Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Cats and Dogs, Living Together

TAG: Lianne Zulia Lianne Zulia

Jonyna's role as Tribal Sage of the Cathar wasn't a responsibility she had to act on too often.

She had gotten a report from a tribe to the north of Ran Dom Kuun of a 'wild child', a rowdy kid who needed to be talked to. Normally, she'd suggest simply letting the parents deal with them, but there was a wrinkle to this that piqued Jonyna's interest.

The kid was a Force User.

As she approached the house, Jonyna hoped this would go smoothly. She was a bit of a rebel herself still, so she hoped that would bridge the gap between the two. With luck, she could maybe convince them to become a jedi.

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Upon knocking on the door, a cathar lady opens up, greeting the master jedy with a sigh of relief, she must be the mother

"Ah.. you finally arrived, I'm afraid she's not here..." the woman seems distressed

"I thought I could get her in check, I tried EVERYTHING! even making her write down her daily routines on a diary... but nothing has fixed her behaviour! I don't know what to do, please, could you find her and see if she's alright?"

"I don't have many leads of where could have she gone to, but, I know there must be something in her room that could help us know her location, you can check it if you want, just... be careful, she keeps all this techie stuff I don't know about, so, I'm afraid the room might explode upon entering or something... I don't know"

Seems like Jonyna has the green light to access Lianne's room!

TAG: Lianne Zulia Lianne Zulia

"If it does, I can deal with that."
Jonyna smiled, walking to the room. Out of curtousy, she first knocked on the door. "Hello? It's a friend."

If the kid had run off, she didn't expect an answer, but she did know that sometimes the best paw forward was a simple bit of politeness.

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

As you knock on the door, there's the expected, no one answers... still, there are some weird noices comming from the inside, so you naturally open the door to take a look, only to be greeted with a surprise.

You find yourself at the sight of a very rusty and modified version of a PK Worker Droid, it's arms have been poorly replaced with a pair of blasters, and.. wait.. is that a grenade on it's chest!?

"Salutati-ns INSERT NAME HERE, may I- I- I- Is- serve you t- day?"

The poor thing seems to malfunction even to form simple sentences

"W- IT A miNUTE, you are n- t my MASTER, please STATE p- rpose inmediatly, oR L-lOCAL authori-ties will be contactED"

You assume this droid had it's software being messed with, and the ultimatum it's giving along with that grenade poking out of it's chest it's not comforting at all.. you have the feeling something is gonna happen, and not precisely the "local authorities" showing up, things considered.

TAG: Lianne Zulia Lianne Zulia

The first problem was the grenade. Jonyna knew if she didn't act quick, she'd be in big trouble, but so would the woman in the next room. She grabbed it without a second thought, grasping it with both hands, and focusing as hard as she could on holding it together with telekinesis.

As soon as it went off, she absorbed as much energy as she could, holding the grenade in one piece as it blew up. Her hands were now bloody with cuts simply holding the thing together, but she could deal with that.

"...I am the authorities." Jonyna said with a ragged breath. "Whatever you have planned, I'm the one to deal with it." Her ears scanned the room. Whoever did this wasn't going to be too far. Not with a stunt like this.

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

You get to feel a very welcoming "BOOM" right directly in your palms, luckily you've got to absorb most of it's energy, still... where did this kid get this thing from? and the strange droid...

Wait... were they planning to BLOW their whole room!?

As you scan the area with your sences, you can notice a few things... first of all, most of the things were missing or packed in boxes, as if someone was planning to move out, not only that, but you also see that the window is suspiciously open, leading to the exterior of the house, if you didn't know any better you can sure guess this is exactly the perfect route for someone to just get in and out of the house without being noticed, maybe they went that way?

You hear rapid footsteps approaching, someone loudly reaches to the room's door

"OH GOODNESS GRACIOUS WHAT WAS THAT NOICE!? And.. what happened to your hands!? uhg..! I am so sorry! I knew this was gonna be a bad idea! here, I'll treat your wounds... just, please forgive my kid, what she's done is not excusable but I know deep down she's a good child..."

The poor desperate woman looks for bandages to apply to your wounds... welp, at least now you got a clue to where might this little troublemaker have fled to!

TAG: Lianne Zulia Lianne Zulia

"I'm fine." Jonyna assured, channeling the Force through her hands. It was a temporary fix, but one none the less. Kid trying to blow up their own bedroom though... "I'd like to continue this, if you don't mind. I'll need to see outside your house."

