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Invasion Chapter Three: Total War | Long Live The Empire DE vs GA Coruscant


Chapter Three: Total War

Engage in large-scale ground battles across Coruscant. Participate in dynamic war-posting, using a battle map to track and communicate the progress of both sides. Mark the capture or defense of specific areas, and contribute to the narrative of either the successful defense or impending fall of Coruscant. In Medias Res.

  • As part of the Imperial Army, lead armored divisions and Stormtrooper Corps in a full-scale assault against well-entrenched GADF positions. Use innovative tactics to break through their defenses and capture key strategic points.
  • For GADF forces, utilize the prepared fortifications and traps to repel the Imperial offensive. Hold your ground at critical checkpoints, coordinating with allied units to maximize defensive capabilities.
  • As members of the ISB or SIA intelligence communities, Church of the Dark Side, or Mercenaries of either faction - Capture high value targets, seek out critical data to help push operatives on the front line forward or simply get rid of the enemy commanders to see the day through.

Matriarch of the Scar Hounds Tribe
Objective: Try to help Tommy
Location: Ground, Coruscant
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom | Ring of Wishes and Dreams || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Open
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>
Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Ziare Dyarron | Freedom


To tell you the truth, Coruscant has never been one of my favourite places. In the last such massive assault, I single-handedly captured the entire Republica 500 and took countless high-ranking prisoners for the Scar Hounds Tribe, who later became Slave Soldiers. Spindly was still alive for example and was Tommy's paramour or wife. I haven't really come to terms with what the official relationship between them was after two decades. This place was somewhat painful, not because we won the last time, and not because the last time I was here we had successfully rescued Tommy or others. It was more because of what had happened in the past...

... this was the last place I saw Asher, known to the Galaxy only as The Mongrel The Mongrel , in a physical body, in here, the Realspace. It was here that both of his legs and hips were crushed, causing his brain to be scraped out by the Maw people to put into the machine body. They condemned him to solitude, to never feel anything again. No touch, no cold, no heat, no sunlight, nothing. Locked in a tank until I came and with my telepathic power showed him a new way, a new life. A life together. But these places always remind me that this can't happen in the Realworld, only in the Nether, because he's dead. because of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis and his men.

And I, sooner or later, will find a way to kill the worm who calls himself Emperor.

As always, I arrived on the planet earlier than when I was doing this kind of reconnaissance for Asher. What was certain was that everyone here on Coruscant was expecting this to be the next attack site for the Dark Empire. True, I might have taken over everything around the capital to give them more of a squeeze, but it wasn't my job to do that, it would have been much safer. But for me it's just fine if the Empire turns destabilising and they have to waste too many resources defending the Core Worlds. That way even I would have to work less for their downfall.

The data collected was waiting for me to send it to Tommy when the Dark Empire fleet arrives and the ground offensive begins. They will be here shortly, and in the meantime I headed to my position from where I will monitor the events. From a high enough vantage point, as I did many other times during the Second Great Hyperspace War. I was about halfway there when MANIAC signalled that the Dark Empire fleet had entered the system. I smiled for a moment as I hurried along the streets, blending in with the people. As I walked, I sent the message to Tommy and the data packet.

<< ~ Tommy, this is Mercy. The data is collected and sent to you. I will shortly reach the place and position I have marked in the data, from there I will provide you with support. And if necessary, I can easily join you on the city streets. Mercy, over. ~ >> that was the message and the data was added.

A few minutes later, when the troops had entered the airspace of the area, I arrived at the building. I hoped that no one would attack this high place or that no accidental missile would hit it. To be on the safe side, I was camouflaged so that if there was a sniper on one of the other rooftops, they wouldn't be able to shoot me. When I finally got to the roof in the turbolift and took up my position, I sent another message.

<< ~ Tommy, this is Mercy again. I arrived at my position. Let the dancing begin, over. ~ >>



DE | Defias Defias | Lord Mor'zhul Lord Mor'zhul
GA | Whoevuh




He scrawled over maps, overlays and models of Galactic City. Coruscant. It was a planet he'd waged war over decades ago, though with far different banners flowing in either direction. He was a platoon leader then, serving at the head of a tough nosed formation of Stormtroopers in 'Iron Will'. Black Platoon, 'Hellraisers'. Back then, it was a fight against Sith, it always was. Now, they returned, ankle deep in the mud and refuse of a Galactic Senate and power structure which couldn't smell their own shit if they were neck deep in it. For as long as the war of light and dark reigned over the Galaxy, so too did the war for control. The Galactic Alliance had staked its pay on being a better future for the Core. That future had come and passed and like all democracies had seen its foundations corroded and corrupted from within. Detached senators, corporate interests, perverted elites and false virtues. Every charity gala was a stone's throw away from a homeless veteran. Every proud, virtuous Jedi a strident beacon of light passed the bloated corpse of a wastrel, veins thickened with spice.

It was a rotten cesspit. In the Empire, power came from where it belonged. Respect was earned, toil was rewarded. In the Alliance and all Republics that came before it, power came from the pitch you could sell, who you could smooze. Respect was nonexistent and hard work meant nothing if it wasn't a tick in the green of the Galactic Market. Even if Kroeger led men to war to defend it, he wouldn't shed a tear for Coruscant. An altar to decadence that needed to burn.

