Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Chaldea or No Deal | GA Dominion of Chaldea

Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina

Only twenty or so minutes into their orientation and Yula was already bored to death. Why did she even need to sit through this dribble? The Zeltron had prepared thoroughly for this task by watching all three installments of Chaldea Realm on the flight over. Blah blah, life span, or wing span, something span, blah blah deer meat. It all melded together in her mind, which she’d switched off shortly into the lecture.

Yula scrunched further into her seat when she felt Ishida’s eyes on her. Busted. Hasty initials and signatures covered the page, a few might have even been missing, but plenty of doodles filled the margins. One looked like a sort of half-dragon half-malformed blob. Another was a loose caricature of the man droning on in front of them being roasted by said dragon-blob hybrid.

The stylus paused at the corner of the page.

“…was I supposed to?” The ports to the back of her neck still weren’t fully functional after Coruscant, nor was the droid who’d doubled as her weird arachnoid armor. “She's out for repairs.”

Now that she’d been pulled back into the fold, Yula gave another shot and trying to absorb the material this time. It didn’t last long.

You're related to Zaavik Perl?"

The Zeltron’s lips parted and paused where they were. “You know ‘em?” Dumb question. The stylus tapped a few beats of tension against the datapad’s screen.

The attendant cleared his throat again, drawing her attention up to meet the squint of his gaze. Clearly, he was not enthused with all the interruptions.

“All done, boss.” She handed the datapad over all too eagerly. He leafed through the documents with slow swipes.

With that task done, Yula fumbled through her mind for an answer. She settled for the easiest, most honest one. “He’s my cousin.” And the one who’d taken her eye on Krayiss II. She still had no idea where they stood, and she was mad at him, but Yula didn’t hate Zaavik. Even if he wanted her to.

“Miss Perl, is it?”

Yula’s attention blinked back to him, wondering just how much trouble her name was going to get her into today.

“You appear to have filled out the incorrect forms.” He placed the device down on the counter between them and swiped along so that she could see. “The form you’ve filled out is D1282-11C. The form we need from you is D1282-11C, addendum E19.”

“Oh.” She half-turned in her seat to present Ishida with an irritated shrug. How many more hoops would they have to jump through today? “Guess we both filled out the wrong forms, then.”

“Er, no.” The man tapped his clasped hands on the counter, face slightly redder and sweatier than it was the moment before. “Miss Ashina needs to fill out D1282-11C. You need to fill out form D1282-11C, addendum E19: Application for Persons of a…Pheromone Producing Species.”

“The WHAT?


Yula Perl Yula Perl

It was disappointing to hear the arachnid armour wouldn't be a part of the hunt. It certainly would have given the pink woman, and by extension Ishida, more of an advantage for gripping and actually getting to mount a dragon. Before skinning it.

“You know ‘em?”

Ishida made a face, mostly feeling it tighten and her mouth and nose scrunching toward one another in a blink of confusion. What a weird response. There was a bounty out for the missing padawan of the New Jedi Order and Yula was wondering if Ishida'd know— oh.

There might have actually been some merit to the question.

"Of him." She corrected, expression fading back into her eternally listless state and following the cue to hand in her form as well.

“He’s my cousin.”

A cousin. Perhaps an intimacy that could be similar to how Ishida felt toward He Who Was Lost He Who Was Lost – it wasn't the thickest blood, but there was a childhood sort of familiarity typically established. She made a small sound of comprehension at the back of her throat and nodded. The bounty posting she'd seen supposed that the ex-Padawan had gone rogue, not unlike her adopted brother, and attacked a member of the Alliance. And his appearance on Krayiss meant he'd attacked Jedi. Again, not unlike her own waterbrother.

She was about to ask Yula what it felt like to have a divided family when the crag-faced ranger started speaking again.

Her mouth parted to a small 'o' shape at the indication that there was a specific form for different species, but she quickly rationalized that it made sense to have such organized protocols.

"How long does addendum E19 take to fill out?"

"As long as Miss Perl needs."

Recognizing the unimpressed expression of the white-haired tourist, the Chaldean ranger made an adjustment to his statement: "The dragon's take time for their migration. You won't miss much. This is really for her protection."

"Probably moreso your protection.

If we forgo more forms, and we legally agree to use her and her pheromones as bait, can we skip the discriminatory protocols here? I will take full responsibility."
To provide more assurance for her solemn dedication, she pressed a hand over her left breast and nodded to fully gesture her promise.

"It's not discriminatory." He objected, tapping the screen for Yula to fill out.

"I imagine there aren't many differences in ways tourists can perish by dragon. Most species tend to die the same. And that form isn't much protection for her, is it? How do pheromones affect her understanding of how a dragon works?"



