Khan Ra
Monster Cat Redefined
Balmorra, Former One Sith space
Khan Ra walked through the busy streets of Bin Prime, Balmorra's capital. He had been gone five years... He hadn't realized how long it had been until he returned to the Greater Galaxy. He had finally left that desolate planet, finally been free, only to find that everything had fallen apart. The One Sith was in tatters. All the planets it had owned were free, everything it had accomplished meant nothing. Khan had been on several missions to conquer planets, several skirmishes and invasions against the Republic. Now all of that meant nothing, all the progress they had made, everything Khan had done to win glory and prestige was defunct.
The people of Balmorra were happy, ecstatic. The One Sith was gone from their world. They were free again. All around people celebrated. Of course some were still loyal to the One Sith- He had seen Troopers trying to control the crowd earlier, only to be overwhelmed by sheer numbers. But not nearly enough. They had lost this world just like all of there others- The One Sith were weak now.
Khan Ra walked through the busy streets of Bin Prime, Balmorra's capital. He had been gone five years... He hadn't realized how long it had been until he returned to the Greater Galaxy. He had finally left that desolate planet, finally been free, only to find that everything had fallen apart. The One Sith was in tatters. All the planets it had owned were free, everything it had accomplished meant nothing. Khan had been on several missions to conquer planets, several skirmishes and invasions against the Republic. Now all of that meant nothing, all the progress they had made, everything Khan had done to win glory and prestige was defunct.
The people of Balmorra were happy, ecstatic. The One Sith was gone from their world. They were free again. All around people celebrated. Of course some were still loyal to the One Sith- He had seen Troopers trying to control the crowd earlier, only to be overwhelmed by sheer numbers. But not nearly enough. They had lost this world just like all of there others- The One Sith were weak now.