cute librarian

- Intent: To submit Oros' life support tank for vainglory and image reference.
- Image Source: Tales of the Jedi
- Canon Link: /
- Primary Source: /
- Manufacturer: BioTech Industries
- Affiliation: Oros
- Model: Custom Habitat-series Life Support Chamber
- Modularity: Yes; various programmable atmospheres.
Production: Unique
- Material: Phrik, Layered Kyber Crystal, Repulsorlift Engine, Life Support Systems
- Classification: Environmental Tank
- Role: Personal Transport/EVA Module
- Size: Very Small
- Weight: Very Light
- Minimum Crew: 1
- Optimal Crew: 1
- Propulsion: Repulsorlift
- Speed: Very Fast
- Maneuverability: Very High
- Armaments: None
- Defenses: Extreme
- Passenger Capacity: 0
- Cargo Capacity: Very Small
- Personal Energy Shield
- Lightsaber Storage Compartment
- Integrated Vocabulator
- Fusion Welder
- Scomp Link
- Manipulator Arms
- Claw Cable
- Heart of Kyber: Unlike most tanks which use mundane crystals for casing, Oros is encased in tomb of Force attuned material. This further enhances his psychic feats such as force barrier and long distance communication.
- Just Keep Swimming: The tank contains a fully functional self-contained atmosphere which allows Oros to survive in oxygen environments. Also useful for exploring toxic or uninhabitable worlds as well as EVA operations.
- Personal Shield: Mostly a safety precaution to ensure the tank maintains its structural integrity, the celegian's on board energy shield generator is rated to deflect high velocity kinetic impacts and even las fire.
- Shatterpoint: Kyber has many unique properties but it is not particularly durable. Once the Jedi's outer defenses are overcome only a few blows are enough to wreak catastrophic damage.
- Containment Breach: If the tank is breached, it would begin to vent life sustaining cyanogen atmosphere. Unless immediate medical attention is provided death follows in a matter of minutes.
- Big and Shiny: Oros isn't exactly an ideal choice for stealth operations or navigating tight spaces. Both he and the tank stand out in a crowd.
Despite the limitations of their physiology Celegians have always been natural explorers. The life support tanks they developed millennia ago for observing species native to nitrogen/oxygen as well as other toxic atmospheres is just an example of their talent for solving challenges with advanced intellect. Individual sightings and even small expeditions are uncommon but not unheard of. Few of the sentient invertebrates choose to live among humanoids for any extended length of time however due to the discomfort of living for so long in claustrophobic isolation.
The tank itself is repulsorlift powered and its controls are manipulable by celegians' innate telekinesis. Most choose to communicate telepathically but there is also a text-to-speech vocabulator for droids and those sentients who will not consent to any form of mental intrusion. A small storage compartment with enough space to hold a lightsaber and a few other personal belongings are concealed within the repulsorlift engine's phrik chassis.