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Dominion Cause and Kiffex | GA Dominion of Kiffu and Kiffex

Narrator of The Galactic Alliance


The Stormy Sister Planets


Issue #3

The Alliance’s strength is rooted in its diversity. Rich with ancient and nascent cultures and the technology they bring, the Alliance’s expansion does not stop with the enemy looming at the borders. Instead, planets are welcomed to the fold and encouraged to share their resources in the efforts of the Second Great Hyperspace War.

In Kiffu’s case, this means their unique ability to harness and leverage extreme amounts of energy. For centuries, the people of Kiffu and Kiffex have optimized the storms that cross through the sister planets to power their cities. The Kiffar’s age-tested technology could unlock a way for The GA’s intelligence to improve the sustainment of their weaponry against The Brotherhood and now, The Empire.

Meanwhile, as the Defense Force and Intelligence seek new technologies and new alliances, the Senate’s reaction is less optimistic. The Superweapon prototype revealed on Ilum has alarmed the elected representatives of the Alliance, and division is finding its way through the Imperial Bloc and the other parties. Will that affect the balance of representation within the democratic government for the upcoming bill?



Diplomacy has broken down between The Empire and The Galactic Alliance after The Empire showed their true, petulant colours with their attack on Ilum. While the Maw campaign must take precedence, how is the Galactic Alliance to handle the enemy at the border of the expansion region? The Defense Force has already increased monitoring along the border.

In light of these additional measures taken by The Alliance, the Senator of Duro, Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi , has brought forth a bill for The Senate to debate further measures including, but not limited to, trade embargoes with their reinforced blockades, immigration restrictions and even the opportunity for the military to build up along border systems.


Spark dragons are native to Kiffu’s deserts and have a hide that absorbs and channels electricity. This is of particular interest to the Intelligence Agency for manufacturing armour to defend against major energy surges (Trial pending against Force-born energy such as Sith Lightning and Electic Judgement). This mission is open to members of the Defense Force and SIA. A partial invitation has been extended to members of The New Jedi Order willing to assist in developing new technology.



Discover the history of unique clans, burial sites, learn psychometery from the Kiffar, or roam the desert sands of Kiffu. You do you, b(y)oo.


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"...the Maw are at our gates, weapons bared while we hide and cower. Falling back as they burn everything around us."

Senator Stazi glared down at the Senate from his podium. Holocam droids slowly panned around him as the fiery orator delivered his opening remarks.

"We cannot let the tragedy of Ilum happen again. We cannot give any more ground. To defend this Alliance we must rebuild our fleet. We must be prepared to strike back at the Empire and commit to that attack no matter the cost."

His gaze fixed on Chancellor Auteme Auteme for Mazik still wasn't sure she could be trusted to make the hard decisions.

"And there will be a cost. In credits, maybe in lives. Some of you may be asking why undertake such a thing and I can tell you in one word. Victory. For if there is one thing the Sith have taught us, it's that without victory there can be no survival."


Location: Senate Hall, Coruscant
Objective: Participate in Democracy™
Tags: Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi


War. The ever-changing yet never-gone constant of the Galaxy. And yet, Forlan knew the necessity of preparing for it, facing it head-on. The democracies of the Core historically disliked spending treasure on it, as was their right, but there were times they had to act, and act fast. Hopefully the Alliance would be up to the challenge.

Forlan applauded Stazi's speech, looking around the Senate chambers. The mood was grim but determined, but not entirely universally united. The Sith were one thing: greedy and grasping, its values barely overlapping with even the most capricious and insatiable of the Senate. But the Imperials? Forlan frowned at the thought. So many of the political establishment were Imperialist in both party affiliation and past allegiance, though not the same Imperials as the current Empire. Far more were at least amenable to the ideas. Order, elitism, technocratic 'guidance'.