Auteme Auteme // Chaldea

A hand outstretched towards the sky above, intent on wrapping around the star's bright corona and pulling it into his grasp. His fingers clenched around the star as complex circuitry came to life beneath the synthetic flesh. Though it was a futile task from the start, the inevitability did not prevent him from trying, at the least, if only to get used to the feeling, or lack thereof where there was once real flesh. He reached out, again and again, struggling to clench his hand into a fist and swallow the sun up whole within his enclosed palm.

He gave up after the dozenth attempt ended in the same result as the rest that came before. Unable to grasp the sun, and by extension close his hands into a fist, Luc sighed in defeat as he perched himself up with his shoulder, shifting his eyes from the veiled canopy of leaves and across the sparkling ocean to their front.

It was normal for him to smile, and tell her that everything would be alright. Even when faced with the worst the galaxy could throw at them, Lucien had never faltered when it came to the woman he loved. He always had something optimistic to say or would fight even harder on her behalf, even when he had nothing left to give. It was through those moments of mutual love, despair, and triumph that their relationship began to flourish. Nothing had ever broken him, and in return, he gave her everything he had to give. But he was broken, this time, and not even she was able to fix it.

Despite the voice he felt coming from his side, it had grown unusually quiet as his eyes shifted away from the ocean, focusing upon Auteme's lips in order to read them as she spoke. The monotonous quiet of the previous month's coma had drawn him deep within his mind, bringing him to a place that he all but struggled to return from in spite of his miraculous recovery a few months later. that. Even now he was there, cruising through memories long past, falling deeper into the trap of his own mind until he finally noticed that Auteme had long since finished speaking.

Lucien blinked quickly and offered up a soft smile as he returned his eyes forwards, settling into the relaxing view that was afforded to them from the edge of the beach. A few more seconds of silence followed before he gave her a response. He needed to refocus his thoughts to the present, to the conversation between him and Rurik Fel Rurik Fel that decided his course of action moving forwards. As much as it was his wish to disregard his brother's orders, Lucien simply couldn't bring himself to do it this time around.

If not for the Empire, or Serenno, he'd do it for Tavlar.

"I'm being called back to the Empire; my brother's orders." He eventually spoke up. "After I finish my recovery, that is." Lucien dug his hands into the sand, taken solace in the fact that it was one of the few moments he hands didn't feel useless.

"When I do leave, I- well I'll no longer be a Jedi." He shrugged at the thought. It had become less significant as time moved on, and his values shifted ever so far away from what the mainstream Jedi of the galaxy believed. "Guess it was inevitable, I just...don't know what to expect this time. Tavlar died, and I was too busy running away from my responsibilities to even visit the old man's grave. Now my hands are fuc-- they're useless. I'm useless.. for now."

Last edited:



Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Jak Ross | Shoma Ike Shoma Ike | Eboi Seth Eboi Seth | Mirana Praji Mirana Praji | Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi | @donovan arturo | Brama Tagge Brama Tagge | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr | Grand Moff Vel'alari | Annasari Annasari | Auteme Auteme | Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn

Faith could hear the words spoke by Toloth to the delegates. Faith looked up and around appreciative of the chosen site she understood completely why this place would be chose, it was something she herself would do. Show the history and importance of a place what you see as import to those visiting and maybe they might get a sense of who you are. "Thank you for having us here on your home I am Faith Organa of Alderaan" She looked at each of the representatives from Chaldea, "this is a beautiful building"

Yes she understood.

As they moved to the tables Faith smiled even more when she heard how Chaldeans had a relationship with nature. Alderaan to believed in honoring and maintaining the nature. Alderaan culture and architecture always took this into consideration to preserve their world as much as they could.

She nodded the questions they asked were valid. They were concerned about what it would cost them to join the Alliance. She understood that too. Would they be asked to give more than they were willing to sacrifice just to gain some protection, to gain allies it was a great debate.

"Is your concern how much you may be asked to give versus how much is promised in return?" If anything she wanted to try to make sure she understood, asked the right kind of question, and assisted the Chaldeans where she could.
The girl ripped off her helmet, bare hair quickly saturated by wind as she tossed the scorched protection to the side. "I'm fine!" She hollard back. Dagon's voice grew distant in the comms, but she could follow the cast of his gaze and read the intention there.

Cover the strangers back. Cover it so well, no one would have the breath to spare to find her brother. She could do that.

Jem jetted down with him shooting past the stranger and tackling one odious looking foe. She had never gotten the chance to unleash on another before-- full force, no holding hits, and a saber whose body thrummed with lethality. It was an oddly frightening sensation, but she couldn't help the exhilaration that trilled through her.

It helped they didn't look normal. Corrupted body oozed from the body of a severed limb, Jem catching an attack before it could reach the unnamed jedi.

