Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[Chapter 1] Laying Plans [FWC]

A few days had passed since Myles got acquainted with his new office space. The information he requested on recent attacks were laying before him on his new desk. He had just about everything he needed.

He was tasked by Queen [member="Faith Organa"] to find out who the insurgents were, who they were working for and who was funding them. He would instill the same counter-terrorism tactics here that he used on Naboo. The most recent attack was on a nerf farm a couple miles away. The first thing he learned in Tactics was that to properly conduct an op, one must lay plans.

Deceiving the enemy would be the main driving point. He would have to think and act like a terrorist in order to find them. He would have to pay a visit to this nerf farm, find what he could and scout further. The attacks were randomized and located sparsely away from one another....No pattern, no motive...just to instill fear in the Queen and her people.

No doubt the insurgents were being funded but they would also be laying low...out in the wilds perhaps. He would possibly have to call up an old contact to help point him in the right direction.

--------------------OUTSIDE PALACE GROUNDS------------------------------------

Myles took a speeder bike out of the Palace grounds and headed to the nerf farm. When he arrived the farmhouse was burned to the ground, the fields were razed. Some nerf lay dead in the fields, others were located elsewhere in the distance almost seeming to stay away from the violence of the scene.

He examined the scorch marks around the homestead, the largest concentration of charred soil was surrounding the farmhouse. No doubt the house was set on fire scatter the residents...or kill them

He went inside the once-was house and examined the architecture and the materials that would have been used to construct a beautiful home. He walked through the bottom floor of the house and hear a loud CRUNCH

Myles looked down and he had appeared to step on glass. There were other shards of the material lying near his feet with a torn rag buried beneath small rubble.

A firebomb. of course, easy to make, hard to beat

Anyone could make a firebomb, although this didn't narrow down who the insurgents were, it gave him an idea. Sure they may be funded, but with proper amount of funding they would have higher-grade materiel to work with. He left the farmhouse and went to a nearby nerf that lay dead.

He examined the blaster scorch that resided itself on the torso of the creature. Not a big hole but was precise. Not a disruptor weapon, and not an ion blaster. The entry wound resembled that of a military-grade blaster pistol. Even though it could be military-grade, blaster pistols of that quality aren't terribly expensive.

Whoever is funding them sure wants to make sure others can't figure it out.

He made mental note of this info, perhaps he would extend his search further out, find signs of possible transportation at least.
Leaving the farmstead he took the speeder bike further out. Another factor in Tactics and Guerrilla Warfare is roads. Sabotaging a road or Main Supply Route has a great advantage in knowing and disabling the enemy by war of attrition.

He investigated a road that would have normally been heavily used by civilians and military personnel to travel in and out of New Aldera. The speeder bike slowed to a crawl at this point. He couldn't afford to miss any clues. Myles was on the Queen's time. He couldn't afford to mess this up.

A few moments later he spotted another curious sight, scorch marks on the road. Climbing off the speeder, he knelt down and touched the charred soil....cold to the touch at this point. The scorch marks here were different than they were at the farmstead. This was caused by heavy explosives. Mines or IED's of some sort.

Sifting through the dirt he found shrapnel buried snugly. He put the piece of metal in a rucksack mounted on the speeder. Perhaps they were using mixed tactics ranging from high end weaponry to barebones equipment, this made the investigation a little harder. Makes things less predictable.


Myles whipped his blaster rifle out and noticed a figure making a run to the treeline nearby. Words of the Queen echoed in his head Bring them to me alive


He hopped on his speeder bike and broke toward the unknown person. Would this be a trap? He wouldn't know. Hopefully this would be a good break in the investigation.
A high speed chase ensued between Myles and the unknown figure. The brush was getting too thick to maneuver around in. Predicting a bad crash lay ahead of him if he continued, Myles stopped briefly and hopped off of the speeder bike which was now parked in some brush to hide it from potential hostiles.

He ran after the mysterious figure, but they were too fast. Myles got fed up and stopped "Alright hot shot, ill bring ya to your knees" He whipped his rifle up and fired a shot. First one missed, then the second one hit the target in the leg, dropping them.

They were unable to get back up and resume fleeing but they still crawled. Myles walked over to them and got a good look. It was a man in his 30's or so, scruffy black beard and long black hair.

