Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Chaos in the Hangar


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Tash Erenoss Tash Erenoss


It was true. The wisdom of the order did very often sound like motivational posters. Maybe this was a sign that they had some merit, or perhaps Jasper was just soft in the head. He was okay with either.

"It's...hard to expect such warmness after a year of being on my own and not knowing any of the people I've worked with."

"The order is evolving," Jasper noted as he continued to eat. "I think people are starting to recognize the value of connection, especially after what happened at Tython. I know there are a few sticklers that warn against it, but I think they miss some important details. The code warns against letting these things consume you, not that you shouldn't have them. It's something I think we'll all have to figure out in time."

Tash asked about his friends. Jasper was more than happy to talk about them. They were the entire reason he had grown so much after all.

"The best, really," he responded. "I've met all kinds of great people when I came back. People who share a lot more of the same struggles with me than I would have assumed. We're all sort of in the same boat, even if where we come from ain't the same. That's always a good thing to know. Being alone was the worst decision I ever made. I'm glad that I was able to find people when I came back."

He paused for a moment, thinking. An idea had popped into his mind, as ideas often did, but this one wasn't of the mechanical variety. It was something different. Something, to Jasper at least, that was far more important.

"I could introduce you, y'know. If you're curious, anyways."

Tash nodded along as Jasper spoke on how relationships within the order. As far as he knew, connections always were fine with the order, but the code has also always warned against that further step towards attachments. The inability to accept losing someone, to obsess over them, to value them over the greater good, these were all potential paths for those sensitive to the force such as the Jedi to fall.

Tash was all too aware of that risk, of how tempting it is to let morals fall to the wayside when it comes to a friend. For just a moment, his brows furrowed and his eyes turned away at the mention of needing to figure out that particular balancing act. It was easy to understand why it was important, and yet it was always so difficult to ignore that the dark whispers in the back of his mind, reminding him of how his own master was still missing and that nobody else could find him.

Now wasn't the time to keep dwelling on it though. Tash had actually brought up the idea of Jasper's friends to see about being introduced and now he was being offered just that without even needing to ask. With how much importance Jasper puts on needing to evade solitude with his companions, it did leave him pretty curious about how good of company he has.

"I'd be happy to meet them, with how highly you speak of them. If they're Jedi here at the temple, though, are they even here now?"

Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Tash Erenoss Tash Erenoss


"They are Jedi, yeah," Jasper explained. "Most fellow padawans, some got knighted. Good people. I don't think many would be here right now, what with the ongoing war. We all... wound up finding our way into the thick of it. The council sends us all out to a lot of things these days... but I'd be willing to bet that you'll meet them eventually. There are some general classes coming up, and I hear there may be another student sparring bracket."

Jasper wasn't quite sure how he had wound up in the crowd he did. By complete accident? A fluke? Who's to say. All he knew is that he wouldn't trade it for the world. It was always nice to have a ray of light amidst the doom and gloom of war. There was always something to keep him grounded, remind him what it was that the Jedi were fighting for. It was easy to forget that in times like these, especially when facing down the likes of the Sith.

"Describing them to you could never really do justice," he shrugged. "It would be better done in the flesh... but I'm happy to give them some praise. Just, don't tell them I did if you do meet a few of them. I-I don't want them to feel obligated to talk me up."

The double standard of his life. Compliments were good... as long as he was giving them.

All of his friends being busy sounded about right. Even if Tash spent an inordinate amount of time away, most Jedi were too busy to hang around in the temple for too long. A chance for the future rather than today, it seemed, potentially in the form of those seminars that Jasper mentioned. General classes weren't really his thing but he could surely give it a try and a chance to train with the lightsaber against his peers would probably be insightful. At least it felt insightful to lose to his old Master time and time again.

"I'm sure they'll be just as willing to talk you up like you're talking them up once I mention you," Tash teases, though partially thinking that he'll be right. Positivity like that is generally contagious to those around them.

"So what about you, though? You taking up any of those lessons, or need more hands for some mission? My schedule has been pretty open while I've been getting acclimated to living here again." That fact probably was for the sake of offering him more rest but Tash always has been averse to excessive downtime. Too many things happen in the universe to let a Jedi be lazy, in his mind.

Tags: Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el


Coruscant, Jedi Temple
Tags: Tash Erenoss Tash Erenoss


"I've been trying to get some classes in," Jasper began, "but I've been pretty swamped. There's a lot going on, and I can't shake the feeling that I need to be out there, y'know?"

It always came back to responsibility with Jasper in one way or another. He felt like he needed to be out there in the front. Almost like if he isn't something terrible will happen. That wasn't realistic, nor fair on him, but it was hard to move past the thoughts in the back of his head, even after he had gotten himself into all kinds of trouble.

"There are a few I've taken recently though," he added. "Just to make sure that I'm still getting in some time to brush up on important topics. But..."

He paused, sort of staring off into space for a moment. Lost in thought, if only briefly.

"All my real responsibilities are out there now."


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