Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Celebrate | CIS Dominion of Relovian (T,51)

Posts: 1
Direct Allies: TBD
Enemies: TBD
Gear: Call if you need.
Assets: 12 Angry Mandalorian Crusaders from House Varad

Pathfinders out in the streets. Keeping a low profile. Civilian clothes on here, he was here with a lot of the remaining crusaders from Clan Varad. Leading them at the front, they were keeping in contact but also filtering through the crowds. Borrowing a leaf out of Khia’s book to take the front. Ithiel had the respect now he was bloodied with the rest of them, he was one of their own. Not many crusaders remained to pick from, less every month, but you didn't need many supercommandos to make a difference, and that’s what the streets were getting.

Jacknife sonic concussion pistols on his hips beside his saber, and a scattergun fitted tight to his waist. The crusaders were equally well armed, shields, slugs and other cutting edge weaponry, whatever they could conceal under their cloaks and robes or padded structured black suit in Ithiel’s case, square shouldered and white shirted.

Where were they? Prowling around the streets on a perimeter sweep, trying to intercept any threats before they even got close. Lifeform detectors were set to full burn, looking to pickup even the slightest movement. Spotting anything cloaked here was going to be a nightmare in the parade, but they were doing their best, for now keeping their distance.

If anything hit the parade, they might then have to get out through a bunch of angry crusading supercommandos. "Paru" <Formation> Ithiel said under his breath, stopping at a stall to look over some goods. Which they knew to stay spread out, not bunching up in the streets. A couple sat above on the roofs, Jetpacks disabled and slung to their sides, should they need them later, keeping a watch on the crowds below but staying well hidden.
Post : 3

He was amusing himself. It wasn't every day that you found yourself sitting atop a giant dog inflatable head and riding through a parade. He kept a general eye out for anything suspicious-looking, but the only thing that looked out of place was the Confederacy trying to fit in place.

Below him the dog with the night mother barked and whined giving him the impression that the dog needed to find a tree. Being the generous soul that he was, Muad continued to share his popcorn on the blonde below making sure to give a general sprinkle towards the pup.

Tilting his head to the side got a sense of a familiar presence. Grinning, the blue eyes of the Mad One began scouring the streets below looking for the woman that he knew was there. However the distraction would prove to be somewhat problematic for the man riding on top of and inflatable airborne float.

He felt a spike of danger just as two things happened. First the Snoopy beneath him began to buck as though it had come alive and was furious. The second was the sound of a high powered rifle. As eyes of the crowd rose into the sky to the inflated dog, he did the only thing he could think of to help keep the facade going, at least momentarily, that everything was fine.

Tossing the bag of popcorn below, he grabbed the Snoopy head he had been wearing while grabbing a handful of deflating balloon. Hollering with laughter he began whipping the mascot head with the ... mascot head as he rode the bucking float that was rapidly losing altitude. He was playing crowd control while trusting the others to find the shooter.

Location: Swan Float
Job: Protect the Queen
Interacting With: [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Kyle Ajahn"] | [member="Vyra Silara"]
Post: 1

Srina felt trapped in a place of spiritual warfare. Every nerve ending buzzed, burning, and raw from all of the voices and shouts from the crowd. There were so many auras. So much to feel. So many intentions to sort through, to analyze, to search for the seeds of a citizen disgruntled enough to take matters into their own hands. She didn’t know how the others could stand it so easily, but endurance, was an Echani specialty. Suffering, adaption, and pain. She would endure as her duty demanded it. Flawlessly.

Before the parade, she had sat deathly still, letting droids and assistants paint her face with rice powder, turning already alabaster skin, to a colorless shade of pale. A blank canvas, with their hair hidden, would help all of the handmaidens blend in seamlessly without another. She was not pleased with the lavender hooded gowns they had been given for the event, but, at least she could hide her lightsaber in the hidden pockets. The red band of leather and onyx around her wrist also remained out of sight and out of mind. To most, save for her extremely snowy complexion, and gray eyes—she would seem little more than a servant to the newly crowned Queen of Relovian.

That was the point after all. To keep the dark-haired royal safe, they needed to appear subservient to the imposter in the gilded white gown, all the while ignoring the true ruler. The warrior and strategist within her demanded to know why [member="Vyra Silara"] had decided to join the procession in person at all. If the whole point, was keeping her secret, sequestered, and safe in the guise of something she was not…Why keep her so close to the one thing that presented the most danger? If something came for Savani that could not be stopped in time would Vyra really be able to do what was needed?

Surely, she knew the point of her handmaidens. They were expendable lives, existing solely, to ensure that she continued to thrive. Would Vyra really let Savani die in her place?

Srina was inclined to believe that she would not, despite, her best efforts to adhere to what was expected. She had seen compassion in her eyes. It was in her voice, in her soul, in every movement she made. The Queen had an obvious beauty, something that lived and breathed both within and on the outside. She did not display the traits of someone that could stand idly by. It was admirable, certainly, but a death sentence for someone under threat of assassination. It was beautiful. It was weakness. Srina knew, yet, could not bring herself to put it into words.

All of the qualities that made Vyra capable and well-suited for the position she had been appointed would only harm her in the end. She would inevitably suffer for her kindness.