"Please don't kill me, I didn't do anything I swear"

"Then why were you running? And I'm not going to kill you right now.....unless you tell me what i wanna know, then ill let you live."

The man was trembling at this point, he hadn't intended on getting caught.

"First off you can tell me who you are and what were you doing spying on me?"

"Spying? No no no you got the wrong man, I was.....picking apples from the tree nearby"

Myles shook his head. tsk tsk tsk bad mistake friend.

He shot the man's foot, rendering his right side useless.....for now.

"AUGH!!!Okay okay, I was sent to scout the farmstead"

"Why and for whom?!"

"I was sent see if authorities were pokin' around"

"Krenek huh? Alright, last question and i will let you live, where is this Krenek?"

Myles was growing impatient at this rate. He hoped this would bring him one step closer to help shutting down this insurgency.
"I....don't know....he moves around....."

"He was at an old outpost in King's Pass....thats....thats all i know"

"Thank you frie--"
"Wait! You said you would let me go!"

"I never said that...I said i would let you live. I still gotta take you with me....I am sure the authorities would wanna hear this"

With a cold attitude he butted the man with his rifle, knocking him out temporarily. Myles underestimated how heavy this poor sap would be. He lugged him to the speeder and loaded him on board. He sped back to the Palace where a guard was able to take the man into custody..

Hopefully this will all look good on my report to Queen [member="Faith Organa"].
Myles sat in the comfortable office that the Queen granted him. He prepared a detailed account of the events that took place during his investigation and made sure not to leave a single detail out.

How to propose this though? Ill do some further digging before I bring anything else to the Queen, I need more progress. Figuring that getting more progress would be a better solution he finished his report.

Maybe I should tell her what I have found so far, keep her in the loop. She is the Queen and this info could be vital to her.
Once he got everything squared away, he emerged from his office and headed toward the Queen's Hall, eager to inform her on the situation.
[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith drummed her fingers on the desk there had to be a way to figure this out. She rose up and stared at the map before her. She could draw a hex around all the space that the Coalition existed in.

All these planets, some without names some she knew all too well. There were many reasons to disrupt worlds that chose to join the coalition, but why in the way they were? Why this hit and run stuff.

As she pondered these questions she was informed that [member="Myles Davorak"] , her Intelligence Officer was wishing to meet with her.

"By all means have him come in." Maybe he had some answers for her.
Myles was granted entry into the Queen's Hall. A magnificent display of architecture could be found here along with some tasteful decorations. Myles had a written report in his hand but wanted to give a summation of his findings to her.

"Your Highness, good afternoon. I hope my findings will please you. I went to the nerf farm where a recent attack took place"
He paused briefly, taking a deep breath before continuing
"Found remains of a firebomb which was made of shoddy construction. Anyways I caught someone spying on me at the scene. He is locked up right now so he is all yours should you require more info. He gave me a name.....Krenek. Krenek seems to be the one at least in connection with the destruction of the farm. He is located in King's Pass somewhere"

He pretty much summarized everything but info on Krenek was proving difficult to acquire by normal means.
"I believe that Krenek is either behind the whole ordeal, or is at least an officer of some kind to"

He took another breath and assured her.
"Ill start a low-key search in King's Pass and see if I can find Krenek and bring him in for further questioning. That is all I have at the moment your Highness"

So far the search was going steady, he hoped that Krenek wouldn't be spooked from Myles poking around. But I will be unseen, that's what I will have to do.
Now it was time for the Queen's input and see if she had further instruction for him before he departed again.
[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Myles Davorak"]

Faith turned her gaze settling on Myles she had to admit he was very enthusiastic about his job and she was glad he was. "krenek, I don't know this name, what else do you know about him?" This room was simple yet wall furnished it was Faith's favorite room in the Palace at New Aldera. She felt safe here, she wanted to talk to Myles about something else as well right now. Something whispered to her.

Was this man a mercenary? Was he just a disgruntled employee of a company within the Coalition? She wondered where was [member="Cato Fett"] and the other rangers right now. While they were Coalition Rangers working with others just over their borders, they were also very good at flushing out folks who did not want to be found.

