Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Catharian Hegemony, Dominion over Thearterra : War of the Blue Diamond : [Open to Invitees, Chiss Ascendency, and CH]

Xzaien stood there before the kneeling man. Her face unchanging as a dark mist began to encircle her feet. She made sure to project a force bubble so that the leeching mist wouldn't grab onto her legs and pull her to her death. The very millisecond she heard a few Bio-Droids come to life in the corners of the room did she finally react. Ever so slowly, she extended a palm where lightning began to crackle upon her fingertips. With an almighty sound of a sonic explosion, the room went awash in deep-purple light as rays of light and fire were projected from Xzaien's outstretched fingers.

The smell of burning flesh filled the room as the very first rays of Electric Death collided with the Bio-Droids outer carapace. Seemingly shooting between them in this highly beautiful pattern. Then promptly, the droids were sent flying by Jairdain Jairdain while each crackled with electricity and buckled against the walls with a sickening crunch that could make a Bryn'Adul Swarm-Lord cringe. Xzaien moved forward, her hands re-connecting as they charged with Electricity. In the room, the humidity seemed to go straight up as some sort of small storm-cloud made its appearance inside of the room. A swirling black mass of energy. After a few seconds, lightning bolts of Purple were seen shooting down, striking the downed Bio-Droids many times.

Dorn was quick to retaliate the moment a Bio-droid neared him. Swingly wildly with its force imbued blades. In one swift counter, a farcically fast swing of of a Lightning Hammer connected with the cranium of the Bio-Droid. Literally splattering it into bits and sending the body careening into the floor in a brutal display of a Progenitor Son of Xzaien. A mighty scary display to be sure, only accentuated by his war cry.

Scylla AI Scylla AI Azel Moran Harkyn Harkyn Titus Julius Ludicola Titus Julius Ludicola Varro Eindride
The large Jensaarai seemed to ignore the conflict which occurred at the foot of his tomb between the Dark Sider and the other Jedi which fought alongside her. Perhaps it was the steel of his will or lack of drive which kept the Jensaarai elder floating above his altar without seemingly much care for the battle which raged on; The only seeming reaction for the beginning of the fight was the smoke releasing the lesser soldiers to allow them to fight against the awoken biodroids that supported their enemy, and his unexpected ally. As such the smoke-like tendrils that hugged the ground retracted halfway across the bridge with some curling down underneath out of sight slithering around the underside as a sort of safety mechanism for the Jensaarai which controlled them from his meditative state.

The tomb seemed to rustle dust and debris above the large walkway, unsettling some dust and debris that had been made loose from their combative ways.
The battle inside the bunker could only delay the hegemony so long.... but would it be long enough?


Biodroids dropping from the walls, coming out of unlikely places to slash and cut proving a distraction, backed up by the automated turrets inside, rockets and slugthrowers slamming against the walls, began to show significant internal damage in the corridors facing the many marines and telepaths inside.

Decontamination protocol initiation completed. There was a locking sound and slow rotating noise from around the entire bunker, Everyone might feel moved around, their footing less steady, because the entire structure was.


"Beginning countdown to failsafe initiation All personnel please proceed to the assigned positions."

“Time to initiation 3 Minutes….”
The AI's voice warned. 2.59….2.58….2.57. Oxygen began flooding back into the corridors, the nerve gas removed. The level of danger in the force was now shouting at everyone involved.

Jairdain Jairdain

The Biodroids failed in their initial task, she had bought them time at the doors. Elsewhere other corridors were hit by explosive suicide droids beginning to seal the corridors shut. Debris and smoke were evident as Marines were simply left as craters along with the droids or at least given a headache. She could of course warn them… that their forces were being sealed IN, rather than kept OUT.

Titus Julius Ludicola Titus Julius Ludicola

A VERY LARGE power spike had just flared in the bunker, and the bunker was moving, turning to be precise not elevating. From his vantage point he might see it looked… like the nose of a ship? The more of the bunker than shook loose from the Earth the more that was so. His experience would certainly be shouting a great big warning at him that nobody currently in that bunker was safe. Of course having an eagle-eye view was a benefit from being stuck inside the danger.

It had let them in with no fight. Now it was trying to block the doors! Big alarm bells. Huge.


