Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Changes to Beskar Acquisition

Darth Sinna said:
How does one use limited resources in a mass-produced quantity?

It's a rhetorical question, so don't bother answering, and I know the likely answer. It just gets to me sometimes.

The same way Americans get depleted uranium rounds, nuclear warheads, and nuclear reactor powered warships.

Throw money at the problem and mine the feth outa it.


Darth Sinna said:
How does one use limited resources in a mass-produced quantity?

It's a rhetorical question, so don't bother answering, and I know the likely answer. It just gets to me sometimes.
By finding a new homeworld within the decade.
Arrbi Betna said:
Darth Sinna
Answer: very carefully.
Careful enough to juggle 6 eggs.

Now on a more serious note, I agree completely with this. It seems like the Mandalorians use so much of the Beskar that just about every one of the PC's have it. HOWEVER, just because a PC has it does not mean an NPC does as well. So for purposes like this, just adding a thread on it with 10 posts is not that bad. And it makes for a good story.

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