Such was the life of a politician.

Srina hoped much like [member="Darth Metus"] that today would not be that day.

Silently the Sith Apprentice used the shadows of her hood to observe the faces of the people that lined the streets. A soft and pleasant smile sat on nigh-angelic features that was entirely out of place for the Echani. Yet, it was entirely appropriate for a loyal and beloved handmaiden. She didn’t linger on any one citizen for too long, but even the children that [member="Ahani Najwa"] threw candy at, were not safe from her inspection. When she realized that a tendril of moonlit hair had escaped her hood, she immediately reached up to discretely secure it. That was a mistake that would not be repeated.

Srina could feel her Master on the approach. He was appropriately dashing in his white swan-suit, playing his part with grandeur, and flourish. If she didn’t know any better she would have thought that he’d spent some time leading a circus, or a parade, as it were. When he requested a dance she hesitated for a laundry list of reasons, but mostly, because she didn’t want to be any further from Vyra than she needed to be. It was a well-known fact that the Handmaidens were close, sisterly, and could almost always be seen with one another. The words to politely decline died on her lips when the brunette of the hour answered for her.

Eyes of the purest silver found Vyra. She looked long and hard before her focus fell respectfully to the faux-Queen. The wintry woman bowed, grace woven into her every movement, and requested orders before making assumptions. That was what a servant did. They obeyed. “By your leave, Majesty.”

They had no idea who was listening, who they could trust, and who they couldn’t. Srina would keep up the illusion they had presented as long as possible. The Queen’s life may depend on it.

Savani waved her away, just as joyous over it as Vyra, and Srina inwardly sighed. Were they really out to drive her mad? The apprentice could not let her guard down on the best of days—Let alone this. “I’m better than he is at many things. Dance is too close to combat. My apologies…”, she breathed elegantly as she floated down from the dais, entirely ignoring her Master’s outstretched hand, in favor of taking herself to the area of the float where multiple people twirled and swayed in time with the lively music. “You will lose.”


Certain that her Master followed in her wake the young woman awaited his arrival patiently. In the meantime, she waved to those that cheered, doing what was required. She may have loathed this setting, but her disguise didn’t leave room for argument. When appropriate, she curtseyed low for Darth Metus, before rising to meet him. “You know…You should behave more like the bodyguard [[member="Kyle Ajahn"]].”

“This isn’t Leritor.”

The song changed and Srina changed her stance with it. The orchestra and marching band must have been so tired, so sore, since they’d been playing for what felt like hours—but it still sounded as if they had all the energy in the world. The dancing around them appeared courtly, joyous, and was filled with quick turns and breathtaking spins. She would depend, many times, on Darth Metus to keep her from falling.

Srina knew he would catch her, always. Darth Metus was smart. He would know, that if he didn’t, he was a dead man.

They had barely moved into the first turn when a familiar sound pierced the air above the buzzing white-noise of the crowd. Srina did her best not to freeze as the dancers began to look around in confusion. Fear was like a disease. If they let it spread it would consume everyone present. Someone on the streets could get hurt or trampled if panic set in. The float with the massive canine began deflating and Srina set her jaw, pointing toward it, blaming it for the sound. "It was just the float. Keep going."

Yes. She knew the sound of a rifle. Did they? Probably not. Yet, if the parade kept moving, if the officials didn't panic, the people would likely follow their lead. [member="Muad Dib"] was playing it off perfectly.

'You should have our people start sweeping the building to the left. The vantage point required would be near there.', Srina mentally spoke to Darth Metus, pale features still imitating the witless, perfect expression of a Handmaiden.

Vulkanus once more hated his life.

The only thing that made this detail bearable was [member="Ahani Najwa"].

He folded his arms across his chest, his gaze narrowed on the woman who nearly died the first time they met. The trooper just stood there in full armor, a white and purple armor reminiscent of the clone wars and the only thing he really had on him was a stun baton, one pistol (blaster) and a bag of zip ties. Vulkanus just watched as Ahani beaned children with candy, part of him was amused but mostly, mostly he wanted her to stop. An audible sigh could be heard, even through his vocabulator, "Ahani." His voice punctuated her name, and then he marched past her in what looked to be disapproval not that she needed his approval one or another.

But then he returned with a small crate, the crate was filled with grain packed - bags? Yes, small colorful mini-bags of grain (rice). "Here."

He handed her the crate and then went back to stand on his end of the float. It was just as he returned to his post that he heard something, Vulkanus put a hand up to his communications. "Couldn't have been the only one who heard that."

"Think it was the float," someone from the 92nd returned.

"Copy," Vulkanus got off the line and stayed on his detail, but now he scanned the crowd and the buildings that surrounded them.


King of Pumpkins

Allies: [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="BX-25233"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"] @Conner Harrison [member="Asher Mossa"] [member="Ithiel Verd"]
Post: 2
Rex was still in the street when he heard the shot, immediately he got on the comm link in his ear "Okay CIS we have already have people trying to shoot at us, BX-25233 I want you to come and help me find where this shot came from, everyone eyes out this won't be the only attempt." Moving thru the crowd getting stuck sometimes but still moving all the same "Come on crow this way." He says so his Rakghoul droid follows him. Going past all the food trucks and all the stall before making it to the Floats.