Harkyn Harkyn | Xzaien Xzaien | Varro Eindride | Azel Moran

Were now presented with a choice. Get to the bottom levels of the bunker in time, run, or see what happened. Of course Wolffe was only going to benefit either way, as this tomb served him. As he woke, so did it. The level of command he had over events now increased to every droid and those below, as well as the AI itself.

The thickest doors on the sub-levels were being barricaded, large sheets of metal to slow the marines. Melsk Thraus formerly of the galactic empire, now a one sith zealot still stood there in command, blaster to hand in the very basement of the facility. The marines were making good their approach but it was not as fast as it could be, bogged down in hallway combat with suicide droids, hidden turrets and tight spaces.

Either way danger was like a siren at this point in the force, louder than the alarms. Azel Moran was probably given a jolt as the structure began to turn, and the earth on the outside began to come loose, more of the structure? Becoming visible.

2.53...2.52...2.51…”Time to initiation 2.50 Minutes.” At least they had a helpful countdown from the bunkers internal AI! Not that it was comforting if you didn't know what was happening!

Bunker Status:
50% casualties Among Technical staff.
Breaches on upper levels. Mid-levels held by intruders.
Nerve Gas Removed, Oxygen Stablized. Pressure Stabilized.
Time to Initiation of Failsafes 2.50 Minutes. Personnel report to safe positions.

File Deletion Status - Project ? Deleted. Goros Files Deleted, Haxion Brood Files Deleted
Current Task: Deleting ‘Directive’ mentions. 50% Completed
Next Pending Task: Deleting Supplier Data and Trade Connections.
Last edited:
"Time most set to leave my Prison, it would seem that you are not welcome here as fate seems which to have dictated."

The voice was back once again in the back of the minds which had pushed into his tomb, those of the bunker outside on the other hand may not have heard the gentle whispers that encroached on them all from the mind of the Jensaarai elder which was so rudely awoken from his near Millenium long slumber. The large male warrior seemed to lower down inch by inch rather slowly as his life began to return to him in a sense with a beating heart slowly returning, a breathing husk gathering it's air and a man which managed to defy the ages through his slumber.

The armored figure seemed to remove itself from the lotus position after some time of it's decent as the combat occurred before him through the opening which had been revealed by the Catharian leader Xzaien Xzaien - At this moment the armored Elder seemed to be standing on top of his Altar as the Tomb seemed to quake and rock as the combat progressed with more turrets and bio droids seeming to awaken to his aid; aid which he himself was unknowing of, but quite intrigued of when he soon came to realize that these sleeping warriors seemed to be the ones which wished to aid him as one entombed with the old Chiss bunker. He took a light step off the pedestal letting a gentle metallic clank off as his suit absorbed the slight drop and turned it into a little noise that managed to echo in the vast Temple-like structure.

He rest his hands behind his back in a gentle, clasp like fashion as he began to walk toward an ancient door that lies on the opposite side of the Tomb where the ruins would continue deeper into the old stone, and like a pack of loyal dogs, the tendrils of smoke followed with him keeping pace but enough range that they could ensure those which attempted to rush him if combative were locked in place and held at bay.

"This war is yours. Fight your wills. Fight your conflictions, it shall be you which tears apart yourselves, not I. These droids shall serve their masters. These Weapons shall serve their Soldiers. Warriors fight for what Warriors die for. I am no Warrior willing to die for you. I am no Warrior willing to die for Paultry beliefs that shall tarnish the ancient ruins which you fight on the doorstep of. These Ruins I will defend. Your war is no concern to me; Tread on my Ancestral grounds no more. These Ruins shall serve none."

The voice was in those that fought on the edge of the Bridge, Those which were attempting to go into the Tomb, a voice that was firm and concise whispering it's due deeds into the mind of all as the Jensaarai walked to enter the Tomb further whence he had known longing of his life, to defend, to live.​
Xzaien held her ground. With her power she could easily destroy the Bio-Droid single-handedly. Already, she had made them dance with Lightning Bolts and now she will completely rend whichever life they had remaining in their metal hides. She shot her hand forward. This time, a bright red beam emanated from the charred bodies of the Bio-Droids. A hoarse, semi-mechanical scream was heard emanating from these metal carcasses. Slowly descending into puffs of air as the organic components of the Bio-Droids instantly mummified. With that, the mummified droids dropped on the ground with a satisfying metallic clunk. The red light which was seen, was caught swirling around Xzaien's body before being adsorbed into her.

