Rule of Two
Chandrila Group
Chandrila Group is a supplier of foodstuffs, from the rich and bountiful world of Chandrila. Found in the town of Emita, Chandrila Group aims to supply both the denizens of Chandrila, as well as the larger population of the galaxy.
With it's Acavus technology- exclusively developed by Emeritus Industries and designed by Alicia Drey- you can find yourself with a ready supply of fruit, vegetables, cattle, wheat, grain and water to a destination of your choice.*
A service charge will be charged alongside your purchase, if Chandrila Group is required to fly your purchase to you.*Chandrila Group regrets to inform you that it is currently updating it's catalog for the purchase of fresh fruit, vegetables and water.*
Fruit/Vegetables/Wheat/GrainWheat: Every faction, corporation or world requires a ready stream of wheat, to feed it's populace.
Grain: Do you make food based products? Are you a supplier of alcohol? Chandrila Group grows a variety of grain, including: Ebla Grain and Quinto Grain that you can start using upon your purchase.
CattleNerf: Chandrila Group raises it's own Nerfs. Perhaps you are impartial to Nerf ribs, steak, strips, tenderloin or Nerfloaf? Or you are looking to raise your own herd?
Bantha: Chandrila Group raises it's own Banthas. These creatures are great beasts of burden, capable of carrying a great ton of weight. Perhaps you are impartial to Bantha patty, rump or veal? Let us not forget about Blue Milk, which Chandrila Group can supply in pints.
Endorian Chicken: Chandrila Group raises it's own Endorian Chickens on it's farms. Found on the lush moon Endor, these animals are tasty additions for anyone's palate.
Roba: Chandrila Group raises it's own Roba on it's farms. Native to Aralia, these beasts are rich in protein and are quite tasty.
TechnologyAcavus-class bulk cruiser: Designed by Alicia Drey and produced by Emeritus Industries, the Acavus-class bulk cruiser is a great addition to any fleet or faction looking to offer supply and demand.
Acavus Harvester: These harvesters are great for the harvest of wheat and grain, as well as crops.