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Auction Chandrila Group / Shares Auction

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Gael bar Ammon"] [member="Alicia Drey"]

Matsu looked at it while raising an eyebrow tapping her fingers to some music in her head before she put in the new bid. "Lot B: 425,000 credits please."
Outbid yet again. Auctions were like a drug - addicting. He couldn't settle for anything less than 5%, otherwise it wasn't worth his time.

Bid for Lot A: 200,000 cr
Bid for Lot B: 500,000 cr

As a caveat, he wrote a message to val Swift.

Ms. val Swift,

I would be comfortable splitting the bid 50/50, with each of us fronting 100K credits. It's a fair number and amount. As a gesture of good will, I'd also ask you bid on Lot C. Should you win, it will be your 5% to keep. I will back your bid with 50K credits.

I look forward to your response.


[member="Sanya Val Swift"]
[member="Matsu Ike"]
[member="Alicia Drey"]
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Gael bar Ammon"]

Oh another raise, there was a look at it while she smiled leaning back. "Increase to 600,000 credits I guess." Harmony was there now and her HRD showed what would and should hopefully be the projected timeframe.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Gael bar Ammon"]

Well this was a lot more that her previous offer but the percentage wasn't her focus really. It was purely investment.

//Mr [member="Gael bar Ammon"]

Very well I'm not fussed on percentage as I am more wanting to invest in this company so both me and miss [member="Alicia Drey"] can benefit from a partnerships. So I have a better idea. How about we both own the full 10% but as partners in that share? that way be both get what we want. You can gain the profits after I've gained my amount back and I would enjoy the partnership with the company.

//message sent
Equity is my chief interest as the CEO of a holdings company. Since our interests seem to differ but align, I think I have an adequate counterproposal. Since equity is not of your interest but rather investment, I would like to own the 10% stake in the company exclusively. However in exchange, you will receive 80% of the profits until you recoup 10 times our combined original investment, after which time it will drop to 20% permanently. Additionally, you may be my proxy on the board of directors and speak for the entirety of my ownership. You have your investment and voice, I have my equity.

I would still implore you to bid on Lot C for more equity. This is independent from our arrangement and you can do whatever you like with that ownership. I will back you financially on this investment.

Please let me know.


[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Gael bar Ammon"]


Well this is why I offered a partnership in the 10%. For me to further invest in the company I'd need shares of a substantial amount to have a solid partnership with the company. I have no intentions to make anything more back than the initial investment. So profits that are not my own I'd feel guilty of accepting them unless I had some part in the development of a product. thus to to help Chandrila I would still need some stake in the percent enough to put me on the board. Besides Miss Ike who holds lot c would out beat me every corner. I'm aware she has many mines for aerodium and controls a big corporation of companies. So unfortunately and I'm sorry to say if you goal is to own the entirety of lot a then I would be forced to raise my bid.

| [member="Gael bar Ammon"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] |

This auction is now closed as of 23:00 PM GMT on the 18/5/2016. Chandrila Group thanks for all those who showed interest in investing into the company. Winners of Lot A, B and C will be calculated in due course.
Chandrila Group Auction: Results
[member="Gael bar Ammon"]
Winner of Lot A: 10% Shares in Chandrila Group
[member="Matsu Ike"]
Winner of Lot B & C: 10% Shares in Chandrila Group
Congratulations to the winners! Welcome to Chandrila Group!

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