Rubbish, all of it. Forlan knew full well there was little difference between the solipsistic control of the Sith and the authoritarian drive of the Empire: all led to the ruin and destruction, a sterilisation of the soul and the material world. The elites of the Alliance might not all see it this way, but the Senate had to try to change that.
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Kohlhaase Gotthard




The Senator of the Sovereign System of Corulag moved into the senate chamber and promptly took his seat. His signature blue robes draped heavily over him along with a hood to disguise his expression from body language experts that might be within the hall. A small medal with the symbol of the House of Citizens of Corulag was pinned to the robe's outer layer for all to see. A single datapad was handed to him from his Chief Aide Delo Juun with information about the proposal brought forth by Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi of Duros.

The proposal itself was concerning to him due to the fact that the empire might be looking for this exact response as justification for further action against the alliance. They were looking potentially at an arms race as both sides attempt to build up fleets and weaponry along the border until some officer makes the wrong move and starts another full conflict that the alliance didn't need at this time. The Brotherhood of the Maw was the primary target that the alliance must defeat before they could move on to the empire.

The Senator of Duros implied something that did not sit well with him whatever cost

Reaching over to press the pod to move forward; while standing up from his seat and gripping the sides of the podium.

"Senator Stazi. Do you mean to imply that you'd be willing to send tens of thousands of men and women to their deaths to strike back against the empire. Has it not crossed into the minds of the senate that the empire is purposely waiting for us to respond with full force in order to justify their actions against it. This establishes a wrongful precedent that the 'Democracy' of the galaxy is willing to use force first instead of other options available to it. Not to mention that the Imperial Propaganda Machine would be spewing out articles that paint the alliance as the aggressors by building up along the border"

Senator Gotthard said looking towards the other senators within the chamber surely they could see the issue with a democracy responding with force instead of considering other alternatives that they have available. Although his idea would surely be shot down by the military senators within the chamber who loved to solve violence with violence like they were just another dictatorship and not a collective union of planets.

He would just have to see where this debate went

Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama


"Senator, I assure you that absolutely no one is suggesting we engage in an all-out invasion at the moment. However, we cannot ignore the facts." The Fresian stood up from his seat in his senator's pod as he floated out to speak. The Duros's words were perhaps rather jingoistic, and he himself was uncomfortable with the nearly hand-waving attitude that came with the admission that going to war would cost lives - but the fact of the matter was that the Alliance was at war - now on two fronts. And the Alliance could ill afford to show weakness on either front.

"We are at war. The fact that the imperials were willing to use a fleetbusting superweapon against us - at the cost of many of their own ships - is proof positive of this fact." He looked down at his datapad, reading his own notes of what had been reported to the senate as of late, using the time to collect his thoughts before he continued, "While you're correct that we can't just respond with our own en masse invasion, we can't afford to show weakness towards them or towards the hordes of the Maw. To this end we must leverage our control of key resources in the galaxy against them - by way of the proposed trade embargoes - but also must know what they're planning, and we have to be able to respond if they invade a system In more civilized space. To that end I propose we beef up the presence of smaller patrols and reconnaissance craft along our border.


Objective II: Dragonbreak
Tags: Whoever shows up
Life had pushed him towards the extremes it seemed, the snows of Illum to the sands of Kiffu. He wasn't sure which he regarded with the least amount of disdain, but each managed to inspire their own kind of awe. Illum had been familiar, yet another fixture of the past put to the torch, but Kiffu was something new. If he'd ever been on its surface before, he didn't remember it.

The dunes shifted beneath his feet, somewhere in the distance electricity crackled, Static Trees maybe, or the Spark Dragons they were here to find, time would tell. The crimson sash he typically wore over his side had been converted into a wrap for his face, a long duster covering his person, pale mirrored goggles over his eyes, as ever he didn't look much like a Jedi, not that anyone did anymore.

Life was harsh in the desert, sparks of life in the Force were sparse and fleeting, but they were there if one looked hard enough. He liked to think that he was meeting the criteria for 'hard enough' and wasn't simply wandering through the sands like a madman, but he wouldn't be sure until he found one of the electrically charged reptiles.

He trudged on, his mind attuned to a flash of life somewhere in the distance.





