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Cerberus Model War Droid

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Vincenzo Palminteri

Intent: To prove that VyperTek is a truly independent company despite relations with the Sith and the Corporate Security Alliance, and to provide the entire site with a battle droid for the right RP price
Development Thread: No
Hero Unit: No
Manufacturer: VyperTek Industries
Model: Droid
Affiliation: Whoever buys them in any major faction capital
Modularity: YES
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Desh
Description: They look like huge dog-like droids. They can be modded to sheer extremes, but they cannot however, be reprogrammed twice (if they are turned against you, you can't turn them back to your side), as they have a built-in failsafe against being tampered more than once. Ion cannons can be placed on it's sides and two regular cannons can be placed on top of the Ion cannons. A single Ion cannon can also be put in the droid's mouth for two reasons, it looks intimidating to have an ion beam being fired out of a droid's mouth, and if it pins it's target then fires, it is much more effective. Two repulsorlift units can be placed on top of the droid's back along with 4 spikes. The first droid of this make was made for the original CEOs of the VyperTek company.
Classification: Fourth Degree
Weight: 555 lbs
Height: 6'8"
Movement: Quadrupedal
Armaments: It's teeth and body weight
Misc. Equipment: Scanners

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
This is not an acceptable description. We require a paragraph with strengths and weaknesses, saying "like rush from Megaman" isn't acceptable. I don't know who Rush from Megaman is. Instead you must explain what these mods are. "Songsteel was an extraordinarily light and luminescent silver metal, used in masterwork swords and staves. The metal was reserved only for the most exquisite of weapons, and was extremely tedious to forge and shape." This is not an acceptable material for the use in a mass produced droid.
Can you please describe possible changes to the design since you said it can be modded? Also that should help flesh out your paragraph, its just avoid any confusion when people are encountering them..


Vincenzo Palminteri

Added a neat fact if you have been paying attention to the VyperTek lore I've been... pretty much spewing all over the forum XD

Vincenzo Palminteri

Not sure what you did to get it reviewed, as other RPJs seem to talk about the tech to get it approved, rather than to just get it reviewed xD

Vincenzo Palminteri

I'm fine with you reviewing it, just wondering due to other RPJs saying whether it is approved or not when I'm done
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