I brake for nobody.
Bekker woke up with a sigh, regarding the sky outside his window with a wistful air. Being a slave was not the most fun of occupations, no matter how much the black-haired Sith enjoyed being around his mistress. Aeris was a bit weak, and she needed a guardian... Clearly, it hadn't occurred to anybody to hire a bodyguard not chained up as a slave, but the guy wasn't about to complain.
Today, he was a slight bit incognito. He was accompanying Aeris, and her little brother Coliu, into the city for some fun. The Crow, as he liked to be called, had been looking forward to getting outside of the walls, where he could talk to his mistress without the shadows of Lord and Lady Vebrero over him. But, of course, slaves were expected keep their distance, even Pureblood slaves.
He pulled on an overly nice button-down shirt, and his light armor over it. The shirt was unnecessary, as was attempting to comb the floppy mess of his hair into some semblance of neatness, but Aeris made him wanna dress up a bit. Seemed to make her happy when he looked nice. And it made him happy to not look like a slave. He certainly looked the part of a guardian, now, with several knives sheathed on his armor, both visible and concealed, as well as the heavy blaster strapped to his belt.
With a glance in his mirror, and a grin, the Pureblood slave stepped out of his room and started the trek up the nearby tower to go get Aeris.
[member='Aeris Vebrero'] [member='Coliu Vebrero']
Today, he was a slight bit incognito. He was accompanying Aeris, and her little brother Coliu, into the city for some fun. The Crow, as he liked to be called, had been looking forward to getting outside of the walls, where he could talk to his mistress without the shadows of Lord and Lady Vebrero over him. But, of course, slaves were expected keep their distance, even Pureblood slaves.
He pulled on an overly nice button-down shirt, and his light armor over it. The shirt was unnecessary, as was attempting to comb the floppy mess of his hair into some semblance of neatness, but Aeris made him wanna dress up a bit. Seemed to make her happy when he looked nice. And it made him happy to not look like a slave. He certainly looked the part of a guardian, now, with several knives sheathed on his armor, both visible and concealed, as well as the heavy blaster strapped to his belt.
With a glance in his mirror, and a grin, the Pureblood slave stepped out of his room and started the trek up the nearby tower to go get Aeris.
[member='Aeris Vebrero'] [member='Coliu Vebrero']