The Dark Paladin of Chaos
Madalena said nothing while Josh spoke, letting his words come out without interruption from her end. The playground was large enough for Jason and Baal to just dash through and enjoy, leaving the two near human adults to their own devices. She knew that Josh would always want to keep an eye on Jason, just as she knew that Josh would never find a better babysitter than Baal. The giant wolf adored children, and she could probably guess that he was talking to him as well. Perhaps not right at that instant, but generally.
"There are others with a similar goal," she pointed out, "There is a Jedi Order, with a peace station or something like that. Last I heard they were somewhere in the Core, and I'm pretty sure you could discover their exact location if you poked around a bit."
Sighing, she led him to a small stall in the corner of the playground, one that was obviously a trap as it sold things like ice cream and other sweets that children loved at way too high prices. But it also had coffee. Madalena ordered two mugs for her and Josh.
"There are people outside of the Silvers and the Jedi Order who also hold the same beliefs, misguided as they are," she grinned, "Just because you have the same macro-goal, doesn't mean you should enslave yourself to them. I'd say Jason deserves better, but I think you're the one that deserves better. You've given enough of your life and your soul to these people who can't even be arsed to poke you for missions? Enough's enough. Either tell them to step up, or find other ways to hit the same goal."
Madalena leaned into Josh with her shoulder. THere was no anger in her words, no ill intent. The two could disagree on what was good or bad until kingdom come, but she still wanted the best for him. And the Silvers… She did not believe they were.And though no one would say Josh couldn't be stubborn, she knew how to be that as well.
"I love you, Josh," she smiled, "You're my best friend. So stop this lightside martyrdom."