Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Caught Playing Games [Brie Jaxx]

It was a cliche to say that your first love completely changed your world, but for Cassus, the experience appeared reasonably valid. No sooner had he stumbled into a position where he was "together" with someone that everything on Denon changed. Where the typical fairy tale had one or both of them go from rags to riches, it seemed the opposite was true—dressed to the nines playing as corpos to pulling up scrap from the darkest depths of The Tombs.

And it was all his fault. And he would do it again if given the chance to do it all over.

He was sitting in the pilot seat salvaged from the speeder boneyard with his remaining (functional) weaponry laid out on a workbench that also served as their dinner table, card table, or storage table, depending on the day and the mood. Supplies were low, information was still dark, and Cassus was anxious. Bored even. A dangerous combination for a fugitive of Corporate Authorities. With a classic sense of invincibility befitting his reckless age, he was thinking of something dumb to do with his girlfriend. Or worse, without her.

"Brie," He called out to her, which was unnecessary given how small the space they carved out together was.

"I want to do something stupid."

Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx
Brie was laying on the bed which was barely big enough to hold them both, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing, with her headphones on and listening to some old retro music tracks she had picked up from a shady vendor down here. It was... unreal, that she actually shared space with someone not just being a passenger now. Not someone who she would just have picked up for a few extra credits on her way through the Outer Rim, but instead someone that she cared for and felt attracted to in more ways than just being friends. Someone who made her feel whole, someone she didn't knew she had missed having around. Their stay down in The Tombs had really moved things forward, but strangely enough it had never felt rushed or something. He looked so cute from where she laid, sitting restless by the table, and probably thinking of and planning their next move - Darkwire's next move against the CorpSec and their henchmens.

''Yeah, Cass...?'' she uttered, hearing his call loud and clear from across the small room they both were in, and instantly pulled the headphones down around her neck and sat up on the bed. Now, the differences in handling restlessness were showing between the bounty hunter and the salvager. Brie could take the refuge down to and stay in The Tombs quite well, just being glad she had managed to get another pair of headphones and had music and holobooks from the surface brought down to here. Credits well spent, that was. Sure, she also missed their normal everyday life, spending time with their friends and jumping from system to system with their fellow shadowrunners in the name of Darkwire. She especially wondered if everything was alright with her ship, being left on a landing pad in Darkwire territory.

''Something stupid...?'' she repeated doubtfully and walked over to him. ''Well... does that count me in?'' she asked, and wrapped her arms around him in a hug from behind, placing a kiss on his cheek. ''We could...'' Brie thought about what the stupiest thing would be, and one of them would be to risk exposing themselves to the CorpSec, but also having a really great time on the surface of Denon. She smiled at the thought. ''We could go to that arcade hall, not far from where we would exit The Tombs...? An hour or two wouldn't hurt, right? Anything you do, I do...'' she stated and nibbled teasingly at the boys ear.

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"Something stupid...? Well... does that count me in?"

"I'd never dream of calling you stupid, but I might need a handler," Cassus smirked as her arms wrapped over him and kissed his cheek. His heart skipped a beat as she placed it. The excitement of physical touch continued to surprise him after a lifetime nearly starved of it. Whenever the itch to lash out came over him, her physical presence had been enough to subdue his anxieties. It was an addictive experience.

"We could..." There was so much possibility tucked away inside those two words, causing his imagination to wander all over the planet of Denon and closer to home simultaneously. What he loved most about those two words was the mutual complicity of their actions, the lack of hesitance to engage with him. Caution was for the wind, not for the lovers.

"We could go to that arcade hall, not far from where we would exit The Tombs...? An hour or two wouldn't hurt, right?"

Brie was always full of surprises. At that moment, Cassus felt seen. It would be one thing if she had merely suggested games or something dangerous, but offering something dangerous for games appealed to his sense of brazen, unapologetic defiance against the corporate regime. As if to say to them, Not only are we breaking your curfew and embarrassing your officers, we're not even doing it for any good reason, but just because we can. Cassus wasn't sure if Brie meant it that way, but she could see a light glow behind his eyes in excitement at the prospect.

