Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Chapter Two: House of Cards | Long Live The Empire DE vs GA Coruscant


Chapter Two: House of Cards

The New Jedi Temple is yet again under threat of attack. Previously destroyed by the New Sith Order during the Second Great Hyperspace War, the New Jedi Order will not let this atrocity happen again. After evacuating their younglings and those unfit for combat to the mobile academy "Prosperity", the NJO executes their plan flawlessly - creating a trap for the encroaching forces of the Dark Empire. As the Dark Side Elite and New Sith Order advance into the heart of the temple, they find themselves quickly under attack, surrounded by the GADF and New Jedi Order both within and at the entry way of the temple, barring further diagrace. In Medias Res.

  • As members of the New Jedi Order, set up traps and surround the invaders. Use the temple's architecture to create choke points and defeat the Sith at their own game.
  • For players on the Imperial side, either as a member of the New Sith Order or Dark Side Elite, break through the initial ambush and secure a defensible position within the temple, fighting off relentless counterattacks. Utilize Sith tactics and Imperial training to overcome Jedi defenses.
  • Dueling or small squad based combat is recommended.

This was it.

Never in a 900 years would she have guessed she would've ended up here. Sitting at the steps of the Jedi Temple, standing as the unmoving wall between the Empire and it's destruction.

She knew what came next. The Sith would come, and the sky would burn.

Hands brushed the hilt of the saber that her mother had given her. Within it, her mother's spirit shined through her soul. Thunder rolled overhead, a light rain sprinkling down on the steps. Maybe it was time to let go of the past. Let go of the life she had lived before.

She had always compared herself to those who came before her. Sylvar, Her Mother, Her Sister.

It was time to make her own legend. Vulpesen Vulpesen had told her that her life would end in tragedy, and she still believed that. That one day, she would die in battle protecting others. She had made peace with that.

But the Empire she had fought was long dead. Its ideals lived on, but the people were long gone. She remembered when she first found out. Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker. It shook her, and spurred her on to become the jedi she is today. She remembered Amani Serys Amani Serys and how patient she had been, helping the Cathar Knight learn something as simple as how to read. She remembered Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , a man who had challenged her to be better than she was. A man who challenged her to become a proper jedi. She wondered if she could ever achieve that. A part of her knew she wouldn't. She couldn't. The idea was flawed to begin with for her. She'd always have a bit of Rebel in her, but…

Maybe she could move past it defining her.

A bolt of lightning struck nearby, as rain pelted the steps on front of her. It was unnatural, Jonyna channeling the force to override the weather control of the planet. She knew what was coming, and she had spent all morning just focusing on it. Channeling every bit of power she could muster. She had showed a bit of it on Tython against the Knight of Ren, the power she held.

To a Cathar, the Force was not some endless bank of power one could draw on. It was a creature of it's own, and those gifted in it were simply asking it favors.

Today, Jonyna wasn't asking a simple favor. She was asking the Force to grant her as much power as it could muster. To protect the home they had made.

She had done good, especially when it was inconvenient. She thought of Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , and the work she had done for Ukatis and Kiffu. Si Tech was one of the most thriving companies in the GA, second only to the Trade Federation and Aether. And while most of that had been earned through Iron and Blood, that never bothered her. The GADF was an organization she trusted. She hoped that her machines and equipment would turn the tide of this war. She hoped they had prepared.

She had protected the innocent. Her mind wandered back to Vulpesen Vulpesen again, and that day on Cathar. She stood by her tenant, even if Vulpes questioned her on it. She had scared off the Imperials then, and she'd act once more as the shield now.

Fight Evil. Her mind wandered to Valery Noble Valery Noble . The training they had done, in secret and in the open, had prepared her for this moment.

Kindness and Fury. That was how she had phrased it all those years ago. What her mother had taught her to do.

The wind howled, as the sound of a new tune filled the air. Jonyna gripped the hilt of her katana, a blade she had named Liz, knowing the time was coming closer.

Let them come, and let them face the Tiger in their way. Let them weather her storm, and see how they come out the other side.

