Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Chapter Three: Total War | Long Live The Empire DE vs GA Coruscant


Location: Eden's Club, Coruscant
Objective 3: Total War
Tags: Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse


Harvey stopped dead in his tracks, cold hairs pricking up on his neck. He kept his hands visible, knowing he'd been caught but unsure just what the damage was. The voice that snagged him belonged to a pretty blonde woman standing a short way behind him. She must've followed through the padded door. Chit.

"It's official business, Miss...?" he both said and asked at the same time. Harv wasn't sure if she was a threat yet or not, but what he did know is that she was more than a common escort. She had that sharpness in her eye, the kind he saw all the time on the force. This woman meant business, but what exactly that was, he couldn't tell yet. "Look," Harvey said, "I don't need any trouble here. There's enough going on topside. You lookin' for a way out? I know a way out. I know where the last civilian transports are docked. You'd be pressed for time to get there, but it's worth the shot if you don't have a jump-ship."


A very short laugh passed Mal's lips. This man was either truly ignorant of who she was or had the confidence to pretend like he was. Both options were equally amusing.

"I think I'd rather be on bottom, just this once," she commented evenly. "I still own this club until the Sith pry it out of my cold, dead hands..." She smiled, raising her hands a bit into a welcoming kind of gesture but, given the circumstances, it was a clear challenge. "...unless you would like to try beating them to the prize, Mister..."



Location: Eden's Club, Coruscant
Objective 3: Total War
Tags: Malcoma Hesse Malcoma Hesse


"Denson," Harvey said flatly. The corner of his mouth quirked up into a smirk, but he wasn't letter her off that easy. She wasn't going to do that for him, either, he suspected. "I'm really just here for one thing, Miss. I hope it's not going to be a problem that I get on my way, is it? I've got a ride to catch, after all." He pointed lazily to the ceiling, reminding her once again that a free seat off this rock was waiting for whoever got there first. Harvey really didn't want to kill the poor girl. She had a youthful sweetness about her that certainly hid something darker underneath, but that didn't mean she deserved to take a blaster shot to the stomach. All he needed to do was find that damn terminal in the mistress' office, dump every file on the Family he could find, and get the feth outta there.

If he could do it without leaving a corpse, he would.

"I really don't have time for this," Harvey said. A distant rumble caused a bit of dust to fall from the ceiling. The detective cocked his head with a smugness that he usually kept in check, but his patience -and time- was running short. "And neither do you. you gonna help me out here, or what?"


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