The Admiralty
Unless I am misremembering the rules it is even more lax than that.Siobhan Kerrigan said:I make a new character and start a minor faction. Said faction only has one member - me. I sub a Star Destroyer and say it's affiliated with said faction. Then I create another minor faction and sub another Star Destroyer. Rinse, repeat. Admittedly at some point it will get absurd.
One minor faction can be affiliated with an infinite amount of 2000m ships. They just need to be PC-captained. So you don't even need to create a new minor faction.
Honestly, this entire discussion reminds me a lot about the whole Master-rank debate. Some people argued that it would end the site as we know it (which it didn't), but a lot of people also kept trying to force their standards on the entire community. In the vein of: "I like doing it this way, so everyone else should do it too." or "I have had to do it this way, so everyone else should do it like that too."
Its similar here in my opinion.
"Everything should be a 100% logical story in my eyes, so everyone else should adhere to it too."
Sure. People can believe that. But I have never really understood that logic. How does things like this influence you? Why does it matter if a writer is controlling a 2KM star destroyer by themselves? It doesn't auto win them any battles. You don't need to accept the hits they make.
It literally doesn't matter to anyone, except to them. Because its their story they want to write.
Also what [member="Darth Vesper"] said. Good writers adhere to the unspoken understanding in the community. That is why they get all the good stories and people gravitate towards them. Bad writers always try to get every advantage and win everything. Its why they are shunned. We don't need rules for that. It is the basic gist of how Chaos regulates itself and always has.
Restrictions should be lifted. People should write what they want and nobody should force their standards onto them. We are literally writing in a setting with space monks waving plasma sticks. Where the main villain of the setting had a moon that shoots a death star at planets. People looking for economical sense and logic are really in the wrong setting here in my opinion.
So, yeah, that is my two cents.