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Hyperspace - in transit to Coruscant
Sinestra Sinestra Vorm Vorm Malva'ikh Dralidok Malva'ikh Dralidok Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker Amena Kader Amena Kader
Creuat Creuat Veli'ae Ashai Veli'ae Ashai Sahar Sahar Cesare Demici Cesare Demici Isar Isar
@Any DSE I might have missed (so sue me, I'm f'kin tired!)

Wolves Eating Wolves

The time had arrived.

The Crown Jewel of the Core was poised to fall into his hands, their hands, her hands, and the Alliance was playing right into them. Executor Varanin glanced over her gathered Elites, hazel eyes stopping on each one of them for a scant sliver of a moment. Their emergence from hyperspace was imminent. Final review of their plan of attack had concluded, and any last-minute preparations were complete.

We have our orders.” The Jedi wouldn't see them coming… at least, not in the way they might expect. “Use the weave of my darkness to your advantage,” it would be antithetical to the Light, its servants, and its allies, “influence, apprehend any you can to grow our number. Otherwise…”

A wicked smile curved her lips, as she made her final pronouncement before they would be dismissed, and ready themselves for the descent to the surface of the city-planet.

“...kill them all.”



New Jedi Temple - Roof
Temple District

Kaleleon Kaleleon Mahsa Mahsa (Soon™) - Drifter Drifter (Later, bby~)

Violence Solves Everything

The moment Consecrai had landed on the roof, not a second was wasted as she went to work. Within scant moments she was situated directly over the Sith Shrine that was situated beneath the structure of the Temple, infusing the entire Temple edifice and the site on which it stands, making the location pulse with the weave of darkside corruption that she wielded with a masterful hand.

Though this would be overly potent by her will and power alone, the boon of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis ' power intertwined with her own had amplified the effect, and the rate and reach of its spread immeasurably, perverting the peaceful, contenting feel of the Temple and bleeding into the surrounding district within very few minutes.

The rate at which this thick oppression devoured much of the inherent Light in this place was a blitzkrieg, doubtless alarming to the servants of the Ashla, so present as to be abundantly visible in the unnatural shadows it grew within and without of this center of Jedi life, and the crushing way in which it would weigh on them.

The total severing of the Light's hold on this place, the utter and complete poisoning of that well, was only a matter of precious time.

Tick, tock.



Welcome to the Invasion of Coruscant, and the battle for the Jedi Temple! You Jedi may be ambushing us, yes, but… the Dark Side never plays fair. ;)

This is a field of corruption aiming to shift the alignment of the Jedi Temple and the site on which it stands. It has spilled over into the surrounding district, but the effect is strongest throughout the Temple itself. The effect on characters caught in the field is the same idea as battle meditation.
DE characters and allies will benefit, GA characters and allies will suffer.

How significantly this affects a character tends to scale inverse to their power, experience and/or will, e.g. you are likely to be worse off if you are a padawan, better if you are a Master, but ultimately it varies on a case by case basis.

That is, it is ultimately up to you/the specifics of your character as to how resistant your character is (or not) to this thick, oppressive field of corruption.

If you aren't a Force user, but you side with the GA, well… if you ain't Force Dead, you're in the same handbasket to hell as the force-sensitives in this darkening place!

At any rate, here are some suggestions for how you might experience this field of corruption:

At a minimum, a persistent, distinct feeling of uneasiness, as well as feeling weighed down and slowed down
Feelings of despair, fear
Reduced emotional control - anger in particular
Distrust of your allies
Greater susceptibility to direct darkside influence/suggestion
nausea and vomiting
And more!

-cackles evilly-

As always, remember to have fun!
Marshal, Journeyman Protector


Jedi Temple

Despite the somewhat dubious nature of the official request for military services that came in from the Galactic Alliance, the signature of Jedi Grandmaster Valery Noble was on the cheque, which was successfully banked. A not inconsiderable sum, for services rendered in the defence of the Coruscant Jedi Temple.

Because of the mercantile nature of the contract, Arla felt well able to use personal and military resources. She assembled what amounted to a mixed division of armour, infantry, and a specialist aerial unit codenamed Cammy. The tanks were loaded quickly onto a transport, which linked up with the troop transports inbound to the ancient galactic capital, and the even more ancient homeworld of the Taung, precursors of the Mandalorians.