As Xzaien and Dorn felled the first wave of Bio-Droids. Two Chiss Troopers in little armor were seen entering the Tomb area from a previously unseen entrance. Likely when Xzaien opened up the first door, another hidden entrance opened past the Chiss Lines. One of them Caught sight with Harkyn Harkyn and fired at him with a Military Blaster Rifle in an attempt to fell him. However, the man to this Trooper's right was immediately blown into two parts with Bolter fire from Xzaien's Space Marines who had just entered the fray.

Above the clouds, Titus Julius Ludicola Titus Julius Ludicola would receive a informative claim from one of his Midshipman. Three hyperspace signatures were caught on system scans. Chiss Ships. A scan of these vessels would appear on Captain Ludicola's mainframe. Three old Imperial II Class Star Destroyers painted in Chiss Colors. Likely they were apart of the old Ascendancy during the times of the New Republic centuries ago. Still maintained lovingly by their dedicated crews.

Ludicola had five Harrower Class Dreadnoughts, Three Interdictor Cruisers. And the largest of them all; Xzaien's Flagship the Cathay Rahtai at his disposal. Alongside a multitude of support Foray Class Blockade Runners, and a Single Repentant Kandosii Class Dreadnought. A even battle judging by what the legends say of the Imperial Classes firepower.

Varro Eindride Jairdain Jairdain Azel Moran
As the Chiss soldier took a few shots toward the large Jensaarai form that was walking deeper into the Tomb it would have seemed that the Jensaarai had some fight left in him after his slumber - He took a shot in the back of his plasteel plate armor, a welt of a dent in the steel but it would seem that for a single shot having hit before the Chiss was torn asunder by Bolter shells that he was quite durable. The Warrior Balled a fist as he turned his form to face the Chiss soldiers who owned the Bunker that lie adjacent to the Tomb and his voice echoed in the room propelled by the Force.

"It would seem that the Ascendency has chosen their position. What now of the Others?"

It would seem as he had spoken the Jensaarai made a claw-like motion with his arm swinging it low and up with his palms curled; something which had seemed to channel a burst of power that Xzaien Xzaien could sense without seeing as a column of searing electricity seemed to erupt from the ground out of nowhere beneath the Chiss soldier that hadn't been torn to pieces with high caliber slugs. The bolt of energy was strong, enough so that it would seem the arches cracked and the keystones seemed to jolt loose shaking free centuries of dust and forming many new cracks and sources of debris points in the old doorway. However, the Jensaarai's power seemed to fluctuate here and there - He had been asleep for nearly nine hundred years and the physical demands of something as such were going to make his use of power liberal only knowing with the pretense of combat; he would feel the pain of the Sickness soon if he continued with bolts of such magnitude from the ground which they all stood on, rather than the standard lightning from the tips of the fingers.
In Xzaien Xzaien 's absence, Titus was serving as acting commanding Admiral, a position he'd never have expected to get given to him by virtue of just being a captain.

Furthermore, three Chiss battle ships had just appeared behind him. Now, Titus outnumbered this Chiss relief force, but he'd have to watch out to not have Chiss fighters outflank his battle cruisers and take them down.

Quick as lightning, Acting Admiral Ludicola would rapidly issue orders to the fleet personally. He would order the fastest ships (his blockade runners) to form a screen in front of the dreadnoughts to prevent fighters from attacking. They would have to stay out of range of star destroyer fire to prevent being pounded to pieces while forming an impenetrable wall of anti-starfighter fire. He then ordered his bombers and fighters to get in space as quickly as possible and form a c-shape flight run. Starfighters would protect bombers, and they would aim at cripping the star destroyer's fire capability, gunning down those turbolaser turrets to incapacitate them.

It's worth noting that the interdictor web was still on, preventing the Chiss ships from leaving.

Finally, Ludicola's interdictor ship was still pointed at the planet. Why? He had just noticed a bunker collapsing and a nose protruding from the collapsed bunker. Ludicola correctly inferred this was a ship. He ordered starfighters and bombers to leave the hangar decks and prepare to fire ion charges at the oncoming ship.

