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Approved Tech Catharsis Blade Of Depuration

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Malel Mal'gurith



  • Manufacturer: Malel Mal'gurith.
  • Affiliation: Malel Mal'gurith (Darth Cessair).
  • Market Status: Closed-Market.
  • Model: Alchemized Great-Sword.
  • Modularity: N/A.
  • Production: Unique.
  • Material:

  • Classification: Sith Sword.
  • Size: Large.
  • Weight: Heavy.

  • Beskar/Mandalorian Iron: A heavy and Lightsaber Resistant alloy gathered from the Empire's victory over Mandalore, this material has made the Great-Sword capable of withstanding combat against the iconic weapons of the Jedi.
  • Blood magick: Mandalorian Iron has been alchemized with the blood of Malel Mal'gurith in order to give it an unnatural connection to the spiritual/nether-realm.
  • Devaronian Poison: The blade's edge has been enhanced using Devaronian blood in order to bestow upon its victims agonizing pain should they survive the encounter. For this to be effective, it must come into contact with the flesh and can be halted by simple armour types.
  • Pointed Pommel: The pommel of the Great-Sword has been shaped for the purpose of stabbing and killing blows practised in back-hand strikes.

  • Conjuring: Due to the unique nature of the blades creation through Sith Sorcery, Malel is able to summon the sword from the nether-realm, drawing it from the abyss to wield as required.
  • Maelstrom of Darkness: Imbued with the power of the Dark Side of the Force, Malel Mal'gurith has exhausted a great deal of his strength in order to empower the blade, consequently strengthening the use of Dark Side abilities whilst wielding it in battle.
  • Lightsaber Resistant: Able to withstand and compete with the blows of Lightsabers, this Alchemized Greatsword has been created with the intention of combating the Jedi and other rogue Force Users.

  • Two Handed: The size and weight of the Great-Sword require two hands to wield with any formidable strength and also requires more momentum than smaller weapons, making it slower in conflict. Single-handed strikes will be considerably weaker.
  • Corporeal Form: Summoning the Blade of Depuration draws directly from Malel's Virmse ra Dvasia energies, therefore unable to enter the nether while wielding the blade, forcing him to remain in physical form, vulnerable to mortal harm.
  • Force Nullification: Any Nullifying effects on the Force will not only weaken the weapon's ability to strengthen the use of the Dark Side, but also remove Malel Mal'gurith of the ability to conjure the weapon. If the weapon has already been conjured forth, and a nullification field were to be established afterwards, the blade would remain, yet weakened of its Force Enhancements

Malel Mal'gurith's first true creation in the practice of Sith Alchemy and Blood Magicks is the Great-Sword he has dubbed the Catharsis Blade of Depuration, named for its ability to separate the souls of his foes from their weaker corporeal forms and releasing them to the Nether-Realm where they would fuel the Dark Side, becoming one with the Force and in the Wraith's eyes, serving a purpose beyond the mere chain of survival that was the Galaxy's bleak reality for any who could not stand on their own.

Since the Sith Empire's victory over Mandalore new shipments of Mandalorian Iron had come through the Imperial Worlds, some of which Malel Mal'gurith acquired in order to create a devastating weapon capable of waging conflict against those armed with Lightsabers. Unlike these weapons however, the Sith Great-Sword is far heavier and carries greater momentum making it a difficult weapon to parry or block outright.

Smelted down and reforged with the blood of the Wraith, the weapon carries a strong connection to the Nether due to Malel's unnatural existence, his genetic make-up a mix of the Virmse ra Dvasia and Sith Spawn DNA fighting for dominion over his humanity, the Sith Sorcerer is able to call upon and summon the Great-Sword from the spiritual plain, defying the natural order of the Galaxy by piercing the veil between realms and drawing the Blade of Depuration from the clouded darkness. In doing so, however, binds the Sorcerer to the physical world until the blade is returned to the nether, exposing him to the limits of one's mortal form and unable to return were he to suffer a fatal blow. If however the weapon has already been conjured forth, and a nullification field were to be established afterwards, the blade would remain, yet weakened of its Force Enhancements.

Imbued with the power of the Dark Side of the Force, the two-handed blade has also been enhanced via the application of Devaronian Blood, poisoning the edge of the blade in order to deliver horrific pain should a landing strike not result in death. The agony from which the Devaronian Blood enters the flesh of its victims will render the body aflame from within, as though one's veins had filled with acid and set alight from the inside.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Malel Mal'gurith

Very nice and detailed sword, I really love to use the Devaronian poison with my characthers too, good choice!
  • In the image source the TSE link is broken. However it's more than enough if you tag me (Ingrid) in the case of the the headers, if you want to mention me and thanks anyway to this.
That's all, please let me know if you edited this.
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