Arla had addressed her people before the assembly.

"You might wonder why we are here. To be sure, the Jedi are hiring, and we need the credits back home. That might be enough for some. But it's more than that."

She pointed to the sky, from where the Imperial assault would come.

"These bastards, they have to know what we're about. They might look upon the Mandalore Sector as a potential conquest. And it's on us to teach them how bad an idea that is."

She pointed to the Jedi Temple.

"And they're watching us too. They need to see that we can stand alone, in the very face of overwhelming odds, and stand. They need to know we're not a pushover, or a puppet."

Arla looked over the troopers.

"And we're going to show them. Not for Jedi, or Alliance. For Mandalore!"

400 Infantry Battle Company Black Troopers
4 Myrkava Tanks
6 Jetii'kotir
1 Marauder Mesen'lora

The Marshal deployed her forces in a square adjacent to the Temple entrance. In the center was a command post, and six large cargo containers. Around this was arrayed a full tank platoon, 4 Myrkava tanks, all pointed outward. At the corners of the square were infantry companies Black 7, 9, 11, and 13. Four hundred troopers dug into prepared positions. Above all this flew Cammy Rodarch, the Marauder Mesen'lora. She would deal with any airborne hostiles and starfighters.

Arla had requested that the Jedi keep clear of her position unless they required sanctuary and medical aid. This was partly to keep them out of the line of fire, but also because of the contents of the Myrkava tanks, and two of the cargo containers. A whole load of the Myrkr lizards called Ysalamiri, which pushed away the Force. The Jedi could hide within that bubble, but they wouldn't be able to use their magic.

In the Force, the dark sphere of nothingness enveloped Arla's Mandalorian position, showing up like a deflector shield in the Force around the Mandalorians and their weapons. The meaning was clear.

Come and get us.





High above the eternal city, ancient heart of the Galaxy, he looks down.

It still beats, even as it is being ripped out by the iron claw.

Where sun once glistened off the chrome, flames are the illumination.

Luster is defiled and painted black by the smoke of the burning industrial hellscape.

The Prophet, the Lord of Fear, can see it all from on high.

Deaf to the screams, he hears a symphony.

Blind to the carnage, he sees a stunning Vista.

This tower was once a living space, but its empty halls have become graveyards.

Elsewhere on Coruscant he is sure the dead walk, but in his domain, in this tower he has conquered and made his sanctuary for the battle unfolding, the dead sleep soundly. It is the living who do not.

The stunning scene of the Imperial attack can be seen as far as the eyes, but the view of the Jedi Temple and the Senate Building in the distant east are Vinaze's visionary prize.

From the streets below the smoke rises in concert with the advancing columns of Stormtroopers inching ever closer to the domination of the Federal and Temple Districts, and then the Galactic Core in totality.

Turning from the destruction, back to the ruined penthouse that has become the temporary headquarters of the Odojinyakaar, Vinaze nods to his congregated assassins, and his apprentice. They know their duty, to protect him, to die in his name. He need say nothing more to them.

The Sith Lord sits, crossing his legs in meditative form on the edge of the building, whipped by the smoked wind through the giant ruined window.
Closing his eyes, he smells victory.

He begins a chant in the ancient tongue of the Sith, and around him a purple forcefield bubbles, a final layer of protection should his acolytes fail.
His chant continues, guttural yet melodic, for the Sith language was spoken in funeral dirges.

The air of Coruscant is indeed like a funeral, for democracy, for peace, for freedom, all being laid into the ground. The people mourn, filled with a feeling of utter abandonment. The Coruscanti knew as soon as the politicians evacuated to Fondor and the wealthy fled to a myriad other safer worlds that they were alone, and that the Empire would come imminently. Desperation, hopelessness, and reckless abandon grip the populace. It is a palpable fear that the Prophet grasps, and twists for the sick achievements of the New Sith Order.

Across the cityscape around Vinaze's tower, those who draw from the power of the Dark Side feel a shift. They feel the tingle, a cold shudder down the spine, perhaps a gnawing, creeping fear deep inside, a glimpse perhaps of what is felt by the people they have come to conquer, and then it is gone. Doubt, anxiety, fear, leave the body and the mind.