A plume of herbal smoke fluttered from the ember tip of his cigara, he peered over to his subordinate commander across from him at the table. Anton Cassel. A man who earned his stripes as an Imperial Officer at about the same time he had. Borosk native, proud 908th, a patch which he still wore, stitched into his right shoulder just as the First Armored Assault was affixed to Kroeger's own. He was good man for the job as this would be, like Teta, a breach. It was an urban assault as bloody as they could get and the Iron Legion was headed for the crown. Though, hardly by his own want.

The Sith held providential value in seizing relics, landmarks and governing buildings as if it was the high court of a Dejarik game. The Senate. A military target, in a way, yes. But in the same way air-space defense assets were. Industrial sectors, spaceports, transportation networks all would've dealt a harsher blow than the objective that the Dark Empire prized. Oh well, as high ranking as he was, still a pawn.

"I think fifty percent is a generous estimate...this is Coruscant. The Alliance usually airs more on the side of taking their people out than defending it to the last but here? Their backs are against the wall...there's no choice." Cassel said to Arminius, a hand scratching through his hair in anxiety.




Explosive flak rattled at the Iron Legion's dropships as they descended the atmosphere of Coruscant in rapid ingress. He sat in the troop bay with his command squad in attack formation, wedged up with the rest of his direct commnad company. Another cigara was between his lips, the gunship rocking with the ordnance smacking against its hull. As veteran as a vast majority of these men were, there was still shakes, anxiety. Like waiting to get that first hit in a Nuna-ball match. The weight of anxiousness was heavy among them as Kroeger's eyes danced between them. One of the troopers, a corporal, hunched over before vomiting unto the floor, looking up only to find the highest ranking man in his formation peering back at him.

Kroeger hardly bore any judgement to the sight, merely flicking his dead cigara unto the floor as well, already dirtied by the man's stomach waste. Eventually he pulled his helmet over his head.

<"Demon this is Banshee, approaching dropzone aurek one minute."> The pilot said to which Demon nodded to himself.

<"On your feet!"> The General sounded off, standing up with a groan of wear and tear on his joints. The rest of the troopers joined him. He flicked away the overlays that bogged down his senses in his heads up display before he peered to his tacpad, the countdown timer to landing taking precedence over all other notifications.

He looked to the left and right, his expression concealed beneath the foreboding image of his commander's Stormtrooper helmet, decorated with the grey rectangular patterning of the Iron Legion.

He nodded his head a few times as he scrolled his gaze across the opposing rank, the troop bay doors slowly opening, the beaming red bay lights shifting to a cool green. Time to go.

<"We've got a city to burn! Dismount! Move!"> Arminius ordered, the first few troopers grabbing the rappel lines that extended from beneath either wing, slipping down the length before Arminius took hold.

He was half way down when a rocket slammed into the cockpit of the ship, sending it into a violent death spiral as he ripped his hands away, rolling violently into the tortured, urban war wastes beneath. A low groan of pain left him as he slowly managed his way to his feet. Nearby, he saw the comms pack of his communications operator perching up above a durasteel barrier.

<"Sergeant! Get me on the net with-."> He pulled him by the shoulder away from the barrier only to find his bloodied visage caved in by the blunt force trauma of the impact, teeth, broken bone, bloodied skin and wide, fearful dead eyes staring back at him. He grit his teeth, aggravated before he threw the man back down.

He a thunderous pass of an X-wing beat down nearby, killing at least half a section of Stormtroopers as they scrambled for cover. Teams with any crew serviced weapon making way for overwatch positions in buildings to provide covering fire as others bounded forward, Kroeger's eyes slowly scrawling up to take in the view of the Senate dome. Close enough to be in its shadow but far, far away from the gates.

He turned back to see a platoon of Cataphracts, somehow successfully dropped in as they laid down a brutal hail of scunion unto the enemy. He made his way back, his blaster rifle slung over his abdomen as he crouched down, running between jutting bits of cover before he saw the first man with a commo pack we could find, pulling him by the shoulder.

<"Trooper! You're with me now, do as I say and keep up, you'll be fine."> He said, pressing the man's head down with a strong grasp on his helmet as another hail of heavy laser bolts struck the city streets around them. He peered up to see the trailing purple engines of another X-wing in passing. He cursed under his breath, peering about his surroundings before looking back to the trooper with him.

<"We need to get comms with The Long Night so we can get a lay of the land and I can start to unfuck this nightmare, understood?"> He asked, referring to his flagship in short hand.


Out Of The Frying Pan Into The Fire || Issue 2​

Huddled over his long-range communications backpack, Ander frantically tinkered with the faulty gadget. He struck a bizarre sight—a large, single stormtrooper crouched in the middle of a war torn street. But fear gripped his mind, dulling his senses and awareness, diligently chipping off his sanity with the sole purpose of repairing the radio—his only ticket to safety. He had been tasked with the communicator; the radio being key to long-range communications in the expected presence of heavy interference and jamming. His deployment with his squad, however, had gone awry, leaving him astray from the rest of his newfound comrades; lost in the concrete jungle of Coruscant, alone.

