Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Chaos in the Hangar


Chaos in the Hangar
Coruscant, Jedi Temple Hangar
Tags: Tash Erenoss Tash Erenoss


"Don't worry! I have everything under control!"

Jasper was clinging on to a strange contraption for dear life, a cylindrical object built onto the chassis of an old Treadwell droid. Out of two slits in the front of the machine, waffles were being fired off at a rapid pace, sending the confections flying across the hangar. Mechanic fled for cover, tool kits were knocked from their shelves, and many found the inside of their open starfighters filled with weaponized breakfast food. The padawan had latched his mechanical hand firmly to the bizarre contraption and was digging through an open panel on the top.

"This is just great," Jasper mumbled as he scrambled to find the kill switch. "That's the last time I make a waffle robot."

Finally, he found it. The kill switch, which was really just a button that fried all the insides in case of an emergency. Jasper pressed it, which caused the machine to slow before halting entirely. The rain of waffles over the hangar ceased and the chaos subsided, at least momentarily. The machine, under the weight of Jasper, promptly fell apart, the access waffles within spilling out like the entrails of a gutted tauntaun. Jasper fell to the floor, deciding to remain there. This had to be the single dumbest thing that he had ever decided to create. His BB-unit Blip emerged from behind a pillar, beeping at him in a melodic manner, as he usually did. The padawan didn't turn to face the droid, only placing his mechanical hand on it's head.


"Yeah, I'm fine," he sighed. "I'm just gonna lie here for a minute."

He'd just wallow in his embarrassment for a moment or two. That seemed appropriate.

Tash slowly stalked through the halls of the temple, one hand bundled around a case full of starship parts, and his other stroking his chin as he ran through all of the repairs in his head. His old starfighter was desperately overdue for repairs and all of the issues he had with it during his time away from the order would only grow more and more the longer he postponed his maintenance for it.

Needing to tune up or replace practically every internal component had made it easier to just remain stressed about it and continue procrastinating the issue, but given the recent incident where the pistons holding up the landing gear completely gave out, there really wasn't any excuse to wait longer. And so, he kept himself deep in thought, trying to remember everything that he intended to handle today, as he stepped into the hanger. So deep, in fact, that he was only violently ripped back to reality as a soft, spongy breakfast-good smacked against his cheek. Recoiling back and dropping his supplies, his hands raised instinctively to defend himself, just in time as more rogue waffles splattered against his frame.

Soon the assault ended, and with it Tash would slowly bring his hands down, casting a brief glance at the pile of food laying wastefully on the ground all around him, before looking to the source. A young man, collapsed on the floor, with heaps of waffles and droid parts littering his surroundings. A failed attempt at modifying a Treadwell to distribute meals? Perhaps, and it was an utterly ridiculous scene yet Tash couldn't help but crack a grin. After all, his old master had attempted basically the exact same thing before. He reckoned waffles had too efficient of a shape to not set up a droid to distribute them, and with both these incidents. waffle droids were now 0/2 on succeeding.

Allowing a small chuckle to escape from his lips, Tash moved to the fallen Jedi, extending a hand out towards the man with a warm smile on his face. "Well this is quite the mess you've made. I'm guessing you could do with a bit of assistance on clean up duty?"




"Well this is quite the mess you've made. I'm guessing you could do with a bit of assistance on clean up duty?"

An individual he had never seen before was now extending an arm to help him up, a fellow padawan from the looks of it. The teen seemed to be about the same age as him as well. Jasper had only been back at the temple for about a year now following his temporary self-exile, and even then it seemed he was meeting all kinds of new people. Jasper extended his mechanical arm and excepted the stranger's help, managing a grin.

"I imagine the waffles gave that away," he laughed, though slightly embarrassed.

"Beep wop."

"The idea was perfectly fine," Jasper told his astromech companion. "I just... happened to accidentally reroute to much power to the launching mechanism and knocked a circuit out of alignment. It would've worked."

Jasper sighed, hanging his head a little. Accidentally creating a mobile waffle turret was always a good way to meet someone for the first time. The least he could do now was not continue to make a fool of himself.

"Sorry 'bout the abrupt chaos," the padawan apologized. "Jasper Kai'el. Nice to meet ya."