Xzaien Xzaien Scylla AI Scylla AI

The death. The Killing. All had a purpose in Xzaien's eyes. The eradication of the forces of Chaos from the Galaxy forever. She knew what others didn't see it the same way. Some of her own Space Marines turned Traitor just because of their own misguided plans. They were early generations of Space Marines. Long flawed by DNA issues with their given Progenitor Sons. These "Men" now served whoever fought the Hegemony. Now they served the Chiss Ascendancy. Their armor warped beyond recognition through the horrible powers of Chaos Sorcerers. It was certain that at least a hundred of these Traitors still stayed inside of their metal coffins. Reborn by whichever demented power they sought from the Forces of Chaos. A ripple was sent through the force, signifying these Chaos Marine's arrival.

Xzaien's current encounter with the Chiss Ascendancy ended quickly. The man was literally disintegrated with Lightning from Harkyn Harkyn . Xzaien was quick to move. She only uttered a few words to Wolffe as she passed.

"Come, These men put you in danger as well. Fight alongside me, and we shall end them forever."


She was quick to enter the Next room, Which opened up briefly into a massive antichamber. At the very top, lay the AI-Core of Scylla AI Scylla AI encased in meters of durasteel armor. Impenetrable to anything Xzaien, her Progenitor Son, and her Space Marines could throw at it. At the center of the room began the final confrontation. Xzaien, Her Marines, and her Son stepped forth through the crack in the wall. Presented clearly with a bunch of Chiss Regulars with Blasters, alongside of Xzaien's own Traitors. Only one-hundred Traitors existed. These were the most extreme. Force Sensitives mutated into these horrible monsters. A few of them were already Dead Marines, reborn with the power of the Chaos Sorcery. Some had suffered horrible deaths. Cleaved in two by horrible flesh-eating monsters, or simply felled on forgotten battlefields. Reanimated to serve again, along the side of those who seek the destruction of order throughout the Galaxy. These Marines, barely able to keep their own guts from spilling out of their bellies, or hands and arms replaced by crude tentacle like appendages. Others were fresh, likely deserters from Xzaien's army long ago. These men willingly served Chaos, unlike their dead battle-brothers.

Upon stepping forth, Lord Commander Relian Dorn raised his Lightning Hammer at the traitors. Screaming to the top of his lungs.


He brandished his lightning hammer, ready to strike down rays of light and fire upon the traitors. Even though they were affected by Chaos, the previously dead marines fought every single moment. Some twitched, some attempted to blow their own heads off when confronted with Xzaien herself. Even after death, these Marines still served their true master. Powerless they were, they attempted to kill themselves. Through shame, they allowed themselves to serve an enemy of Xzaien. A few of them succeeded. Using their bolters to blow their heads clean off. Dissapating the Magic of Chaos through their headless bodies as they fell to the ground. Almost instantly following this display, the other Marines began Fireing at Xzaien's Sons of Xzeench, and the Progenitor Son. And the war they fought today between brothers... will forever be the first encounter with Traitor Marines...

And they were ready to spill blood on Behalf of the Forces of Chaos.


Meanwhile... In orbit.
The Chiss fleet, was horribly outgunned, and outnumbered. And they knew it. Those Three Imperial Star Destroyers were here on a suicide mission. Unknown to their commanders. Trapped in battle. They scrambled every single Tie-Based Fighter, Bomber, and Boarding pod they had in their bays. Blanketing the front of their ships in this screen of Protection. In a steriotypical Imperial Move. They ordered their fighters to engage the enemy without protecting their own ships. So far, the Star Destroyers were out of range with their Octuple Barbette Turbo-lasers. And they advanced slowly across the stars. That is, until a massive Super-Laser Streaked across space, and collided with Ludicola's Sister ship. The Ebenzer. Another similarly sized Interdictor cruiser was promptly overwhelmed with the hit. And exploded internally. Sending a half of the ship careening off into Deep Space as the ship split apart. Every-Soul aboard was extinguished in an instant.

The Harrower's instantly made evasive maneuvers to avoid another shot from this Conquerer Class Star Destroyer. It entered range, and began fireing its Turbo-lasers. Accompanied by a compliment of Sith and Old Republic Fighters. Sent screaming at the Star Destroyers, the Fighters, Bombers, and Boarding Pods of the Hegemony began their attack on the Tri-Formation... A desperate attempt to destroy the Conqueror and end its threat to the forces below.
"This war is your war, not mine - Pray to be you see fit that it's of my spirit that helps you out of principle, not fealty."

