Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Starship CDD-DF-001 Scavenger-Class Droid Interceptor

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Silens Telum

Blackcraft Interventions 'CEO'
Intent: Create an interceptor fighter for the CSA fleet.
Development Thread: n/a
Hero Unit: no
Manufacturer: Cerberus Defense Developments
Model: Vulture-Class Droid Starfighter
Affiliation: CSA
Modularity: no
Production: Mass
Material: Durasteel
Description: A small, quick droid fighter that can collapse down to be carried in great numbers and be quickly deployed as an interceptor. It is lightly armored and shielded, depending more on speed and maneuverability for defense. Its armament is light in standard configuration, consisting of a single laser cannon and a manipulator claw with the strength to it to rip into enemy fighters. However, the claw also gives it the ability to carry additional weapons to enhance its combat capabilities.
Classification: Starfighter
Production Line: DF-Series
Role: Fast-attack Fighter
Height: 4 Meters(Fully Extended), 3 meters collapsed
Width: 4 meters(Wings fully extended), 2 meters(Wings pulled fully back)
Length: 4 meters
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Fusion Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: n/a
Minimum Crew: 0
Optimal Crew: 0
Armaments: Laser Cannon, Manipulator Claw
Non-Combative Attachments: Sensor Array, Deflector Shield, Repulsorlift
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: 0
Consumables: 0
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 1

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The visual is a touch too anime, but then again it's within the realm of possibility for CIS-influenced designs -- it almost reminds me of a buzz droid for some reason.

The stats all look good, but giving a hyperdrive to something this small, mass-produced and flimsy is almost always considered a bad investment. It drastically increases production cost, and you already have a nice new carrier for deployment purposes. It's not a sticking point, but I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Silens Telum

Blackcraft Interventions 'CEO'
It's a Square Enix model, and I think they are Japanese-based, but it fits with Zev's cruiser design. The hyperdrive can be cut, though.
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