Pulling the other padawan upright, Tash allowed himself a quick look over him now that he wasn't half-buried in waffles. Rugged, almost civilian clothing, a complex cybernetic prosthesis replacing his right arm, and a lightsaber at his hip, just as he had expected. A fellow padawan of the order, and quite an interesting one if this little failed experiment was anything to go off of. His astromech even chided him on it not working, something Tash just quietly raised an eyebrow at. It was a bit rare to find people who leave their droids with uncleared memories long enough to develop personalities like that, in his own experience.

Introducing himself as Jasper Kai'el, and Tash would follow in suit, waving a hand dismissively. "Well greetings Jasper, I'm Tash Erenoss, and don't worry yourself over it. I can imagine a lot of worse things happening in a hangar than just getting some food launched at me." His eyes briefly flickered off to his ship towards the far end of the hanger, suspended from the ceiling with loose parts littering the ground below it.

"So let's get to cleaning up the mess before somebody that does care comes by. Can't imagine you'd want to explain to a master why there are bits of waffles all over the hanger," he teases.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple Hangar
Tags: Tash Erenoss Tash Erenoss


"Sorry 'bout flinging food at you... though it certainly isn't the strangest way I've met someone," Jasper shrugged. "That's still probably the Gala..."

Ah yes, the Gala. Nothing says making new friends like having a complete stranger suddenly make out with you. Despite how completely strange the entire experience had been, he had ended up becoming friends with Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan , the individual in question. It was certainly a contender for the most confusing way he ever met someone.

"So let's get to cleaning up the mess before somebody that does care comes by. Can't imagine you'd want to explain to a master why there are bits of waffles all over the hanger,"

"Yeah, that's probably a good call," the padawan frowned. "The last time I made a mess, a real stickler came along and made me help in the Archives..."

Jasper shuddered at the thought. He very much disliked anything of that sort. To be taken from his tinkering and placed in such a sterile, educational environment felt like being driven from his natural habitat. He was very quick to procure a set of brooms and get to work, leaving one for Tash since he had insisted that he'd help. Jasper wasn't one to turn down kind gestures. Such a thing was rather rude, and he had learned his lesson about doing things alone already.

"So," he began as he started to sweep up the waffles. "How long you been here?"

Tash offers a knowing smile to Jasper as he thinks back on his punishment, recalling his own time spent there after causing mischief as a youngling. A few weeks of organizing the archives made him think twice about piloting a jedi knight's starfighter without permission again. He did it 3 more times, of course, but he did think twice.

Following alongside Jasper and taking up a broom for himself, Tash began his clean up duty close to him, keeping a nice organized pile for him to keep pushing forward with as he went. He hadn't come here to clean the hanger, but a small little distraction like this was probably worth pushing off fixing the ship for just a little longer. Probably.

Of course, one can't work in silence for too long, and the other padawan opened up with wondering about how long he had been here. His eyes would widen a bit in surprise at how the other padawan hadn't heard the news of him being here, but he'd quickly hide the shock. "Well I've only just come here recently. It's actually been quite a while since I've been to the temple, and years since I've stayed here for longer than a day. My old master could hardly stand staying here for too long."

At this point, he'd stoop down and begin prying out the parts of the Treadwell droid out from the rest of the waffles, shaking them to get loose crumbs out of its joints. "And what about you? I don't think we've met before so I'm guessing you've come to the temple within the past couple of years?"


Coruscant, Jedi Temple Hangar
Tags: Tash Erenoss Tash Erenoss


Jasper understood where Tash was coming from when he spoke of not being at the temple in some time. He, of course, had taken a leave of absence of his own, though more so for personal reasons. The padawan hadn't been picked up by a master. Not yet, at least. As he progressed further into his training, Jasper began to fear that he may not find one. He didn't linger on it for long. As the two continued to organize the scattered waffles into piles, Tash spoke again...

"And what about you? I don't think we've met before so I'm guessing you've come to the temple within the past couple of years?"

"Not exactly," Jasper responded. "I was raised here, but took a... year off from my studies. I've only been back within the last year or so."