It was a quick and relatively concise response to the Autocratic force user that begged of his assistance, and only from principle would it seem that the man gave care to her words for defensive sake which begged for his ability to wage a defensive war of his own in soil that was indeed once his. He glanced along through the hallowed mask which he wore placing prying eyes upon the death and destruction that hit a once peaceful structure that had lain silent for many centuries, now disturbed by a Crusade from the Hegemony; It was against him to help either race in their war, but it could only be said which that the Chiss were his direct threat, and his ability would be demolished in his weakened state by such a force user - but he was no man to be enslaved. Morality is akin to a sin when that sin presents itself in the maw of a time-bound pretense, however. Justice was seen due to both ends, but Fate seemed to have dictated one shall overpower the other, and his interruption was of no due. It would suffer as a wasted sacrifice when there were other moments to strike at the heart of the beast when it must be weighed upon the scales.

The armored-master seemed to walk back to his altar and summon his energy to raise the pedestal up from the floor so that he could summon two objects to his hands which had lain buried for safekeeping beneath, One of which was a master-crafted saber staff and the other was an odd heavy handled lightsaber by clear design with an odd crossed blade and parrying pikes like you would have seen on ancient force Warblades, something which could catch a blade and be used to quickly dismember an opponent. As the two objects flew into his hands and his grip found the sensible locations of which to hold each weapon the pedestal seemed to fall rapidly before slowing just before it hit the floor and lightly sat down where it had belonged. You can not assist in a war whence you are yourself not armed, no? He could not rely solely upon his abilities with the force that connected all of them together, no, it would drain him too quickly with his weakened state currently pounding away at his soul.

He lowered his weapons and closed his eyes upon the insides of his mask for the immense sin which he himself was now being forced to commit, but as a Tool of the Force, it was sad to say which that he had to do so, For he was strong but not a man able to destroy two armies by himself, for that he would need the old Order - and it was too difficult to resurrect the dead, to say it quite bluntly. He walked out into the large antechamber behind Xzaien Xzaien and looked upon the Twisted horrors which were formed after a traitorous bout from her original progenitor race of Marines. The armored-master looked on, the fact Genetic mutants like this existed was something very intriguing to him since he was, indeed, one of the oldest people in this room scarce the Ancient Autocrat herself and possibly the elder Marines. He was although far more ignorant of technology so their appearance was an interest to him, and something to say that he knew this was a much more...accelerated period than the one which he had gone into a state of force-bound slumber inside of.[/HR]
If Jairdain had still been allied with the Dark, she wouldn't have had any issue just murdering the biodroids around her. She wasn't any longer and was always reluctant to just kill because she could. That didn't mean she couldn't though. As the red light came through, she watched as the remaining droids around her ceased moving and fell to the ground.

Letting out a sigh, she started to poke and prod at a couple of them to search for any sign of life. Of those she searched, there was no life remaining in either the droid or bio part of them. Each of them carried weapons and some of these items were enhanced with the Force.

Her hands fell onto a sword and it seemed to call out to her. Pulling her hand away, it still drew at her. Listening to the Force and looking at the sword, Jairdain just nodded and pulled it away from the corpse in front of her. Its sheath was stapped to the hip of what had once been a man. Unlacing it, she wasn't beyond stripping the dead of belongings.

Hearing voices, she followed them now. Coming to a stop, she listened as Wolffe and Xzaien spoke and came out of hiding when they finished. Jairdain was here as an ally, these people knew that and did not attempt to stop her from joining the others.

Weapons were lowered and she had picked up a new one for herself. When the opportunity presented itself, she would do some research on its origins. She thought they were done here, but time would tell.
Ludicola was about to smirk at how grossly outnumbered the Chiss were and how he was about to slaughter them.

...then, for some ungodly reason, a superlaser pierced through space and hit the ship directly opposite him, making it explode on impact in a manner vaguely resembling a rebel ship being blown up by the Death Star during the Battle of Endor.

"REPORT!" Ludicola yelled as he looked to his side.

