Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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TAGS: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau Nayeïr Orega Nayeïr Orega Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn


Tiresh skimmed Senator Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce 's proposal regarding the common soldier Corps as she continued to tune in to the rather heated exchange now occurring between Auteme Auteme and Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn . Tiresh was finding her own blood beginning to boil. She took in a deep breath and glared down at her data pad, not so much upset with the device as she was with the seeming blindness of some of her fellow Senators. A thought from Kalie rolled through Tiresh's mind of how, despite all the life-threatening assignments she had been on… this one would likely prove to be the most challenging of her career.

Her hands gripped the table tightly as she continued to listen, her teeth grinding quietly behind her lips, yet her face seemed poised and calm… for the most part.

Are we in a galactic war against the Sith and the Maw? It seemed in her mind that Eboi Seth Eboi Seth , Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo , and Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn were very disconnected to the real danger that the Alliance was in, and almost seemed to imply that the Jedi were somehow responsible for their problems… or worse… evil themselves.

Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe 's remarks regarding using the legal framework already in place for the bounty hunters for the Jedi seemed like a temporary step forward, but she felt it was still inadequate.

Nayeïr Orega Nayeïr Orega 's proposal for discussions with the Jedi was definitely needed. Tiresh was now considering that the best way forward might be a legal alliance with the New Jedi Order, as it seemed that a divorce was inevitable from how the conversation was proceeding. She knew from the onset that she would likely need to concede to a more middle-grounded stance. For the sake of a unified front. THAT is what would best for everyone, especially in a time of war.

Tiresh finally stood, kicking back her chair as it made a slight sound. It seemed that many were quick to speak and slow to listen… she would do her best to not follow in that manner, fingers crossed…

"With respect to this chamber, it seems that some are not fully considering the context or the weight of this conversation. While I agree that there needs to be accountability and clarity with the Jedi, and that the concern of war crimes are important and should be addressed of coarse… it feels as though we are having a casual discussion in the midst of a time of peace… instead of the truth… being that we are in the midst of a galactic war with the Sith and with the Maw."

"Senator Seth…"
She said, almost sternly as she looked down at him from her standing position at the table, "Are the Jedi our servants? And if they are, then we have taken them for granted in this chamber… evident from some..." She looked at Senator Arturo, "…who seem to be confusing them for the enemy… referring to them as evil. How dare you... Are you aware of what has just transpired recently in Coruscant? If this is going to be the tone which represents this chamber, then it is surely in the best interest for the Jedi to leave us to our own devices to defend ourselves against the Maw and the Sith, for we are clearly not grateful for their sacrifice or their service on behalf of the Alliance."

She looked back towards the other senators in the room. Oh Chit. The firebrand in her was coming out in full force... better reign it in, missy…

"My apologies… It is not that our forces are not heroic, it is simply that we are in the midst of a significant transition. What we decide to do now will have drastic affects throughout the next few years. So in light of this, I beg us to treat the Jedi with honor and gratitude… I agree with Auteme Auteme that we should use this time to celebrate the Jedi and to highlight their contributions and sacrifices… not because our forces are not worthy of honor, but because of the context… because of the failure of Coruscant… because we desperately need to strengthen and highlight our relationship with the Jedi, now more than ever."

"Senator Seth…"
She turned to face the senator, "If the Maw and the Sith attacked Chandrilla, would the Jedi not come to your aid? Senator Arturo…" She turned back to him, with a sheepish expression flashing across her face in light of her recent lashing of the senator, "If the Maw and the Sith attacked Euforns Major, would the Jedi not come to your aid?"

"…and if the Maw and the Sith attacked Lujo, I would hope to have the Jedi come to our aid as well. The Jedi are not gods, not perfect, of course not… but if it's not merely for the sake of our own security, I beseech this chamber to treat the Jedi as if they are our greatest ally… not a suspicious enemy. For if we push the Jedi away with our indifference, the Maw will still come… the Sith will still come… Jedi or no Jedi, they do not care. It is not the Jedi who draw them to us, it is the Jedi who help to push them back."

She sighed, looking down, shaking her head slowly,

"I agree with bringing Senator Pryce's proposal to the floor as well. I believe, no matter what else is decided, that the common soldier Corps are very much needed in this hour. I also agree with the Chancellor regarding a modified version of the Bounty Hunters Framework for the Jedi, however I propose that we make it a unique framework for the Jedi specifically without mention of the Bounty Hunters framework. While it could carry similar language, I feel it might be an insult to associate Jedi with bounty hunters."