And what a year it had been. Jasper had not expected to make such an impression upon his return, but he was thrown into the thick of everything and was managing to keep his balance. He had gone from a complete loser to a sort of loser with a reputation. That, he thought, was an achievement enough for him.

"Boy did I pick a crazy time to come back," he laughed. "One minute I was taking classes, the next we were in a two-front war. Though I guess nothing sums up my life better than abrupt chaos... Well, if you're just getting back for the first time in a while, I'd be happy to show you around. The Temple's had a few changes since the reconstruction. I got lost a few times when I came back."

So Jasper was a fellow youngling raised with the order? It wasn't that peculiar to not know every single other person in the order, and then of course Tash was absent ever since he was assigned with Master Penin, but it still was a bit surprising. Perhaps he was more distant from everybody else than he had even initially thought. At least he was remedying it somewhat right now?

Finally picking up and bringing the loose droid parts to a nearby worktable, Tash kept himself busy with snapping everything back into place as Jasper recounted his own experience since getting back. "Hah yeah, these are some wild times, but there's been so many crazy things over the years already. It's just a bit different now that we're around to be a part of it, I guess."

Finally snapping the arms to the droid, Tash gave it a testing push at it's base, and nods in satisfaction when it doesn't immediately tumble apart again. Scooping up his broom again, he returns to sweeping up at the mess, a veritable mound of waffles now collected. "Enough about that, though. A simple tour sounds nice. I'd never admit it to the masters, but it does feel quite easy to get lost now," he chuckles, bringing the last little bundle of waffles into the mass. Now it was just a matter of getting them out of here.


Coruscant, Jedi Temple Hangar
Tags: Tash Erenoss Tash Erenoss


"Hah yeah, these are some wild times, but there's been so many crazy things over the years already. It's just a bit different now that we're around to be a part of it, I guess."

"I don't know if that one is a good thing or a bad thing," Jasper laughed. "Living through history is thrilling... just not the best for my health."

Oh and was it not good for his health. Jasper had really been through the ringer this year. He had lost an arm, been beaten to a bloody pulp, had Sith runes engraved upon his skin... Every time he thought that maybe things could mellow out, something else came around the corner to clock him in the jaw. Jasper was either incredibly lucky to be alive or incredibly unlucky to continue winding up in these situations. Generally, he hoped for the former. It was always better to be lucky.

"Well," he continued, "I can show you around after we take care of this pile. Fortunately, I have a plan."


"N-no," Jasper responded to Blip, who had chimed in once again. "I... wasn't gonna use the Lonestar's jets. That would be stupid..."

Hearing the plan out loud, it was stupid. Vaporizing the waffles with the propulsion of his freighter would probably end up making a much larger mess than was already present. Instead, he improvised a little, grabbing a nearby sheet of metal and sliding it under the pile.

"There we go," he nodded, satisfied with his new solution. "We should be able to move all of this to the dumpster now."

Tash couldn't help but wince at hearing how the years have been rough on Jasper. It didn't take much of an imagination to realize that a padawan going through such times with a prosthetic arm probably didn't lose it from something mundane. Still, it wasn't directly stated and there didn't seem to be any ill will in his words, so he'd simply nod along and make sure to not delve deeper into the topic.

Besides, there was the much more pressing matter of disposing of the mountain of waffles. While Tash was fully willing to go along with whatever plan the other padawan had, it seems the astromech served as Jasper's voice of reason, talking him out of using a ship's propulsion systems before he could even say it. It was beginning to become quite clear why the droid was allowed to keep it's personality, Tash realized.

With the new plan of using a metal sheet, he'd quickly move to the opposite side of Jasper and help him heave up it all. "Alright, well then let's go. The quicker we're done, the lower the chances are of a master asking why two padawans are carrying a ton of waffles on loose hull plating," he says, readjusting his grip and standing ready to march off with the doughy payload.

Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el




"Alright, here we go," Jasper nodded.

He lifted up the other side of the sheet, making great use of the leverage allowed by his mechanical arm. With coordinated steps, the two moved towards the hangar's trash chute, which was quite large to accommodate for the the larger scrap that generally was discarded from the hangar. Despite the best efforts of all the mechanics present, not every piece was salvageable, especially after a heated battle. With some effort, the sheet was lifted up over their head, sending the waffles off to the unknown (if the dumpster could be considered such a thing).