The hallway the Sword and Queen would travel to the boardroom was long, undecorated and non-ornate. The Sheyf had extended the facility's privacy to M and her guests as requested, and while guardians roamed the halls freely, they made no motion to look in the way of the trio who travelled together. As far as anyone was concerned, this private convergence never happened.

It was one of those rare occasions M left not only her office but the planet of Coruscant as well. Rare was a word for the public, for the instances of that happening on record were few.

To greet her two new arrivals, M stood from her seat and saluted them with a rhetorical question: “Marvellous, isn’t it?”

The shades of her gaze suggested she was looking skyward to the glass roof that exposed the lines of white that spiderwebbed through the atmosphere. The storms of Kiffex and Kiffu converging were brilliant, bright flashes of energy that boomed loudly and buzzed with a constant static.

“Two planet’s energy storms of immense power generated, harnessed, and managed to sustain the people of the planet.”

A small twitch tugged at the corner of berry-stained lips.

“Enough energy to fuel a planet should also be enough to destroy one, wouldn’t you think?”

Another rhetorical question. But she let it settle between them before moving on to introductions.

“Valery Noble, Sword of the Jedi and representative of the New Jedi Order, allow me to introduce you to the Queen of Kuat, Arage Bao.”

She gestured for them both to sit while she took her own chair.

“I’m looking forward to this conversation.” Her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes, but there was a delight to knowing while the Senate worked..she worked harder.

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Kiffu, Objective II
Tags: Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson , Open

It didn't take much to convince Jasper to head to Kiffu to aid the search for Spark Dragons. From his own experience (his right arm had been scarred by Sith lightning before he had lost it) and the events of Ilum, especially the state that the young Gabriel Pryce Gabriel Pryce had been left in, looking for ways to combat Sith lightning seemed like a no brainer. If it had the potential to save the lives of good men and women, Jasper figured it was a worthwile investment.

He set his new vessel down, a YT 7990 B he had yet to name, and stepped out into the rushing sands of the planet. Jasper quickly procured a pair of goggles from his pocket to shield his eyes before pressing off into the desert. The duelist wasn't fond of deserts. They were hot, windy, and, of course, filled with sand. There was nothing more irritating than how much sand seemed to remain in his shoes even weeks after coming into contact with the source. The sand pelted his forearm, but that was only a slight irritation. Jasper would rather die than wear a shirt with sleeves. That was something he was content to tolerate, no matter how he felt about sand.

A figure came into view in the distance, one Jasper recognized. He had seen that man at the Temple a week or two ago whenever Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec returned (who was apparently a librarian of some kind). Jasper didn't interact with him at all, but from a glance he seemed to be a more hardened individual. Still, it was comforting to know that there were some more experienced Jedi out here. What did Master Noble call him... Jasper tried to recall. "Kight Gunder-something." It didn't matter too much. If they had the same goal in mind, he figured that he'd learn the man's name eventually. The young duelist picked up the pace, making his way up to where the Jedi Knight was.

"Uh, mind if I tag along?"


Oh, Iris wasn't the only one here. She paused her walk, glancing to the pair of Jedi ahead. Then hurried her pace to catch up. Lightning dragons, it was said. Making problems? Testing something? Honestly, she wasn't sure what it all was. She just really wanted to see a dragon in person. And not one corrupted by the Sith, at that. Rehab had her reading and watching all kinds of stories.

The ones with dragons were some of her favorites.


She blinked, glancing to him. Oh, right. Jasper. She frowned a little. "Don't get too hurt this time."

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson

Outfit | XoXo
Location | Classified | Project Lightpoint
Tag | IVI IVI Arage Bao Arage Bao | closed

With body language that projected confidence and calmness, Valery passed through the long hallway with her gaze fixated on the door leading into their meeting room. Much of what she saw around her reminded her of the SIA headquarters — simple and functional in nature, with no time or resources wasted to make it visually appealing. So it was only natural for her to meet the Director there, but another was going to join them as well.

