Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Change in Balmorra

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan's eyes widened as the girl managed to twist her staff as to try and counter both streams of lightning, sending one of them right back at him. Khan raised his arms suddenly, twisting the rest of the Force energy he had gathered for the Lightning but not yet used to try and construct a sudden force barrier to protect himself, however he wasn't skilled enough in that particular manuver to pull the shield up fast enough. Khan was thrown back by his own blast of lightning.

However, one part of Khan's plan went as he had hoped. The Jedi was smart to try and block the lightning with her saber-staff, having two blades was useful for that, but it simply wasn't possible for her to stop both of the bolts of lightning as well as the vibroblade hurtling to her back. The Jedi had twisted her staff to try and block the vibro-blade from behind her as well, but by the time Khan's lightning had been directed to him, therefore allowing the Jedi to safely block the vibro-blade without exposing herself to the Force Lightning, the blade would have already met it's mark.

[Basically, since the lightning was coming at her front asnd the blade hurtling to her back, and she only had a split second to basically block all of them with only two blades, she either had the choice of directing the lightning or twisting and stopping the blade, which would have let one of the two lightning bolts hit her.] [member="Quinncolson"]
She would block the lightning and she had momentarily forgot the vibroblade that was until it hit her. It would drive right into her leg from the back. She would scream and curse as she hit the ground falling forwards

[member="Khan Ra"]

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan slowly pushed himself to his feet from where he had crumpled in the corner. His right shoulder had been burned badly, but he was still in one piece. The Sith smiled as he looked up and saw that his vibroblade had, indeed, hit it's target. Good. Khan raised his left hand quickly, using the Force to grasp his vibro-blade that was still lodged in the girl's leg. However, instead of trying and pulling the weapon out to bring it back to him, he only pulled it gently, causing it to rip through the girl's leg even more without removing itself from the wound, likely causing significant damage to muscle and tendons. Not to mention the fact that one of the main purposes of a virbo-blade was to vibrate. It was probably causing severe pain just by being in her wound.

The Felecatian took a step forward, grimacing from the pain in his right shoulder. He was having trouble moving his right arm without severe pain. He would need treatment on his shoulder after this, bacta from his ship, but he would heal. "Stay down Jedi."

Khan watched the girl's saberstaff on the ground out of the corner of his eye as he spoke, in case she were to try and send it flying at him.

The pain was blinding and she could tell that her tibia was broken by the vibroblade. She could do no more than try to reach where it was and have no luck. The longer it was in there the more damage was being dealt to her leg and the more she would think she was gonna black out.

[member="Khan Ra"]

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan smiled as he got closer to the Jedi, seeing that his vibroblade had done significant damage. He had missed this... The success, the feeling of victory. He remembered this from years ago- The conquests of the One Sith he had taken part in, the invasion of Kashyyyk. The Sith reached down before the Jedi could black out, tearing out his vibro-blade from the girl's leg. Civilians who had been watching the fight from the saftey of their houses, peering out from their windows into the street, suddenly ducked out of sight. This was a reminder to them that even though the One Sith had been chased off of their world, even though they had grown week, they were not gone altogether.

The Felecatian wiped the girl's blood off his blade before sheathing it. For a moment, Khan debated killing her. But what did he have to gain from that? He had already beaten her. He didn't consider her enough of a threat in the future to warrant killing. Why not let her live and remember this. Khan chuckled as he began to step away, noticing the girl's saber-staff discarded nearby. Ah... a trophy. The Sith looked over his shoulder at the girl for a moment, trying to determine if she was still a threat. He doubted it. She probably couldn't walk until her leg healed, and she was likely too exhgausted and in too much pain to use the force. Khan raised his hand, pulling the Jedi's saber-staff to him as he walked away.


Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan turned, suprised to see that the girl managed to muster enough energy to pull the saber-staff to her. He chuckled. The Jedi was still fighting. The Sith began to reach for his vibro-blade again, perhaps to finish her off, before thinking better of it. Let her keep her weapon. It was little use to him anyway, and he doubted she could even get up, let alone fight in her current state. "Very well, Jedi."

Khan turned, though he listened carefully for any sign of the Jedi trying to pull off some other attack on him while his back was turned. Without further speech, Khan walked away.