She pulled a face and kicked it back. There were still too many.

Her gaze caught inside the deck, where countless more shoved for a chance at the opening to fight. In the corner, shipping containers, a flammable warning stamped on the front.

Well that would do it.

She shot off from the two with no warning, propelling herself straight into the lions den.

Fireworks coming on up.

Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Zaka Zaka


Issue #3


"Anomalies in my area?"


The hilt was deactivated and he reached his hand out to collect the amphistaff as it uncoiled from the fanatic's head.

Shoving the corpse out of the way, Zaka stepped up to the control panel. He could fly, sure, but he had never steered a boat. Still, the systems in place seemed simple enough. Looking up from the panel, he felt nearing presences and shot a glance over his shoulder. Jedi.

He couldn't help but to appraise them for a second.

These were the champions of the Alliance?

He was close to drawing his blade off the console, but he sensed no malintent, so he made no move.

His hands fell to the controls before the dark haired stranger's suggestion. Already in the midst of turning the barge around into a clump of the stolen vessels. Zaka pushed the thrusters to the max, his hand shoved the stick to its highest limit, and locked it in place to maximize acceleration.

All the while, the two behind him were in the midst of keeping the Mawites off of him. While from the front he was forced to reach for his saber again, blaster bolts lancing into the front of their boat. He didn't have the steering ability, or rather, the want, to steer them safely. He aimed it deep into the formation of the Maw boats, directly into a crossfire that he was already preparing to break through.

Two boats. One on the port and starboard sides, and one ahead at the bow. Sort of like driving into a floating 'V' formation.

Tactically unsound, but the chaos of the aquatic battle granted them some leeway in not being shot to pieces.

Danger loomed behind him, and his head shot around to look over his shoulder.

He could see the barely living looking warriors crawling out from the depths of the ship. He was on the cusp of turning around to join the fight, just as he saw the girl making a dash to dive into the lower decks. And seeing past her, the explosives on the deck of the ship. Dangerous to both occupants and...

Those in their proximity.

A bolt whipped past his face and the proximity alarms were lighting up the console. His hilt was snatched up and as the scent of tibanna was beginning to settle in his nostrils he made a Force-aided jump and cleared the deck INto the waters it rode upon.

tags - Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor
“Yeah! It’s discriminatory.Yula huffed, feeling justified for a moment. “Wait, bait?? Do dragons even like pheromones?”

A beat passed while she considered her own statement.

“Which I know the answer to, of course. As I’ve just signed several forms sayin’ so.”

“Just wanted to make sure we’re all on the same…page.”

Her nose crinkled as the ranger brought up a fresh form on the datapad, just waiting to be filled with Yula’s scribbles of consent.

“About that-“

She lifted her shirt up to the collarbone, much to the Chaldean ranger’s mortification.

“Calm down, I remembered underwear today. Geeeeeze.

While removing the pro-pheromone patches from her abdomen, Yula rolled her eyes at Ishida as if to say can you believe this guy?

She piled the used patches onto his desk, which he regarded with measured disgust.


“I’m not a full blood, can’t use pheromones. Sor-rry to disappoint.” She waved a hand to the discarded pheromone patches. “I use these to help. Made from 100% real free-range Zeltron.”

Har har.

“So the regular form should be fine, yeah?”

Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina


Once the delegations took their places a litany of questions were dropped in their collective laps. A few matters, such as whether the Alliance would seek to exploit Chaldea's natural resources, Aria deferred to her colleagues -- specifically, she was interested in whether the Chancellor would care to field such a 'delicate' topic. Aria was well aware of Tithe's personal interests and where he would no doubt like to take them all; the question was whether he could find it himself to balance personal ambition with the greater need.

A smile graced her lips when a member of the Chaldean delegation asked about their way of life. "The Galactic Alliance is not in the habit of dictating how member worlds conduct themselves," Aria responded calmly. "Provided they abide by the common rule of law drafted and passed by the Senate. In fact, the Alliance has many times come to the aid of other worlds in restoring their rightful government to power." There may very well be a follow-up to that, but Aria would defer expounding too much on the matter should the members of Chaldea appear satisfied with the response given so far. "Toward that end, I cannot over emphasize the importance of electing or selecting one or more Senators to represent your interests in the Galactic Senate." Some might think the position a glorified paper pusher -- and then complain when they didn't empower their Senator to champion their interests in the wider community.

These meetings were always challenging, but they were equally gratifying. Only those truly interested in the best for their people had a litany of questions. Some might be personal matters they wished to change, others might be cultural hallmarks they couldn't afford to lose, whatever the case may be the fact they engaged the Alliance delegates was wonderful to behold. Of course, who wouldn't like a world that embraced them without question? Such would be easier, but there was nothing to hold against a people that sought to vet a would-be ally.