"Anything you do, I do..." A shiver ran through Cassus' whole body as her lips grazed his ear, causing many adolescent thoughts that increased his heart rate.

"I wish I had found you sooner," He reached an arm over his head to touch the hair on the back of her head. "I there anything you want from the surface? We could try and bring something down?" Cassus offered.

Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx
"I'd never dream of calling you stupid, but I might need a handler,"

''Silly! I meant am I counted into your grand plan of doing something stupid?'' Brie chuckled at her boyfriends denial of ever calling her stupid, and smacked him lightly on top of the head. If Cassus intended to to something stupid and dumb, he wouldn't have to think twice wether having Brie by his side. If he ever wanted, that was.

"I wish I had found you sooner," He reached an arm over his head to touch the hair on the back of her head. "I there anything you want from the surface? We could try and bring something down?" Cassus offered.

Brie thought about it for a second, or at least tried to while Cassus caressed the back of her head and pulled his fingers through her hair in a way no one had done before. Needless to say, it was hard not to be distracted by it and Brie fought to keep her eyes open and her mind focused. She managed, and suddenly moved in front of the bounty hunter boy and straddled his lap.

''Well...'' she begun, not entirely sure of what to say. ''You got me now, Cassus... Now, and for how long you want a salvager girl from the Outer Rim in your life... I'm just surprised, and... happy, that you wanted to come with me at that party...'' she stated and tried her best to be brave about it, still not quite understanding what a young and succesfull and handsome bounty hunter could see in a simple girl like her. ''I...'' she continued, and saw every single one of her holobooks and its story pass by her, how to do it and what to be like when you said it. ''This... It feels, like... so right...'' she added, fighting not to stutter on her words but emitting an aura of pure happiniess, as she gently stroke the sides and tops of his hair in return. ''I'm really not used to this...!'' Brie chuckled and excused herself. The thing was, when it was all said and done, it seemed to be only one way to say that thing. ''I love you...'' she said, as her green orbs tried to meet his blues, however shy they were.

''Actually... You know, my ship is left up there... You think we could check on it while we are at it? Stars if the CorpSec has already impounded it, or worse! Maybe we can make a deal with the harbour master, or something?'' Brie suggested, worried if her old trusted ship had been left alone all this time. Hope where also the last thing that left you they said, hope to find someone to devote yourself to, and hopefully find your home for the last few years. Either way, If she were allowed to spend an eternity down here with Cassus it would be quite alright.

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Cassus smirked deviously as he accepted her light tap on his head for his teasing remark. As he ran his hand through her soft hair while she held him, Cassus thought about that first night in Daiya's apartment. Sleep had been nearly impossible, caught between boldness and the anxiety of making the wrong move. It was like a game he didn't know the rules to, but somehow he had so far avoided game over. When she climbed in front of him, he wrapped his arms around her waist at the small of her back.

''Well...'' she begun, not entirely sure of what to say. ''You got me now, Cassus... Now, and for how long you want a salvager girl from the Outer Rim in your life... I'm just surprised, and... happy, that you wanted to come with me at that party...''

"You're more than a scrapper, Brie. You're a good person," Which was more than he could say for himself, "Good people deserve happiness. You've given me the chance to provide that." Cassus considered his doubts about what he deserved while resolving to play his part, giving her what she wanted. Her presence in front of him captured his full attention, her warmth and focus filling him completely with pleasant nerves.

''I...'' she continued, and saw every single one of her holobooks and its story pass by her, how to do it and what to be like when you said it. ''This... It feels, like... so right...'' she added, fighting not to stutter on her words but emitting an aura of pure happiniess, as she gently stroke the sides and tops of his hair in return. ''I'm really not used to this...!'' Brie chuckled and excused herself.