Despite his imposing size, Ander had been used to tight spaces from his dejected upbringing on the scrap world of Raxus Prime he called home. Crawling and climbing through endless labyrinths of twisted metal and rusting starship hulls, he had navigated spaces that seemed impossible to penetrate. The remnants of war machines and abandoned spacecraft had created a maze of claustrophobic corridors and precarious tunnels, each passage a tight squeeze between jagged edges and corroded panels. The tight confines of wreckage had become his second skin, molding his body and mind to the relentless demands of survival. Each day was a battle against the ever-encroaching metal walls, a dance of determination and desperation in the forgotten corners of the galaxy.

Yet, if Raxus Prime was a battle, Coruscant was a total war. No war games, no drills, not even those conducted on the faux city of Coruscant could have prepared him. Ander dared not look up where the skies were burning, lit aflame by restless machines of war, harvesters of death; the endless skyscrappers piercing the clouds seemed to swing and coalesce as if they were closing in on him, veiling any flicker of the sun's hope with their fathomless shadows and boxing him into an inevitable casket of cold, unyielding durasteel.

Glimmers of the present filtered through the cold tendrils of fear clenching his mind as he continued fidgeting with the radio like a madman. He had trudged through golgotha to escape Raxus Prime only to end up in a penal service for the Empire, forcefully conscripted into the ranks of the famed Stormtrooper Corps in Boomers Squad under Roxy Rizzan Roxy Rizzan . Despite the manner of his enlistment, Ander had experienced camaraderie for the first time in his life; an experience foreign and impossible to the ruthless, competitive salvager life on Raxus Prime pressed under the oppressive thumb of the Commerce Guild.

But as flickers of the present seeped through the firm hold of dread, so did shimmers of the past. He heard clearly the voice of the closest thing to a friend he had had on Raxus Prime—the Whipid Saldau: Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves. The words begged a single question, a question that began to pound in the back of his skull: Whose war was he fighting?

Who am I looking out for?

A cold, metallic hand suddenly pressed down his head hard. Its iron-tight hold cracking the talons of fear gripping his wit before the scorching heat of plasma and burning shrapnel flying over his head melted the last remains of rime that ensnared him in dread's grasp. In several seconds, reality came crashing down upon him: dulled senses exploded to life, engulfed by the cacophony of war.

<"Trooper! You're with me now, do as I say and keep up, you'll be fine."> the metallic hand's voice spoke before it picked him by the shoulder. Ander complied and followed the man as they wafted through stray shots and shrapnel to a temporarily safe place on the other end of the street. The former salvager finally rose up to his full size, barely higher than the man who had liberated him from the prison of fear. The HUD on his helmet identified him as General Arminius Kroeger Arminius Kroeger of Task Force Brutus, among other more granular affiliations such as regiments and companies.

<"We need to get comms with The Long Night so we can get a lay of the land and I can start to unfuck this nightmare, understood?"> the general asked, referring to his flagship in short hand.

<"Understood, Sir."> Ander nodded, at first a knee-jerk reaction, then a few seconds later he comprehended the task given to him as his senses finally returned to their fullest. He looked down at the opened-up long-rage communications backpack to realize his repairs had been going in circles during his stupor; more of a coping mechanism, rather than actual work. With his wit back, Ander produced a cable cutter and began the radio's mechanical surgery. <"Give me a bit."> he said with confidence in his voice.

The gadget looked as dead as a scorched and torn to pieces corpse, but in the greaser hands of a Raxian scavenger mechanical miracles could be performed. Fear still coursed in his veins, yet now it was slowly draining way to more tolerable levels and into a more potent, unnatural mixture of emotions. Something else spurred him along, sharpening his drive into a blade of purpose; something he'd felt surging through his body and mind a couple of instances before in his past.

In a few minutes, the backpack, now smaller in size, had returned to life; lights flickering across its panel and the white noise of static softly buzzing from the receiver. <"Ready, General."> the higher-ranked officer could either use his own commlink device utilizing the long-range radio's strong signal or use directly the commpack's own transceiver.

ALLIES: Arminius Kroeger Arminius Kroeger | Lord Mor'zhul Lord Mor'zhul
ENEMIES: Galactic Alliance

ALLIES: Arminius Kroeger Arminius Kroeger | Defias Defias
ENEMIES: Galactic Alliance

The imposing structure of the Senate loomed ahead, its oval shape reminiscent of a Mon Cala oyster's shell, cradling the pearl Lord Mor'zhul coveted most: glory. It stood idle and immovable, a stoic backdrop to the fire and brimstone, the carnage and death that separated the Sith Lord from his prize.

No longer would he be chained. He would wash away the shame of his past failures with the blood friend and foe alike. Lord Mor'zhul would not be denied his destined treasure. Once, he had donned the mantle of warchief, uniting the tribes of Kalee into a single horde against the New Imperial incursion. Their resistance, however, was pitiful, crushed by the Imperials in seven moons. Disgraced, Mor'zhul had been banished to eternal exile until Darth Solipsis found him and gave him a purpose—a path to eternal glory and the restoration of his name.

His sulforous gaze swept the burning horizon until it fixated on the recognizable, scattered forms of the Iron Legion; their jerry-built armor and equipment were a direct reflection of the state of their former allegiance--the shattered New Imperial Order. Lord Mor'zhul spat to the ground. Of all the units in Solipsis' Empire, the Force had bestowed him this host of riff-raff.