It is a battle meditation, felt not only by the Sith and their soldiers, but perhaps too by the Jedi should they, in desperation, touch the darkness. Fearlessness is instilled in the darkness, as Vinaze reaches out across the Force and consumes the fears of the Galaxys heart, empowering himself for the inevitable arrival of Jedi to strike him down as another Sith Lord who is crime against all that is good.

(Story to be continued from the POV of Sorren Moonstrider)

Vinaze's battle meditation is primarily a set piece for my duel with the great Jedi Amani Serys Amani Serys and Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn . Don't feel like you have to acknowledge it if it doesn't fit your story. If any Sith (or tempted Jedi) writers wish to use the effects of the battle meditation as flavor for your duels I would be honored, but please work it out with your writing partner and agree on it. Happy invasion, Long Live the Empire!

The Light of Ashla , Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: Protect the Jedi Temple
Location: Jedi Temple, Coruscant
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch | Closed
Tags: Open
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


Eina no longer came to Realspace just to keep in touch with her family, Ashlan believers or to try to save souls. She has always been overprotective since her "birth" and it has always stayed with her. As much as she wanted to, she could not change that. That's why she kept a constant eye on her two children's studies here in Realspace. Alaric Alaric and Amalasuntha L'lerim Amalasuntha L'lerim took a big step in their studies by leaving Netherworld. And of course, like any parent, she was worried about her children. They were different from the majority; they were "born" exactly like Eina. Their birth was more of an emergence, from the souls of two individuals.

Something like the way Eina was born from the souls of Ingrid L'lerim and Adrian Vandiir. Alaric and Amal were born in the same way, with the help and blessing of Ashla, only they were born from the souls of Eina and Geiseric Geiseric . The brothers and sisters joined a group of people, the Lightsworn, some of whom were also here on Coruscant. For the moment, she did not sense her own children nearby, nor did she try to find them; difficult as it was, Eina knew she had to trust her children and not check on them constantly. As difficult as that was. Her husband handled the situation much better than she did. But back to the present.

Like everyone, the former Valkyrja expected the Dark Empire to go this way in military operations after Tython was captured. Eina offered her help to help defend the planet. Not because of the Jedi order, as she had never been a Jedi and felt the rules of the Jedi order were too rigid, but more because of the living creatures. She had seen what the Maw had done during the Second Great Hyperspace War and although they now seemed more imperial, the members of the Dark Empire were still there, the members of the Scar Hounds Tribe. There were still souls to be saved. And there were other souls to save from being eaten by the Dark Three.

At the moment, she was hovering over the square in front of the main entrance to the Jedi Temple, holding herself in place with her wings. Eina's two swords were sheathed in X-shapes on her back so as not to interfere with her wings, and the angelic-looking woman held her spear in her hand. As always, as Eina was a light side vergence, her aura was strongly felt now, and in the Force it glowed with a golden light. Not for nothing was she the Light of Ashla. She could feel auras familiar and unfamiliar from all over the Force, see them in different colours in the Force, for Eina could see in the Force and in reality at the same time.

The advantage or disadvantage of having been created as a Force Entity and now being part of Ashla. Literally an incarnation of the Light Side, Ashla's avatar, as are her husband and their two children. Quite a unique and strange family; as she thought about it, she smiled. Then, for a moment, she shivered. She felt a void, something she only felt when there were Force Dead around. She felt sorry for these people, that they had met such an unnatural fate. But the enemy was approaching, and she hoped she would have the chance to do something.

The woman landed on the ground, folded her wings, knelt down, while the end of her spear clattered on the ground and she gripped it with both hands. Eina bowed her head slightly, it was as if she was praying, even though she was just concentrating on the Force, gathering her strength to help the warriors of light.