He looks around for any vantage points that he would use. That is when he saw the building on his side of the parade, he jumped on the comm "Okay BX it is on the left hand side to the way the floats are going." Then using the force he felt a strong dark side presence along with two others. "Okay I am going in."

I wish I had my armour on this is going to be hard. "Okay Crow let's go in." Heading into the non-descript building. Pulling out his light sabres and readying his lapel to shield him if he needs. He makes it to the correct floor Come on BX I could use some help right now. Before sending a message to [member="Vulkanus"] and [member="Srina Talon"] thru there com-links. "In the building to the left, about to take on the assassins here with BX, make sure the authorities don't get suspicious of what is going on." Alright lets do this, he thinks while still waiting for BX.
Society is life. Society is living.

Its very fabric is a complex weave of fundamental components acting as unwitting agents in a larger and more complex system which, in turn, is its own unwitting agent in an even larger entity. There is beauty in life, but there is greater beauty in the fractal order in which the universe obeys. Take a scope and stare at the tiny fibers of existence. Watch them weave and vibrate to create beautiful particles. Gaze at the sky. See the wonder of the cosmos churning its fiery dance of creation and destruction on a wide canvas of color and light.

At all scales, the patterns remain the same. Even life. Especially life. What is an individual if not a multitude of necessary components? And what is society, but yet another living and breathing multitude of necessary components? What hubris prevails the agents who see themselves so singularly and who presume that it is they who control destiny and not destiny guiding them? What singular point of a Mandelbrot set can truly define the whole if not in context of its surrounding points?

Society is life and its heart is order. Find the rhythm of the heartbeat, and you can dance to society's song.

20 minutes prior to the assault on Snoopy...

Kip had spent many years attending the theaters on Coruscant. As a man with a fondness of irony and metaphor, nothing struck his fancy more than the literal song and dance of paid talent acting on behalf of agents seeking to please the nobility. And as a political humorist, nothing tickled his funny bone more than the sheer irony of the nobility acting out their roles as they criticized what Kip argued to be the most honest performances in the theater. Kip watched both performances. He memorized the lines. Memorized the music. And one day, for just one day, he himself put on a special performance and won favor with both sets of performers equally and simultaneously.

A celebratory parade for a populist monarch was certainly a tune that Kip could dance to. The first lesson, he learned, was to dress for the part. He did not dress in Relovian's finest, for that would imply that he saw himself as the star of the show. No. The star was the monarch and Kip had no interest in such things. He simply wanted a part in the music. A seat in the orchestra. And if he earned a chair seat near the soloist and played an accompanying part, so be it.

His second lesson was to perform flawlessly. Perfection is not an absolute. It's subjective. And if a performance mistake is executed confidently, then it is often masked as deliberate. A lesson that was not lost on Kip as he caught a cake nearly dropped by one of the parade staff.

"Need some help there, Mr. Lubbins?" Kip asked of the humanoid man, who was recovering his footing and his senses.

The man cleared his throat, giving a himself a few deep breaths of air as he watched some of the parade folk walk by. "I don't know what happened...I must have tripped on a rock or a big piece of candy or something." He spoke worriedly with a rather thin voice, "Oh dear, if you hadn't shown up, I don't know what Counselor Rho would have done."

"Well, Mr. Lubbins, you have no need to worry about Counselor Rho. He sent me here to retrieve this cake. Looks like I made it just in time."

"She did?" Mr. Lubbins asked.

"Yes, she did." Kip said, without hesitating a beat in his correction. "Told me herself."

"But..." Lubbins paused, "I was supposed to bring this cake directly to he-whoa!" Lubbins stumbled as he tried to recover the cake which began to start tipping. Kip quickly and dramatically took more of the cake from Lubbins, ensuring that the man barely had a hand on it.

"Whoa whoa whoa, careful there." Kip said, urgently. "Tell you what. I've got this cake. Go help Marj over there. Rho said there isn't enough people on balloon duty and she thinks you have steady enough hands for it." Kip slowly took the rest of the cake from Lubbins and winked, "I promise I won't tell her about this incident."

Lubbins nodded urgently and mouthed a "thank you" to Kip before making his way over to the balloon.

Kip's ballet had begun. It was time to switch partners. Kip advanced toward the dancing politicians. His eyes darted from one person to the next, eyeing the performers first, then surveying the support staff. He caught a glimpse of a woman with braided hair, watching the nobility with envy in her brown eyes while her hands clasped a bottle and a fine glass. Kip approached her and stood uncomfortably close, cake in hand. The woman glanced up at him, then back at the politicians. Then back up at Kip, meeting a rather impatient gaze with confusion.

"Can I help you, Mr..."

"Ridel," Kip answered abruptly, putting the woman on edge slightly. But he smiled and laughed quietly, "Kip Ridel. I'm an ambassador with a message for Counselor Rho."

"Ohhhh," the woman laughed shyly, "My apologies, sir. That does explain the cake."

Kip stood silently and expectantly, holding out the cake. The woman blinked, "Oh! You think I'm with Counselor Rho! No no no, I serve Jyn-La Kett. He's the one dancing over there." She gestured to a man some distance away...a tallish lanky man wearing uncomfortable shoes and a bizarre mask.