Khan Ra

Monster Cat Redefined
Khan turned, suprised to see that the girl managed to muster enough energy to pull the saber-staff to her. He chuckled. The Jedi was still fighting. The Sith began to reach for his vibro-blade again, perhaps to finish her off, before thinking better of it. Let her keep her weapon. It was little use to him anyway, and he doubted she could even get up, let alone fight in her current state. "Very well, Jedi."

Khan turned, though he listened carefully for any sign of the Jedi trying to pull off some other attack on him while his back was turned. Without further speech, Khan walked away.
I'd recently taken to going out further in the galaxy and I'd left Voss two days ago and had been visiting the territory the One Sith had previously occupied and now I was outside of Balmorra's orbit. My ship The Cherry Blossom was still in orbit and I'd begun going down towards the planet's surface in my combat scout and dropship The Morrigan. I'd been coming in towards the spaceport when I felt it through The Force...Immense and agonizing pain. There was the stink of The Dark Side too and I heard a young womans' voice hoarsely saying help me.

Reaching out I felt that she was in the midst of a city center and I programmed The Morrigan to search the city centers and look for wounded life-forms. This was likely to get complicated but I also knew I had the gear to deal with it. Walking into my shipboard armory I began the armor equipping and arming program and quickly had my Beskar'gam armor equipped over my body. Pulling off my left Mandalorian hidden blade gauntlet I switched it out for one of the alchemically treated healing bracers. Then I switched my datapad to my rigth gauntlet. Calling my sabers towards my hands I placed them along the magnetic locking point on my ribs before calling the third saber to my right hand and clipping it to my right hip. All the gear on my armor was secured and weapons were loaded up pulling on my Jedi outer cloak over my armor I walked to the bay doors.

I'd felt the ship changing course and accelerating towards a different point then I heard the shipboard PA say, "Approaching city center coordinates engaging dropship protocols." The bay doors opened and even though the ship hadn't touched down yet I simply jumped. Plummeting towards the surface I channed The Force with my right hand to slow my descent and triggered my micro-thrust boots meters before I hit. As I landed I rolled back to an upright position.

I saw the girl and also felt that the darkness was still nearby. I'd help her first then worry about what could be waiting for me. Jogging over towards the girl cloak billowing behind me I came to a knee by her and took a quick look at her injuries. The blade a vibro-blade by the look of it had severed tendons and muscle tissue which meant she wouldn't be walk for a while... Looking at her she looked bad though the blade hadn't actually nicked or cut any arteries it had done immense damage. Glancing at her I said, "Hey sorry for the whole shock and awe thing but I'm not going to be able to move you until I close this wound. Odds are you'll be needing some kolto or bacta treatment too but I'll see what I can do first. Sound good?" I was worried about the damage to her leg if she passed out from shock that wouldn't be fun to deal with. But now was the time to use the healing bracers I'd crafted...Pressing my left palm over the wound I began to target the muscle tissue and tendons with The Force and prepared to trigger the healing bracer...

Quinn would still be in shock from the immediate injury but through the haze of pain she was experiencing she saw the woman. She looked like an angel, through the haze of pain she seemed to have a glow about her and Quinn continued to grip her saberstaff with all of her strength which wasnt much. Infact her grip would give out and her staff would clang to the ground and she would feel the full extent of her injuries and would let out an ear piercing scream

And there it was she started screaming. The high of adrenaline had worn off and she was beginning to feel the extent of her injuries. Poor girl, whoever she'd been fighting had left the vibro-blade in her leg letting it cause more damage as they'd watched. I looked at her and calling one of the sabers to my hand with The Force I placed the hilt on her chest. My saber hilts had shards of crystal in them with calming effects I noticed her saberstaff fall from her fingertips and using The Force I called it to my hand and laid it on the ground beside her. I also moved her hair out of her face as I triggered the healing bracers. My left hand still pressed against her wound I visualized the muscle tissue and noticed it was locked into place.

Visualizing my hands gently working on massaging her legs I channeled that thought into the tense muscles tissue and felt it relax. Next I saw the severed tendons through The Force and visualizing them as whole I channeled the thought and tapped the Force energy in the crystals channeling it into knitting the shredded muscle back together as well as the tendons. I could feel them coming back to the rigth place and kept channeling the energy in the crystals into her leg. I could feel warm blood still from the wound and breathing in then out I willed her heart to slow down. I could knit the muscle tissue and tendons back together but if she bled out it wouldn't make a difference.