The details of it all were still largely unknown to her, as the risk of including them in messages was far too high. But for a secretive meeting to occur between the Director of the SIA, the Queen of Kuat, and Valery herself made it abundantly clear that this was going to be the start of something significant.

Stepping into the meeting room Valery watched the woman rise and greeted her with a respectful dip of her head, "Director," she said before the woman's question drew Valery's fiery eyes up towards the ceiling. Powerful storms were raging on above them, and after reading into the history of this planet, she was aware of how the energy was being harvested. Judging by the comment that followed, it was evident that the choice of this meeting hadn't just been a coincidence.

"Enough energy to fuel a planet should also be enough to destroy one, wouldn't you think?"

The question got Valery's eyes to narrow briefly, but the Director's tone suggested it was rhetorical, so she simply took note of it, and reminded herself again who she'd be dealing with here today.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, and I believe under quite... unique circumstances, as well," Valery said, her voice trailing off as her eyes shifted back to M, whose smile echoed through the Force as well, hinting at the gravity of the decisions they were going to make today.

After a brief moment passed, Valery lowered herself into a seat and nodded with a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips, "I'm quite curious to see where it will bring us myself, Director."



Objective II: Dragonbreak
Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , Iris Arani Iris Arani

The voice called Cale out of his focus, and the Knight turned to face it, eyes glinting with agitation behind the mirrored goggles that Jasper might not have seen, but may well have felt. This one seemed familiar, Cale imagined he’d seen him in some corner of a temple on Illum or Coruscant, but whatever the occasion had beem, he didn’t recall the particulars.

“Whose are you?” He asked, not that it really mattered. To say he knew the new order would’ve been a gross overstatement, he was familiar with a few members, but that was it. Even still, he knew that there was several ‘padawan packs’ all sharing one master. He had his qualms with the idea, after all he’d been part of one such pack that had been nine strong. Skye Kerberos had done all she could for him, but she’d never been able to be much of a mentor to him, maybe if she had, she’d have been able to stop what happened to him.

It was a juvenile fantasy, and he hadn’t blamed her or anyone but the thing that had put Cale under its monstrous thrall for a long time. But still, it made him wary of Masters with too many learners for fear some crucial detail might slip through the cracks.

“And uh, what’s your name exactly?” Cale brought himself back from the internal diatribe, and centered his attention back on the Padawan and the rather dangerous enviornment they’d willinigly walked into. He might’ve had to figure the name out, had Iris not intervened and spoken it for her fellow learner.

The artist he did know, loosely anyway, they’d met once. She was Noble’s, and the familiar approach she had to the boy gave Cale an idea of what the answer to his first question was too. How had ended up with her learners when he’d only just knighted his own was likely some cosmic joke, but he stowed his grumbling. Valery Noble had essentially given his life a clean slate, he could manage some babysitting.

“You two gonna get yourselves hurt or can I trust you? Not exactly the best equipped for carrying people back.” The knight joked morbidly, his lone arm hanging loosely at his side.

"I should add, Senator Gotthard that the Empire has plenty of reason to strike against us regardless." What he was about to say was still classified and the only members of the Senate who had this information were those in the Defense Committee. Sometimes, just like in the military, the information had to be kept from the public in order to keep the Alliance safe and so even though it was their duty to bring information like this to the senate, especially in a time of crisis, only bits and pieces needed to be used.

"By all initial reports, the Lord Regent of the Empire was likely killed or at the very least severely injured at Ilum." This had been no simple skirmish. Numbers were still trickling in but the fleet and troop counts on the side of the Empire were massive. The Senate didn't know just how close they had been to an all-out war of survival.

"Many of these measures in one form or another were also recommended to us by Alliance High Command. A war is coming it is only a matter of when. The Empire was already trying to sabotage our bacta reserves on Thyferra. Here in the Core we are in a unique position. Nearly all of the Galaxy's super-hyperlanes run through our worlds. Defending our borders and restricting that flow of trade to the Empire must be our next step in slowing that when."


