Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Champion of the Crusade - AC dominion of Florrum


Day 1 - Challenge 3 - Test of Strength

Greer approached the cart and sniggered a little, it felt a little daft pulling a pretend cardinal away from people in rubber suits but it was what it was and in a way it reminded her of the Highland games back home. She bowed respectfully to the visage "My Lord, it would be an honor to rescue you."

Tightening her kilt she strapped the harness around her. She waited for the horn and began to pull. It felt heavier than in training and the sand felt softer. She dug her feet in and pulled with all her might, her sinews straining to get the cart moving, and after agonising moments, it began to roll slowly forward. Sweat poured off of her as she roared in exertion, gritting her teeth, eventually she reached the 10m mark but more than half her time was gone. Doubling down she began pulled as hard as she could. A knot formed in her stomach as she watched the timed counting down, only thirty seconds to go and her reserves were shot. This was a matter of damage control bow, a fee more metres to keep her out of the bottom.

The klaxon sounded and she stopped, swearing at herself for her lack of progress, but happy to remain on her feet. She was panting and sweating, she hadn't even completed half of the course, the next couple of rounds were going to have to go brilliantly for her. She looked at the fake Cardinal and could feel the disappointment in his eye, she wrinkled her freckled nose at him and bowed to the crowds before walking off too cool down.

As the next competitor walked our she grinned, "Good luck out there, heavier than he looks is our Lord."

Result 2

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The Smiling Myrmidon

Indeed it is. You are Lord Atrius, correct? I heard that one of the leaders of the Houses would be joining us today. It is a pleasure.

"The pleasure is mine, Master Faust."

Ares looked at the other man and offered a nod, his gaze lowering as a sign of respect. He was considerably taller than Heinrich, so bowing the head in greeting and respect was a tad more difficult than to those of equal height, especially when seated.

"My people would welcome such events, they enjoy it. Not many of my brethren are supporting my step towards the galactic stage, but our people desire the core and outlandish traders and their goods."

The Core was the name the Zakuulans gave to the known galaxy, not just the actual, geographical core. It was a summarizing phrase to include all the Rims and regions of known space. Its inhabitants were generally referred to as outlanders, a term originally with a very negative meaning, Arcann's and Vaylin's propaganda markin the killer of Valkorion as Outlander. Now it was just a term for the inhabitants of the core.

"My Knights want to support all people, not just those on our planets.Justice is not a priviligue for those that live in order and harmony, but a right to everyone."

He was interrupted and looked back at the person that had appeared from behind and kissed the man he was talking to. She was not known to him and with a friendly nod he would greet the female but remain silent. Heinrich and her were obviously more closer related and Ares did not intend to interrupt any special moment or family stuff.


Abishai Contesoto



Day 1 - Challenge 3 - Test of The Strength
Abishai watched with delight at the holographic display, an enactment certainly meant to inspire both competitor and spectator. This was not to be an event void of glory to Ashla, or the warriors and clergy who have served her through the millennia. Then the short intermission was over and the next challenge set up. It was to continue in the same theme, only this time it would be the contestants themselves who would bring glory to Ashla by saving the efigy cleric from the faux enemy.

Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich stepped forward as the first to make an attempt. The young woman having proven to be quite hardy, and Abishai would not underestimate her. He snickered at Greer's mock greeting of the inanimate Cardinal and settled in to watch. There was not doubt the padawan exerted every fiber of her strength to drudge the heavy cart through the merciless sand. She made a valiant attempt before her time was up. The knight offered a wry grin in response to her snarky comment, appreciating her humor. He had no doubt now that the task would be harder than any of them anticipated.

Foregoing a feigned greeting to the faux priest, Abishai strapped himself in and adjusted the harness. Leaning forward a bit, he took up the slack in the straps hooked to the cart and dug his feet into the sand a bit. At the sound of the horn, he surged forward. Abishai was a fit man, a warrior and survivalist, but he fully agreed with Greer, the heavy cart was more than expected. Slow and steady, step by grueling step, Abishai trudged through the unrelenting sand. The cart moved but not nearly as quickly as he had wished, there would be no speedy dash to the end of the track.