After a time, Lenore Gray rose to address the assembly much to the consternation of Emilia. A circumstance that resulted in quite the debate amongst the Chaldea. One believed the Jedi rogue, another that they were puppets... neither particularly a wholesome view of the rather complicated relationship between the two parties involved.

Aria regarded Tithe for a moment before her yellow eyes slid back out toward Lenore. "Respectfully, should the Brotherhood of the Maw land on your world, you will need the Jedi to mitigate the damage. Sith are capable of conjuring terrifying power able to ravage an entire planet. Any delay responding to that power can leave damage felt for generations. It is our hope that united we can prevent that from happening while not demanding you sacrifice your identity in exchange."

"The Jedi Council may very well seek to discuss some of the matters you brought up earlier -- recruitment, training, and council. However, there is no law that demands you cede your sovereignty to them. I always encourage two parties to speak with one another even if they appear hopelessly opposed; as there are many ways they can help one another." They would certainly wish to address the matter of killing Jedi that 'refuse' to leave Chaldea. The Order should be given the opportunity to remove such a person to respect the people's right to self government... provided that government isn't engaged in blatant violation of Galactic Law, of course.

Also, a Sentinel went where a Sentinel felt the need to go. They were prepared to die if they felt that need warranted violating the law, however. Not that any of them wished for such a fatalistic outcome.


Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Objective One:
The Potential of the Potentium
Location: Chaldea, Chaldean Academy
Action: Answering Questions, Hopefully Calming Tensions


Seto’s eyes widened as he took in the scenery around him, the Academy held a sense of importance. A certain grandness. His thoughts moved away from architecture as he listened to the rest of the Chaldean representatives explain their qualms and in particular certain assurances from the Alliance. This meeting needed the purpose of bringing an amount of trust and confidence to all involved parties, as this would pose a perfect litmus test of the Alliance’s strength against the Brotherhood of the Maw. As a victory would no doubt bring about stronger bonds with the people of Chaldea and the Alliance.

A show of strength is needed now more than ever. . . . a successful show of strength.

His thoughts turned away from future aspirations and refocused on the present company and their questions. Their concerns of the Alliance stepping into their business as a sovereign planetary government were the most common issues brought up from new Member worlds. But Seto found that such issues resolved themselves quickly after learning more of how Alliance Member Worlds are treated. If anything the Alliance gives more than it takes. . . . usually. Seto mused and realized that the Alliance also paints a target on any Member World for their enemies.

Such is the path when entering into the greater galaxy.

The other representatives asked further questions of how deeply the Alliance would meddle with the planetary government for such things as elections, corporate control and perhaps most importantly of all; Jedi oversight. Seto had dealt with beings that held bias against the Order, but the representatives of Chaldea held a rather special bias all together.

The young Du Couteau heir leaned forward slightly, his eyes glanced towards his other colleagues who elected to speak first on the matter of answering the question posed to them. The Duchess of Ios herself began the conversation essentially perfectly, quickly dismantling the myth of an overreaching Alliance Government. This would be a slightly difficult conversation by going through a free market angle.

Environmentalists were all just fine and dandy in Seto’s book, but it made business dealings rather tricky. He couldn’t simply leave the impression that he was only about the credits, it would discourage any good will from blossoming. And I can’t simply. . . encourage good-will through aide from the Force. Seto mused a tad, refocusing his approach to the matter at hand.

Seto waited a moment, to allow the tension in the room to disparate slightly, he brought his azure eyes upon the Chaldean Representatives. “The Alliance’s greatest attribute is how all Member Worlds are given a wide berth in their governance and handling of their own affairs. As the Duchess brought up, when the Alliance must enforce our laws, these laws are all voted upon by the Member Worlds through their Senators.”

“Now as our discussion draws closer to the heart of the matter, the Jedi Order. I must impute the idea that the Alliance wishes to impose themselves upon you as minimally as possible, but when it comes to the extreme situations of life and death.”
Seto gestured towards all around them with his hands.

“-And to the lives of trillions of Alliance Citizens, compromises must be made to ensure the prosperity and longevity of our citizenry.” Seto explained, his azure eyes turned towards Lenore Gray, the one who clearly found the prospect of Jedi assisting somewhat abhorrent to say the least.

“As for the Jedi Order, they are useful tools on the field of battle against the Sith. Admittedly dangerous tools if mishandled, but they largely contributed to the destruction of the Sith Empire. And now we face a similar enemy with the Brotherhood of the Maw.” Seto continued as he stood to make his next point.

Outstretching his right hand, open as if awaiting to shake someone’s hand, “We simply wish to offer our hand to Chaldea, and if you choose to accept our hand,” Seto clasped his left hand over his right as if insulating something in his hands, “-We will guard and protect that trust you all have chosen to give to us.”

