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Approved Vehicle Centipede-class assault walker

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The King of Ergonomic Assessments

Image Source:
Intent: To create a mobile fortress that can also be used for a field headquarters

Development Thread: Harry Potter and the literally Hittlers (22 posts)
Manufacturer: Meran Mechanics, Ringovinda StarYards

Model: EZ-501 Centipede-class assault walker

Affiliation: The Rebellion

Modularity: Missile and slug payload

Production: Limited

Material: Alusteel frame and joints, quadanium steel legs, desh-terenthium armor,

Role: Heavy walker

Height: 21 m

Length: 93.5 m

Width: 23 m

Weight: 3000 tons

Minimum Crew: 10 (1 pilot, 1 commander, 6 gunners, 1 communications officer, 1 engineer)

Optimal Crew: 32 (2 pilots, 1 commander, 27 gunners, 1 communications officer, 1 engineer)
Propulsion: Centipede walker (with 20 legs)

Top Speed: 35 KM/H

Squadron Count: 1

Passenger Capacity: 100

Cargo Capacity: 20 tons

Misc. Equipment:
  • Shield generators
  • Laser-assisted targeting
  • Cap drains
  • IFF circuitry
  • Socketguards
  • Ship-wide neural net
  • High firepower
  • Strong armor
  • Capable of engaging a wide variety of targets
  • Very slow
  • Requires a ship of substantial size to transport it from a planet to another
  • Vulnerable to land mines
  • High crew requirements
  • Somewhat weak joints
  • Missiles can't be fired if the turbolaser tubes are directly over the missile launchers
Description: The Centipede is, as with walkers in that size class, essentially a walking ship. It comprises nine sections, each of which are connected with accordion walkways and the accordion walkways are supported by two legs each, making it look like a centipede from the outside. The middle two sections house the conning tower, where the cockpit module is housed, as well as any command-and-control equipment for any use as a field headquarters, sensor array, shield generator and reactor. Also, the four forward sections alternatively house a quad light turbolaser turret and a missile launcher, for engaging enemy vehicles and aircraft respectively. Aft of the armored citadel are three sections, having a missile launcher sandwiched between two quad light turbolaser turrets. The four light turbolaser turrets feature sloped armor, making them more resistant to projectile weapons. Also fitted, to defend the Centipede against infantry and light vehicles, are six Kaeshana 20mm hypervelocity cannons, mounted on each side of the sections housing missile launchers and twelve side-mounted Korriban 12.7mm heavy machineguns, alongside one forward-mounted and one rear-mounted machinegun, all of which are housed in bubble turrets.

As for the rest of the walker, it is covered in heavy armor with cap drains fitted at each accordion walkway to protect it from ionization damage. The shield generators are similar to those fitted on other ships in its size class, but can be penetrated by slow objects, such as grenades. In a skeleton crew, the Centipede weapons can be controlled by one person but, at full strength, each weapon gets its individual gunner. However, due to its sheer size, only the largest troop transports can carry the vehicle around. And, due to it being a walker, it also suffers from slow speed. One final drawback is that the missiles can't be fired when the turbolaser barrels are directly above the missile launchers.

Primary Source: Bahamut-class All Terrain Heavy Assault Walker (AT-HA)


Hello, I'll be the factory judge reviewing your submission. If you have questions, please feel free to respond to this thread once we are underway.


[member="Yula Knezevic"]

Yula Knezevic said:
Passenger Capacity: 100


Yula Knezevic said:
Very limited options for transportation

Don't go together if you mean it in the sense of being limited in offering transportation of troopers.

Also, it has come to my attention that the submitter of the Sasori Sythmesh has not given permission for it to be used on this vehicle.


The King of Ergonomic Assessments
[member="Kad Forgrin"] Removed the Sasori SynthMesh; also, the limited options for transportation actually refers to the size of ship required to transport it from a planet to another... it's larger than the AT-AT barges I usually use, which can normally carry two AT-ATs.
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