By the time the count reached zero and the horn sounded, he had dragged the cart 30 meters. He unstrapped himself, brushing sweat-soaked strands of hair that had escaped the binding at the back of his head. Panting heavily, Abishai joined Greer and received a tankard of fresh water.

Result: 6


Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Location: Surface, Florrum
Objective I.: To speak with others, to watch the competition.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Ares Atrius Ares Atrius | Open
[ Flúgva valkyrjur á val ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina was really better already, her soul healed a lot after the injuries, she was almost completely regenerated. Last but not least, she was happy with Geiseric Geiseric . On the side of her beloved crusader, she felt much more whole than at any time during her three hundred years of existence. The pleasant effects of Force-dyad; the best thing is for someone to find their soulmate, who is also their best friend and with whom they love each other. And then, of course, there were Heinrich, or Isla, whom she loved brotherly and sisterly, or Uncle Pietro. But even there was her actual family. Many people.

Yes, it definitely turned out to be good for the Valkyrja to not only try to take care of everyone, not only to take care of everyone as a mother, but also to form a sibling relationship and a relationship. Of course, these were still unusual for her, but her good mood and brilliance also came from here. Without Gei, she would never have been able to actually be a Lightsider. Not even if she was always close to the Light Side.

She was happy to the hug and kiss. This trait also became similar to Ingrid's behaviour, which was characteristic of social relationships. She learned a lot from Gei about this and became completely open to those close to her. Her kindness and directness remained with those she did not know, but a certain distance was also present in her behaviour, just like always had. In fact, it may have been really striking to those who knew her before the Dark Planet.

"You know, if I have time, I'll come. I'm just sorry Gei didn't accompany me." she said with a sad smile.

She had to look for a chair that didn’t have a backrest because it would have been uncomfortable to sit on what was in her place originally because of its wings. Moments later, she got a normal chair and could sit on it. Eina looked around the place where they were and the playground with interest.

"How is the competition?" she asked both men kindly.





Tags: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

This was the answer Isla had hoped for and expected. "Then I proudly accept the role my Lord, although I doubt you would have offered me it if you weren't already sure of my answer." she raised her glass "To the future of our great nation then, shall she see more stability than my poor Galidraani wager" she gestured to the padawan who had made a poor showing for round three. She applauded nonetheless, just competing was a sign of the strength of these warriors, if it wasn't their day it was no shame for them.

She paused for a moment to think. " Tristan Evore Tristan Evore ? You say, interesting choice." she grinned knowing that the Cardinal knew his mind and would not walk away from his choice in the face of anything, his conviction was admirable. "As you know, I try to be honest with you and tell you what I think. I would be lying if I said I completely trusted Admiral Evore. He has the credentials, an excellent officer and an experienced politician, but I feel he has his own agenda." his showing up on Ziost unannounced was difficult and spoke of plans that he had not informed anyone about but it was resolved for the time being. "He is loyal to Grayson, there is little doubt in that, but is he fully loyal to the crusade? Given the path we tread is now decided by us?". Demici carried out actions that he believed Grayson would agree with but there was always differences, Isla herself was fighting hard to pull the Crusade into a more humanitarian, Post Crusade standing since the Sith Empire had been defeated, was this something Evore would agree with?

"I suppose only time will tell and I will of course support your word with every action, but I think I will keep a close eye on out Defence Ministry under his watch all the same." she let out a very fact of the matter laughed, glad that she had earned the respect of her liege to be able to say these things and not be forced into a difficult silence.

A horrid realisation dawned on her though... "I suppose my first act as your prime minister will be to convince the Empress that Evore's appointment to such a role is not a slap in her face." she grinned, wondering whether their professional openess would allow her to call her Lord an ass.


