaps she also experienced a warning from either the past or the future.

The Force, or something shown to her had moved her, or caused her to move subconsciously and now found herself thrown several paces away from where they were. Lan-Dai instantly knelt beside Aren to help her to her feet.

"What happened? What did you see?"
"I'm not sure what happened, honestly. But in listening to my music...I got pulled in and followed it. Everything was black around me. There was nothing I could see."

Chewing on her lower lip ​for a moment as she thought about what exactly she saw to tell him, she was silent. Then the image came back to her and she nodded just slightly. Looking at Lan-Dai, her eyes looked into his.

"I was taken into what looked like an office. It was odd. Not like anything I had seen before."

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
"Interesting, it appears that the Force manifests itself unto you audibly, or through music, as it were......." Lan-Dai began.

"The Force is obviously trying to show you something........." Lan-Dai mused, could what she have seen be linked to his own vision somehow? Were the 2 visions connected? Or was it coincidental?

"An office........... are there any other details besides that that stand out? Any aspect that you remember could be important, no matter how insignifcant it may seem..." He added as he extended his hand to help her up.
The girl sat on the ground, but not quite in a lotus position. Her feet were touching and her legs were bent at the knees with her hands holding her feet. Still wearing the headset around her neck, her hair flopped down in front of her face a little. Flipping her head back, Aren looked at Lan-Dai and shook her head.

"I could not see any clear details, but I don't think I was alone."

​If it wasn't going to be seen as a sign of weakness, she really felt like just curling up into a ball. She was uncomfortable, confused and scared a little of the unknown. Not wanting to tell him this though, she kept silent.

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
The details were given, however few. They were vague, and offered no more than speculations.

"Do you recognize the place? Is it somewhere you've been before?" Lan-Dai's question was succinct, as it was one to determine when the vision takes place.

Taking a knee in front of Aren, he looked at her with his hand still extended towards her, although now more comfortably. Somehow he perceived that this new experience may have shaken her somehow, and the Emerallian was looking to be as comprehensive as possible. It also became apparent that she was holding back from speaking or moving out of that same fear and uncertainty....

"You're not doing yourself a favor by inhibiting your mood, or me for that matter........"

While as stoic as ever, Lan-Dai's voice gave a hint of reassurance.
She gave two head shakes in answer to his question. Watching as he knelt down in front of her, she slowly moved to take the offered hand. Still uncomfortable and scared, she could at least take some comfort in what he offered.

"I'm not inhibiting, just not showing. Is there a difference?"

Being young, even she was not clear all the time on what she felt or could speak openly about. Now was one of those times.

"No, I've never been to that office before. I think it was night...other than that whoever or whatever was in the office, there was nothing else alive."

Nothing more was in the ​vision.

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
The replies gave a bit more insight than before.

"If you weren't there before, then the vision implies that what you saw may happen some time from now..............."

Having taken his hand, Lan-Dai helped Aren to her feet as she still felt shaken.

"Yes, there is a difference when you refuse to admit what you feel even to yourself... Whether out of fear of how you may seem to others, not wanting to worsen or escalate a situation, or denial out of comfort, inhibiting your emotions can be either crucial or detrimental.........."

"This, however is not one of such times........."

While his voice was stoic, there was still a glimmer of reassurance behind his words. A glimmer that hopefully would help Aren be more at ease with herself after her experience.
What he said about what she saw made her nod, but Aren was still confused. Allowing him to help her up, she listened to his answer to her question.

"I don't want to seem foolish and scared over nothing. But you and I both know I am now."

Gulping a little, she kept her hold on his hand.

"I don't work well with emotions. Why I have my droids as my friends instead of people. You're different, Lan-Dai. I like you. Thank you."

If he allowed it, she ​would give him a hug. Warp her arms around his neck and just give him a large hug...or as large as she could give him.

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
"Think nothing of it.......... You are still in the learning stage, as such certain aspects will seem overwhelming........" Lan-Dai reassured.

"There is no shame in feeling scared over a vision......... the only shame is to stay that way"

Sensing her emotions and reading her body language, Lan-Dai did not release her hand.

"That was to be expected....." His reply denoted entirely that he had caught onto this trait from the start.

"I do take that as a compliment...." Lan-Dai said as he raised an eyebrow slightly at Aren's statement that he was different. "That's a comfort to know, I was beginning to doubt...." he continued, attempting to add some dry humor to his tone. Suddenly her arms wrapped around his neck, and she came closer to him for an embrace. It was a strange yet welcoming sensation, for Lan-Dai had never received such a gesture before. Unsure of how to handle it, the Emerallian simply placed one arm around her hips as his face still depicted an air of uncerainty and confusion regarding Aren's motion.

Somehow the sensation of uneasiness began to intertwine with one of peace and satisfaction.
His words and actions did help, but she was still slightly uncomfortable and scared. He said what she was going through was expected, but not by her entirely. Her brother had tried to start her down this path and then they separated. Lan-Dai had come into the rescue and helped more, but Aren didn't think she was ready.

Giving him a smile when he took her words as a compliment and that he had started to doubt himself. She had just said she liked him, so maybe he had been doubting that. It didn't make too much difference she thought, but hoped that wasn't the case.

Biggest thing that helped was the hug. Even if he didn't know how to react or feel about it, Aren needed it. Just to know he was there, real and could help. Speaking into his shoulder as she hugged him, she shook her head just slightly.