"Well, that went better than I had expected," the padawan said with a satisfied smile. "Thanks, by the way. I would have been there for hours if you hadn't helped.

A good willed stranger in a time of need. Perhaps Jasper was lucky after all. That was always nice to have on his shoulder. After all, he very often considered himself to be quite the opposite. Luck seemed hard to come by these days.

"How about we grab a bite and figure out what you don't know about the temple," Jasper reasoned. "Probably wanna hit the mess hall anyways. We're a good hour ahead of the lunch rush."

Occasionally turning his head around to see that nobody new was wandering into the hangar, Tash went along helping Jasper carry everything to the disposal, dumping it all in without incident thankfully, and so it was done. A nice and quick little cleanup that didn't take that much effort at all. Jasper seemed rather appreciative, thanking him for the assistance and such and inviting him out for lunch.

"That sounds good to me. Skipping breakfast and getting pelted with waffles has worked up my appetite a bit," he chortles, leaning the metal sheet carefully against the wall before starting to move to the entrance of the hanger, pausing at the container he had dropped before. Carefully lifting it up and taking a glance inside, he breathes a sigh at relief at all of the parts still being intact, before slinging it under his arm once again. Here he was, in the hanger with his parts, but he now had another good reason to wait just a bit longer on ship maintenance. "Suppose I'll drop this off at my room first. How about you go ahead to the mess hall and I'll meet you there? I won't be too long."

Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el


Coruscant, Jedi Temple Hangar
Tags: Tash Erenoss Tash Erenoss


"Suppose I'll drop this off at my room first. How about you go ahead to the mess hall and I'll meet you there? I won't be too long."

"Sure thing," Jasper nodded. "I'll save us a table."

As he set off to the mess hall, a few questions began to fill the padawan's mind. He had said something about an old master. Tash seemed to imply that he had one at some point. What had happened to this master? Jasper had never received a master. He simply couldn't fathom losing one. The idea was heart wrenching. Still, that seemed a bit personal, and Jasper wasn't the type to pry at that. Before long, he had set himself up at a table.

There was a lot for Jasper to think of in the meantime. It wasn't long before he was tinkering again, adjusting the components on his Energy Bow while he waited for Tash to arrive.

At Jasper's affirmation, Tash hurried off, quickly finding his room among the many hallways running throughout the temple. Once inside, he immediately presses his hand to the console on the wall, sliding the doors shut in his wake. The typical image of a jedi room is a minimalistic, boring room, and while many of the New Jedi Order probably don't fit that idea anymore, Tash does. A single bed, a storage compartment to hold everything nice and neatly, and a pad to meditate on.

It felt odd having a single place to call home again, but for now it was home and so it contained that small spark of emotion to make this room his own. Fiddling with the case holding his belongings, it slid open to reveal a variety of small totems and charms. All were gifts that he had been given from people thankful to him and his master. For now he'd slide them over to make room for his ship parts, but before he left, he had one last thing to do.

Reaching to the far back corner, he'd find his hand curling around a metallic cylinder with a bumpy and warped surface. As he dragged it out, the little light glistening through his window reflected dully off of it's scorched surface. A lightsaber, damaged in an explosion that has yet to see any repairs. With a sigh, Tash steps over to the mat and lays the broken lightsaber on the ground in front of himself. His eyes would close and all tension would drain from his face as he allows himself to feel the force all around himself.

"Master, you always told me to try and make friends in the order whenever we returned. It felt like a waste, to try and connect with those that I would abandon as we did, but my time here has made me begin to understand. Attachments can lead us down dark paths, but the darkest path of all is the one you walk alone." The lightsaber begins to rise into the air, slowly encircling the padawan as he speaks to it. "It's just a start, but I've met another padawan. Jasper Kai'el is his name. I know I ignored that lesson before, but I'll make right on it now...and maybe, maybe it will lead to you this time..."

The clank of the lightsaber hitting the floor caused him to jolt back to reality. He let himself slip again. Grasping his master's old saber, he looks down mournfully at it before returning it to his other belongings and shutting it all away. Attachment...It wasn't the jedi way. He was supposed to let go. It's the right thing to do.