Xzaien Xzaien
With the Tomb Guardian taking more command, the biodroids were fighting for Harkyn Harkyn as much as for anyone else here. They faced chaos, chiss, and the One Sith cultists still inside. The AI now serving Wolffe Wolffe , he had to but instruct the turrets to stop firing and they did, it might take a while to realise but this tomb was built entirely for him. The One Sith would bow too if he asked it of them...

Xzaien Xzaien | Harkyn Harkyn

The forces of chaos, and One Sith, a good pairing some might say. The cultists left in the bunker were truly inspired as chaos cultists might be, the strong that rose to the top through conflict. So it was many One Sith posing as scientists would habitually attack everyone, in wild zealous displays of their fanatical faith, to die well and die free.

The bunker might have been a tomb before, but with the displays as the One Sith made their last stand in the final AI core, it was fast becoming a tomb by the hundreds. The biodroids moved with more ease than the cultists, over the floors and ceilings to ambush them, but none could fault the One sith zealots for their fanatical faith in those last moments facing space marine, droid and anyone else they came across. It was chaos, as the two sides finally turned in on each other. A way to eliminate ALL witnesses.

At the AI’s core on the deeper levels, the end was in sight to all of this. The reason for the infection above, the reason for the death toll below.

A songsteel Katana was drawn and at the back of the room Melsk Thraus raised it up to his stomach, he was going to end his own life before they could get any answers, or justice out of him. A wall of cultists in between the pair and the general at the heart of it all. The first glimpse the galaxy had ever seen of the Khaganate at the rear of the room, his armor dark red, engraved with the names of the countless dead generals he’d served before becoming one.

Legacy, history and faith in every action. It would live in others on no matter the cost. "I die free." He called across the core room to the invaders behind the walls of cultists and chaos armor. Would there be anyone left at the end of this?

Titus Julius Ludicola Titus Julius Ludicola

While the battle in space raged with the Chiss arrivals. The Deadlock in the Tomb bunker halted the potential escape from the surface, and the bunker ceased to rotate. The AI awaiting its new Master's current orders, the guardian of the tomb. Probably a good thing as it looked like Titus had enough to deal with in orbit!

Sadly however the more cautious One Sith were not the AI. Out of the top of the bunker, he may or may not notice several escape pods now being launched from the planet, whether he’d get them all who could say. Tiny man-sized cubes oddly, all hyperspace capable. A slow trickle... Then a steady stream launching in different directions and at different vectors. Unfortunately for him, he had a lot on his plate already! There were 'strange' readings from them. Was the laser enough of a distraction for them to getaway?

Jairdain Jairdain

Her force imbued blade may bare the markings in the force of the galactic alliance biodroid whose hand had held it. One of their dead used in the creation of this 'thing', as with the rest of them. One of Keth's many parting gifts that awaited his successor's rebirth. If she studied it the blade would tell of how they’d fought and died to liberate the one sith, then their eventual service to the machine but it wasn’t all bad memories, it was a life well lived and a death accepted for the success it had brought. Even if the torment afterwards was too much to bare, these had been crusaders of a different kind, who had given everything to give the galaxy a chance.

The liberation of its owner a favor… non of these biodroids were calm in the force, all were creations of dead sith ideals and the tormented dead that brought those ideals down.

Forgotten wars in forgotten places, relics of ages gone by, their One Sith controllers endlessly clinging to a war without end and they would never stop. The AI one of many such creations was the key to knowing more, a witness that may yet be alive at the end of this. If she was fast enough. Was that a voice in her ear? Tempting her to take the blade and kill every creation here? Yes it was. The voice wanted no witnesses among the dead.

~You will heal them Jairdain. End their suffering~ 'Someone' called. ~Kill. Free them all. They suffer.~

Bunker Status:
90% casualties Among Technical staff.
Breaches on all levels.
Nerve Gas Removed, Oxygen Stablized. Pressure Stabilized.
Time to Initiation of Failsafes - PAUSED

File Deletion Status - Project ? Deleted. Goros Files Deleted, Haxion Brood Files Deleted. ‘Directive’ mentions Deleted.
Current Task: Deleting Supplier Data and Trade Connections 50% Completed
Next Pending Task: Delete AI.