MM-2118 flicks the screen of his datapad, which finally gets it working again. He drags his finger across the screen to scroll back through the page. "You hear about the shuffle?"​
Something growls in one of the two massive cages just behind him. There's a pause as it - or 2118 suspects this is what happens anyway - rears itself up and then throws itself into the side of the cage. Trying to break out. Poor thing. It's been like this for hours now while they wait for the rest of their fireteam to get back.​
His colleague, NR-1206 grunts in disgust and pounds on the door of the cage. "Knock it off! Idiot animal."​
"It's a spark dragon. It can't understand you."​
"Yeah, but it makes me feel better. What were you saying?"​
"The shuffle?"​
1206 grunts again, also in disgust. "Of course I know. That's all everyone talks about now."​
"Well, it's a big deal."​
An armored airspeeder passes overhead. They watch it move sluggishly against the bleak-gray sky, framed by an arc of heat lightning. It's a common sight around here. Both men pause to watch it, half-anticipating it will land. Of course it doesn't. It floats right on by, proceeding leisurely to some other Silver Shield post.​
1206 sighs. "Is this thing going to sit here forever? Can't the eggheads come look at it already?"​
"It's R&D. You know how they are," 2118 offers, though he knows it's not much. "I wouldn't worry about it. Did you sign up for anything?"​
"For what?"​
"For… The shuffle." The official, sterile term the executives were using was 'organizational assessment and reassignment of field operators,' but 'shuffle' was much easier. "The thing we're talking about."​
1206 scoffs as if personally insulted. "Come on. I worked ten years in vice on Corulag. Tasjon. Gruesome shit. Haven't I told you that? You have any idea the crazy fuckery that goes on in Tasjon?"​
2118 shudders in recollection. Not really at the content of 1206's stories, per say, but the memory of sitting through them. The repetition. The pointless details. The gesturing. The rhetorical questions. "You mentioned it. Yeah."​
"So you know I don't need any 'supplemental training' or to attend any 'specialization seminars'. I'm doing just fine. Aren't I?"​
The spark dragon hisses and whines in its cage. 1206 snap-turns on his heel and delivers a brutal kick to the door, sharp and hard. "I said shut up! Come on!"​
Underneath his helmet 2118 makes a face. Get a grip, 1206, come on. You're embarrassing him. "I signed up for civil communication."​
1206 looks over his shoulder. 2118 senses an incredulous expression even if the helmet blocks its visual transmission. "Are you serious? Why?"​
"I don't know," 2118 says and shrugs again, "Just sounded nice."​
There has to be more to this job than guarding lizards in cages or dragging idiot, impoverished loincloths out of their shitty apartments, or listening to you - in particular - talk about Tasjon for the eightieth time, is what he really thinks. And maybe he can find that in being a squeaky-clean PR trooper instead.​
He won't, obviously, but it's the thought that counts.​



Kohlhaase Gotthard




In came the bureaucrats ; the true rulers of the alliance

Senator Gotthard mused within his head for just a brief moment as his valuable concern was quickly put on the chopping block by Argale Thaste Argale Thaste . Senator Thaste was quick to point out that the Galactic Alliance was already engaged in a full war with the Empire due to the imperials bringing a new superweapon to use against them on Ilum which targeted both allied and enemy ships without caution nor concern for the lives on either side of the conflict. The Galactic Alliance should not care what others think of it least not the Brotherhood of the Maw which was nothing but a collection of barbarians with no dignity nor class. They had proven themselves on the battlefield to be strong enough to handle any threat so no one would see them as weak if they ignored to fall right into the empire's trap.

He was just about to counter the point from Argale Thaste Argale Thaste when the loud voice of the Lord Speaker Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce was heard within the hall. Directing his speech towards him personally instead of the chamber in most likely a direct attack towards him. The Lord Speaker followed along presumed party lines with him suggesting that the Empire had plenty of reason to attack them regardless.

