Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Change in Balmorra

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Balmorra, Former One Sith space

Khan Ra walked through the busy streets of Bin Prime, Balmorra's capital. He had been gone five years... He hadn't realized how long it had been until he returned to the Greater Galaxy. He had finally left that desolate planet, finally been free, only to find that everything had fallen apart. The One Sith was in tatters. All the planets it had owned were free, everything it had accomplished meant nothing. Khan had been on several missions to conquer planets, several skirmishes and invasions against the Republic. Now all of that meant nothing, all the progress they had made, everything Khan had done to win glory and prestige was defunct.

The people of Balmorra were happy, ecstatic. The One Sith was gone from their world. They were free again. All around people celebrated. Of course some were still loyal to the One Sith- He had seen Troopers trying to control the crowd earlier, only to be overwhelmed by sheer numbers. But not nearly enough. They had lost this world just like all of there others- The One Sith were weak now.

Quinn would also be in the streets of Bin Prime and as she walked she sensed something dangerous. She had been sent here to clear out the One Sith presence but this felt different like an ancient power. Quinn's hand automatically automatically going for her saberstaff. This weapon had been with her for so long it was the only thing she had left from before her 500 year nap in Carbonite. Even thinking about it brought chills to her arms she hated thinking about that fateful day that everything changed

[member="Khan Ra"]

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
ed his head slightly as he felt something. Something very familiar... He had felt this many times, before he was stranded. It took Khan a moment to identify it- to remember, but he did. He sensed the 'light side' of the force. He sensed a Jedi. The Sith grinned as he looked through the crowd around him, extending his senses in the Force to search for the Jedi. He reached inside the cloak that he had been wearing for his vibroblade, frightening several of the civilians in the crowd around him. Why was there a Jedi here? To help the people shake off the last shreds of One Sith control, likely. Heh... It had been so long since he fought a Jedi.

Quinn would hear the commotion and rush to the scene. As she saw the man she instantly unhooked her saberstaff and took it in her hands and hesitated to ignite it for she didnt want to cause anymore of a panic than already is started but she sized up the man and decided it was the time. She would ignite both sides and spin it in a defensive stance

[member="Khan Ra"]

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan turned suddenly as he finally sensed the direct source of the Light Side he had been feeling. A girl, probably a Knight or a Padawan, with a saberstaff. The Sith grinned as he turned to face her, still holding his vibroblade in one hand. By now, the crowd had realized what was going on. A man in a dark cloak holding a sword and a girl with a lightsaber staff? Most of the civilians were smart enough to know that they should probably run before they either get cut in half in the crossfire or have a building dropped on them by accident.

While the crowd started rushing away, Khan watched the girl as she ignited her saber staff. "Straight to violence? That's not what I remember of your people." Khan chuckled, watching the Jedi for her reaction.


Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
On innocents? Jedi had such a habit of trying to make heroes out of themselves. He was pulling out his blade for her. Not that it mattered. It had been a long time since he fought anything except a rock panther. He was looking forward to this. The Sith stood his ground, smiling at the girl. "Do you really think I'm going to do that?" While he spoke Khan readied the Force. He hadn't had much practice in the past few years in using his vibroblade, but he certainly had with the Force. It came easily to him, energy and power. The Jedi could probably feel his precense in the Dark Side strengthen slightly as he gathered it together to lash out when the fight began.


Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan kept watching the girl, waiting for her to make a move. What, was she just going to stand there? Perhaps she was trying to stall the fight until the civilians cleared out. Or perhaps she was waiting for help, perhaps she wasn't on Balmorra alone. He would have to keep that in mind. Khan slowly flanked the girl, getting a bit closer without coming straight at her. When was the last time he had fought another sentient? In Netherworld? He smiled. He had missed this.

Without warning, Khan suddenly raised his free hand, releasing the Force he had been gathering in a wide Push. Rather then focusing directly on the Jedi, he manipulated the Force in a weaker but wider attack. Rather then flinging her away and giving her the oppurtunity to dodge his hit, he projected the Force in a wider range, where it would be harder to get out of the way, but weaker- He only intended to make her loose her balance.

Almost as soon as he had raised his hand, Khan lunged forwards, attempting to manuver around the girl's side and cut at her right arm, hopefully catching her off balance.