She looked back up, looking at the other senators,

"I propose that we go even further, and bring full clarity to a new alliance with the New Jedi Order. It would be challenging to keep things as they are, and if the Jedi are not going to be fully apart of us, then we need to bring clarity to the relationship. In alignment with Nayeïr Orega Nayeïr Orega 's suggestion for meeting with the Jedi, I propose that a council be formed in order to discuss the details and working relationship of this new alliance. I feel this will help to meet many of the concerns that have been voiced here today."

Tiresh sat back down in her chair. It was probably best for the Jedi to distance themselves from the Alliance after what she had just heard. For their own good.

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Faith was quiet her thoughts were her own. If you treat someone like a criminal, and lock them up, a simple apology does not generally sooth the pain already caused. Jedi were people like everyone else except their talents were in fact envied by many. It was their abilities that caused some of the unrest. Feth. Sith versus Jedi a war as old as time itself. While she could not have predicted the outcome now that it was here they had to deal with it.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the words spoken by those around her, Auteme Auteme , Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce , Eboi Seth Eboi Seth , Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr , Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn , Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez and Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe .

I am not Anti Jedi, Anti Sith for certain. I am not sure how I feel about all of this. Jedi serving in Alliance ranks, aiding our forces, and offering consult has always been acceptable. I have always wondered about the ability to serve two masters. Their Order and the Alliance. How do we reconcile with them, heal the rift, be mindful of their actions, assure the people and move forward. I feel it is a thin wire we are walking upon."

She too glanced over to Auteme a fierce young woman for certain to sit within these walls and hear the words spoken not always in favor of her friends and comrades. Not all Jedi are bad they are not without flaws and they are working on, but is the answer Dracken Pryce's proposal.

Faith however always wanted to believe the best in people, that it would win out against anything else. But there was a possibility she was wrong. She hated war, she hated that it took the very life from men, women and children.

She wondered what conversations were the Jedi having. Was the Common Soldier Corps the answer.

Protecting her people was priority. Perhaps then the way forward was Common Soldier Corps at least till the end of the conflict. "Perhaps we should bring Senator Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce proposal to the floor."

Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Coruscant, Senate Hall, Meeting Room
Action: Listening and Speaking


Unlawful Vigilantism, Alliance Peacekeepers, and evil natured Jedi. Seto ran through the list of adjectives and other descriptors used for the Jedi that other Senators used in the past few minutes of discussions. Nevermore a more diverse set of opinions laid out in a single room than from an entire Senate Chamber. Seto wearily mused along with his thoughts, he wasn’t going to confront the other Senators with any harsh tones or words. Already the optics of the rhetoric being used was rather poor, and should the Alliance wish to move forward with the Jedi in tow, the Citizens deserve a much clearer picture from the Senate.

Passion runs through them all. Seto missed his Senatorial pod, even with those vastly uncomfortable cushions they used for the seats. At least there he could appear disinterested without judging eyes or offended expressions whenever a Senator spoke out of turn or tone deaf to the situation at hand. Perhaps he had spent far too much time with the Accountants and Quant Traders, but recently he had been measuring the time wasted with discussions with the loss of sleep time.

And right now, a couple of Senators are making that arithmetic slanted towards wasting minutes better spent on sleep. Seto’s boyish smile turned impish before the last few comments spoken gave him a lopsided grin. His attention turned to the Chancellor Seto began to speak a bit too earnestly. “Perhaps we should schedule these types of discussions for later in the day.” Seto commented, he was going to add something about the need for certain Senators to collect themselves better but better to let the embers cool down.

“-But it is clear we do have a solution thanks to Senator Pryce and his Common Soldier Corps bill, together with our Alliance Peacekeeper licenses, this all legislatively is neatly tied together and will allow our overworked bureaucracy a sigh of relief.” Seto summarized perhaps the most important part of the meeting, finding a proper answer for the Jedi.

Seto turned to face Senator Seth, “The good people of Jedha are in good hands, I was personally there assisting with the evacuation during the battle and Empress Teta continues to receive and support as many refugees of any and all wars that transpire within this galaxy.” Seto spoke, not wishing to have this meeting sidetracked for other purposes.

Now for the second most important part of the meeting.

“I believe our passions have gotten the better of us as we discuss topics so important to us,” Seto began, returning his attention to the other Senators and lady Auteme, “-We not forget the countless heroes and the worries of the Citizens. . .of all our citizens.” Seto added, his eyes narrowed and his smile vanished for a moment. “The Jedi may call themselves only Jedi, but we must not forget that they too are Alliance Citizens, and are given protections and rights as citizens, which happen to include libel and defamation laws.”