Seto sat back down, his mind racing for better words and ideas to replace those he had already spoken and given realization. How he wished to be among others that fall for a charming smile, gentle eyes that invite people to bring down their guards. And perhaps most importantly, only care about the bottom line. He had despised bankers that have reduced people to nothing but numbers on a spreadsheet, but held an inkling of comfort to know that rationalizing goes a long way with such types of people.

Of course, the love and faith that people hold for one another represents a beauty that no numbers or spreadsheet could ever hope to eclipse.

|| Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Aria Vestra Aria Vestra | Eboi Seth Eboi Seth | Ruus | Faith Organa Faith Organa ||



Aria Vestra Aria Vestra | Eboi Seth Eboi Seth | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn | Ruus | Faith Organa Faith Organa


The members of the delegation introduced themselves to the Chaldean factions as they took their seats in the ornately decorated room of Academy. Cerulean-robed Senate Guards, led by their new Captain, spread themselves around the room to protect those within, joining the local enforcers.

Wasting no time, the locals made known their concerns with joining the Alliance. A wide-ranging array of questions were put to the Senators, including those the environment, conscription, free elections, education, and accountability of the New Jedi Order. While all planets were different, most out this way practically begged the Alliance to take them in. The independent streak of Chaldea could pose a boon to the Alliance… or a threat to its unity.

Aria, a Jedi consular, spoke to the importance the Alliance placed on free elections. Seto, Chair of the Finance & Commerce committee, deftly sidestepped the question about environmental exploitation - with Tithe himself did as well - to discuss the importance of the NJO and their relationship with the wider Alliance.

“The Alliance entrusts the security of individual worlds to their constituent militaries,” Tithe explained. “With the Galactic Alliance Defence Force projecting expeditionary capabilities, responses to incidents, you know, that sort of thing. Now, we do levy planets based on their means to fund the GADF, and ask that you, ah, encourage your citizens to enlist.” The GADF had been well funded and staffed to date, though the extended Stygian Campaign had drained their coffers.

With Shoma Ike Shoma Ike , Chair of the Youth & Education Committee unable to make the summit, Tithe deferred the question on the local curriculum to his colleagues. Seto may be able to cover it.

“Now, I must ask, has the Brotherhood made overtures in the region?” While the Strategic Intelligence Agency had the majority of its agents devoted to tracking the Maw, they couldn’t cover every single world. “It would be most, most unfortunate should the Brotherhood set it sights on your pristine world before we can ensure your safety.”


Issue #3


  • 71st Patrol Recon Group 'Black Hawk'
  • Finfolk
  • Chaldean Mystics (native force users)

The boat shuddered, then suddenly began to pick up knots at an alarming rate. Sirens begin to blare from the proximity system but there was no helmsman to heed their call. Dagon's eyes darted from the Moon Child, begging to get a close up view of his guts, to his apprentice lunging towards the lower decks. He shoved the marauder off his back and into the water, and the stench of dead oysters abated, replaced by the smell of leaking tibanna gas.

Darting towards the only place where tibanna would be stored - the lower decks - he noticed steel barrels of the gas right behind a group of raiders firing on Jem. Her deflection skills were on par. Maybe too much as the bolts reflected struck the tibanna containers and a spark lit up into a ball of flames. Without the Force, they were surely goners.

In a heartbeat's time, the Knight whipped his hands forward, "Into the water!" and shoved Jem off the exploding ship with a strong telekinetic push and an ethereal barrier wrapped around her form. Blistering heat scorched his flesh but before the damage could be permanent, the Force enveloped him in a sphere and the concussion wave sent him flying into the ice cold waters below.

Lights went off for a moment before his eyes snapped open from the frigidness of the sea. He tilted himself back up and followed Arthur's guidance to the other two now floating above the water. He emerged from below to a fiery sight in the near distance as the flames of the ship began to spread across the line of Mawite boats.

"That was too damn close, Jem--" he remarked sharply, then added, "--but good job." the fireworks had been literal.

The fight still wasn't over, though.

Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Zaka Zaka Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor
"Is your concern how much you may be asked to give versus how much is promised in return?"

“I believe that is an accurate assessment,” Toloth replied to the Queen of Alderaan, his hands clasped on the table in front of him. “For the most part, at least.”

After each of the Alliance senators and the Chancellor had a chance to respond, addressing the various questions posed by the Chaldeans, a strange silence followed. It had begun with Lenore’s diatribe against the Jedi, and grew progressively more still as the Duchess insisted that they would need the Jedi if they were to survive. The threat of impending annihilation now lay bare before the delegates, like the rotting carcass of an animal which had been suddenly tossed into the room, disemboweled and on display in all its shocking, grotesque viscerality.