Jonyna let out a sigh as she walked outside, inspecting where this window would go to. She needed a new clue on where the kid had ran off to. If they're capable of building, or at least acquiring grenades and rigging them to droids like that, they needed to be talked to. They needed somewhere to go that wasn't out on the open starlanes, or worse, picked up by the sith. She couldn't let this be the second cathar child she let slip from her.

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

While the room was being inspected, you also found something that caught your attention, the mother mentioned something of a "diary" right? well... you did find a little journal. Last page it was opened had a handwritten message, you omit most details except for something that seemed to be relevant:

"Today I'm making history! I finally got to convince that old fart of a Hutt to sell me the YV-666 light freighter! I had to fight nail and teeth but I finally got it! Still, the state of the ship is pretty lame, I should've known it was weird they agreeded to sell it to me for that price anyway... Still, I'm going to repair it, how hard can it be? once I get enough pieces to weld it up, It'll be smooth and ready to go across the whole galaxy!"

Huh... interesting, it seems like they know how to write too!

As Jonyna walks all the way around the house, she finds where the window would be, on a closer look, it seems like there are several footsteps on the ground, they seem to lead deeper into the forest. The fact that you can notice this footsteps so easilly means they're fresh, so whoever went through that way did it not so long ago.
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TAG: Lianne Zulia Lianne Zulia

A ship.

This kid was gonna get themselves killed out there.

Jonyna was quick to follow the tracks, keeping her wits about her. She knew what came next. She knew she was going to have to confront a child that very much didn't want to come with her.

But she wasn't a soldier, nor a police officer.

She just wanted to help.

As she got deeper into the Cathar forest, Jonyna did what she always did. Rather than approach from the forest floor, she climbed into the forest canopy and kept elevated, surfing around the branches and using her feline agility and dexterity to slowly approach from above.

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Jonyna's agility helped her see the forest from a higher angle, and from above she spotted what seems to be a spaceship, this definitely must be the place, but... where's the cathar?

It didn't take long to notice yet another figure walk into the scene

She cracks her knuckles as she determinedly stares at the ship "Well hello there! what's a beauty like you doing alone in the forest? you would definitely look prettier if you were crossing the galaxy far far away! but Oooh, we're SO about to fix that...!"

What you see is a cathar, not exactly a.. "kid" per se.. tho still relatively young, she had shiny hair and her attire was pretty modern, tho not very fitting to roam around the jungle.

"Here, I brought a present for ya and all! wasn't easy bringing it all the way from the dump, neither was finding it, but it should be the perfect size! so it's all worth the effort"

Gee.. she talks to her ship? what a weirdo...

Next thing you see, a scrap plate.. seems like it's for the ship, very heavy too, considering it's size, and it's... levitating? it IS true, this cathar girl can indeed use the force!

"Uhg... there's still so much missing... I wonder where can I get some fuel... maybe I should borrow it from one of those mandalorian fleets, easier said than done tho... but oh well, all be for my dream's sake!"

After that she uses her ability to keep the scrap piece in place, taking a couple tools, she begins to weld the scrap piece to a noticeable gap on the ship, she still hasn't noticed Jonyna's precense looking over her.

TAG: Lianne Zulia Lianne Zulia

Kid reminder her of a younger Jonyna. Big dreams, big ideas, big ego.

And a mouth. Kid loved the sound of their own voice. Respect.

"You know, it'd be easier if you just asked nicely."
Jonyna said, still out of sight. Her voice seemed to echo from everywhere at once, from every direction. "Kid like you could do a lot of good if you applied yourself."

Suddenly, the scrapping of claws on wood filled the air, as Jonyna slid and launched herself off a branch, before backflipping and landing right in front of the kid.

"What's Crackin'?"

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

Lianne yelps in surprise after hearing the out-of-sight voice, she really wasn't expecting company

"Who's there!?"

She seemed on high alert, her hand close to her gunbelt, staring at every direction, completelly clueless as to where was the voice comming from

Until she reveals herself right in front of her


Pulling out her GAHP-2 Roundhouse Pistol in a very quick motion, she points it torwards the taller cathar woman

"Who are you!? how did you...

...oh crap, did Blondorgg sent you!? look! we already talked about this! I'm going to pay as soon as I have the money! I just need to fix the ship first so I can return the investment! you understand right? I still need more time! but I'll pay up, I swear!"
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TAG: Lianne Zulia Lianne Zulia

Jonyna simply stared at the pistol pointed at her, having helped design the damn thing. Si Tech weapons were out on the black market, eh? Look into that later.

"Your safety is on." Jonyna said casually as she walked up to the girl. "And no, I'm not here to shake you down. I'm here because your mom is worried about you." Jonyna said with a casual, friendly smile. "Don't see Force Sensitive Cathar around much. Learned by yourself, or are you just hoping no one notices?"