Objective One: Day 3

Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Abishai Contesoto, Sister Mercy


The next challenge would be one of strength, but also will. Ihsan eyed the others as they made their attempts, trying to pick apart their techniques to see if there was anything he could use to his advantage. The weight of the device proved to be a challenge for each one, and Ihsan found himself wondering if he would fair any better. Though not weak by any measure, Ihsan was by no means a strongman. His skills came from a combined form of agility and strength, and he offset his weaker points with his skill in the Force. Not being able to use the Force in this scenario, however, was going to make this more of a challenge. Nevertheless, he would do his best.

He began climbing into the harness, trying to get a closer look at the speeder as he strapped himself in. His feet dug into the sand as best as they could, and with a deep breath, he began to pull.

The first few steps were easy enough. Ihsan had a bit of adrenaline pumping from the previous challenges, fueling the movement of his body with every step. The adrenal boost didn't last long, however, and Ihsan began to feel the weight of the "cargo" holding him back. As the sheer weight of the speeder began to hinder him, his feet began to give way, slipping in the temperamental sand beneath them. It was only a few steps before his legs gave out, crumbling beneath him and bringing him to the ground. In the end, he hadn't gotten nearly as far as he thought, but he hoped that his previous scores would keep him in the game.



Objective: speak with the Grand Admiral

Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


A chuckle escaped the cardinal as he raised his glass to meet hers.

"Lets just say I was confident that you'd accept."

It was no secret to the cardinal that the Grand Admiral had been eyeing the position for some time, though she had never spoke to him about it. Isla was always one to follow protocol. It was something that he admired about her, even when he didn't agree with her decisions. Even when the two of were at odds in a situation, they always found a way to make it work. Their mutual respect, friendship, and devotion to Ashla was what kept them so close, despite their differences.

"I have no doubt that Lord Evore has his own agenda, but in the end, so do we all, in our own way."

It was no secret that Pietro was one of the most devoted of the Crusade. Many had criticized those very years through the years as he spouted his holy rhetoric to all that would hear. There was a growing push within the Crusade in recent months, an urge to move toward a less hostile approach than before. Though Pietro understood the pragmatism of such a shift, he could not bring himself away from his own views. So long as the Bogan remained a threat, Pietro would crush it wherever it reared its ugly head. As such, he wasn't only anticipating that Tristan would support those views... he was counting on it.

"I should tell you something, Isla. I'm sure you noticed that the Golden Veil haven't been guarding you as closely as the others. While this is partially because your own bodyguards are fully capable, it is also because the Golden Veil fulfills another purpose."

His voice grew quiet, only maintaining enough volume for Isla to hear.

"Their secondary purpose is to keep an eye on those within the upper echelons of our government. It is imperative that we keep an eye on those in power, as we can't afford to allow the Bogan to weasel its way into the House of Lords. They keep greater distance from you because, simply, I trust you. Your loyalty would never come into question, and I believe that more than earns you the right to avoid such... supervision."

It wasn't widely known that the Golden Veil kept tabs on suspicious behavior, but there had certainly been whispers of it. Pietro would only confide in Isla about it for the simple reason that, in the end, she was the one he trusted the most.

His tone returned to its normal state as the Grand Admiral spoke of the Empress, another chuckle producing itself as he continued.

"Yes, I imagine it'll take some convincing. The Empress will simply have to get used to the notion, however. After all, in the coming battles against the Maw, we will need all of the capable commanders that we can get. To cast such talent to the wayside would be utterly foolish."




Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Ares Atrius Ares Atrius


"I can imagine. Their focus on maintaining their isolationist position must make it difficult to navigate, should one wish to conduct in such outlandish interactions."

He offered a smile to the man as he spoke. Though Heinrich knew little of the current state of his people, he had heard tales of their culture, and through these tales, learned of some of their ways. Heinrich was never much of a politician, but he was good at reading a room, giving him a growing ability to navigate the treacherous waters of politics.

"Justice is indeed something that all deserve, no matter who they are."

His words were true, though they may come as a bit of a surprise to Ares. The public perception of the Crusade often painted them merely as murdering zealots, as if they had no sense of justice. While some among their ranks certainly didn't help mend that perception, many among the Crusade simply wished to bring that justice to those across the galaxy that might otherwise not be able to obtain it.