The majority of the people in the room were old enough to remember the Civil War of twenty five years ago. They were not strangers to the brutality wrought by the Sith—or certain misguided Jedi. But their enemies during that conflict had not numbered in the billions or trillions, nor were they hellbent on destroying all life.

“I agree with much of your sentiment, Paladin Gray, but what you have said is not entirely accurate,” Arlo Renard said, his voice like a knife cutting through the somber quiet. “The Paladins only came into prominence during the Civil War, out of necessity to combat the remnants of the Children of Vergere and their Sith allies. Before that, they existed in some shape or form throughout history, but they never had the kind of power you’re implying.”

Ishani turned to her master, blinking. He agreed with Lenore? Well, maybe she shouldn’t have been so surprised, given his hesitation over coming to the Jedi Enclave’s defense on Jakku.

Persis answered the Chancellor’s question: “Aside from the ongoing mission at our North Pole, the Maw has not shown interest in us. You are their enemy; we are simply an obstacle in their way. Something they wish to destroy for the pleasure it will bring them.”

Eyeing her, Toloth added, “Given how many defeats the Alliance has suffered at the hands of the Maw, what guarantee of safety can you truly offer us? Your government is very much at odds with our way of life. If you cannot protect us, we stand to lose far more than we would gain from joining you.”

If we don’t join, we won’t stand a chance,” Ishani said. “I believe I’m the only person in this room, besides Master Renard, who has fought the Maw. I wasn’t around when the Civil War happened, so I don’t know what the Sith were like then, but the Maw is a lot worse than any of the stories I’ve heard. And we have no army, no fleet, nothing to defend ourselves with when they reach our system.” She looked to the other Chaldeans. “Are you willing to trade in your lives, and the lives of your loved ones, because you can’t bear the thought of Jedi protecting them?

“It is only pride which is keeping us,” Persis agreed. “There is a time and a place for it, but now is not that time. Chancellor, Senators—like your member world of Alderaan, we practice a form of peaceful non-resistance. Given that the population of Alderaan has not been forced into conscription, I do not believe this will be an issue. And as the Duchess has pointed out, Jedi influence must be discussed with the Jedi Order. That leaves only the matter of the preservation of the environment and education. But we have kept Ms. Vaun waiting for long enough.”

With that, she gave the floor over to Emilia, who sighed in relief. “Thank you,” she said, perching on the edge of the table. She wore a shirt that left her midriff exposed; an emeraude pierced through her navel sparkled green in the light. “The Mer are a sovereign people in our own right, recognized by Chaldean law; our domain is Chaldea’s seas. Our side of the debate boils down to ‘if the Maw comes, we’ll all die; if the Alliance stays, maybe we won’t die’.”

She waved her hand. “Now, I was going to bring up the fact that our people have apparently drawn the attention of the Jedi, and what the consequences of that might be, but the longer I sit here listening to this discussion, the less the Jedi seem to matter. Most of them are dead at this point, right? They’re getting killed by the hundreds or thousands in all these battles across the galaxy. I really, really don’t think they give a chit about one planet in the Inner Rim that hates them. They have bigger things to worry about. Anyway, we’re voting to join the Alliance.”

Pausing, she added, “Oh, and don’t pollute the planet. It’s not good for the ocean.” Then she sat down.

For a few moments nobody talked. Then the representative from Bamarre stood up again. “Aye, what about the environment? You haven’t given us a proper answer on that yet.”

The Chaldean delegates are still uncertain, but it seems like more people are starting to accept the idea of Alliance membership. Highlights are:
  • Arlo put his history cap on and corrected Lenore about the history of Jedi hunting on Chaldea. The Paladins are just another faction motivated by self-interest and a desire to hold onto power.
  • Persis answered Chancellor Tithe’s question: No, the Maw haven’t been active on Chaldea outside of the mission in the North Pole. They are still concerned due to how close they are to the border, and because the Maw likes to destroy every planet they come in contact with.
  • Toloth pointed out that the GA has lost most of their battles so far with the Maw and questioned whether their protection is even worth it.
  • Ishani said that they have no chance of survival without the Alliance’s help.
  • Persis agreed, compared Chaldea to Alderaan, and said they must communicate with the Jedi Order. She also brought up the environment again.
  • Emilia finally got to talk. She pointed out that the Jedi have bigger things to worry about than a random planet like Chaldea that hates them. The Mer voted to join the Alliance, and asked that they not pollute the planet.
  • Awkward silence, followed by the Bamarre rep asking again for an answer on whether the Alliance will mess with the environment. In fact, the environment will probably wind up being the deciding factor for most of the Chaldeans in attendance. These people sure do love their trees and rocks and water.

if they're watching anyways
"That makes two of us. Er- about the not-being-a-Jedi thing. Not the useless thing. I don't think you're useless, and I don't think I am, either." She paused a moment, giving thought for the fallen Imperator. She hadn't known him well. Or at all, really. He was impossible to read, given his lack of presence in the Force, and their lack of chances to have private conversations. Still, she knew what it was like to lose a father figure.

