Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chaos Counts to Two Hundread

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk. :p
Just curious as to who new alts are. I like to check out their threads. Posts rather, not apparel.
Ok, sometimes what they are wearing does catch my eye as it kind of tips me off on some fashion stuff. :D

Say, why are you the Elder. I don't think you're much older than I, [member="The Elder Kashi"] :)

Out Of Character: [member="Marina DeVoe"] You’re mostly in character all the time so I do not know if you’re being in character right now or just trying to be nice to get to know the writer. lol

In Character: I’m not in the habit of telling me my personal information. I’m a Kashi, to my knowledge the eldest living.


Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Hehe... almost always, which I think is more than just sometimes that I am in character here on the, yes. :p

Well, then that explains as to why I don't know much, if anything at all of your kind, [member="The Elder Kashi"] . But you do look about my age...mid twenties.
I guess you being who you say you are, you wouldn't want to reveal your true age. But are we talking decades..centuries...millennia?.?? :huh:

[member="Marina DeVoe"] I suppose it is your roots that are dyed and they are truly blond. You seem to keep on forgetting your very own Queen is half Kashi and she does not look the typical age of a human or near human.


Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

Queen [member="Faith Organa"] is half Kashi?....yea, right! *sarcastic reply*

Nice try, but I don't get easily teased to take your bait. besides, why would you want to pick a fight with me? I can tell you now that you'll what's your point? What gain is there for you than prove you can beat a pacifist in a physical fight? It's like shooting fish in a barrel. No sport.

Just leave my queen out of your games, [member="The Elder Kashi"] ....please. -_-

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