With a surefooted stride, Lord Mor'zhul crossed the throng of live and dead soldiers to reach the General Arminius Kroeger Arminius Kroeger ; winds of explosions tearing at his black robes, artificially enlarging his form. He found Kroeger next to an imposing stormtrooper working on a long-range radio. He would've ignored the common trooper had the Force not forcefully shift his attention to the large man, almost like a moth to a flame. The interest was cursory, snapped away instantly in the same, sudden manner it had initially manifested.

"I am assuming command of this rabble." there were no greetings, no acknowledgements -- only a statement laced with the authority of the dark side. They would bend or they would break. "Delays in capturing the senate will not be tolerated -- order your men to advance."


The world was on fire again.

The man that had once put out civilian fires as a job, was now putting out the fires of war as a jedi. Having now taught his padawan the ways of water shaping, they had spent the last few weeks getting it down. He knew it was coming. They all knew.

Riding on a rail of water, he approached a skyscraper that was being fired on. Hitting the enemy transports with a slash of high pressure water, he cut the wing off one, before landing on another and slicing it with his lightsaber. The man knew it would be war. He had prepared for it. Now he needed to fight like a warrior.

"Come on Cat, we've got more stormtroopers to deal with inside!"


Tag: Arminius Kroeger Arminius Kroeger Defias Defias Lord Mor'zhul Lord Mor'zhul
Objective: Destroy the Enemy Invasion
The Enemy Warplan had been found ahead of time.

The SIA had cracked the code, and found exactly where the enemy was landing before they could even get the chance.

Twin Sphinxes loomed over the Senate building, while the Screaming Falcons of the Hellstompers fired from over the horizon. 38 Ion Turbolaser bolts fired on the enemy LZ with reckless abandon. Many of the GADF's best men would be caught in the zone, but it wouldn't matter. They had planned a trap for the Imperial War Machine.

Suddenly, mortars started falling on the enemy position. From beyond their line of sight, Tigers climbed up the side of buildings and set up on overlooking rooftops and opened up on the enemy transports with heavy Seigurium SABOT darts, while their gunners opened fire with heavy chainlasers.

Elsewhere, the Raven droids zipped between skyscrapers like flies, LIDAR scanning every building for enemy combatants. It was a symphony of pre-planned counter attacks. Hit them before they could get a true foothold.

The Die is Cast | Alea iacta est

Current Objectives: Soften up the Alliance Defenses
Position: Current Right Flank of Mawite Forces
Direct Engagement: Open
Related Tags: Soon

Transfer from the avenged memorial wall complete.
Integrating into 5th Army Units.
Scylla AI Online. Processing Battlescape.
Beginning Directive:
Coruscant SITHOUT

On the eve of battle, the killing word KETH had been broadcast planetwide to prepare, and now it was unleashed again.

Below, chaos might erupt as the Sithwatch militia, civilians, and disguised locals tried to sabotage Alliance positions and cause roadblocks, plant bombs, and boobytraps. Many wore civilian clothes, some disguised as Alliance troopers. They would try and detonate ammo supplies and power packs or run at them with grenades, shooting their comrades or protectors in the back. Fanatics all, long awaiting their revenge.

Above, One Sith Mawite-aligned forces darkened the sky with their numbers, their vessels glowing dim red. Some perished on approach, but the sacrificial fighter screen of the Kethenite forces absorbed much of the damage, led by a few old Gladiator Squadron aces tearing up the skies.

Despite the ferocity of those aboard, the battle plan was executed with the planned precision of a seasoned general and carried out by an efficient AI. The transports descended in an organized fashion.

First, sacrificial Swarm Surge forces spilled out, faint echoes of an artificial swarmsign crackling in the sky. Keth's drones, monsters, and terminus creations roared and rushed forward with one impulse: FEED. Five giants, mighty Surge Worms, unable to burrow far in the cityworld, began to carve paths through buildings, ripping and rending metal. These creations, non-infectious and designed to cause havoc, paved the way for the main force. A few individuals controlled the hive forces, acting as Hive Convergences and nodes to maintain order with the enslaved Hive Mind.

Behind them, the real force, Mythos, Nyx, James Justice, Rohlan Verd clones, and Coruscant individualists, proud of their heritage and service, prepared to bring glory to their names.

A black legion made planetfall, their vehicles displaying a dim runic red glow against a dark metal coloring, honoring the dead and slain with their victories and battles carved into the armor. All of it had been forged here many years ago.

The 102nd Midnight Echelon Fighter Division was held in reserve, waiting for the opponents to expose themselves and commit themselves to be targeted.

Centax's 5th Army of the One Sith had returned home, and the world would hear it.

Summary of Actions:

Disguised Sithwatch Militia Agents attempt to cause chaos in enemy positions.
Swarmsurge Ground Forces Spill out to absorb enemy fire and clear the path.
Giant Surge Worms carve a path for the Legion's Walkers.
The 777th codex Legion Begins its landing to advance behind.
102nd Fighter cover is held in reserve.

One Sith 5th Army Group Forces:

777th Codex Legion:
Commanders Codenames: Vanquisher, Equinox, Trace, and Ironbreaker.
Archetype: Mythos, Nyx, James Justice, and Rohlan Verd Clones.