Auteme lent a gentle touch to Lucien's shoulder, making sure he knew he wasn't alone. "We never really... talked about that. I didn't really know Tavlar, but- if you want to talk about him, I'm here."

Of course, with everything going on, she couldn't promise she always would be. She'd already told him of her aspirations. Now, he was called away to his duties, too.


Yula Perl Yula Perl


Ishida's expression remained impassively innocent while Yula went through several phases of realization to what the white-haired atrisian had implied. Eventually, though, that innocence turned into a roguish smirk and she leaned back in her seat while the heat of the moment passed from her back to the balance between the crag-faced ranger and the zeltron.

That ounce of levity shifted to something like abject abashedness though, rather quickly, when Yula quickly exposed her pink flesh without question. Or invitation. Or warning.

By the time Yula looked at her for some ounce of companion understanding, Ishida was back to a heavy blink, and then shifted back into her usual glaring expression back to the fellow in the uniform. In unspoken feminine solidarity, of course.

"I —" he stammered, unable to fully collect his thoughts. As if the answer were written beneath one of the patches, he started flipping them over to examine their legitimacy.

"Full blood's a great term." Ishida mused aloud, not making any subtle inferences as she make a haphazard glance over her shoulder at the stretch of her katana's hilt poking above her shoulder.

"Miss Perl, I –"

"Look, can we go? You have her signature, address, full name, all her and honestly, all my credentials too. Anything goes wrong, I'm –"

The ranger paled, snapping his hand back from the patches after remembering how intimately placed they could be. His face was almost as pink as Yula's.

"I..if there are no pheromones then, I suppose D1282-11C will suffice. But there's still the instructional video..." He murmured, pointing limply at the screens that were starting to lift from the desk in front of the two eager dragon hunters.

In an instant, the animated overview (with a style that looked like it had been produced in 840ABY) began with a small caricature of a Chaldean hunter, all garbed out in traditional dress, scurrying across the screen beneath a cartoonish shadow with tell-tale dragon wings. The two characters had hardly been on the screen more than ten seconds before animated fire consumed the screen with text forcing itself through the bright yellow and orange sparks.


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"Do you feel it too?.”

He didn't. Not yet, at least. After mentally chiding himself for not paying attention, he gave his senses full attentiveness. He felt it. "I do now," he replied, betraying that he hadn't been properly on his toes. Saan'an was nothing if not forthcoming about missteps, often to his own detriment.

Is that-?" He could hardly form a full sentence trying to decipher the sensation his Master had alerted him to. It was monolithic, yet entirely mitigated by something just below his perception. "A person?" If any individual really had that kind of presence, he almost would have preferred not to find out.



Sssar Taszzn Sssar Taszzn | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Jak Ross | Shoma Ike Shoma Ike | Eboi Seth Eboi Seth | Mirana Praji Mirana Praji | Mazik Stazi Mazik Stazi | Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo | Brama Tagge Brama Tagge | Elizie Athacorr Elizie Athacorr | Grand Moff Vel'alari | Annasari Annasari | Auteme Auteme | Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn

Faith was cautious she understood where the Chaldeans stood.

How to speak and have it give meaning,
"Maybe I can help with your concerns, all of my colleagues here today will give you every reason to join."

She sighed every so slightly, "I've seen war on Alderaan when the Sith came, I was younger full of disillusions of what it meant to be part of a larger body. The Sith captured Alderaan and for all their propaganda it wasn't a paradise they created on Alderaan. It was world that had been changed by terraforming, it didn't look like Alderaan. It was a place of no natural beauty, slaves, and task masters."

It troubled her still those days the creatures that they grew beneath the palace, the way they changed the people, and wiped out every known native flora and fauna to Alderaan. Nothing remained of Alderaan she grew up on as a child. She looked then across the table she would do what she could to spare anyone that. It took years to bring Alderaan back.

"The Maw is on your northern border, the Alliance on all others. I would ask that you stand with us against the Maw to give Chaldea it's best chance. We are not perfect but that's because we have an equal voice in the Senate. Your vote will matter you represent the bests of interests of Chaldea. If you vote to join us at least it's a chance to fight the Sith even a slim chance is better than none."

She half smiled, "I promise we won't pollute the planet."
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Now was not the time to mention Jem couldn't swim.

Now was not the time at all.