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan twisted his body suddenly as the saberstaff turned to take off his sword hand, manuvering away from the strike so rather then taking off his hand the tip of the saber-blade simply burned his wrist, singing off fur. However, the Jedi trying to swing at Khan's arm in the sudden close quarters provided an opening- the she was using a saber-staff, meaning she couldn't turn it too quickly to counter sudden strikes closer to her without risking accidently injuring herself with the other side of her saber-staff. Khan took this opportunity suddenly bring up his free hand towards his enemies' face, releasing another small blast of the force to try and push her away from him and off balance again.

She would go back but this time maintain her balance and dare him to get close "This can go one of 2 ways you can leave in peace or in pieces" She said spinning her saberstaff faster as she had been taught and attempted to use the force to bring him to her

[member="Khan Ra"]

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan took another sudden step back to create distance between him and the Jedi as she took a moment to speak, readying the force again for another blast. Then the Jedi began spinning her staff again and tried to pull him to her. Rather then the expected, such as resisting the force Pull or perhaps trying to disable her staff, Khan bent his legs and lunged forwards into the Pull, allowing it to pull him in towards the Jedi and her weapon. However, a second before he would have hit and likely been turned into Khan-puree the Sith raised his free hand, channeling the energy he had summoned into a Force Barrier in front of him.

Now, instead of being pulled into the deadly spinning saber-staff, Khan utilized the momentum of his enemy's Pull as well as his lunge to turn his barrier into a battering ram. In short, Khan used the Jedi's Pull against her with the intent of running her over like a speeder behind the safety of his barrier.


Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
The Jedi was fast. That was good, he wouldn't want this to be over too quickly... Khan turned suddenly as he landed oppisite from the girl, extending his sword arm to fling his vibroblade at the girl as she landed from her jump. She had plenty of time to intercept it with her lightsaber, but probably wouldn't be able to jump again just as she landed. However, Khan's vibroblade wasn't alchemized or made of lightsaber-resistant materials- it was your normal blade. This meant that if she tried to intercept the sword with her lightsaber, she wouldn't accomplish much except cutting it in half and allowing the momentum of the throw to fling the molten slag she'd be creating by slicing the metal right at her.


Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
The girl was smart. This may be an issue. Khan took a quick step back as the girl started advancing again, flanking slightly while keeping his distance to put space between him and his enemy. Meanwhile, Khan again pulled on the Force, readying yet another attack. So far, he had been keeping his attacks fairly energy-conservant; small or weak pushes and a quick barrier. Now he mustered the Force as quickly as he could gather it, pulling it around him and readying it for something stronger. While he prepared his next attack, Khan continued to step backwards, maintaining a distance from the girl.

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan continued stepping back, slowly backtracking, until he was ready. Without warning, Khan suddenly raised his hands towards the girl, quickly grasping his discarded vibroblade that laid on the ground behind her, andusing the force to rapidly pull it towards the girl's back. Then, just as the girl was probably sensing the vibroblade and preparing to dodge it, Khan took a half step sideways and released the energy he had been gathering.

He remembered when he had first been taught Force Lightning. His teacher had attacked him with it, claiming that in order to use Lightning you must understand how it felt, remember that pain, and use that memory to conjure it again. That teaching had worked. Khan hadn't much practice with Force Lightning before he had shipwrecked, but on that barren planet he had used it again and again. Now arcs of Force Lightning fired from his fingertips, aimed not at the girl but to either side of her. Arcs of electrical force energy reached out from the two bolts of lightning, catching onto anything that conducts electricity- including the vibroblade that was hurtled at the girl, as well as the girl itself.

This meant that if she stayed where she was, she would be electrocuted as well as stabbed by a high-speed vibroblade. If she countered the vibroblade, she would be electrocuted. If she defended herself from the force lightning she would have to use all her focus to prevent herself from being overwhelmed by the Darkside Lightning, leaving her no room to avoid the projectile. If she dodged out of the way of the sword, she would be jumping directly into the streams of lightning that were directed at either side of her. And if she attempted to jump over or under the projectile, the arcs of lightning would still reach her.

Khan smiled viciously.

Quinn decided to take the least damaging option and place her saber staff on an angle hoping to catch the bolts of lightning and reflect them back as well as hope the vibroblade hit the saberstaff and not her

[member="Khan Ra"]

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