"I'm not sure I'm totally ready for this new world, Lan-Dai. I think I need to go slower. Not sure how or what though. Probably not even making any sense of things. It's so confusing."

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
Aren's response wasn't an awkward one, it was one that Lan-Dai himself had given the grandmaster of the Jedi Order after he had screwed up royally. The reply was for more understandable than she could believe.

"That's fine, Aren...... This is not something that will occur from one day to the next, truth be told this path takes time........ Even if you make it, the path never truly ends. This alone gives you the freedom to move at your own pace, give it time and it will begin to make sense on its own."

This was all Lan-Dai would say as he continued to comfort her as she stayed locked onto him. He was almost completely at ease by now.
There was a sense of simple understanding and comprehension from Lan-Dai that Aren appreciated. What he had or not said to another person was unknown to her, but he seemed to know what she meant. That is what mattered right now.

"I think it's going to take me a long time to learn anything really. Listening to the music will help. Even if it isn't real music."

Letting go of him with one arm, she tugged at the headset around her neck.

"Real music would help more though."

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
The embrace he now found himself in had sunken in, having realized both its current and possible meanings. As Aren tugged and motioned at her headphones, Lan-Dai helped her to accomodate them with his free hand.

"I see that perhaps this may help you be more at ease, so therefore you can use the music when necessary, but only when necessary......." While the words were serious there was still a blatant air of understanding and reassurance.

No sooner had the headphones accomodated neatly over Aren's ears that Lan-Dai's eyes closed involuntarily as he was plagued with yet another vision. A figure mostly in shadow, looking a lot like him yet somehow older. He was soon joined by a younger Jedi, an Iktotchi whose features greatly resembled that of his own master, Tiro-Narus Altor. As both their lightsabers lit, they stood face to face against a large, tall adversary. A Shistavanen who lit his own lightsaber before lunging at them in a roar. This was all he would see before snapping back to having Aren in his embrace still.

Making no ado about what happened, Lan-Dai resolved to look at his new friend to see if the music had done its work in soothing her.
Letting go of Lan-Dai, she was far more relaxed and at ease. Not quite as fearful as before, Aren probably wasn't in a good position to continue any further lessons this day.

"Thank you. I don't need them right now, but I think I will in the future."

Tugging them off her ears again, they the headset rested on her neck like they had been before.

"It's only when I need to focus on a task is when I feel they will still be useful."

Nodding at his words, the girl would remember them and take them into account. What vision he had did not pass onto her and she had no idea what he was seeing. It was the same when she had her vision. They had to tell each other instead of either of them just knowing what had been seen.

"I am hungry and tired. My droids are also a little worried about what's going on."

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
Looking at Aren, Lan-Dai found both relief and distraction despite his vision.

However, his mind once more began to reel with conflict. Did the vision indicate an event that happened before? Did it depict an event that would happen in some occassion yet to come? The questions flooded his mind, yet they would have to wait.

"Very well, let us return.... No need to cause unnecessary worry...."

Lan-Dai instantly turned to head back, yet at a reasonable pace. Making sure Aren was still within peripheral view.

"I believe that this is enough for today..........."

Lan-Dai then paused where he stood to allow Aren to catch up to him.
The girl knew a day would come when this would be like second nature, but right now her surprise and a fear held her back. She was pleased and happy when Lan-Dai agreed they had done enough for the day. Letting out a sigh, Aren fell into step with him.

Walking next to him, she kept up easily.

"When will it become easy for me?"

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
As they walked past the now familiar training posts on Ragoon VI, Lan-Dai sensed both a resolve and an uncertainty with Aren as she caught up and followed suit.

It was not difficult to read what his friend was goinjg through, she wanted to progress, she wanted to make Lan-Dai proud, but at the same time she was afraid of what she was feeling. The sensations overwhelmed her, and she had no clue on how to deal with them.

A slight flashback passed through his mind to when his own master, Tiro-Narus Altor, imparted words of both wisdom and reassurance to him. The time had now come for Lan-Dai to do the same.

"When you stop fighting....."
His answer to her question was really surprising and Aren glanced at him for a moment.

"I don't think I am fighting. It isn't in my nature to do that."

Of course it was, but the girl didn't know it yet. She would fight for her life, but this wasn't quite the same. A new aspect of something within her was opened and she was fighting that change. Fear stopped her and held her back. Not yet ready to face it, she ran and fought against it.

External fights were different than what she was facing now. Too young to realize this or not care...all that mattered was Lan-Dai could tell what was going on.

[member="Lan-Dai Navras"]
Aren's glance was expected, as having been close enough to her she had become in several ways predictable. Aren's following statement was also expected, or one similar enough.

"Not in your nature? It appears as though you have yet to know yourself, a crucial tool in order to master the Force or any other aspect of life................"

"Not all fights are physical, or external for that matter....... We all have inner battles to fight.......... should you fail to face it then the life of a hundred years can be a tragedy....."

Realizing that perhaps such a statement may startle Aren further, he continued.

"However, if you confront and then make peace within, then the life of a single day can be a triumph....... Do not allow what you feel to influence your state of mind. Where your mind goes, your body will follow, and so will your ability to use the Force. Whatever new sensations you're experiencing are not to be feared or shyed away from. Embrace them fully no matter how you feel, and then you will realize that developing your power will become easier....."

Hopefully this would help to lay Aren's uncertainty to rest.

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