Did Someone Order a War?

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Does someone need to chill out?
Do you like freezing your faster targets to make them easier to shoot?
Are your enemies always escaping? How about stopping that speeder or jetpack from just flying off again.
We at FFE sympathize with your feelings.
Intent: A standard carbonite freezing rifle for the chaos era. Freezing targets in place, not cryoban that absorbs heat, carbonite instead flash freezes at extreme low temperatures. The weapon is intended to be a small area of effect weapon, or an anti vehicle weapon in emergencies, but not a first choice for that role.Does someone need to chill out?
Do you like freezing your faster targets to make them easier to shoot?
Are your enemies always escaping? How about stopping that speeder or jetpack from just flying off again.
We at FFE sympathize with your feelings.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Fire For Effect
Model: CB-1 Icebreaker
Affiliation: Closed Market, purchased from Fire for Effect's market place thread only, or a sponsored representative.
Purchase: Thread here
Modularity: No
Production: Mass Produced.
Material: Trimantium and Insulfoam - Internal Coating
Classification: Carbonite Rifle
Size: Heavy Rifle
Length: 1100 mm
Weight: 6.5kg
Ammunition Type: Liquid carbonite container.
Ammunition Capacity: 25 Shots
Effective Range:
Optimum 50m
Maximum 500m
Rate of Fire: Single Stream of Carbonite per shot.

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Special Features: Able to snap freeze targets, including small vehicles such as speeders or light to medium tanks, while larger vehicles would need longer or more weapons firing at them. Targets will thaw after a while if nothing is done to them, averaging about a minute frozen. In the case of personnel they are vulnerable to being shattered if hit by a blunt force trauma or shot, in the case of vehicles this would cause shattering damage surrounding wherever the impact was. The weapon itself is resilient to temperature variations, and somewhat resilient to standard blaster or slug fire due to the tensile strength of the Trimantium casing. The temperature resistance comes from needing to regulate the temperature of the carbonite in the rifle, as with most rifles of this type. The anti vehicle qualities of this weapon will cause mechanical components to freeze up, doing them damage when it thaws, even if left alone.
Description: FFE’s first attempt at a carbonite weapon. There were many non-fatal accidents in the making of this rifle, with more than one jawa thumb or finger lost in its design. Thus an internal chamber regulating the heat distribution of the weapon has been installed, as well as a lining of insulfoam to help regulate the temperature further.
Initially it was deemed there was a gap in the market for extreme temperature reduction weapons, heat resistance seemed fairly commonplace in armors but little regard seems to have been given to the opposite, extreme flash freezing cold. FFE sensing the opportunity to make some good credits, and being the humanitarian group they are, have of course moved in to help the galaxy with this deplorable state of affairs!
Emitting a deep blue ion blast from the barrel, liquid carbonite is sent jetting forward, and solidifies on contact with a target. Carbonite flash freezes its victim in a hard wall, rendering them unable to move for about a minute in total, in that minute they are vulnerable to further damage, or shattering from blunt force impacts.
Scoped with a standard aperture sight, with 2x, 6x, or 12x magnification, which is adjustable from a small setting on the side of the weapon. The CB-1 is fitted with a small standard light below the barrel, nothing special, set to about 600 meters, just outside of the weapon's maximum range.
-A stream of liquid carbonite, can be repelled if you know what you are doing.
-Heavy, given you’ll need to carry at least another weapon to actually do damage.
-Personnel targets thaw with no hibernation sickness after a minute of being frozen, if you do nothing they will be unaffected, you can of course shoot them, or smash them with your rifle butt while frozen to shatter them.
-Ammunition is expensive, practically meaning NPC troops won’t be carrying lots of it.
+Temperature resistant, and somewhat damage resistant due to the internal regulating chamber and the internal lining built to resist carbonite. Attacking the weapon itself is difficult with conventional slug and puncturing blaster weapons, as Trimantium has a very high tensile strength.
+Freezes enemies in place, allowing them to be finished off at your leisure, or captured easily.
+Effective anti-vehicle counter, or just anti speed counter if someone is too fast for you or flying. Vehicle components will be frozen in place, this includes the ability to aim their weapons, and being mechanical will likely be damaged even if they thaw.
+Good area denial weapon, effective vs clusters of units or in tight corridors, ship to ship boarding actions, or focused on entrance ways.
Primary Source: N/A
Canon Tech links:
Carbonite Guns: Example One
Carbonite Guns: Example Two