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"My.. safety?"

There's a considerably long silence...

"OH! ooooh, uhh, crap uhm, yeah, this is awkward..."

Feeling defeated she just puts the blaster back in her gunbelt

"So you're not with that syndicate huh... makes sence, you didn't strike me as the type, you sure seem far stronger than those thugs... you said my mom sent you?"

Her eyes go wide at the mention of the force

"Oh, that.. uh, I don't know, I just, realiced one day I could push and move things around with my mind, that was about it, learnt it the hard way actually... you see I was brawling with this bastard that kept getting on my nerves, said stuff about my mom too, got me real pissed off and the next thing I saw was this guy flying off from me like some sort of strong force pushed him off his feet"

Lianne sighs, crossing her arms "Not many people know, I don't show it off all the time, you are one of the few, so far"

TAG: Lianne Zulia Lianne Zulia

"Lucky me." Jonyna smirked. "So where you headed to then? Off to the stars to make a name for yourself?"

She couldn't let that happen. How knows what this kid would get into. She needed to convince her to do something worthwhile. "Ya know, with powers like that, you'd make a decent jedi with the right training."

As if to prove her own point, Jonyna telekinetically grabbed a wrench off the ground, floating it above her own hand and twirling it in the air. "Might be able to help you if you're interested."

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"Woah.. you got that power too? Huh... did my mom just send a Jedi to talk me out? didn't think they'll be THAT desperate..."

She then grabs the wrench, waving it in the air lazily as if it was a lightsaber as if to prove a point

"Well, I mean no offence, lady, but I don't think you're seeing right, you see I've never picked up anything long enough to even resemble a sword (...that hadn't ended up causing a contracture), and I've neither used this power to fight anyone at all, well... not intentionally at least... maybe I just don't have it in me? And besides, am I not too old to be a Jedi anyway?"

Said Lianne, whining like the biggest baby in the whole galaxy

"Still.. if I said I didn't like the idea to know how to use this gift to overcome those who impose their power onto others, I'd be lying..."

TAG: Lianne Zulia Lianne Zulia

"Technically, I was 23 when I started my training." Jonyna chuckled. "No, you're not too old. And you can learn all that stuff at the temple. Trust me, we need more girls like you at the temple. Just...give it a shot? I'm not gonna force you or anything,'d be nice to have some other Cathar at the temple, yeah? I can hook you up with a master, some friends, even an astromech if you want. I just don't want you going out there on the starlanes, getting found by someone who'd hurt you, and then seeing your abilities go to waste. Ya know?"

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"You... need people like me?"

Normally she would've shrugged off and ignored the proposition, but, something about this lady, she felt she could trust her, as if both were one of the same, holding the same goal and passion in mind and heart.

She couldn't help but blush as she tried to turn her face away from the compliments and kindness, hoping the jedi lady wouldn't notice

"Oh.. I GET it, nobody thinks a lil' underdog (...undercat?) like me will make it far out there, huh?"

She lets a frustrated sigh, as if being self aware of her own limitations, taking a deep breath, getting her emotions together as she turns around

"Fine... I'll bite, I'm going with you to this, temple you speak of. If I'll learn more about this power... who knows? Maybe it'll change my mind on actually using it more often, besides, I don't have all components for my ship so it's not like I can go anywhere yet even if I wanted to"

She then pokes the lady, as if trying to call for attention


As soon as I prove my worth, I'm going to travel the galaxy, and I'm going to use what I learn to fulfill my own ideals, naturally it should be my duty, wouldn't it?"

She says with a smirk on her face, she was starting to like this idea.

TAG: Lianne Zulia Lianne Zulia

"If in six months, that's what you still believe, then go for it. Become a wayseeker." Jonyna smirked. "For now though, lemme get you back to my ship, okay? I just need to tell your mom first."

She paused, pulling out a small holo-display off a device on her wrist. " do I do this again?...right. That button." The sound of an astromech could be heard on the other end. "Yeah, Dice? Bring the ship around. We'll be taking a guest back to Coruscant."

TAG: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

"A waysweker? Huh... so that's how it's called?"

She notices her struggling a little to use the wrist device, chuckling a little, until her eyes shine when hears the word "SHIP" be mentioned

"Oh!? We're going on a ship!? ...I mean UH, AHEM that's.. that's alright"

She tried to hide her excitement (unsuccesfully), the fact that she was finally about to hop on a ship to see the outer space, just as she wanted, still... she had to say farewell to the idea of using her own ship for now

"I'll be back for you... you just stay here"

She said giving one farewell pat to her ship

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