Supple fingers entered his hair, and he sighed slowly. Cassus smiled, his head leaning slightly into the path of her hand, his eyes alight with curiosity to the pauses between her words. Her light laughter masked the nervous nature of the happy moment they both shared. There was so much more that he wanted to get used to with Brie, the novelty of someone he knew so little about giving him such affection fueled his desire to learn more and to reciprocate. It was a selfish pleasure. It gratified the itch he long neglected to pursue with all the responsibilities he put on himself. Family, honor, duty, and revenge are all things set before his personal needs.

''I love you...''

"I love you, too," Cassus felt the words slip from his lips before he could fully process them.

The weight of his admission left him momentarily breathless. Cassus was dizzy with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. Romantic love was a territory he had never explored, a realm he had kept guarded and distant. But in Brie's presence, he had discovered a connection that transcended his reservations. She had managed to breach the walls he had erected around his heart. Love meant vulnerability and allowing someone to see him as he truly was, flaws and all. It meant embracing the uncertainty of the future, willingly exposing himself to the pain that love could bring. A pain that still commanded his fate after his mother died. Pain that he had not yet fully delivered on his enemies.

Yet, looking into her eyes, he saw his own reflection. The face he wore looking at her the way she looked at him, the risk of pain in the future didn't seem so bad. He lived through it once, and the life of a Shadowrunner could end at any time. He considered that, perhaps, it would be better to live in the moment. To ignore how much he used to suffer and hurt and to ignore the dismal future waiting for him. For a while, perhaps he could pretend he deserved Brie, too.

Cassus' hands slid up her back and pulled her into the deepest embrace he could remember ever giving. A part of him wished there had been more time to hug those he loved, so he held on to her longer than he remembered ever holding on. He wondered briefly if his mom would be proud of him. Pulling away, unused to and still nervous showing his vulnerability, he asked his question about the surface shifting one hand to cup the side of her face so they could look at each other again.

''Actually... You know, my ship is left up there... You think we could check on it while we are at it? Stars if the CorpSec has already impounded it, or worse! Maybe we can make a deal with the harbour master, or something?''

"I think we can come to an arrangement with whoever's got it now," Cassus spoke confidently as a means to return to normalcy.

"My ship is up there, too. I left it at a scrapyard to hide it from CorpSec, but it might have been ransacked by now..." Trying not to think about that, Cassus decided to pull her for a quick kiss.

"If you show me your ship, I'll show you mine." Cassus smiled at the double entendre, hoping to make her laugh if she caught the joke.

Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx
"You're more than a scrapper, Brie. You're a good person," Which was more than he could say for himself, "Good people deserve happiness. You've given me the chance to provide that."

Brie squirmed somewhat on top of the bounty hunter and squeezed his shoulders tightly while considering the words given to her. The majority of her life, she had lacked people to actually be good to. The opportunity to be a good person to someone, much less a good partner to someone, had never appeared to her - until now, that was. From the moment she met Daiya Daiya , she had a friend to have fun with and be good to. From the moment she rediscovered Ruby Jaxx Ruby Jaxx , she had a sibling to look up to and be good to. From the moment her heart had fallen into the hands of Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin , she had a partner to love and be good to. Oh, she missed the two other important persons so much. Suddenly, when everything being taken into account, everything seemed not so bad in her life after all. Not being forced into hiding being taken into account, that was.

''I've... always tried to be, Cass...'' she begun and tried to find the right words, and soon continued. ''And... I couldn't wish for a better way to be happy... Not with you at my side... I don't know why or how I got somebody like you, but... I guess luck comes to those who wait...'' she explained, and seized the moment to steal another, quick kiss from the boy. She really felt lucky being the significant other of Cassus.

"I love you, too," Cassus felt the words slip from his lips before he could fully process them.

She noticed his moment of being caught breathless, but didn't bother pointing it out in any way, at all. Brie just smiled softly and let herself drown in the blue orbs that she felt completely secure in and complete love and devotion to. She wore a steady and warm smile which not even the CorpSec or their current situation could wipe off. She had endured much through her scrapper years, and with this more-than-a-friend of hers, she felt more invincible than ever before.