He turned his attention toward Eina for a moment as she grabbed a seat.

"I'm sure Geiseric has his hands full these days. He has come into much more responsibility in recent months. Still, make sure to send him my regards."

Turning back toward Lord Atrius, Heinrich quickly motioned toward Eina.

"But where are my manners? Lord Atrius, this is Lady Eina of the Valkyrja, a dear friend and ambassador to our allies in the Southwest. Eina, this is Lord Ares of House Atrius of the Knight Houses of Iokath."

After the two were acquainted, Heinrich looked on toward the competition.

"My money was on that man from the Sacred Blades, though it seems that the competition remains fairly close. I am not so sure as to who will win now."



Hei Sogecki




This was the challenge that Hei feared the most, pure strength was not his field, he attached the harness and crouched into position. His metal feet sank into the sand and found their bite in the wetter layer just underneath.

He extended his legs as the sounder went and began the ardous pull, after the first competitiors, he felt he had worked out a good starting technique, it didn't serve him well but he did get going. He slipped in the sand as his claws broke through the layer, being less optimal than flatter organic feet. He grunted as his servos buzzed and groaned against the strain.

Entering this event was a miscalculation, he did not have the skills of the other challengers, but he owed it to himself, and to his ashlan brethren to persevere. At just over half way, the siren went and he least he had tried his hardest and he could be proud of that.


Score = 3


Spirit of Ashla




Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
Abishai Contesoto
Ihsan Varad Ihsan Varad
Hei Sogecki
Sister Mercy

Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Pietro Demici Pietro Demici
Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Ares Atrius Ares Atrius

Day 2 - Challenge 1 - Test of The Moors

The sun set on the first day of the championship and there were many festivities into the night, the champions were treated like heroes and given wine, fruit and massages for their aching muscles. The next morning, just after sunrise, loud horns blew and woke the camp up, for a breakfast feast, it was an unwise competitor that over indulged the night before.

The competitors lined up for the Test of the Moors, it was a gruelling ninety minute, 4 miles race across the moorland to the finish line. Some of the ground was rough but firm dirt tracks, but they quickly game way to peat bogs and some sections that were one bad downpour away from being dearer a swamp. This would be a test endurance and dedication for the competitors, and a willingness to get very muddy.


The spectators would be give a much more civilised view. Ushered on to four sail barges that would follow the competitors out over the moorland, sheltered from the wind and Equipped with screens linked to camera Drones, for those that preferred the warm lower decks. The barges were bustling with eager spectators and once the starting sirens went of the barges began the slow progress.



Day 2 - Challenge 1 - Test of The Moors

This Challenge was all about Greer, the Moors reminded her of home, with wind, the mud and the smell of rotting vegetation. She lined up with the other competitors, she would keep a slow, steady pace throughout, the temptation would be to sprint the flat ground to save time, but then you arrive tired and strained when you needed your muscles as fresh. You didn't know endurance until you had done a patrol in a marshland.

Greer started as planned and lightly jogged down the first section, keeping her heart rate down and her muscles loose. This section was easy, a couple of roots and rocks, but a keen eye was all you needed to keep on your feet. She fell behind the pack a little but it was as she expected, some of the other racers charged off at high speed, wearing down before they had even reached the first bog. This section was a warm up.

The first bog came quickly, it was spongy under foot and her thick kilt was absorbing a lot of water making it heavier, but it was still only a small burden, it was when the swamp sections started and fetid water and mud soaked her. She struggled through at the front of the pack for a time, but the mud caked her and her kilt was now sodden. She was losing time when she made a decision. Greer pulled herself out of the bog onto a rock and roared at the nearest sail barge, before removing her cloak, kilt and furs, throwing them with all her might onto the sloped surface of the barge. She stood in nothing before her leather underpants and jerkin.

Turning, she dived back in to the mud and carried on, if she was back home she would be naked right now, just her, her red hair and acres of mud, like the old days. The rest of her run went well. Finishing close to the front of the pack she was much happier with herself than her previous runs.