5000/5000 7th Loyal Sons and Daughters, Infantry Assault Brigade
250/250 Mobile Mortars-3

500/500 14th Faceless First, Reconnaissance and Sniper Battalion
50/50 ULAV

21st Duradogs Armored Brigade
150/150 x OS Blastail MC1 Medium Tanks
50/50 Heavy Imperial Repulsortanks
50/50 Heavy Artillery Turbo Lasers and indirect fire AV-7's
50/50 AT-AA Anti Air Walkers
25/25 AT-AT Transport Walkers
25/25 HCVw A9 Ground Transports

102nd Midnight Echelon Fighter Division:
200/200 Modernized Tie Fighters
100/100 Modernized Tie Bombers
50/50 Modernized Tie Interceptors
25/25 Modernized Tie Defenders

Irregular Forces

Variable Numbers of Sithwatch Militia: Fresh
Commanded by: You, the oppressed people of Coruscant.

S-11 Swarmsurge Terminus Forces (All Non-Infectious)
2000/2000 Surge Drones and Energy Leeches
200/200 Magma Keepers
25/25 Tank Eaters
10/10 Hive Convergencies – Individuals as Hive Nodes
5/5 Surge Worms
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Chapter III

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Lodd Grimmin rested comfortably on the Neimoidian Mechno-chair nearby the ruins of Emperor's Villa, having purchased a small retreat near the only body of water in the form of the Great Western Sea.

The crystal clear waters shimmering despite the deep shadows of the Imperial Navy and the Alliance Defense Fleet engaging overhead, the roaring sound of turbolaser fire slamming into shield systems.

The Trade Federation had been warned of the impending assault by the evacuation to Fondor and the news from their associate within the Imperial Ruling Council before their disapperance, so they had withdrawn most of their assets from the world and scattered them across the Galactic Alliance and Dark Empire worlds.

The battlefield would be taking place far away in the city-scape, leaving the sea untouched for miles around which gave the Neimoidian Senator plenty of time to discuss the current affairs of the galaxy with a member of the Executive Board and Twice-Emperor of the Sith Empire, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex .

The balcony of the retreat featured a sizable holographic map of the engagement, providing them with an opportunity to observe the battle and make predictions about the eventual victor. A boundless buffet was offered as well, affording them a quiet place for lunch.

"Ah, my Lord Carnifex. It is always a pleasure to see our most boundless benefactor."

He said, picking up a tall glass of wine from the table next to him.

A Real Motherfucking Stormtrooper

The sky was on fire.

And yet, this was heaven for the man who had once defended this planet like it was his own. Perched atop of skyscraper, Drego Ruus watched as the Surge Worms rushed through buildings. He had an idea. His shield split in two and perched on each arm, he was going to mount that big motherfucker

With a leap, he fell. Landing on the back of the massive worm with a Thud, he immediately impaled the sharpened shield pieced into the back of the damn thing. Behind him, his speeder roared past him and opened fire on the back. Whatever was on top of it, was about to be in for a world of hurt.


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skin, bone, and arrogance


It was one thing to know that invasion was imminent. To have time to prepare, to make plans for the best defense.

It was quite another to look up from the informal meeting in Alicio Organa Alicio Organa 's office to see streaks of fire and explosions in the middle distance. Natasi's jaw dropped momentarily and she repressed a shiver brought on by the blood in her veins going glacial. She took a shaky breath. A conqueror of dozens of worlds, a victor of one of the bloodiest wars in galactic history, Natasi was no stranger to violence of this kind, but this was different.

This was Coruscant.

Trillions of lives, the capital of the Galactic Alliance in all but name, the ceremonial seat of galactic democracy. The one place that she had sworn the First Order would never invade. The planet was brimming with symbolic value but of limited strategic value, and not nearly enough of either to justify the catastrophic loss of life that would invariably result.

But the Dark Empire was no First Order. That much had been made clear since the beginning of this war.

"They're here," Natasi said grimly, and peeked at her delicate antique wristwatch. "A little before schedule, too. How efficient of them." She'd hoped to be finished with this meeting and out of the Senate by the time Imperial boots touched the ground -- or whatever passed for ground on Coruscant. The Defense Force would have their hands full without having a distress call from a handful of helpless Senators to contend with.

Her hand went to her other wrist, touching the bracelet there. It would be more useful today than it had the last time she had found herself under threat, but she hoped for the time being that she wouldn't need to activate it; when activated, the beacon would broadcast her location to her royal guard contingent and her husband Dyrn Grav Dyrn Grav ... but also to any other scanner in the area. She didn't know if the Dark Empire would know what the beacon meant, or if they would care if they did, but Natasi thought it was an ace best kept up her sleeve for the time being.

Turning back to the other Senators, Natasi took another centering breath. "It's almost hard to believe that it's come to this," she mused as she unstrapped the blaster from her thigh to check its power pack. Once convinced the power pack was in good shape, she slammed it home again and re-holstered the blaster.



Vicinity: Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar
Other: Dyrn Grav Dyrn Grav
Enemies: Dark Empire​


The Semsu came out of hyperspace and descended into atmosphere near the outskirts of Coruscant where the fires of industry bellowed smoke through vents in chimneys, causing a natural cloud of black to cover the front nose of the Great Vessel. The Hangar opened and small shuttle of brass with scarlet sails began its course across the City World that was loud eight the sound of war.