The menagerie of Traitors, and Loyal Marines alongside of Catharian Army Troops blasted away at each other with a bloody fervor that no one of the Galaxy had seen in the decades prior. Bolt-Gun fire, Blaster fire, and rays of light and fire were sent shooting away, to and fro from the two lines that stood battling out the fate of Thearterra before them. Traitor Marines were felled by their own hand, or through the overwhelming casts of lightning storms created by Xzaien's fingertips which shook the ground beneath them. From Xzaien's lines, a few Jump-Troopers made their way past Xzaien, jetpacking up straight to Scylla AI Scylla AI 's chamber. They placed thermal charges against the heavy durasteel doors, and quite literally blew them to steel shards. Revealing the now vulnerable AI Core before them.

The Expert Slicer of the group made his way to the control console. Literally trying out a menagerie of Data-Spikes and generalized hacking in an attempt to pacify the rogue AI by any means possible. Surely, their attempt would be quite quick.

Meanwhile, on the ground the last of the Traitor Marines, and group of Chiss Troopers stood in a corner. As the shooting suddenly stopped abruptly. The Traitors, at least the ones that were alive were seen dropping their bolt-guns as they raised their hands up. All of the reanimated Marines all lay dead. Having either been felled by blasters, or by their own hand. Even in death, they still were loyal. Despite their turn to Chaos. The Traitor Marines that were left oozed warfare. They were the physical embodiment of Chaos's goal for the galaxy. Plunge it into a dark-age that no one shall ever see it claw itself out of. It would seem a deactivation signal had been sent out, judging by how the Bio-Droids suddenly stopped and became inactive.


The Traitor Marines removed their helmets. Showing their faces. They were Human, and Cathar respectively. Yet their faces were horrible marred by genetic experimentation done at the hands of the Forces of Chaos. Whatever they once were prior to turning Traitor no longer mattered. Whatever foul Magics that overcame them during their time of great need all those years ago. They were marked forever by it. A figment of Evil. The imagery of Chaos itself. The forces of Chaos showed their corruption in their faces. Even as their warped power-armor writhed around them. They knelt before Xzaien and her Loyal Sons of Xzeench. They could not bear to look her in the face, after a defeat such as this. They were told, that it were better to die in battle then come before Xzaien in shame. Even as traitors. They had this sense of honor. With a flick of her wrist. Xzaien ordered their deaths. And they obliged by placing their Bolt-Guns under their chins, and ending their pitiful existence before an expressionless Xzaien before falling forward in a heap of their own warped power armor. In the end. They perished. The Chiss Troops put their arms up in surrender. The Battle for Thearterra on the ground. Was now over.

In orbit, the battle-stations of the ships around Titus Julius Ludicola Titus Julius Ludicola 's ship were awash with a sudden rush of shit to the pants as the larger vessels began taking evasive maneuvers to guard themselves. From the Conqueror Class Star Destroyer's Super Laser. Until suddenly. The Conqueror turned, and started fleeing alongside its complement of two escort Destroyers away from the Catharian lines. Before attempting in vain to inter hyperspace thanks to the Interdictor's effects. They were sitting ducks for either boarding, or annihilation with turbolasers.

The war for Thearterra. Is over. Now Aviditch, the last bastion of Chiss Defenses before Csillia, was the next target in the war of the Blue Diamond.

Thus concludes. The Battle for Thearterra. Another bloody Day in Chiss History.
Long live the Hegemony.
Long Live the Autocrat.

And Long live the Bulwark against Chaos!


/exitthread. Feel free to continue
For a short time, the bridge of the Spider Web was engulfed with a sense of terror. The ship next to them had just been obliterated into non-existence with a single superlaser shot.

"Fleet Group. Move into attack position. Advance into the Chiss battle cluster. If they try to fire, they'll blow up their own ships."

The ships then moved into a defensive cluster and began to advance.

Suddenly, the Chiss battle cluster, seemingly convinced of Ludicola's tactical prowess and fleet capability, immediately began to shift starboard and went into hyperspace.

Ludicola felt a mix of puzzlement and relief. He'd lost one ship, but had managed to rout the Chiss fleet. After doing so, he felt the need to report to the Autocrat.

"Autocrat Xzaien Xzaien . The Chiss have been routed in space. The last of their battle cluster has entered hyperspace. We have lost one interdictor ship to their superlaser. No further casualties to report."

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