Result 9


Abishai Contesoto



Day 2 - Challenge 1 - Test of The Moors
The moors were a terrain with which Abishai was not very familiar. Growing up in the harsh climate of Yanibar, he learned to scramble across the extreme hot, dry landscape in the summer season, and trudge through the freezing deep snow in winter. The cool bogland before him posed a new challenge to him as real as the dunes of the first day's contests. That, of course, did not daunt the crusader. He would do his very best, as he always demanded of himself.

This would not be an individual competition, but a race. That would be good motivation to press harder when things got rough. Abishai lined up with the rest of the competitors. He had stripped down to a light bodysuit for better mobility, welcoming the cool moor breeze. When the starter sounded, he surged forward with the others. Abishai did not race forward hastily. His experience traversing difficult terrain reminded him that physical energy was a limited commodity, and it had to be expended in wise measure. He found that he was keeping pace with a similar-minded companion, Greer.

The harder ground was easy to traverse, not unlike Yanibar's rugged but solid terrain. It was when it gave way to the peat bogs that Abishai's advance slowed. Squishy peat submitted in places to brownish water, making progress difficult, as one had to quickly discern the most stable path in a place where the depth of the peat or water was unknown. Looking over at Greer, Abishai could see that she knew better than he how to move in the bog, but her heavy garments were dragging her down. He grinned in admiration as she pulled herself up, stripped off the soggy clothes with a defiant roar and threw them to one of the barges, where the heavy garments smacked against the vehicle with a wet sound.

After that, the athletic Galidraani redhead plowed through and pulled ahead of the knight. The fact that she was outdoing him only motivated Abishai further, and he forced himself even harder to move through the mud. But it was a struggle. By the time Abishai reached the finish line, he had managed to come in at about the middle of the pack, smeared with mud, exhausted, his muscles wearied.

Result: 5





Tags: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

Isla maintained her professional veneer, but it was hard to hide the swelling of pride as her Lord told her of his trust. "I am honoured Lord Demici, I can assure you that trust is well placed." she could look him in the eye and say that, despite their slightly divergent views, her loyalty was his.

The the new Prime Minister smiled and let out long breath "we shall see about Evore won't we, I wouldn't suggest we send him into imperial space any time soon, I don't think claiming diplomatic immunity would prevent him getting an extra tight neck tie." the thought made her rub her neck uncomfortably.

She continued to watch the events the pantomime between the events was funny, she had had a hand in planning it but some of the details had been kept from her. The fight between the Valkyrja character and, was that meant to be Darth Carnifex? That was fun. Then the dressed up pontif was wheeled out and she let out a small sound of mirth, eyeing up Pietro Demici Pietro Demici to see his response to his effigy in need of rescue by their heroes.

"oh dear, my lord" she laughed, now wondering if the golden veil might end up paying her a visit after all. She clapped the performances warmly as she watched the event. Her champion was performing badly, but looking at her heritage, tomorrow might be better.

"we have created something really wonderful here haven't we? The Crusade I mean, we are a nation of warriors but also we care for our people. I went to a charity event recently and made some humanitarian connections, and I was able to say with pride that the Crusade does good work." she kept her cards close to her chest regards the extent of the connections she had made. She was still half way through the hand written letter to her parents that her mother loved. She wanted to tell Demici though as he was her mentor in the Crusade and he would be happy for her.


Hei Sogecki




Hei ran fast off of the start line, he had a big points defecit to make up and he had go all in or nothing on this event. He had more stamina than some so was not exhausted when he first hit the marshes, but his stamina advantages were quickly balanced out by the disadvantages he had in weight and flexibility on account if his heavy metal cybernetics.

Still he pushed through, ever committed to do his very best and hopefully finish near the front of the pack. He shook his head as he got near the end and the half naked padawan Greer bounded past him, jumping of tufts of vegetation that would unfortunately not take his own weight. The second half he lost time and he lost places, his initial fast start was the right decision as it was likely the only reason he ended in the middle of the pack as he crossed the finish line.