"If you show me your ship, I'll show you mine." Cassus smiled at the double entendre, hoping to make her laugh if she caught the joke.

Brie laughed nervously at the more or less obvious and bold joke and pushed him away, shaking her head at the hopeless but totally loveable bounty hunter. She couldn't avoid to blush clearly noticeably at the hint, though. Shades of pink slowly bloomed out on her cheeks.

''Oh, is that right, Cass? Uhmm... Ahh...'' she said with a chuckle, looking at the ceiling and at the sides, not entirely knowing what to counter with. So much for acting like an innocent boy and still being a confident fully worthy bounty hunter. ''You know... My ship is always open for you! And I'd love to see yours, like every day?'' Brie noted, chuckling as she said it and left the boy a mischievous wink. ''That... wasn't too much, was it?'' she added, peering her eyes at the boy, not fully knowing if he had expected a comeback.

Brie felt the excitement of escaping the depths of The Tombs overwhelm her, a welcome relief from the topic just presented by Cassus, and rose upp from her boyfriends lap and pulled him along towards the exit of the small apartment, or what it could be called. It was their home, none the less. A fact that was kind of incomprehencible to the young former scrapper girl. It wasn't much more space for living than aboard her ship, and probably Cassus's too, but it was something to start with.

''A night at the arcade, with some ship exploration... Could almost think that we are going out on a date?'' Brie uttered while throwing on her leather jacket. The real summer haven't really shower up yet, so the late nights might still be chilly. ''You lead the way, handsome...''
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Brie's laughter put him at ease, taking his double entendre in stride and making him laugh in turn.

"Every day? Sounds just right to me," He smiled and held her blushing cheek, enjoying her humor.

"Why not call it a date?" He said as she dismounted and pulled him along. Getting himself together, he felt his excitement build. Things had become so tense lately in the aftermath that letting loose and doing something stupid would help him feel alive again. All the better that he could share the experience with someone. Cassus put on a jacket of his own and climbed onto the speeder he and Brie had built together out of scraps. He patted the seat behind him as he revved the makeshift engine to life.

"Let's let all of District 7 know what we're up to tonight!" When she climbed on, he would blast off looking for trouble. It wasn't as fast as the speeder bike he had on the surface, nor was it as fast as their descent down into the Tombs, but it was able to keep pace with his heartbeat.

Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx
"Why not call it a date?" He said as she dismounted and pulled him along. Getting himself together, he felt his excitement build. Things had become so tense lately in the aftermath that letting loose and doing something stupid would help him feel alive again.

It was true. Whatever you would have liked to call it, there would always be someone that would consider it a good old fashioned date. Not that Brie had gone on many before Cassus - none, really - but she could definitely get used to going on these with the handsome boy. She noticed his excitement to escape from The Tombs for a while. To see other people, to do something else, to have some fun all under the nose of the Corpos, giving them the bird. They complemented each other surprisingly well, Brie being of a more careful nature actually finding it rather easy and fun to tag along on his shenanigans. Maybe he'd make a dare devil out of her, yet?

"Let's let all of District 7 know what we're up to tonight!"

To those encouraging words, Brie mounted the speeder and held onto him like she did when they went to Daiya's birthday party, only this time a bit more firm, and with more confidence and love put behind it, now knowing what she hoped for but couldn't have dreamed about to come true back then. As expected, Cassus didn't keep to the traffic rules and pushed the speeder close to its limits, but did so in a very skilled way. The chilled city air blew through their hair, and the neon lights soon begun to pass by the speeder, createing a spectacular lightshow as it did.

''Woooh!!'' Brie howled in excitement and happiniess. ''We are back, Cass! We Are Back!'' she stated with a joyous laughter and dared to reach her hand out like she wanted to touch the pretty bright colors that rushed past them. Needless to say, Brie felt more alive than she had in a very long time, and when they reached the arcade of their choosing, she had to shake off some of the adrenaline from the ride.