When Tash stepped into the mess hall, his eyes immediately locked onto Jasper. He had set himself up at a table and seemed to be fiddling with another object, though thankfully this one seemed to not be a droid that could malfunction. Shuffling over, he'd slide into the seat opposite of the other padawan, a kindly smile stretching across his face. "Sorry, I got a bit sidetracked. Alright, let's get something ordered. I've kept you waiting long enough."

Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Tash Erenoss Tash Erenoss


"Sorry, I got a bit sidetracked. Alright, let's get something ordered. I've kept you waiting long enough."

"No problem," Jasper replied, getting to his feet and slinging his energy bow over his shoulder. "I wasn't waiting for very long."

As they went through the line and got their lunch, Jasper couldn't help but feel that something was off. Tash was, if only slightly, a little unfocused. He couldn't help but wonder what had gotten his fellow padawan sidetracked. Of course, he wasn't going to pry, but there was a level of curiosity present in his head. Making their way back to the table, Jasper quickly got back to work tinkering on his bow, eating as he did so.

"The food actually isn't as bad as it used to be," he commented. "I think it's improved since when I left. It still doesn't have anything on Coruscant street food...."

Jasper's curiosity began to creep back up again. What had Tash been doing all this time away from the order? He had mentioned that he had done a good deal of traveling.

"So what were you doing while away?" Jasper asked. "It seems like you've been out traveling for some time now."

Like Jasper said, the lunch rush wasn't for a while now so it was a quick and painless wait for them to push through the line and get a meal. Seated back at the table, Tash didn't wait long before indulging in it. Like always, it could be better, but it seems like he wasn't the only one to know how much better your meals could be outside of the comfort of the temple.

Aside from Jasper's slight disappointment at how much better the cafeteria's servings could be, there seemed to be some other concern gnawing at him. It was impossible to truly know, but with how his eyes appeared as they looked over Tash, it was a safe bet that it related to him. There would be no need to try and inquire about it, though. If the other padawan truly was as spontaneous a person as he seemed to be, it wouldn't be a long wait for him to raise the concern.

Before he could even get through a quarter of his meal, he was proven right. Questions about himself. Questions about his time with his master. Tash didn't make any effort to keep the information hid from people, though really only the council would know of his situation. There's no harm in explaining it, though, especially to one that's been so kind so far.

"So you're a bit curious, then? Well it's not a very interesting story but I'll indulge. After becoming a padawan, my master assigned to me was Jedi Knight Quin Penin. He hated the temple life so we nearly never came back here. As soon as we finished a training exercise or a mission, we'd move right on to the next one we had lined up. There's always people in need so we always had something to do."

His face seemed to light up as he spoke, fond memories flowing through his mind as he recalls all of those years he spent learning from Quin, though with such happiness also came some sorrow in his eyes that grew more and more until, after a short pause, he continued, "That all came to an end around a year ago. My master activated his hyperspace drive right as a full salvo hit his starfighter. The last I saw of him was his ship being enveloped in a ball of fire as he vanished, shooting off without any charted coordinates. I spent a year searching for him, to see if he even had survived, but nothing came up. Checked just about every single lead I had, but without my master the only place I had to go to was here."

Taking in a deep breath and slowly exhaling, Tash would bring another bite up to his mouth before placing down his fork and leaning back in his chair. "I just arrived a couple of weeks ago and there's not too much to say after that. For now, I'm here to finish my training and...figure it out from there, I guess. Like I said, not a very interesting story."

Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Last edited:


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: @Tash


"Jeez, I..." Jasper began, but trailed off.

Where did he even begin with something like this? Jasper's curiosity was always causing problems. He didn't want to drag up any past trauma, but it seemed like he had done just that. A wave of guilt flooded through him. Any attempts of a good conversation seemed out the window now. The least he could do was apologize...

"I'm sorry," the padawan sighed, "I didn't mean to be nosey... I... can't imagine loosing someone like that."

What had it been like? Like losing a parent? A close friend? It was hard to say. After all, Jasper had been left to his own devices, yet to find a master of his own. Try as he might to empathize, perhaps he would never be able to understand. That hurt him a little inside.