Director of SHADES, Torture and Interrogation Officer
Objective: Capture a Jedi
Location: Near to the Jedi temple, Coruscant
Equipment: 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tags: Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood | Xochilt Xochilt | Open
Writing With: Katherine Holt | Closed
"Galactic Common" | <"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


Well, things never go the way you want them to. That was the case with the recent fighting. On Ord Canfre, we practised quite a bit on how to get into the Senate building and how to get to the Chancellor's office, or even to the safes, and I could go on and on. We were on our way when I received new orders that I was not to go to the Senate building and capture or assist a senator, but someone else. It was a Jedi my superiors wanted information from. I didn't understand why; the Jedi temple was the "playground" for Force users, I was considered a bit of a minor player there. But I did not argue, I accepted the order. It was the only way I could move up the ranks to where I wanted to be.

So I had to transfer to another ship that could take me closer to the Jedi Temple. I was a bit cranky about this, as I had been practising the task mostly with Kazian Blackwood Kazian Blackwood and Xochilt Xochilt , and now I was out of the loop. But it would have been a really fun mission based on the exercises. But now I have to do something else and improvise. The only thing that made me a little angry was that I didn't have a lightsaber. I wasn't even taught how to use them. My daggers were lightsaber proof, of course, since I was trained to fight Force Users, but I still didn't like them. It was like fighting droids. My Force abilities were of no use to me.

<< ~ Kaz, Xo, this is L'lerim, I was given a different task than you. I have to go to the Jedi Temple because that's where my mission is. I'll stay in radio contact with you all the way, and if you need help, I'll join you as soon as I've done my part. Or if you need any information, I can send it to you. L'lerim, over. ~ >> I sent the voice message to them.

As we approached the Senatorial District and the Jedi Temple amidst the space and atmospheric battles, I recognised a familiar aura from here. For a moment I winced as I sensed the aura of my aunt, or cousin... I don't know which. A walking Light Side vergence is pretty easy to sense. Especially coming from Ashla herself. The Light of Ashla. I just hoped it wouldn't detect me. We soon landed the dropship away from the ground offensive. I let the soldiers and Sith move forward. It's their turf, they'll clear the way before me. I was in no hurry.

I activated my cloaking device and went after them. I kept a decent distance to be on the safe side and moved forward. I did not want to lose time by fighting, nor risk getting hurt. It's much harder to use the Force when injured; at least for me, because I wasn't properly trained. I wasn't Dark Side Elite, and I wasn't Ashlan Crusader or Imperial Knight at home. Getting back to the mission; it didn't matter to me if I captured a Jedi outside or inside, the point was to be a Jedi and get what I needed from him.

In the distance... Well, nearby, I could see the steps of the Jedi Temple. It was time to start the hunt.



TAG: Romi Jade Romi Jade
This was her destiny.

The battle for Coruscant was the fulcrum of her visions, a critical juncture upon which the future hinged, a keystone upon which the Emperor's Grand Design rested.

She had rendezvoused with Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker —a fallen Jedi of the New Jedi Order chosen by the Emperor for the ranks of the Dark Side Elite; a mirror of her own path. Together with the rest of the Elite, they had followed Kaleb's guidance, navigating the forgotten, derelict passages beneath the Jedi Temple.

They had trudged through a maze of shadow and neglect, walls lined with ancient carvings that whispered of the Temple's forgotten secrets. Dusty and dimly lit, these tunnels had pulsed with the memories of those who had walked them long ago. Faded murals depicted scenes of Jedi lore, now barely discernible beneath the layers of grime that had accumulated over the centuries.

Upon setting foot inside the Temple, Sinestra shuddered. A riptide of regret and fear washed over her as echoes of her past resonated through the hallowed halls and within her mind: memories of her time as a Jedi resurfacing laced with anguish; serene faces of friends long gone, some by her hand; and her father's voice echoing an unfulfilled destiny and a broken promise, the shards piercing her heart deep. Her clairvoyant gift was promised to lead the Jedi and the galaxy to a better era, to an epoch of peace and harmony.

Clenching her fists, she summoned the dark side to purge these intrusive thoughts, but they lingered, like a persistent shadow at the edge of her consciousness. The darkness within provided a temporary reprieve, a mask over the turmoil, but she knew too well that the memories would haunt her throughout her time in the Temple.

With a confident stride, Sinestra branched out from the rest of the Elite and let the Force to guide her steps. The corridors felt endless, the staircases—wounding forever; each turn a confrontation with a specter of her past. Finally, she entered a council chamber in one of the temple's towers; the windows painting the world in flames. Suddenly, the Force flared at the back of her skull and she turned to the doors looming behind her. A sign.