His smile returned a few moments later as he looked down at his data-slate, “Time is seemingly running away from us, such an important commodity so I would urge all of us here to not take comments embroiled with passion quite so seriously. Words like ‘tyranny’ and ‘evil’ are fairly loaded terms that further wedges the divide our enemies wish to see.”

The young Du Couteau heir remembered his younger Du Couteau heir’s memories as a child watching cartoon holo-movies. There was a particular memory of one character that spoke a rather important rule that Seto had always attempted to live by, ‘If you have nothing nice to say than say nothing at all’. Seto smiled despite himself as he realized he had little further to say unless he broke that cardinal rule.

|| Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr | Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn | Nayeïr Orega Nayeïr Orega | Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx | Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce | Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez | Eboi Seth Eboi Seth | Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo | Faith Organa Faith Organa ||

Too many culinary droids ruined the nerf steak. Could the same be said for a group of senators?

Emotions, biases and conflicts of interest came to light. But a possible solution also revealed itself, with the Members for Alderaan, Arkania, Chaldea and Chandrila giving their support for a proposal by the Member for Corellia that would integrate planetary defence forces and private armies into the GADF. It would bring the Jedi into the fold while holding them accountable. Amendments would be needed before the Bill could be brought to the floor for voting, and Tithe expected hours of backroom dealings to get everyone over the line.

But they had a live option. As long as there was something on the table, Tithe could make the deal. He’d negotiated bigger payoffs with much weaker leverage. He needed to do something to stabilise the markets - the uncertainty about the status of the New Jedi Order was flatlining the Galactic Stock Exchange.

Seto sought to calm the room. Cooler heads must prevail were they to chart a course back to positive credit flow. “I’ll meet with our learned colleagues in the New Jedi Order to table this proposition,” Tithe explained. “Their support is not continent on the Senate voting, but what would be, ah, adventagious. But as the Member for Empress Teta so rightfully points out, we have other business to transact. Should anyone wish to counsel amendments to this Common Solider Law, do speak now.”

TAGS: Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau Nayeïr Orega Nayeïr Orega Dominique Vexx Dominique Vexx Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn Eboi Seth Eboi Seth Auteme Auteme Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr Faith Organa Faith Organa


Tiresh once again surveyed Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce 's proposal, her mind processing the various options for how to best protect the Lujian people she represented, as well as provide greater defense capabilities against the Maw and the Sith as a whole. She generally felt like the proposal was a step in a better direction. The more time she spent in the Senate, the more her concern was growing at the strong divisions and mistrust currently expressed within the Alliance. She was beginning to feel a growing need to develop their own planetary forces as well as a fleet in the midst of the strikes and attacks that were beginning to increase within the deep core. As she read the proposal again, she narrowed in on the mention of incorporating individual systems own forces with the GADF with some clarifying questions and a possible amendment to the proposal due to Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe 's prompting.

"As there appears to be greater risk of invasion, even within the deep core, I propose greater clarity in this proposal regarding the incorporation of individual systems own forces and fleets into the GADF. I propose an amendment that, with the systems that are willing, we allow for planetary forces to have the opportunity to come to each others aid as well as to the aid of the GADF... within the boarders of the Galactic Alliance territory, of coarse. This would create a much stronger defensive grid between our unique systems, allowing the ability for neighboring systems to come to the immediate aid of systems that are under attack. I believe this speaks to the spirit of this proposal, as it would help to alleviate the strain currently felt by the GADF, and allow for our responses to attacks to occur much quicker and allow for the planetary fleets to hold off the enemy until the GADF is able to arrive in full force. Along with this amendment, I suggest a military training program be developed that will allow for the GADF to better train and equip the forces and fleets of the individual systems."

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"There seems to be a misunderstanding in the proposal," Pryce said, nodding to Tiresh. "Nothing about the bill is compulsory, it's not a of military service and its main purpose is for defense. As technical members of the GADF they would be obligated to respond to nearby distress signals just as any other GADF ship would. This isn't a systems defense training bill, Senator Vel'alarin's bill should provide more than ample credits for systems that want a defense boost to retrain and rearm their defense forces."

In fact, that's exactly what Corellia had done. Using the credits allotted from the Alliance they had made substantial progress on paying back the loans they had taken out to produce the new Damocles warships and had even commissioned a few more. Not to mention mothballing or selling off older vessels to replace them with modern ships.

"Of course, that being said, any who would hold this sort of position would be required to adhere to certain standards. They would of course have to pay for and arm their own soldiers and field their own vessels. The Alliance has already been gracious enough to offer monetary aid in this uncertain time for our defense after all."

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