It was a medium sized local arcade, but a supposedly very good one with a range of games to choose from. There was also a small bar inside, which unfortunately followed with two bouncers. Brie pulled some blonde strands from her face, and adjusted the one size too large leather jacked she had put on. It was time to climb the first obstacle of the night, Brie thought and walked up to the one of them that looked less grumpy.

''Hm, lemme see some IDs!'' the male balosar said as he stood in their way.

''Oh! Uhh...'' Brie hesitated somewhat and pretended to dig through her pockets, while the bouncer stared suspiciously at them. Not at all making her feel uncomfortable, no.

''Hmm, or have the CorpSec revoked them because of affiliation with Darkwire...?'' the bouncer asked, taking a step forward and peering his eyes at them. It shouldn't have came as a surprise for them. After the bombing of the train, their biggest job yet and the one that sent them into hiding in The Tombs, it shouldn't have came as a surprise that people would ask questions about teens running around seemingly alone in these parts of Denon.

Brie's heart sank for a short moment. They were screwed, if not...

''D-DARKWIRE...?!'' Brie uttered, putting on her most surprised look, dropping her jaw and acted utterly speechless. She gave Cassus a quick look, before shaking her head at the bouncer. ''I-I don't know what to say, but that sure is rude to put stamps on people like that! Do we look like... terrorists to you?'' she chuckled and keeped up the act of surprise, trying to think of something that would really take her by surprise, like any of Daiya Daiya 's unfiltered and sometimes vulgar statements or questions.

''This is an arcade, right?! Come on!'' she insisted, rising her arms and letting them fall down in defeat against her body.

''Okay! Fine...!'' Brie continued and lowered her head and gaze, giving herself a moment to become gloomy. ''We are not supposed to be outside... Our parents doesn't know we're here, a-and after what happened at school the other day... we've just been wanting to have some fun and play some games...'' she explained with a deep sigh. ''Please? We'll be gone and home before midnight, I promise. Just don't call the cops...'' she added and looked at the man with pleading eyes, ready to hit the road if they didn't buy the story.

Cassus did everything he could to suppress a smirk as he witnessed how flustered Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx got with the bouncer. He would have to admit her excuse was believable and, in a roundabout way, not technically untrue. Their parents didn't know they were out tonight for reasons that don't need to be dwelled on, and surely something must've happened at a school nearby. Just wasn't their school. Briefly, Cassus wondered how she got caught up in the underworld. The streets didn't suit her, and he enjoyed that aspect of her.

"You trying to scare my girl with some boogieman threat? If you wanted cash to look the other way, you could have just said so. Not like we're old enough to be Seccers." That wasn't strictly true; there were Seccers younger than the couple standing in front of the bouncer, but they seldom dealt with thugs like them. Cassus pulled Brie closer to kiss her cheek and lightly punched his fist in front of the bouncer, who opened his palm and smiled as the credit chits fell.

"Come on!" Cassus pulled her along, his eyes scanning for a specific game -- Climb Out! Players must work together to escape a Sarlach pit with a Power Pearl in a ruined world of radioactive raiders trying to take them from the heroes. It was a game he hadn't played in years. He was hoping he'd find it tonight.

"You ever play Climb Out?"
With a little girly charm from Brie, and the confident and urbane list of Cassus along with the addition of a few credit chits, they fooled themselves right through the bouncers and into the establishment. It proved to be easy enough, too! They had the same timing, they seemed to think alike and naturally and seamlessly adopt to one another very smoothly. The blush on her cheek were barely starting to fade, as Brie briefly glanced upon the guy that would probably always make her blush. She wondered how he did it - being Cassus - and at the same time she felt a pleasant warmth rising inside her, feeling indescribingly lucky that they had found eachother. If it weren't for two other Darkwire girls in particular, Daiya Daiya and Hex Hex , Brie had her doubts that she had ever dared to approach him by sending that text.

Brie went with the flow and happily let Cass pull her along, all while she tried to grasp the size of the place and the amount of games available to them, one looking more fun than the other. The colorful and blinking neon lights and beeps, whistles and chimes the machines produced took them to another world. A world of pure fun and entertainment!