"Would you like to me to put in a good word for you to Counselor Rho, Miss Avala Thorne?" Kip asked, raising an eyebrow.

The woman's tanned face paled, "Is this she looking for..."

"Relax, Avala. You're doing fine. Just take this cake for me." Kip smiled and held it out again.

Avala glanced down at the glass and bottle in her hands, then back up at Kip. She bit her lip, but caved when his eyes met hers again. "Oh.....screw it." She put the bottle and glass down on the ground and grabbed the cake from the man whose hands, she could have sworn, had begun to tremble.

Kip let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you." Kip said, rubbing his hands and breathing in deeply to calm them. He began to walk out toward the politicians when Avala called out, "Where are you going? You can just walk up there!"

"I told you," Kip said as he spun around to walk slowly away from her with his trademark smile, "I've a message to deliver."

Avala simply stared at Kip with puzzlement as he approached the politicians with a confident stride. Particularly, he singled out Rho, whose dead eyes were staring into space as she did the traditional steps with some dignitary she hardly knew or cared for. With a bow, Kip introduced himself to the gaudily dressed woman, "Counselor Rho. Kip Ridel. I've come to deliver a gift and a request from a Mr. Jyn-La Kett."

The woman eyed Kip with the shrewd gaze of a seasoned politician. Kip turned and gestured toward the cake. As the woman glanced in Avala's direction, the woman blushed and smiled at Rho. The politician gave the servant a courtesy nod, motioning her dancing partner away. "Kett and his obsession with delicacies," she scoffed, "and what is his request?"

"He requests that you enjoy the party, my lady." Kip said with a smile, offering his hand for a dance. The woman looked at the hand, then back up at Kip, not buying into his charm.

"Cheap cake and cheaper entertainment? He should have taken his money and used it on a better pair of shoes." Rho mocked sternly, motioning to Jyn-La Kett.

"My lady, the poor man is already suffering enough with those shoes. Allow him at least one small courtesy for his pain and poor taste." Kip insisted again with pleading eyes, offering his hand once more.

"You're trembling, my dear." Rho laughed, "Are you afraid I'll decline and embarrass you in front of all these people?" She took his hand and pulled Kip close, "Well, entertainer. You have a job to do. Entertain me."

"As you wish, my la-" Kip started before a sudden sound ripped through the air, interrupting him. A shadow loomed over Kip as the dog balloon began to flail.

"Damn it, Lubbins, you had one job..." Kip muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" Rho asked. "What's happening?" She glanced around, as confused as the crowd. Kip, still holding her hand firmly, pulled her toward the direction of Avala and the cake, "No time to talk. We need to move."

Asher Mossa

He was supposed to be keeping his eyes open for trouble, instead, Asher was on his second ale. Walking around the street he “looked” for any sign that something would happen. Asher didn’t see anything, so he took another swig of the ale as he walked through a couple of alleyways.

That was when he heard the shot. The tankard was dropped where he stood, and Asher ran back for the street.

Where it was expected to find chaos, Asher found a crazy man dressed in a dog suit riding the balloon which had been shot. At the rate it was whipping about, he assumed that had been the target. Had he been wearing an earpiece the command to search would have gone out, but he didn’t. His eyes looked through the buildings, but from the street he couldn’t see anything.

A sigh left his lips. It was already happening. He had joined them, and trouble was already lurking. Was he a fool to think it could be any different? This one parade, once it was finished Asher just needed to leave and hide again. He reached for the hilt of his lightsaber as he moved into the crowd. The Queen’s float was sure to be a target, and by the force he was going to protect someone. Asher had to prove he wasn’t cursed.

[member="Damien Van-Derveld"] [member="Seren"] [member="Arabella Darkhold"] [member="Nemesis Nemonus"] [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Kyle Ajahn"] [member="Vyra Silara"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="BX-25233"] [member="Muad Dib"]
Tilting his head slightly he heard the voice speaking through the ear piece lodged securely for audio contact. It wasn't the same voice as before, yet Nemesis cared not. The unknown voice echoed his sentiments, sentiments he had already begun to enact.

Already the effects of the spice was causing hallucinations and hysteria at the overwhelming visual and audio stimuli. People we're feeling the poison pouring through their bodies. Several had already began to bend, retching into the gutters. Speaking to his faceless compatriot, he allowed the curve of his lips mirror his amusement at the turn of events.

"The crowds will soon turn due to chemical interaction. I'll also draw attention to the fore of the queen."

Cutting through the crowds he paused and watched as several members of the parade were tossing candy into the crowd as per their assignments. A slight nudging in the force was all required to manipulate the weak willed stooges. Moving further away he kept an eye on the scene he had just orchestrated.

The candy dispensers turned and tossed their buckets of sweets into the street, right in front of the Queen's float. As the mass of children broke away to rush the free candy Nemesis watched as they brushed the float as eager hands innocently collected the assortment of goodies. His hand delved into his pocket and activated the explosives hidden within the toys a multitude of children throughout the parade and crowd had been given. Almost unanimously explosions rocked the streets as the toys erupted.
Posts: 2
Direct Allies: [member="Rex Taff"]
Enemies: [member="Nemesis Nemonus"]
Objective: Sleep on the Job.
Assets: 11/12 Angry Mandalorian Crusaders from House Varad

“Anything?” to [member="Rex Taff"] Ithiel said over the comms. A shot had them looking around for the source, it was chaotic and hard to spot. They didn’t have any heavy equipment with them to pinpoint weapons fire, just their eyes and motion detectors. “Vode meg vaabir gar haa'taylir” <What do you see?> He called up to the Crusaders on the roof but they had nothing, no fix or location. Zooming in with their optics to try and find what was going.

