Reasonable list of personal items based on occupation, training, purchase, and previous acquisition. This includes one piloting droid and a scouting/personal assistant droid.
Location: New Jedi Temple, outskirts on top of a nearby rooftop, Coruscant
Objective: Figure out what the fuck is going on
[ Well, fuck. ] The wry, if twisted curse with a metallic reverberation came through the polarized helm's speakers, the visor's polished reflection revealing the flames and smoke rising off the Jedi Temple.
[ Talk about shit rolling downhill. ] This was not the plan.
Nope, nope, nope. Not the plan at all. The
last thing he needed was to get involved in another blasted war. He had enough scars left over from the last run; someone could see, others only he could find. It had taken a long,
long, while to make peace with matters finally. The entirety of his focus had been fine-tuned to find his sister. It was going on a near decade, and while he'd finally kicked the bucket to go back home and regroup with his family, it didn't mean that the search was put on standstill.
Nope, still there. Only this time, it took him to Coruscant. Of all the blasted ill-timed situations to find himself in.
[ If you were looking to get offworld, that timeframe is closing fast. ] the seductive voice murmured in his earpiece with distinct curtness.
[ No shit. ] Drifter replied, the man viewing the ongoing madness with another series of mental curses.
I should go. I should leave. Not your Kowakian-Monkeys. Not your zoo.
[ You need to leave now. I can send you coordinates where I can pick you up. ]
Time to leave. Just turn around, hop off this roof, and get the void out of dodge -- He felt it then. The push of the familiar. The twisted weighted feeling of the Dark. That annoying shit-stirring miasma that whispered at the edge of the ear and poked at demons laying dormant. A corruption field.
The right heel of one dusty boot began to click a soft beat— a tick. The mind was ticking. Cogs turning. There was something out there. Something was keeping him in place.
[ Like, really, you are running out of time. Sensors are off the charts regarding how much air traffic there is going on now --]
With a burst of aggravated annoyance, the Hunter kicked at the rooftop floor and gave another blasted, twisted curse,
[ Fuck!]
There was silence on the other side of the comm; She knew better than to comment when he was like this. Drifter dug into the talisman on his waist and jerked it loose. He tightened his hand around it with a grip that could have broken the sphere.
From under the polarized helm, the Hunter shut his eyes and spread his senses out into the void. The Keetal Tracker had decades of learning how to Force Track and hunt down his prey. It was as normal to him as breathing. It didn't take him long. Not when the tang of that corrupted cloud roused with familiarity.
Snapping his eyes open, his gaze narrowed into thin hooded slits behind that polished polarized visor.
There was a sigh at the end of the line, and then the feminine voice spoke,
[ Let me know where you need me to pick you up once you are done. I'll be on standby.]
One gloved hand went to his back, unsheathing the sword secured there.
Figures it would come to this.
Without a word and a determined - but annoyed - twitch along a swarthy jaw, the Hunter found a secured overhang that would hide his presence visually. He plopped himself down, sitting cross-legged. This was going to take time. Focus.
He tugged off the gloves, baring a tanned, calloused hand with blunt fingers. He'd need skin contact for this. Placing his hand on the sword, the Hunter gave a slight flinch, feeling the surge of the Darkside curl and lick at his senses,
rejoicing at the contact. He picked up his thumb and ran it along the edge, and the scent of metallic copper filled the air as blood trickled along the
ha. It drank deep. Blood majick and alchemy combined.
Now came the
e'chuta of an amount of concentration he'd need to see this through. He blamed his conscious for such an act. That nagging at the back of his brain that told him he couldn't step away.
In the chaos that surrounded the Jedi Temple, the aggravated curse was heard by none.
[ FUCK!!]