Aboard Renard piloted as Lord Vaud say in a cushioned chair sipping red root tea. His eyes looking at the curtain of blood descending on this world. He had heard whispers in the dark, of an Empire rising to take its throne, here at the home of the Galatic Alliance. The Fanged Lord did not trouble himself with the affairs of politics, being four thousand years old, he had seen many empires rise and fall. Thus it was a curosity why he had come, one Renard had tried to ascertain to no avail. The truth is he felt his Feral state drawing to the surface once more, and a great feast here in a battle would go unnoticed. There was also was a shred of interest in this Dark Empire, thad had swept across worlds with the rapidity of a plague. The rate at which they were conquering, meant inevitably he would have to make their acquaintance. What better way than to establish some good will by feeding on their enemies, the Light Meat he called them.

The Sail Shuttle reached the scene of great fire, the streets was teeming with morsels, as bolts were fired and blades met. Renard sat the shuttle down and said,
“Master.. if I may raise the caution from before..”

Vaudimir interrupted,
Renard.. I told you the subject is sealed. Stay with the ship and await my return..”

The ramp descended and The Fanged Lord drank in the chaos as contingents met, clawing at one another with vibro steel, kyber blades, and the air filled with song of blasters. It was delightful.. he walked in his scarlet robes.. dancing in step as bodies began to fall. One GA trooper turned and said, “what the?!” As Vaud drew his clawed fingers around his face and his fangs extended and he sank them in the the soldier who cried out as he was drained. Finishing he caste aside the corpse, and wiped his mouth of a bloodstache, the short feeding would only postpone the emergence of The Beast which would be unleashed on this scene…

One month before the Empire arrives on Coruscant

Once again I was sipping whiskey across the desk from my old mentor, Bureau Chief Langstrom. Coming to him helped in the decisive moments when it was all getting... heavy. The march to Coruscant had yet to begin for the Stormtroopers, but for the Imperial Security Bureau it had begun around the time we'd seized Empress Teta. The subduing of the Core Worlds, the preparation for the inevitable assault of Coruscant... it had been non-stop. The few days off I'd been allowed had seen my cousin filling my head with doubts about it all, doubts I'd now been trying my damnedest to suppress as I refocused on the mission.

"So they're sending you to Coruscant early? That's an honor." he sipped long at his whiskey like he needed it, but I knew the chief hadn't stood from his desk in days for anything but another glass.

"Uh huh. Another deep cover op. Same as Teta, but... well I think the planning and the timing are better suited. Apparently Coruscant is chock full of cells loyal to the Empire or to the Mawites. We'll be activating and preparing those we can before the Fleet arrives."

"You don't sound so sure."

"I'm not, but we do what's commanded of us, right? And it is an honor, believe me."

"I do, Kazian. You're flashing green on the Bureau's radar, as you should be. Don't screw this one up."

Like you guys screwed up Carlac and let the Alliance learn our plans? is what I wanted to say, but I held my tongue. It had wrenched our plot, for sure, meaning our practiced embedding of agents in the Senate building would have to be traded for a more aggressive approach...


Senate Building Complex

I waved the transport down into the pavilion, onto once lovely rose-tinted interlock now covered in soot and debris from the battle roaring in the air above us.

One by one in rapid, efficient succession to the Compforce elites jumped off the transport ship, guns at the ready, securing their perimeter. The final man to disembark walked calmly and detached from the rest of the battle-ready soldiers.

"Agent Blackwood, I assume. Lieutenant Torgan of Compforce, at your service." the man shook my hand formally, despite the chaos around us.

"El-Tee, you've arrived just in time. My droid reports moderate GADF presence within the Senate building itself. If you made it here, I suspect you've already seen the worst of the fighting."

"That we have. It's street to street at the moment. Their starfighter corps is inflicting heavy casualties above. I don't believe I've brought enough men to secure this complex, Blackwood. What's your plan here?" the man's skepticism was clear, even through the muffled voice of his Storm Recon Armor

"Our objective isn't security," I turned and beckoned him to follow. He threw up a hand signal for his men to move out, and they formed a close circle around us as we made our way to the steps of the Senate.

"We've got a twofold agenda focused on retrieval. My droid says we've got confirmation on the presence of at least four Alliance senators. The representatives of Aegis, Alderaan, Anaxes, and of course, Coruscant. Capture of HVTs and confiscation of any sensitive material they possess on them or in their offices is paramount. Secondly, I've received orders to lower any material shielding present on the Senate campus."

"Understood, I'll contact my second team about the shield generators. You'll have team one and I on you at all time. Stick to channel 5-L-9 for comms"

I'd had my disagreements with Compforce since I'd left serving them, but these soldiers gave me a bit of hope. Something told me, from the way they moved, that these were the kind of soldiers I'd once idealized coming out of the SAGroup and the academy.

As we picked up the pace, storming up the front steps of the Senate building, I pulled my blaster out. This wasn't like the casual stroll into the Senate I'd expected from the simulations. This truly was war, and in war the Empire recognized its strongest and bravest. Now was the chance to prove myself by capturing one of those politicians...


Mandalorian hunter


Chapter Three: Total War

Marauder rushed out of his dropship on Coruscant, it finally happened, the Imps are attacking the heart of the Galactic alliance. This was hell. Marauder dove for cover as a platoon of stormtroopers rained blaster fire on his vod. Thankfully all of them were behind cover as well. Marauder returned fire with his oh so trusty EE4, his vod followed suite. In a matter of seconds they cleared the platoon and rushed to a more defensible area.