Candy scattering about. High above the Mandalorians saw the explosives going off, a toy landing right next to Ithiel. He ran to scoop up the nearby child. “It’s a gren….” A crusader dived on it, the explosion sending Ithiel, the store owner he was with, the child in his arms, the stand and several of the nearby pedestrians blown against the wall. Saved by one of Varad’s clan brothers ultimately who had sheltered them from some of the blast.

Above the building wall came down with a crusader standing atop it, now hanging off the roof he'd been watching from. Ithiel was out cold. Not having much armor on except for some basic weave under the robe, he’d felt that explosion. His suit in tatters, the weave under had saved his life. The child in his arms poking him the face to wake him up. People were dragging bodies clear of the falling rubble above him, as pieces threatened to collapse on those caught by the blast.
Something in the air changed, a sudden tension that Daxton picked up, swiveling his head to look for the source when two simultaneous detonations took place occured a few feet from his left, the concussion wave threw the Sith Lord through the air to crash into an undisgnified heap near the roadway.

Ears still ringing from the blast, blood leaked from over a dozen wounds created by shrapnel, vision slightly blurry he could see the panic and fear in the eyes of those nearby. Daxton slowly rolled off his back, shaking his head to try and get his bearings, as he tried to see from which direction the enemy were coming from...
Location: Street, Parade
Post: 3

She was in the crowd, close enough to keep an eye on the Queen's Float but not close enough to be spotter as her blue eyes focused on the woman sitting at the regal chair before she observed the handmaidens around her. By the grace of her mother, Lenavina was Nabooian and Nabooins knew their traditions well enough when it came to the regal policies. A Queen hardly ever sat where she was supposed to though she was never far from the decoy. The chances of the Queen sitting where she should have been were slim so the target wasn't a singular target but the lot of them. Other assassins were speaking into her ear as she moved, watching the conversations of the main guests from the distances, watching visible lips moving to note some of the conversations though not all of them.

One of the voices spoke just before something had hit the massive dog balloon, her eyes spotting the hit just as it was struck, a tiny smile creeping on her face. It wouldn't be long now before panic would settle in, especially aligned with the hysteria and explosions that were about to go with the rest of the plans. Lenavina kept away from the children holding toys, whether they were purchased here or not, she didn't take that risk.

The assassin was armed. Her batons in her sleeves, her small blaster at her back and a couple of small blades ready. Lena didn't remember a time anymore when she didn't leave her safety zones unarmed. It had been centuries since she'd lived as a fugitive from the Black Sun, punished by her grandmother into a long carbon slumber and yet, the wretched group still existed and her holo was still on file somewhere. The threat was severely decreased now, the group held such small relevance in the great game. Still, Lena lived her life aware that the bigger threat came from her family. Naha'va somehow always managed to survive and she wanted nothing to do with her grandmother, not ever again. In fact, it had left a bitter taste for Force Users in general what had been done with her.

Just as a large dose of candy got throw into the street and the crowd piled, Lena grabbed the first man in front of her by his arms. "Hey!" He complained as the explosion hit, serving as a shield before she'd jumped back, avoiding remnants coming her away. Moments later, she'd grunted as she pushed someone off her, getting up to her feet. There was a ringing in her ears from the explosion but her eyes were still sharp as the panic began. Lena had to admit, there were some benefits to the torturous training conducted by her first trainer.

With the smoke and chaos, she pulled out her small knife and eyed the float, spotting one of the handmaidens before she'd thrown it. Whether it was the Queen or not, it didn't matter, she had more weapons. One by one would go if they had to.

[member="Vyra Silara"]​

Location: Sliding off the pretty binoculars (yes, that)
Post: 4
Objective: Wolf sense alert, Snoopy goes bye-bye
Tag Team: [member="Daxton Bane"] [member="Ahani Najwa"] [member="Muad Dib"] [member="Darth Metus"] [member="Damien Van-Derveld"] [member="Vyra Silara"] [member="Kyle Ajahn"] [member="Seren"] [member="Vulkanus"] @Open
Wearing: This

It all seemed pretty simple, happy and cheerful. As Katrine chewed on the singular candy in her mouth, she watched it all, still waiting for her cousin to try the offered candy. Her sapphire gaze flashed to him, an encourging smile showing her face until a chilld ran down her spine just as a scent had entered her nostrils. Her smile faded almost immediately, her face turning dead serious at the moment she'd felt it. Not just a scent but a feeling.