Apparently the Lord Regent of the Empire was killed or seriously injured on the world of Ilum but that would not prevent the empire from using that as even more justification for the war among their own people. The only thing of interest within the speech from the Lord Speaker was the idea that they could strangle the empire using economic means as an alternative.

"Senator Argale Thaste Argale Thaste the alliance has shown itself time and time again that it is able to respond to attacks from foreign aggressors. No one within the galaxy would find us 'weak' as you claim if we solved matters without escalating to their level. Although I do support the proposal to beef up the presence of smaller patrols and reconnaissance craft along our border as a compromise."

Senator Kohlhaase said towards the other senator within the chamber; before turning his full attention to the Lord Speaker of the Senate.

"I mean no disrespect; Lord Speaker Pryce. But economic sanctions do little against an economy which has been mostly self sufficient by now. If war is to come and it will happen as you say. The Alliance must adopt a position of defensive holding; responding when and where we are attacked as needed but never more than that. We cannot stoop to their level of violence and expansionism otherwise we are no better than they are"

Some might discredit him as a pacifist but his voice would be heard within the chamber as a representative of the people of corulag. The Bill Pact was already beginning to form against him and they unfortunately would have enough voting power to pass it regardless. His voice might not matter in the end but he had made his voice known and that was an accomplishment on its own.

Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi
Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama


Kiffu, Objective II
Tags: Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson , Iris Arani Iris Arani

"Don't get too hurt this time."

“Don’t worry,” Jasper assured his fellow padawan. “I’ve been doing some soul searching since we met last, amongst other things…”

Prime “amongst other things” was meeting and making peace with his creator. Jasper was starting to come to terms with who he was as an individual and what he wanted to be. This didn’t mean that he was going to stop putting himself in danger, but he was prepared to be less reckless when doing so. It was a good start.

“Whose are you?”

Jasper frowned at the remark the Jedi Knight had made. Asking for a master first? Seemed kind of odd.

“No ones,” Jasper replied. “For now anyways.”

He was still optimistic about finding himself a teacher. Better late than never. Jasper planed to go to the council about it, but all in good time. He had other commitments at the moment.

“I’m Jasper Kai’el,” he introduced as the man asked for his name. Iris had already said his name, but he wanted to give it properly.

“You two gonna get yourselves hurt or can I trust you? Not exactly the best equipped for carrying people back.”

Jasper noted the lack of an arm. Missing limbs didn’t seem uncommon these days. He had lost one in a pretty bad crash a few weeks back, and a few of his fellow padawans were similarly handicapped. It was morbid humor from the sounds of it, though it was hard to tell with how straight faced the knight was.

“I can manage,”

The duelist was pretty sure Iris would respond similarly, maybe even with a witty remark thrown his direction. He didn’t mind. In reality, he rather enjoyed it. After searching for his creator and coming to terms with who he was in isolation, Jasper sorely needed the social interaction.



She turned her gaze to the Knight, nodding her head. She didn't remember him. Which was no fault of his, of course. She didn't remember much from those days still lost in col- No, wait. She blinked. She did recognized him. Huh. Maybe she wasn't as lost, or was that more recent?

No point in dwelling on it.

Iris gaze Jasper a smile, nodding her head. Soul searching. That was something she needed to do. Maybe she could ask him some time, on how it worked. Maybe he'd have an answer. Later. Dragons first. Her smile turned more of a grin as she nodded, quickly.

"I'll be fine. If someone gets hurt I can heal anyway."

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Cale Gunderson Cale Gunderson
The Admiralty
Valery Noble Valery Noble | IVI IVI

Arage calmly looked Noble up and down without much leaving her expression.

"Charmed." Finally spoken in clipped tone before the 'Queen' took her seat. That had been the only moment of involuntary expression twitch. Queen. To the denizens of the Humbarine Reach she would always remain the Lord Admiral, but on Kuat... they had to solidify her legitimacy in a different way. By harkening back towards times of stability.

When the likes of Queen Silencia guided Kuat through multiple crises with great success. Only her demise threw Kuat into chaos.

But still.