Fate beckoned.

Destiny is all.


Tags: Sinestra Sinestra Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin Veli'ae Ashai Veli'ae Ashai Creuat Creuat Vorm Vorm Irae Irae Aphon Aphon Amena Kader Amena Kader
Enemies: NJO
Location: Coruscant Underlevels, Jedi Temple, Tunnels


Kaleb never thought he would return, even with a broken mind such as he could see through the shadows on a world made of steel and stone. This time though instead of coming back showing remorse for the dark side, or even being captured by what were his brothers and sisters in the Force did he return with a new enlightenment found in the depths of madness. Once he fled the Temple, pursued for he felt incorruptible, worthy to dive deeper into the Force he had come back as something more, empowered by his Emperor Darth Solipsis and the new coven in the form of the Dark Side Elite, offering his knowledge on the Temple for a chance at prestige among his peers, and his usefulness to the Elite. Now he has come back to finally claim what is his. He had desired all of the knowledge within the Temple. The dark secrets that were denied to him, and he would read every blasted thing the Archives carried. Enhance his knowledge under the Stygian Codex, and perhaps he could find his way to tame the shadows in his mind if not use them to his advantage.

He could feel his own mind caught in a haze, even with his half mad ramblings he knew that he could see, think a little clearer. He could see clear enough to have used the sympathizers in the Coruscant underlevels to lead his dark enlightened to the entrance of what would be a series of passages underneath the Jedi Temple. Kaleb was a Jedi Lore Keeper. The Lore Keepers whispered about these tunnels, these ancient passages created during the Temple's founding. Some rumored it was a maze spawned from the Sith Shrine the Temple was built over, or in times of great peril could these same tunnels be used in and out. The New Jedi Order thought that Kaleb wouldn't know, but in all his journey of discovery under his training did he learn much things of the past. For once it would benefit the dark side, they wouldn't suspect that one of their own would use the Temple's inner workings against them.

"The Jedi dream… The Jedi cannot think that shadow stirs and encroaches. Shadows cover the dreams they cling to- Yes! Shadows cover light. Shadows cover as we move unseen… Yes, cling to ancient, forgotten walls. Shadows slip through cracks! Unseen and swift!" Even through the shadows caused by the dreaded Phobis device did Kaleb speak truth. No one suspected these twisted former Jedi to slip inside, especially one who knew how the Temple operated, for if he wasn't out exploring then he spent his time here.

He looked back to Sinestra, who like him seemed troubled to be here. He could feel a tension stirring within much of the Elite. Some seemed torn to come back, some wished to burn this place down, for Kaleb he wished to claim what was rightfully his. Killing all the Jedi would be added as a perk, for he would finally witness all that the Emperor promised and more. A smirk appeared as he felt the Dark Lord's power flood his veins, for it felt as delightful as the haunting whispers of the Stygian Codex.

"Jedi won't know! Jedi dream a lie… Hahahaha yes…We slip inside!" Kaleb would rave in a hushed tone. He had kept his darkness concealed, or masked it to the Temple's aura. There was several paths that the tunnels led into the Temple. One path would lead to the Room of a Thousand Fountains, another to the Holocron Vaults, and another directly into the Jedi Archives. The Dark Side Elite would take any direction. He gave one last look to the Dark Side Elite, before he would look onwards, pressing further into the darkness feeling the shadows envelop him. He would venture further into the dark, he looked to see much of the Elite disappearing through the shadows, cloaked by it as they would scatter through the various entry points the tunnels led into.

He could feel a chill, he recognized it as the familiar darkness of the Bogan Collection, he could feel the dark side artifacts through the walls. Remembered all too well of his last time inside the Temple, before his turn. He could see blue cracks of light coming from a door that mixed with the rest of the wall, the familiar blue light of the holobook cases. Kaleb smirked as he reached the door leading to the archives.


The wind whipped at my messed hair and my black robes as I stood overlooking the city with my master. With sublime immensity the city sprawled out, laying itself bare for our taking. The Alliance would not stop us now that our forces were on the planet.