Momentarily, everything vanished. Katrine wasn't hearing the cheers or seeing the crowd, she was almost outside of her own body watching pups at play. Happy. Safe. Together. There were times when she'd thought about it and many more times when she'd forced herself to push them far in her mind when it had become unbearable. They were a pack, and as a pack, they were united into a group unlike any other. They were a family. For a time, Katrine didn't even know what it was like living without them. And that was the truth in her ending up where she was now. There was four them, two sisters and two brothers. One of them had disappeared and so, she, the second one of them, had gone right after her into an impossible mission to bring her back home. She failed miserably. Three years later, she was still here and she still hadn't found Chloe. Wolfram had come after her and now... now, Katrine was convinced she'd felt Seren.

Did she though? Did she really?

What if her mind was playing tricks on her? What if she hadn't ridden herself of demons? Mother already said that they all lived with their demons. Of course, mother assumed Avarisa was her demon when in reality she was something quite different, something she couldn't begin to understand. And yet, she could swear the scent was real.

Katrine wasn't aware of the fact that the sweet was out of her hand or that Damien had taken it but it was his suddenl whine that brought her back into the now, eyes turning to look at him, watching the Lupine trying to come off the balloon binoculars. "The scent is real, isn't it?" And just as soon as she asked, her head tilted to the approaching quick sound just before it would hit its destination though she didn't immediately recognize what it hit into until the surface on which she was seated on began to shift, momentarily distracting her from the brother factor. "Looks like this is our stop," she randomly commented as the binoculars kept losing their shape, her gaze moving to Damien for a moment before she'd jumped off, using the Force to slow her descent before her feet had touched the ground, eyes shifting around to figure out what was happening.

Just as she did, she heard a familiar growl to the side, making her snap her head to the direction, sure she'd be seeing her Father in his wolf form. Instead, she'd seen children running for the toys. She'd only made a step towards it when she heard a voice in her head: Stop, Jart insisted, causing her movements to stop as she looked to the crowd gathering again. "What? Why?" She protested.

Don't argue, protect yourself, protect our chosen, Doashim commandedd almost immediatelly as she felt Damien jump beside her. Katrine knew by now not to doubt the spirits when they were clear. "Damien, stay close," she told the Lupine beside her and began to concentrate as she chanted: "Allya, ascoltami. Proteggermi da quello che viene a modo mio!" Shortest one she could think of, Katrine spoke the words in Paecean just as the explosion had gone off, her shield wrapping around her as she knelt down and hugged her cousin, the shield forming around the town of them. The energy fluctuated against the explosion, threatening to completely destroy it but held none the less as the Nightmother continued to focus.

A strong ping of pain suddenly hit her chest as she felt the suffering around her, making the girl shudder at the impact. It was nothing as strong as when the angry spirits had all rushed through her, forcing her to feel all they had felt in their last moments and yet it had been painful none the less that Katrine barely held the shield up, unaware to what was happening around her in the moment or even the danger that was yet to come.
Slowly getting up to his knees, Daxton paused to take a deep breath, the sharp pain in his side confirmed he had broken at least two ribs and the burning sensation indicated that the orbalisks were repairing the damage. Hurt like hellfire but at least he wasn’t out of the fight just yet.

As he got upright he spotted an assailant moving to the convoy with a drawn blade. With no time draw his own weapons, he instinctively reached out with the Force and yanked the attackers feet from under them. Before the person knew what hit them, he lifted the, high in the air before slammimg them face first into the pavement.

Whether the person was dead or not, Daxton drew his blue and green lightsabers in either hand, and headed to protect the principal. Time for the Harbringer to come to the dance.
Location: Queen's Float

Nothing felt quite right.

While he was one of a few to live by that notion perpetually, save for a few small instances, even fewer would have been inclined to hinder his words were his careful philosophical caution. One such instance had been the insistence that more detail be put on guard of the Queen than simply a few individuals and her numerous handmaidens. It went without saying that his experience as a guard was minimal, but that which he was to be warden to was far more challenging than a simple monarch.

It was thanks to his vigilance, and stubbornly persistent poring over the area with his senses, that he detected the danger before it became immediately apparent. There was no precise location, ones senses did not simply present the source of the danger and offer it up to the detector on a platter, however it did give him the time he needed to withdraw his focus and turn his attention to the detail he had been tasked to: Protecting the Queen, and in turn her handmaidens.

A challenge, but one he was not above meeting directly.

When the explosions began he was quick to lower his center of gravity and take hold of both the Queen and her handmaidens [[member="Vyra Silara"]] arms to brace them against the violent shaking of the float. Focusing the force into his core, drawing upon what he could, he reinforced his body as the concussion struck him; barring himself against the vast majority of the damage against his natural stamina. He knew that, while the lives of the women around him were more important than his own, his life was one of the few that stood between theirs and death.

It was what caught his eye next that pulled him to action once more, fluidly allowing the Force to course through him and shift his own physical stamina into a burst of speed. He had seen the woman throw a man in front of her surgically, in a fashion all to careful for a simple citizen, but it was what she did next that presented a healthy pay off to his caution.

"If you would warn me before you jump into action, Ajahn, I-" the Queen, Savani, started before she was cut off by Kyle pulling her from her throne next to Vyra behind him as he pulled his one of his lightsabers from his belt. In a somewhat disorienting flourish of motion a gold blade burst from the hilt, cut through a small metal object and left one of two remaining pieces lodged in the mesh of his armorweave. Taxation took him as he paused to catch his breath, his breathes coming justly harder as he carefully ushered Savani and Vyra behind him.