Maybe she could help Myles with this. Maybe she should go and talk to this krenek person. So many options, but first she had to be patient and let Myles answer the questions she has.
Myles thought for a moment before replying. "I am still getting more intel on him. I have one of my guys gathering files and see if he has a reputation or not"

He would have liked to have the information handy for her review but he will get the information and relay it to her. He made it a point that he would update at every milestone he ran across. King's Pass was a very mountainous region near the Juran Mountains. There could be many nooks and crannies that Krenek could hide in at this point.

"King's Pass is a large area your Highness so finding him may take some time, but I will not leave any stone unturned. With your permission, I will head out in the morning with some supplies and recon the area, along with doing countermeasures to ensure that Krenek is still in the area."

If I can I will sabotage their operations and make sure they know not to cross him or the Queen; or Alderaan for that matter.

Myles had a steel clipboard, piled with numerous papers; a comprehensive report. Giving a polite bow Myles held the board out away from him, letting the Queen know that should she want the report, she was welcome to it
"Should you want the report M'Lady, I have a spare back in my quarters I can review so you can keep this copy if you like"
[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Myles Davorak"]

Faith listened taking in each word Myles had been very busy and this she appreciated. He was so dedicated to his duties she perhaps he could handle a bit more. "Yes leave it so that I may read through it. And if you must there are some mandalorian clans here on Alderaan perhaps you could use them to help you search." She wanted him to have his way to do things, to get information and complete jobs.

Did they need a few intelligence agents who could move about freely? Course if she was preparing to change his titles about it would grow in responsibility. She smiled.

"You've done an excellent job Myles, thank you. The more we know the better we are at stopping him before he does more damage to the Coalition and Alderaan." She sighed slightly looking at Myles. "I've heard about some movement on our border, have you heard anything?"
The Queen seemed pleased with his findings for now; which would help him fuel more results for her. She had been a very kind employer and didn't seem to rush Myles too soon which gave him a feeling of relief.

"Mandalorians you say? I may contact them actually. I know they can be a resourceful bunch; too stubborn to shy pain away. I will see what I can get with them"

With promptness Myles handed the report to the Queen and took a quick breath before continuing.
"I appreciate the gratitude M'Lady. I should be thanking you for being such a gracious client to me. You have been patient and very helpful and that deserves a thanks all on its own."

Movement on the border? Why didn't I hear of this?

"No ma'am, I have not heard of any movements along the border, however I will take some men with me to investigate and make sure of the situation. In any case, I will treat any rumors as true until proven otherwise. Just playing it safe M'Lady"

If there is movement, then I have a lot of work to do. Where to start?

"I will investigate the border with some men, then I will head near King's Pass and question the Mandalorians and see if they can spare a hand or two. All of this, is all I have to report at this moment."

He stood in front of the Queen awaiting what else she had to say. He didn't want to waste her time with any squabble. Myles can be a talker given the chance.

[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Myles Davorak"]

"yes, there is word that a new seat of power is being formed on Brokerellia, perhaps we could arrange to find out who is making those moves." While Brokerellia was not on their border it was close enough that Alderaan had received refugees after Corellia was split. Now if someone was moving on what remained of that world and would take over that sector perhaps they needed to look closer at it.

"I will be going to Coruscant to oversee the last of the construction of our Embassy there."

Faith was glad to be able to move on the final stages, the Galactic Alliance had been most generous with them.
Myles was made aware of the situation on Brokerellia and the surrounding sectors. Keeping an eye on the surrounding regions would be a good idea, considering that this was all revolving around Alderaan.

"I understand your Highness, I will send some of my men to set some observations in place and monitor the situation closely. Nothing will happen without my hearing of it, which will then be forwarded to you."

Enough work to keep me busy. Good.

Faith Organa said:
"I will be going to Coruscant to oversee the last of the construction of our Embassy there."
"Ah very well. I wish you safe travels Queen Organa. Would you like me to tag along? I could have Silas run interference for me, he is a capable soldier and I have more than enough confidence in him, if not Ill pursue Krenek and keep an eye on the border movements. When you return, I shall have a more comprehensive report ready for you. Is there anything else you need of me your Highness?"

Myles gave a brief bow toward the Queen as he finished his last statement.
[member="Faith Organa"]

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