Spastic flailing of her arms kept her up until the boots got her over the lip of the water, the fire reflecting cinematically over the metallic appearance of her cheek. The blaze grew with each new ship it engulfed. Tiny forms scrambled to and fro, with bucks and other deflaminates. That would buy her brother time alright.

She grinned, unaffected by Dagon's severity until a glance down caught sight of the burns on his skin.

The grin faltered. He had shielded her first, clearly. "You know I heal, right?" The words left her mouth as the stranger resurfaced besides them. Jem felt a twinge of relief to see he wasn't burned as well, the padawan glancing haphazardly over her shoulder at the destruction.

Was that a.... sith thing to do?

The questioned crept up out of no where, malicious and ever present since the reveal from Saan'an. Her mouth turned to ash.

"Are you okay?" she offered to the stranger.

Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Zaka Zaka
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Aria Vestra Aria Vestra | Eboi Seth Eboi Seth | Seto du Couteau Seto du Couteau | Ishani Dinn Ishani Dinn | Ruus | Faith Organa Faith Organa


The various Chaldean factions considered and debated amongst themselves the answer provided by the Galactic Alliance delegation. The five-party system on Coruscant had long prepared the Chancellor for these types of situations. You didn’t need to swing everyone to your cause - you’d lose yourself in the sheer volume of compromises, amending the proposal to the point they were unrecognisable. One generally walked into these meetings knowing how many of the parties would vote, such was the stubbornness of human nature. No, you only needed to swing the malleable centre, the voters who were undecided.

“Yes, I conceded that the Maw have proven themselves worthy foes,” Tithe conceded. “But was the same not said of the Stygian Campaign?” After early victories at Korriban and Byss, the Galactic Alliance had suffered an embarrassing string of major defeats. But in the end, of the two governments who ended the fray, only one remained - the Alliance. “Liberty, ah, finds a way.”

The representative of Bamarre, which Tithe understood to be a region rich in mineral resources whose inhabitants opposed mining, again raised the question of the Alliance’s environmental credentials. Faith Organa Faith Organa , perhaps sensing that Tithe and Seto were almost physically incapable of making such promises, gave her word that the Alliance would play no part in polluting the world. The Chancellor forced a smile in solidarity to avoid himself saying something contradictory. Sometimes it was just about keeping your mouth shut and getting the deal done.


Issue #3

In a fiery fashion, the boats surrounding them detonated.

Their own Jedi occupied barge was undoubtedly the first. Metal was buckled and was wrenched apart in a split second. Explosive concussive force crushed and bent metal of the opposing ships before the flames would then catch those vessels alight too.

Zaka could see some of the Mawites leaping off their ships, others trying to stoke the flames.

It was then that he realized the boats were not of Alliance make. Couldn't have been. He had seen what the Maw employed when he had been captured only weeks before. This had to be Alliance equipment, and he shook his head with grim amusement as he was approached by the two other Jedi.

Treading water, he regarded the younger of the pair, the girl with a blank look as she inquired. Internally thinking, the melanated features quickly settled into a smile and he nodded.

"Yeah." Though his rigid training didn't allow him to take breaks. "We can take pride in suffered injuries later," Zaka said. His features setting into stone as he shifted around to look upon the clear Master.

There were plenty of questions he could ask. What was the Maw's mission? How long had they been chasing them? Goals for the future? But Zaka cut through to the most important after a brief glimpse of the Jedi Knight's wounds. Easily taken care of with modern technology, he surmised. But the coming minutes would be the most telling, if he were truly a warrior for him to respect.

"What do you need me to do?"

TAGS - Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze - Jem Fossk Jem Fossk - Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec - Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor


Issue #3


  • 71st Patrol Recon Group 'Black Hawk'
  • Finfolk
  • Chaldean Mystics (native force users)

"That doesn't make you immortal." he said, then looked at his arms, hiding the pain from emerging on his face, "Been through worse." the Jedi added, nothing a bacta wouldn't fix. Later. The unknown man was right - they could count scars later. The mission wasn't finished, not yet, and the glaciers seemed to be melting at a faster rate than before.

"We're running out of--" his words trailed off into the water as the sea began to open up. Wild waves lashed at the trio as a behemoth of steel emerged from the depths below. A fully-armed AT-AT swimmer. Imperial make but not Imperial manned. The Black Hawks focus all their fire on it and it bounces off like throwing peanuts at a Mandalorian armor.

"I need you to get us inside." he told the man, then, "Arthur?"

"The neck between the bridge and the rest of the body, Sir. That is where the plating is thinnest."

"Open it up at its neck." Dag nodded at him, then to Jem, "You and I are gonna keep the potshots off his back. GO! Before it gets its canons on us."

Jem Fossk Jem Fossk Zaka Zaka Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Saan'an Gaelor Saan'an Gaelor

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