This battle could ruin billions of lives if it went south for us, Marauder thought. We have to succeed if we are to survive. Marauder and five other Mandalorians split from the group and headed for Imperial fortifications to see if they can tilt this fight towards the Alliance's favor.
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Location: Senator Achan Jaikavi's Office
Objective: Protect the Senator
Tags: Achan Jaikavi Achan Jaikavi | Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan | Alicio Organa Alicio Organa | Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar | Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood | Reiner Ghadi Reiner Ghadi

Before the Invasion

Coruscant, the jewel of the core worlds was on fire in more ways than one. Although they had been dreading an invasion for a while part of Katarine remained hopeful it would never come. It was a foolish thought but one she couldn't help but cling to. She glanced out at the view below with deep eyes. In her previous days Katarine had been a Jedi Investigator, and would probably have been on the streets of Coruscant right now to engage with the criminal elements that inevitably took advantage of times like these. Lately she had returned to more traditional Jedi duties, taking a more active role in The New Jedi Order and training the next generation, but it was actually her investigative duties that brought her to the senators office today.

The Unblessed, a radical terrorist organization, were still the source of an active investigation that Katarine was leading for the Jedi. There were rumors that during the invasion the organization would make an attempt on Senator Jaikavi's life. This surprised Katarine, as previous leads into her investigation had pointed at the senators involvement, but there was no mistaking the danger all the senators were in if Coruscant was invaded. Even without a terrorist organization gunning for him Senator Jaikavi shouldn't be here. He was a high profile target as the Senator from Coruscant and she knew the Dark Empire would be coming for him.

She entered the senate building in haste after receiving her assignment. There might still be time to change Jaikavi's mind about the evacuation.

"Senator Jaikavi, it is nice to see you again but I wish it was under better circumstances. I must insist as a representative from The New Jedi Order, that you leave Coruscant before the invasion comes to our doorstep. The Dark Empire will have a price on your head."

She hesitated, wondering if she should mention The Unblessed.

During the Invasion

Her pleading had fallen on deaf ears. Senator Jaikavi refused to evacuate when the senate was relocated, and he refused to do so in the time after. Katarine was now assigned to keep the senator safe during the invasion. Katarine had mixed feelings about this assignment. On the one hand she did want to remain close, for reasons she really didn't understand, and of course she was vested in this investigation so any move by the organization would be one she wanted awareness of. On the other hand she couldn't help but wonder if the senator had evacuated like he was asked could she be doing more good on the streets instead of this babysitting assignment. Either way it did not matter. She'd learned long ago not to argue with the Council and she'd accepted the assignment without fuss.

Her deep green eyes looked out the window as already agents were assembling to breach the Senate. She bit her tongue, not wanting to issue an I told you so to the Senator and get herself in trouble.

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Stormtrooper Corps

2nd Division

1st Regiment

First Company

First Platoon

Roxy Rizzan Roxy Rizzan | Kuff Tolt Kuff Tolt | Imperial Stormtroopers/Forces

Enemies: Soldiers and Allies of the Galactic Alliance.

I can honestly say it was the strangest few days of my professional career, perhaps even my life. Growing up a 'Remnant', I had never known the full might, let alone the glory, of the Imperial Order; not truly. My officer's commission had been awarded far from the hallowed halls of the Imperial Academies that had born such leaders that given rise to the full force of the New Imperial Order.

All that was changed. For the worse.

The drills had not prepared us. I felt comfortable in thinking it as our dropship hurtled towards the pulverised planetary shields. We'd nearly lost a trooper when his harness broke, the g-forces on our bodies all but pinning us back into our chairs. The trooper hit his head and we did our best to get his attention, see if he was conscious. He regained his composure eventually, a muffled voice breaking over the internal comms of the platoon. Our full company had been in one ship, our platoons partnered in the landing process. We had trained for this. We were ready.

We were not ready.

The dropship took some heavy hits, a few moments of increased agitation. No matter our training regimimen, there was no contending with the rapid disintegration of your dropship under heavy enemy fire. A well placed enemy bomber would have brought us down in an instant but the Dark Side was guiding us, it seemed.

Boots on the ground, our platoon had made its way along its path, under my command. I had the objectives logged into my dataslate, our journey unimpeded thus far. The scream of the TIE fighters above was both terrifying and reassuring, even though we knew they were here to support us whenever we called it in. I'd already made in a call on an armoured position. The moments between the sign off and the sound of the TIEs seemed like an eternity, though in reality it was a few minutes.

A voice rang in my ear.

<Bshkkkk---irst Comp---bshkkkk---come in Fir-------->

I wrestled with the ear piece for a second in some vain attempt I could improve the signal surrounded by so many towering skyscrapers. It really was breathtaking.

"This is Lieutenant Tapp, over. We are receiving you. Signal is poor, over."

A brief pause.

<Bshkkk----danger close----ordnance----------yo---pos---n---bshkkkk---cov--->

I was irritated. Even in this sitation, it felt like were up against it. We had hundreds of metres between us and our objective and I had two platoons under my command. My counterpart, Lieutenant Atos, was coordinating vital supply and logistics to the rear of the company. Her troops were mine for now.