Every time someone referred to Arage as Queen it raised her hackles. Even now, several months later, it was difficult to suppress. Finally one leg crossed the other before Bao glanced over to the Director for a moment.

"While I realize you are enjoying this moment, Director, I did miss a rather impassionate speech by Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce to be here." There was something invigorating about a man who knew his way around a fleet, was there not? "So perhaps we can get to it." This was another facet of Arage that M would come to know.


At least the latter part M could have anticipated.

Being so close to a Jedi made Arage's skin crawl almost as badly as being called Queen.

Objective II: Dragonbreak
Tags: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

So he'd been wrong, this Jasper wasn't anyone's at all. Some part of him, still remembering the days he'd spend as a youngling, wondered why exactly the boy was out here at all. If no one was teaching him, shouldn't he have been somewhere safe? Somewhere more supervised. He'd pulled piece of fabric down so that the two could at least see his expressions, and in that moment his lips were pressed together in frustration.

But what could he say? Or do? He hadn't been there for years, this might've just been how things were.

"Right." Was all he said, eyes flicking to Iris and giving her a small nod as she gave her name, all the while conscious of the sparks of life in the force he could feel just beyond their reach. Far, but not too far. Neither of them gave answers that filled him with confidence, but little ever did, and he'd have been warier if either of them had started showboating. Simple responses either meant they were nervous, or believed they could handle it, and no one seemed all too anxious.

"I'm Cale," He introduced himself plainly, pulling the red scarf back up over the rest of his features, and turning towards to distinct echoes in the force, out amidst the rolling dunes. "Guess we're gonna go find some lizards."



- Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi - Forlan Norsama Forlan Norsama - Kohlhaase Gotthard - Argale Thaste Argale Thaste - Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce -

Alicio wasn't a strategist.

The new senator had gone to University to study diplomacy. He began his political career as a consultant on refugee city construction. He operated on a platform of social reform, not wartime acumen. At the end of the day, Senator Organa was a dedicated statesman, and likely shouldn't be consulted in matters of war.

But as the representative of Alderaan, and in part, all of the Alliance's people, it was his job to sign off on acts of aggression. This choice, which was out of his area of expertise, held so much weight, and couldn't be made hastily.

Sitting in his pod, with his aide at his side, Alicio watched in silent contemplation as Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi began the session, and Kohlhaase Gotthard, Argale Thaste Argale Thaste , and Vice Chancellor Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce traded comments. Alicio's ears perked up at a few points made across their speeches, particularly muted distaste at Senator Stazi's 'at any cost' mentality, and Vice Chancellor Pryce's comment that High Command had already recommended many of the Duros representative's strategies.

Certainly enough to sway his vote. Either way, he probably wouldn't speak today, unless particularly moved to action.

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'Beef?' 'Beef up?' Caulder Dune scoffed with abject disgust. Such informal language was better suited to some rustic tavern than a government assembly. Dune shook his head and cleared his throat as his senatorial pod detached from the wall. He unfolded a prepared statement.​
It may have been expected that an entity like the Commerce Guild not 'take sides' in these ideological disputes. Unfortunately, Caulder Dune was a highly opinionated man, and in his opinion, the Galactic Alliance was worth preserving. Proactively and without apology.​
The Empire had chosen the path to war. Doing anything other than preparing to meet them to it halfway would be negligent at best, suicidal at worst. If that meant restrictions to trade, so be it. The galaxy was big enough. They would all find a way to survive.​
"The Commerce Guild voices its support for the measures proposed by the honorable senator of Duros," he began, droning on in his usual way, "The repeated trespasses carried out by the Empire against the Alliance must be answered. Not on an ad hoc basis as the senator of Corulag suggests, but with sustained and proactive policy."​
He added, dryly, "We remind our peers in the Senate that the path to peace must be left open - if such a time comes that our Imperial neighbors choose it over their current programme of violence and espionage."​

Well, you know how empires tend to be. They must so often face complete destruction before finding their way to that happy state where they no longer antagonized broad swaths of the galaxy.​


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