I already said archery range and range is in your rifle range counteroffer, so we both then agree with range.
Bear with me:
Ahem.. Now if you remember, we did do a rifle range thingy back awhile and you know how it turned out for that poor wing-dingle, [member="Mariya Fleischer"] .
So wouldn't it be fair if we now try an archery range? It's really more of my style in real life OOC. I actually belong to an archery range and shoot regularly. No, I'm no hunter, I actually shoot a recurve bow... a Samick Red Stag off the shelf...no sight, no rest, no mechanical release...traditional shooting. Instinct.
I do Ok...I'm no
Robin Hood Katnis, rather...
I think it would be great for Marina/Mariya to do something that they both could be good at...archery seems like the thing. besides, you never know if it could come in handy in future RPs where you find yourself without a blaster. Then you could fashion a bow and do your thing with a past RP to back your skill. Yes?