"If you are alive, you require no explanation," he breathed as Vishaka and Reyna moved to the other women's sides, the only two missing in the form of the alabaster that had danced with the other guard and Eirene. Where she had gone he was not sure but he settled for the best option; she had likely fallen from the float during the explosion. Keeping his blade ignited, his free hand grabbing the other as he half turned to view the women behind him, Kyle remained vigilant. "Follow my lead."

It was not much of an order, but at least two of the women would know what he meant as he drew in a slow breath and began to call upon the Force once more.

He would see this through, even if he had to ask them the impossible.

[member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Lenavina Martin"] | [member="Nemesis Nemonus"]
Then she stopped. The very air began to vibrate with emotions, with a sensation of danger. Bella pivoted to head back the other way. What signs were there that something was wrong. She didn't hear screams of agony. She heard...barking.

She voices of the dead calling her a great sense of relief filled her no one was dead then. She controlled the instinct to draw her weapon not wanting to start a panic. She moved in and out of the crowds jumping up occasionally to look ahead to see. The force vibrated again. It at times felt like a fickle girl leading you one way only to twist about laugh and head off in another direction.

Bella shook her head, she needed to listen. Sense her way forward. This wasn't the place or time to close one's eyes to find a balance but she if she didn't she would spent more time looking than acting.

She stood still letting the sounds around her drop away as she reached out and touched the force. The flow was twisting and soaring through the parade connecting people, plants, the very surface of the paths around her until it began to change in colors. Bella opened her eyes and began to move to that focal point. The one that kept moving as she moved.


[member="Kyle Ajahn"] | [member="Daxton Bane"] | [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] | [member="Lenavina Martin"] | [member="Ithiel Verd"] | [member="Asher Mossa"] | [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Kip Ridel"]
Location - Queen's Swan Float

And just like that, peace and beauty were brought to their knees as the chaos they'd all feared erupted across the Parade from every angle.

The people of Relovian were unprepared.
But the members of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the few others that had been warned were ready.

Citizens screamed, clambering over each other in all directions in the confusion, the crunch of abandoned candy and dusty shrapnel under their shoes. Smoke spiraled from the damaged sidewalks, thick, acrid, obscuring everything. Fear permeated the scene, cries of anguished families holding wounded loved ones ripped through the air as security scrambled to handle the stampede and protect the masses from themselves. The high profile attendees ahead and behind the Queen's Swan Float hurried off their floats or crouched behind their guards, swearing up and down they'd never return to such a horrid, violent place. If the attackers were looking to alienate Relovian, it would be a quick success.

Somewhere ahead of the floats holding the rich, famous and political, the giant deflating balloon had begun to drape its slack fabric over the streets and surrounding buildings like some kind of billowing, plastic blanket. People shrieked, trapped under its surprising weight, punching and shoving at the material as they tried to escape.

It was madness, and it was only just beginning.
Vyra's heart sank. Despite the threats, she'd hoped beyond hope today wouldn't yield any cruel results.

Behind Kyle as she and her Handmaidens made themselves as small as possible, the monarch in disguise carefully undid the massive removable overskirts of 'Queen' Savani's gown, revealing a more maneuverable outfit underneath. The white skirts had been fashioned from a malleable armorweave, and while the Handmaiden's lavender gowns were made of thin shell spider silk, the silk was slightly less reliable than armorweave and one could never be too careful. Wordlessly, the Handmaidens pulled the material up around Savani, Vyra and themselves as best they could. It'd been made to shield at least two fully, with Savani and Vyra in the center, but as the women gathered close Vyra noticed they were one short. She searched the dais with her eyes but found no trace of her dear Handmaiden. She prayed Eirene was still alive. But she pushed back her anxiety and tried to focus on the task at hand: survive. Surrounded by the best and brightest of the CIS and with Kyle's guiding hand, she knew she was in good hands. But her dislike of letting everyone else fight for her was mounting and the itch to do something was growing.

| [member="Kyle Ajahn"] | [member=Srina Talon] | [member=Darth Metus] | [member="Daxton Bane"] | [member="Arabella Darkhold"] | [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] | [member="Lenavina Martin"] | [member="Asher Mossa"] | [member=Eirene] | [member="Kip Ridel"] | [member="Rex Taff"] | [member="Ithiel Verd"] | [member="Vulkanus"] | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member=Ahani Najwa] | [member=BX-25233] | [member=Damien Van-Derveld] | [member=Connor Harrison] | [member=Nemesis Nemonus] | [member=Seren] |


Location - Main Street, a ways behind the Queen's Float
Goal - Distract The Enemy (If Possible)

The pavement, hot from the morning sun and carpeted with crushed flowers, scraped mercilessly against her face and hands as she was ground into the street under fleeing civilian boots, but it was a sharp kick to the ribs that brought her reeling back from the daze of confusion. Adrenaline sharpened her senses instantly. Rolling out of the way, she rose amid the stalled floats and discarded buckets of candy, searching wildly for the Queen's Float. There it was ahead, still moving forward, but between her and the white dais swarmed a mess of security and bewildered entertainers trying to make their way to the side streets. A quick scan told her she'd never make it back to her post past the overzealous guards, but she couldn't just stand in the streets. The assailants weren't just firing at the Queen, they were targeting ALL of them, Handmaiden and monarch alike.