"You ever play Climb Out?"

''Uhm, no!'' No, she hadn't. Actually, arcade games in general before joining Darkwire were a rare thing for Brie to come across. Brie were about to have to reveal one of her weaknesses ''You know, I was kind of a bookworm in the past... There's nothing more relaxing than immersing yourself in a good holobook while jumping through hyperspace...'' Brie confessed to her status as a newbie when it came to games, and explained shortly but with noticeable passion in her voice. The slot machine behind them sprung to life with chimes and lights, and spew out some credit chits for the lucky gambler. ''But this place...'' she continued, glancing around yet again before turning back towards Climb Out. ''Wow! Is it even possible to try every game during one night?'' she imagined just how many hours it would take, while a joyous smile of pure amusement spread across her face, which she shared with Cassus.

''Would you show me the ropes, handsome?'' Brie added and wrapped an arm around his back and waist, squeezing it lovingly. The smell of newly popped, warm and buttered popcorn reached her nose. Of course, they had to have the biggest bucket on offer with this delicious snack.

''Hold on...'' Brie uttered, moved her arm up to his shoulder and stole a quick kiss from him. ''Don't start without me, I'll get us some snacks!'' And with that, she were off to the kiosks to fetch them something to indulge themselves with. She backed away at first, to be able to pick up any preferences and order that Cassus might have.

A few minutes went by, and Brie returned with pretty much her arms full of goodies, namely that huge bucket of popcorn. This gave her flashbacks to the night at the Blue Tavern, where her first ever meeting with Daiya Daiya took place, and how much they had been feasting on deserts that night.

"A bookworm, huh? I didn't have many of those growing up, and the few I did were tech manuals. You'll have to show me what you mean sometime." Cassus imagined briefly the two of them sharing the same chair, arms wrapped around the other, and Brie's voice delivering a soothing cadence. Trying to reel back in, he focused in on her excitement towards the number of options.

"You know, I've never tried. Guess we can find out together?" In truth, usually Cassus would get bored of arcade playing on his own, and occasionally he'd end up finding a way to break them... sometimes intentionally, just for the thrill of being chased out. Later he would be chastised by Uncle Crol, or mom, but he didn't mind much. But having someone to play with, maybe they could do it all? Or find something else to get in trouble with instead...

As Brie squeezed in and kissed him before running off, Cassus suppressed ungentlemanly thoughts. His stomach rumbled at the mention of food, apparently he was hungry. Was she reading his thoughts before he had them? That would certainly be dangerous!

"Hurry back!"

Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx
Brie came back with literally her hands full of goodies. A big bucket of popcorn, an equally big bucket of chicken wings, a pouch of candy she tried to keep from falling out of the bucket of popcorn and two large sodas with ice. If she had learn something from her years of salvaging, it was how to carry as much stuff as possible back to sell. With a little effort, tongue sticking out the side as she concentrated herself, she sat it all down on a side table by the arcade game and then wrapped her arms around Cassus from behind, squeezing the boy lovingly and tightly.

''Tech manuals doesn't sound overly exciting? I bet they leave little room for imagination. If we get to my ship, I'll show you tonight...'' Brie reminded him engouraging and glanced at the screen of the game that her boy was about to enter. She couldn't help but to sneak up and teasingly nibble at his ear. Gently, she bit his earlobe with a broad smile and caressed his chest softly. Being inside this world of pure fun and recreation was just what they needed after being forced down into The Tombs. Being up at the surface was invigorating and thrilling, having tricked the bouncer and moving under the radar of CorpSec which officials and henchmens probably thought that they had hunted the ragtag team of youngsters down to The Tombs for good. It was just them, the games, food and snacks, and hopefully a long night ahead of them.

''I love you...'' Brie declared with another kiss on the boy's cheek, before taking the seat beside his. ''So, Climb Out you say? Doesn't sound too difficult? You think we could beat the record?'' she added and glanced at the high score figures.


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