"Tapp here, overe. We are not reading you, Command. The line is compromised. Please repeat."

I hadn't known the sound of panic quite like until that moment. The voice from command was agitated and sounded nervous as heck.


The first explosion detonated a mere one hundred metres north of our position, a large boulevard that our street sat perpendicular to. It was evident now that our allied batteries had begun to open fire to clear the way and our early successes had meant we were in their way. It was clear now they weren't going to wait for us. It had been a courtesy, not an imperative.

"Take cover!"
I cried across the comms, the company heading for the nearest point of refuge from the cascading booms, rolling ordance intending to clear the avenue of any heavies. I prayed for a moment. Heck, I even hoped the Emperor himself would deliver us from whatever situation we found ourselves.

The ordnance stopped and I lifted my head out. The sergeants began their customary roll-call, checking all were accounted for. They were, thank Hoth. Another buzz in my ear.

<Bshkk---Allied Company under fire half a click from your position. First and Second platoons to relieve them. Operational status undetermined>

I sighed heavily. Was I about to relieve the bodies of troopers in the wrong place at the wrong time? I hoped not.

"Company, move out!"
Rise Above Your Station, Soldier.

1600 hours
GADF Central Command
Open for Interaction with GADF commanders. Will be coordinating IC through comms.
"General, the invasion has begun. Several Imperial battalions have began dropping from the sky."

"Thank you." She saluted the man as she looked over the holoprojection. It was hell, but they had planned for it. The 34th had taken position just outside of the Senate building, and the GADF's finest were scattered about. But it was by design. Thanks to the SIA, the GADF knew what the Dark Empire's plan was.

Maybe it was the saving grace of the defense, as enemies poured in.

Would the defenses hold?

Lupa could only pray they would.



Mandalorian hunter

Marauder and his group of five cautiously traversed the war torn streets of Coruscant searching for Imperial footholds to tear up. Suddenly an explosion to the left knocked them off their feet. They had found the objective. Marauder dove for cover along with his vod. "We gotta figure out where they're hitting us from and decimate it!" Marauder ordered. This could go south quickly.
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Objective: Hold the Line
Engaging: Scylla AI Scylla AI Open for Direct Engagement
Thunder In Your Heart
With all the chaos, Phoenix Platoon had been tasked with a mission that most would scoff at.

Flank the Enemy.

The Two Ziios ripped through the air at just under supersonic speed as they pushed forward, engaging targets as they saw fit. Door gunners ripped through enemy formations of the Codex Legion below, as Ashley looked over to Fresh Face. The newest member of their squad, showing signs of fear.

"No fear." She looked to him with motherly eyes. "You're one of us now. The best of the best. Phoenixes rise, no matter the odds. Understood soldier?"

There was a moment of hesitation. The autorifle operator looked to Ashley, then nodded. "Yes Ma'am. Hoorah."

"Hoorah." She confirmed with a smile. "Snot! How much longer?!"

"3 minutes to drop!" He called back. "It's gonna be a hot LZ!"

"Of course it is. It always is!" Greybeard laughed.
"Just get us on the ground. We'll find the rest of the way."
Location: Lower Coruscant Slums
Objective: Survive!
Tags: OPEN

So war had finally come to Coruscant, and Zandra was caught in the middle of it. The young girl had heard about the evacuation plans, but couldn't get a spot on one of the shuttles. Typical uptowners, leave in your fancy starships while the little people got squashed. Hell, she didn't even know the enemy had landed until gunships started flying over head. One thing was for sure, the block wasn't what it used to be.

"Just what in the brix is going on here?! Guess some blope-heads in the senate really ticked someone off!" There was little time to think about the why of seeing TIE fighters buzzing overhead. What mattered is they weren't shooting sim rounds up there, and neither would the stormtroopers! Surely they'd invade the upper levels first, that's where the real fight was. Or so she thought, before an X-wing was shot down not far from the ramshackle hut she'd built for herself.

The explosion of the craft shook the whole slum, the many layers of hand-built shelters buckling from the concussive blast of the exploding spacecraft. Zandra was knocked off her feet by the invisible wave of force. This was no small skirmish, this was real war! Her head was spinning, and her ears were ringing, but there was no time to question anything, it was time to run! After she rose to her feet, she bolted across the now shaking slum houses. Most were made by bolting together sheet metal or wood scraps and propped up against buildings. Sprinting across them was risky even when spaceships weren't falling from the sky.

It was only after the girl reached a nearby shop that it dawned on her, she'd left everything she owned behind. That included the scrapped blaster she kept for protection. Fat lot of good that hundred credit special was now...

First thing she'd be on the look for was something to protect herself. If she was going to survive tonight, then she was going to have to at least have some kind of club. While she was considering her options for survival, a certain sound filled the air. Sounds of goose stepping cronies in shiny plastoid suits. Only one thing to do, duck in the noodle shop and hope they were as dumb as advertised.

Peering out from under the counter she saw the troopers doing their tactical movements. The bratty Coruscanti just rolled her eyes dismissively. How goofy the whole thing looked to an outsider. Was this really the force that had been kicking the GA's teeth in? "Buncha jokers, I'd act all cool too if I had a million creds worth of armor and guns behind me..."

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