As if they knew of their decoy plan.

Her hood had fallen, her brassy blonde curls spilling from their restraints to bounce across her shoulders, and Handmaiden Eirene quickly pulled the fabric back over her head. Did the assassins know what the Queen truly looked like? She wore the same lavender gown as the others, perhaps she could draw some of their attention away from Vyra and the others if she played it correctly. If they were truly seeking to eliminate all possibilities, surely one or two would follow. With only a small holdout blaster strapped to her thigh and no real training, she'd not last long if they caught up. But she was expendable; it wasn't her own survival she was worried about.

It was the Queens.

She started forward into the open space between the Queen's Float and the rest of the parade behind her, but she was blown backwards as the explosives in a discarded teddy bear flamed to life nearby. Deafened, the young woman clawed her way back to her feet as quickly as possible, very aware of the mind-numbing pain across the left side of her face and lancing through her left arm. She touched it gingerly as she stumbled towards the crowded sidewalk. Blood. It trailed down her neck and into the shoulder of her gown. A deep gash marked her cheek. Something was lodged in her upper arm. No matter. She had to get to the other side of the float. If she couldn't protect her Queen on the dais, she could protect her off of it. Draw attention. Keep them guessing.

Perhaps being thrown from the float during the blast had been a blessing in disguise.

With ears still fuzzy from the blast, the battered Handmaiden pushed her way into the river of people attempting to escape the parade, following it until she could find an opening near the Queen's Float and begin her performance.
She'd need a Jedi to complete it, though. The real Queen never went anywhere without her Jedi protector, and if she wanted to fool at least one of these evildoers she had to complete 'the look'.

Of course, finding someone with a lightsaber just standing on the side of the road was nearly impossible…

She surged forward as the crowd passed the Queen's Float, breaking through the mayhem and out into the main street once more. Exposed, Eirene could see the rest of her 'sisters' gathered around the Queen atop the float, shielding themselves with the gown's special skirt. She saw Master Ajahn, vigilant as always. She saw the assassin who'd thrown the knife and the Force wielder engaging her, sabers drawn.

What the Handmaiden did not see was the small explosive toy on the ground just a few paces from her.

| [member="Kyle Ajahn"] | [member=Srina Talon] | [member=Darth Metus] | [member="Daxton Bane"] | [member="Arabella Darkhold"] | [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] | [member="Lenavina Martin"] | [member="Asher Mossa"] | [member=Eirene] | [member="Kip Ridel"] | [member="Rex Taff"] | [member="Ithiel Verd"] | [member="Vulkanus"] | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member=Ahani Najwa] | [member=BX-25233] | [member=Damien Van-Derveld] | [member=Connor Harrison] | [member=Nemesis Nemonus] | [member=Seren] |

Asher Mossa

The explosions had come from... child's playthings. Asher could not see the culprit, but as his eyes scanned the streets they fell on an attempt at the queen's life. Her Jedi would defend her, but there others tossed from the flotilla as it continued on. So much life was at stake, but this was Asher's penance. It was the price he was to pay for the lives his curse had caused. The confusion and commotion which was caused by the atrocious act had caused a scurry of people. Asher could not allow himself to lose the focus he had.

HIs eyes caught the stance of one of the handmaidens. She was alone. A distraction, or trouble? He pressed through the crowd they continued to collapse upon him making it difficult for him to find his way to the place she stood. As he continued to search for his way to the woman, he caught a glimpse of something near her feet.


The shout came as he pushed through a young couple carrying a small child. For a moment he was reminded of his own small son, but it was not time for his mind to dwell on those thoughts. His penance was the thing which made him ponder his child, and push him out of his mind. There was a gap made for him, and Asher seized it.

There was another small toy at her feet.


Asher raced to the toy, and reaching with his hand the explosive was cast toward an empty alley way. She was hurt, her cheek cut, and something remained in her shoulder. There was no time to tend to the wounds as the float continued. They were exposed and in the open. Asher pulled his lightsaber from the belt around his waist and ignited the veridian colored blade. His attire was the simple robes of the hermit jedi he had become. The scar on his right arm still hurt. The pattern of the Lylek scales reminded him he belonged to the Mandagora. This Handmaiden and her Queen, the belonged to the CIS. They were to be protected at all cost.

"Where is your queen," he asked as he looked upon her face. She was beautiful even with the cut. His voice was calm yet authoritative. Asher was used to this, and the guilt of it was written all over his face. "I will be your shield. I hope you know how to use that thing..."

| [member="Kyle Ajahn"] | [member="Srina Talon"] | [member="Darth Metus"] | [member="Daxton Bane"] | [member="Arabella Darkhold"] | [member="Katrine Van-Derveld"] | [member="Lenavina Martin"] | [member="Asher Mossa"] | [member="Eirene"] | [member="Kip Ridel"] | [member="Rex Taff"] | [member="Ithiel Verd"] | @Vulkanus | [member="Muad Dib"] | [member="Ahani Najwa"] | @BX-25233 | [member="Damien Van-Derveld"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Nemesis Nemonus"] | @Seren |

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