"I... I'm sure there have to be some interesting memories you had," Jasper added optimistically. "Things tent to sound underwhelming when you skip parts... I... can't say my time away was any more thrilling..."

The padawan leaned back, his eyes drifting off ever so slightly.

"No one ever came to train me," he admitted. "I was afraid that they thought I'd fail my trials, send me to Agricultural Core. So I... ran away. I thought that I'd be better off on my own... or really that I wouldn't be missed around here. All I really ended doing was wasting time for a year while I hid from my problems. In comparison it seems like a disservice to call your experiences uninteresting. Most padawan just waste away doing nothing in the temple."

By the time he had finished with everything he intended to say, Tash's composure seemed to have fully recovered. His companion didn't seem to fare as well with the story. Was that guilt that he felt radiating from the padawan as he mustered a response? It seemed so with the apology coming soon after. Tash felt it wasn't worth apologizing for wishing to know someone, even if there is a tragedy to the knowledge that someone may learn. Not all knowledge was pleasant, after all.

Jasper proved such with his own story. A padawan who did not even have a master in the first place. Without guidance, companionship, or a trusted figure to go to, he abandoned everything. It was impressive to Tash that Jasper had decided to come back at all if it was the order itself that seemed to have failed him in that time of uncertainty.

"I see. Thank you for baring your scars as well, Jasper Kai'el. There is no need to feel sorry for what has happened to me, though. I told you of my own volition, and to me your story seems just as exotic and interesting as mine seems to you. There's no need to worry about how the experiences can compare when the experiences are what make us who we are. That is the way of the force, isn't it?"

Scooping up another bite of his meal, Tash chews it thoughtfully for a moment. Speaking positively was not in his nature, but it made it a lot easier when he was essentially spouting out the same knowledge his master told him.

"And look at how the force has guided us, leading us both back to the temple. If neither of us were worthy to stay on this path, we wouldn't be eating lunch together right now, right?"

Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Tash Erenoss Tash Erenoss


Jasper felt a wave of relief wash over him. It seemed that Tash was unbothered by his prying, and seemed to respect that he had shared his own struggles. Though now, Jasper was beginning to wonder how much he was selling himself short. He had never thought much about his past, but Tash seemed to consider it 'exotic.' Perhaps this was a two-way street.

"And look at how the force has guided us, leading us both back to the temple. If neither of us were worthy to stay on this path, we wouldn't be eating lunch together right now, right?"

"I can't argue with that," Jasper nodded.

Guided him here... It was strange to think that he had done all of this on a whim, really. Return to the temple, begin breaking out of his shell, work up the courage to meet the man who made him. All his attempts to plan things out always seemed to go up in flames, yet accidental instances like this always seemed so memorable. A sign, perhaps.

"Guess things up until this point have wound up okay," he shrugged, "Give and take a few waffle robots. I... I'm optimistic about where I'm going these days. The people around here are good folks. I think you'll find out for yourself soon enough. And hey, the road is always brighter with company."

Jasper couldn't help but crack a grin at what he had said.

"Jeez," he laughed, "I sounded like a motivational poster for a moment."

His words thankfully seemed to have the intended effect, all of the negative emotions swirling around Jasper fading away. Perhaps that wishy-washy manner of speaking with optimism that his master had actually did help sometimes? Perhaps he was getting ahead of himself. Still, at least they were past the difficulty of discussing the harsh topics of past.

"A motivational poster? Sometimes it feels like the order's philosophies are based upon them," he jokes in between bites out of his meal. By this point, it seemed as though he was the only one not too caught up in conversation to actually continue eating.

"But it is good to have company, yes. I find that more and more true the longer that I stay here. Of course, a lot of it is other Jedi forcing me to come and help them, but that's been a more pleasant time than I had envisioned. It's...hard to expect such warmness after a year of being on my own and not knowing any of the people I've worked with."

Perhaps going and...chatting with pirate gangs out in the outer rim had something to do with expecting a more callous response. Criminals did tend to not allow positive thought processes to flourish.

"So what of your friends in the order? I'm sure that company helping you down your road are all pleasant people."

Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

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