Sensing the tendons become whole once again I channeled the energy I'd tasked with mending the tendons back together into laser-like focus on knitting the shattered tibia bone back together. The muscles had nearly finished being knit back together and I gradually siphoned off the energy that wasn't being used and focused on the wound itself. and closing it back up. I'd be here awhile yet and looking over my shoulder I noticed that The Morrigan had touched down behind us. There were several gladiator-class assassin droids that exited the ramp and began to set up a perimeter. When the wound had finished closing and I became sure the bone had been knitted back together properly I when I'd restore her heart-rate and get her loaded up on The Morrigan. Until then I trusted the droids would do their job and focus on her injuries.

Looking at her unsure if she was awake or not I said, "Gotta stay awake doll, my name is Celiana. I'm with the Silver Jedi how about you love?" I needed to keep her talking a bit longer while I finished up with this...

As the wound began to heal Quinn would still be in excruciating pain. Her vision would be fading in and out, her body would grow very cold even though the day was warm and it triggered her worst memories. She saw that fateful day on Coruscant, the day her master had sacrificed himself to try to save the galaxy. She had been a scared little teenage girl at this point. She had been told to wait for him in the hallway, he said it would only take a moment... That was the longest moment in history. She had watched as him and several other jedi masters entered the room and ordered the newly found dark lord to surrender. She heard the screams of the Masters as each one of them was cut down. Then she could hear the grunts as her master and Palpatine locked in saber combat. She thought something was going right for a change. That was right up until Anakin entered. As he approached she would hide herself not too far from the office and once he entered she returned to the door where she would watch as her master was thrown from the window. As this happened Anakin caught sight of her. She would take off and once she reached the bottom level she would jump into a speeder and flee the planet as fast as possible. A few hours later a bounty had been taken out on her and she would be able to stay ahead of the bounty hunter for a few weeks before she was finally overcome. When she was she was brutally beaten and then finally she was frozen in Carbonite. That is what this feeling triggered.

"M-my n-name is Quinn a-also a s-silver jedi." She said starting to shiver

She was shivering so I pulled my Jedi cloak off and draped it over her body to warm her up. Channeling some of the energy through the bracer into her to help her body normalize I felt the last of the the wound close up and the bone knit back together. Loosening my grip on her heart I allowed her heartbeat to return to normal. "Nice to meet you Quinn, sorry ther was a hole in your leg and all but hey crap happens. Alright doll, the wound has been closed. Your muscles, bone, and tendons have been knitted back together and you'll probably need to stay off your leg for awhile but you're gonna live."

Calling the saber hilt I'd placed on her chest back to my hand and sliding it back along the left side of my ribs I looked at her and asked, "Hey Quinn, do you have a ship here on planet? If so then I can send one of my droids to get it back to Voss for you. You'll be needing to come with me and stay off your feet just so you know I'm getting ready to lift you so hold on alright?" Sending a spear of restorative energy into her I channelled The Force and began to lift her up off the ground grabbing her saberstaff and placing it in the crook of her arm as I did.

I began moving back towards The Morrigan with Quinn still draped in my cloak hopefully she'd started to warm up and if not I'd get a warm blanket to wrap her in when we got loaded up...

"Yes it is not too far from here it is the Time Bandit." She said still shivering but glad the woman had came to her rescue. As the last of the wound healed she would breathe a sigh of relief but still it didnt feel right

Smiling I said, "Alright doll. I'll send a droid for your ship as for you I'm escorting you personally to wherever it is you're going. Need to keep an eye on you." Lifting her with The Force I walked backwards into The Morrigan and had the other droid prepare a bed for her. Letting her down slowly on the bed I noticed she was still shivering and pulling several warm heated blankets I wrapped her up in them and prepared to break orbit...

Nodding as she said, "Voss please." Having closed the doors I kicked the engines back on and took off breakign orbit. I intiated the command that would bring The Cherry Blossom into position and begin the docking procedure. The panicked look hadn't escaped me either whoever had inflicted that injury on this poor girl she was worried they'd be back. Well if they did come back they'd have me to deal with... After I initiated the command to begin docking I went back to check on my patient.

Coming up on my ship I initiated docking protocols and went back to grab my patient lifting her out of bed with The Force I borught her through the hatch with me and into my ship. Setting her down in my bed I pulled out some warm blankets and covered her up before grabbing a pillow and some blankets and crashing on my couch outside my cabin. Engaging the jump to Voss I embraced sleep...


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