Amnell de Portiers
The Girl With An Expiration Date
So often change is incremental, tiny turning points you don’t even notice. Then there are other events. Sudden, monumental, defining, that change you forever.
The day could be considered nothing but ordinary. The skies above were a beautiful azure blue, with a few wispy clouds dotting the horizon. Amnell had no work to speak of today. So naturally she wandered the open streets, walking through open marketplaces after open market places.
The pain nagged at her body and bones as it always did. It was the kind of pain that slowly ate away at your soul. Still despite all that she held a soft smile on her lips, and carried herself as if nothing was wrong. A mask. Her life was lived entirely behind masks, never letting others see the real her. The real her, she didn't figure anyone would care to know. Who wanted to know of such pain and suffering? How many were actually strong enough to handle that? So far, no one had been. And her life had been a relatively lonely one. Too many people walked away when they found the truth. It was cold, callus, but it was her reality.
Her body growing weary, she finally stopped at a small cafe. The only sign of her pain was the tiniest wince as she sat down. Pain so well masked. When a server came by she ordered a simple cup of tea, nothing fancy. Reaching within her bag she retrieved a small bottle of pills pulling a single one from the bottle to take it as soon as her tea arrived. If one was perceptive within the force they might have noticed her subtle and hidden talent. At the same time her aura was darker, fading to grey and not from any taint. It was fading because her life slowly was fading away, The disease that caused her so much pain was slowly sapping her of life.
[member="Kahne Porte"]