Score = 5


Objective One

Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Abishai Contesoto, Sister Mercy


Ihsan spent the night attempting to get some rest, collecting his thoughts and clearing his mind through meditation. His mind was still racing from the competition. It had been a trying test of skill for all involved, and though the Thyrsian was in peak physical form, he also understood that no warrior was without weakness. He would take this time to reflect on his missteps, and attempt to re-center so that he may improve. Eventually, meditation and reflection would give way to sleep. There would be plenty of time to resume the drive for victory. For now, rest was needed in order to win the day.

The following day, Ihsan found himself surveying the path before him, a murky mire of terrain that he needed to traverse in order to remain in the running. It was going to be difficult terrain to navigate, but if he planned ahead just enough, he could potentially get an edge on the others. He took as much time as he could focusing on the immediate path ahead. Then, as the countdown ended, off they went, pushing their way across the landscape in a race for glory.

The first stretch was fine enough; the Thyrsian's planning had paid off, allowing him to follow his own predetermined path through the first bit of terrain. The further he got from what he was able to plan, the more difficult it became. The ground grew more treacherous with each step, and he slowly found himself being bogged down by the mud. Nevertheless, he kept pushing forward, attempting to fight against the very ground itself as he strived to keep the pace. By the end of it all, he was more than fairly covered in mud, and his attempts had yielded only moderate results, placing him past the finish in the latter half of the contestants. At least it wasn't last, he would think to himself. With only one challenge left, he would have to be at his best if he hoped to win.



Spirit of Ashla




Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
Abishai Contesoto
Ihsan Varad Ihsan Varad
Hei Sogecki
Sister Mercy

Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Pietro Demici Pietro Demici
Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
Ares Atrius Ares Atrius

Day 2 - Challenge 2 - Test of The Mountain

Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich 1052926
Abishai Contesoto 686525
Ihsan Varad Ihsan Varad 854320
Hei Sogecki 543517

A great cheer went up are the competitors finished their race at the ends of the Moors, muddied, bruised and cut, the champions were offered water and food to replenish themselves. The atmosphere on the barges was electric. The leading pack was grouped together and the buzz was about Greer and Abishai and which of the two would come out on top. But with the hardships, any competitor that had finished was raised up on shoulders and cheered for.


The final challenge was the Test of the Mountain, a climb up one of the steep crags deep in the moorland. Atop this crag was a glowing golden light surrounding a flag of the Ashlan Crusade. That was the goal. The challenge was a free climb, but safety ropes and telekinetecists were ready to catch any that fell too far.

The rock was cold, hard and unforgiving, but it was a climb estimated to be doable by all of the competitors by the experts. The first competitors lined up at the base of the rock, they would be given enough time to assess the climb before they started but were not allowed to watch the ithe climbers, their routes should be their own.

Final round, good luck.



Day 2 - Challenge 2 - Test of The Mountain

She could have been at home as she sat in the moorland, half dressed and surrounded by her fellow warriors, something deeply tribal had awoken in her as the smell on her tartan drying over an open fire permeated the air, she picked up meat and put it to her mouth biting hard and smiling at the other competitors. "Whatever happens my friends, it has been an honor competing with you these two days." she sincerely meant it, she was beginning to feel the warm favour of Ashla again, stolen from her by Hryva, but the goddess shone bright and she finally felt less of a failure.

An hour later, she was kilted up, attached to rhe safety line and she began to climb, she had spent as much time as she dared, visualising the best route up. There were two routes that appealled to her so she asked her ancestors for guidance to which route was best, no response? So she went to the left route, no sooner had she began to climb, when a large raven flew out of its nest, showering her with shale and forcing her back down. "Thank you Grandfather, you were always late, but your advice is noted." Stepping down she went right and began her climb in earnest.

The climb was tough but with every cut and bruise she got closer to the summit, feeling more and more exalted with her progress until finally, she reached the summit. She bathed in the golden light, it was only a spotlight, but it felt wonderful to have succeeded, and she had set a good time. She bled fairly profusely from a cut on her upper arm, but that would heal, it might even give her a little war wound for the future.

