The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Downtown, Ethos City
INTERACTING WITH: [member="Lilla Syrin"]
"Thank you for listening. This conversation is making me go through all sorts of emotions, like a rollercoaster."
He then said as the rain poured on their backs as the frying pans and heat coming from the small noodle shop offered them some heat against the weather. It wouldn't be smart to stay outdoors for a while unless you wanted to get sick or something.
This deep and intriguing chatter made him question so many things, past decisions and go through every situation lived and trying to come out with different alternatives. So many "could have beens" and the like.
"What are you gonna do after this?"
Ar'ekk's question did not have any double meaning or hidden intentions hidden beneath at all whatsoever but he had in mind that Lithios was not a place that offered its visitors with a pleasant weather, specially at night. His noodles bowl was almost empty too and the coffee cup laying by the counter had already gotten cold.
"Walking your own path is important. But when someone gets in yours and you try to balance that out, what do you do?"