Venris Helion
Forming my own path
Venris was stepping up the ramp when he noticed a guard stepping out from the crowd behind Vassara, lining up his rifle with her head. Venris instinctively reached for the hilt of his lightsaber, only to recall immediately that he hadn't even held one in years save for the few moments with Tyranus', much less use one. With a grunt he thrust both of his hands out and ended up knocking over almost a dozen people with the single Force Push, which sent the guard flying back like a rocket.
"Come on already! There's more coming!" Venris bellowed to Vasarra and Silas. "I'm not saving your hides twice in one minute so move it!"
[member="Vassara Raxis"]
"Come on already! There's more coming!" Venris bellowed to Vasarra and Silas. "I'm not saving your hides twice in one minute so move it!"
[member="Vassara Raxis"]