Result 9

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Abishai Contesoto



Day 2 - Challenge 1 - Test of The Moors
Bless Ashla the contestants were give a respite to eat and drink. As they gathered around the fire, Abishai quenched his thirst and ate with moderation. There was still one more challenge to go. There was camaraderie among the challengers, they were, after all, comrades in the service of Ashla, brothers and sisters. When Greer offered her noble sentiment, Abishai lifted his drink in reply to the ruddy she-warrior. "Indeed it has, I am better because I have been tested against such worthy peers." His grin took the sober edge off of his words. It truly had been an enjoyable two days.

The final challenge gave Abishai a thrill of excitement. His homeworld of Yanibar was a rocky one, and climbing was something he had done since his youth. A knowing eye studied the possible routes up the cleft for as long as they were allowed, and then all but one contestant was lead away. Again, it was Greer who would face the challenge first, but this time, her fellow challengers would gain no edge by watching her techniques.

When word was given that the redheaded jedi had reached the top, Abishai was led to the foot of the cliff. He flexed fingers and toes, his digits strong. While his people were skilled in Telekinesis, Abishai had been taught how to climb without help of the Force, to develop body and character. He began his ascent, finding good hand and toe holds, doing his best to discern the stability of the rock. The nature of the stone on Florrum was slightly different than Yanibar, and on more than one occasion a tiny ledge he considered firm gave way with weight. While he was able to catch himself each time, it did slow his otherwise impressive progress.

In the end, Abishai reached the top in a respectable time, but was informed that his rival for top spot had surmounted the top quicker than he. The Blade Knight offered Greer a smile and a subtle nod of his head. "Well done!"

Result: 7



Objective One

Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Abishai Contesoto, Sister Mercy


There had been tests of strength, agility, and precision, all culminating in one final task... the climb.

Ihsan wasn't able to view the others as they made their way up the crag. Though the path would be his own, he was able to take a moment to survey the mountainside before him. It was treacherous enough, but Ihsan had his fair share of experience with climbing. Thyrsus wasn't particularly known for it's mountains, but Ihsan's father had taken him off world many times in order to train him in different environments. Mountains, rivers, deserts, and many more had been subject to his training, and over time he had become accustomed to them all. His training within the ranks of the Imperial Knights had only strengthened this, so in the end, he found himself being rather confident.

Once he was satisfied with his planned route, Ihsan finally began the climb. To an untrained eye, the mountain would be much more intimidating, but those with enough foresight could see that there was a clear path ahead. Each step was resolute, each motion confident. As he kept pushing himself on, Ihsan could feel this test straining his body. Nevertheless, he would continue to climb. Soon, he reached a true mental balance, pushing the pain to the back of his mind, and focusing on each step as he made his way upward. After a while, he didn't even think about his steps anymore. The further he climbed, the more natural he felt. Finally, as he reached the top, Ihsan's focus shifted back to the present. He didn't even realize how smoothly he achieved the climb at first. Not until the cheers came from all around. Though unsure if it was enough to win, Ihsan felt more than satisfied with his performance. He gave the others a congratulation and took some time for a much needed rest.



Hei Sogecki




The climb was gruelling for Hei, he was not a skilled climber, relying too heavily on his cybernetic augments that he had switched off for this events as per the rules, minute by minute went by and he felt the last of his energy reserves dwindling. This whole challenge was a mistake, all he had managed to to is prove to everyone that his near death and rebuilding had made him a shadow of his older Jedi self.

This might sadden him, but something he saw made him smile, in a moment he was reminded that was good at what he loved, so what if he wasn't as capable a champion for Ashla, his beasts loved him and he loved them. The encouraging sight was none other than his beloved Loki sat patiently waiting for her master and friend at the top of the crag, flapping her wings and growling in encouragement. He would not quit until he succeeded for her, or he fell.

It was nearly dark qhen he hauled his bruised body to the top of the crag to be nursed by the monster.


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