The world very obviously reminded me of home, but so much grander. I knew elsewhere, beyond the horizon or deep, deep below that there were entire sectors that could rival the population or industrial capacity of Cademimu. Where my home was a bustling billions, this world several trillion strong, and in short time they would be Imperials again, as it was meant to be.

As Lord Vinaze assumed the position of his battle meditation, I addressed our gathered acolytes. Former Imperial Knights, one and all, their armor painted black, their lightsabers confiscated and replaced with vibroswords. A sign of their disgrace, a reminder of what they had to fight to reclaim. Though most of them were older than me, and had outranked me in the Force Corps, the tables had turned. It was because I had been the one to see the truth in the darkness, to willingly submit myself to the Sith so that I could one day grow into a great power. Though the gathered fighters standing before me were strong, well-trained, and loyal, they were not Sith, and never truly would be. They would live with the reminder of their refusal to adopt the Sith creed when first offered, and with the memory of how they were forced to turn to the Darkside in the face of their weak ignorance.

Standing just above them, where the room sloped up in steps to the grand, shattered window, I raised my hands out to them. In the middle of the massive, ruined penthouse were five of them, with me as the sixth, the leader. We were only a few dozen in number in the whole fledgling order, and the rest had been ordered to take down high value targets across Coruscant whilst the battle raged.

"Sworn of the Odojinyakaar! While your brothers and sisters fight across this world in the shadows cast by the fires, you remain here with the most important task! The Jedi will come to try and stop our Lord Vinaze from supporting our troops, and when they do I want you all to remember why we chose you. In that moment when you do, you'll know well to lay down your life. LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE, LONG LIVE THE SITH!" my speech to them crescendoed, followed by a unanimous chant in return.
Vengeance comes for them from the teeth of the Mawites.​

Direct Opponents: Soon, Seeking 1 vs 1 or 1 vs 2
Nearby Opponents: Ryana mina Ryana mina | Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch | Master Jake Judah Master Jake Judah | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Nearby Allies: Valkoryen Valkoryen

A Sithout Begins Anew.

Sons and daughters came home from their long exiles. Black One Sith transports began to cut at the stormy sky, tens of thousands thrown into the fire; everything was committed here, and the glory would be his. The Keeper of the Code stood among two hundred of his greatest Centaxian warriors, proven in conflicts that were long forged. Runic shields, swords, javelins, pikes, and armor—the code burned into them—recorded the legacy of the suffering they had carried, created, and been born into here on Coruscant.

5th Army Channel Open.

"Legion of the One Sith! Today is your day! This is our home. We will end every living soul that stands in our path to our birthright. Take revenge in your grasp; burn your names in the Soulscar while you cut their names into the ruins. The Long Conflict feasts on them; let us take our fill with the Maw!"

One Sith roared over the comms; Centax stared into the eyes of the past, Mythos Mythos and Nyx Nyx , their clones fighting beside him for longer than he could remember. A passing moment of solidarity between his elite cohort of Centaxians, for the battle and long-awaited vengeance to come. They banged their pikes against the ground, and on went his silver helmet enclosing the man in the embodiment of the code; the Darth raised his shield one more time to face the battle ahead.

The General's forward shuttle started veering off from the main force, spearing ahead of everything else toward the temple; its screening fighter escort fell in flames to enemy fire, burned apart on the surrounding buildings in ritual sacrifice. Those inside braced as the transport hit the ground, skidding toward the towering Jedi steps, and they leaped out oath shields high. Centax cleaved a trooper in two with his crimson saber; rolling the shield around to deflect a blaster shot, he threw a concussive Javelin toward the steps, bursting armor, steps, and bone before him.

This was his day. His Home. His Purpose.

Determined strides carried his heavy metal footsteps through blistering rain, upwards towards tanks and blaster fire, deflecting, then blocking to slice. Turning a saber aside with the shield, he twisted sideways to thrust through a trooper's heart, watching the man die. The art of movement carried him through fire and death; the final moments of those they cut down lay the foundation of their renewal. The One Sith had returned to Coruscant, and as promised, the world would long scream for what they had done. Auteme Auteme

200 Elite Centaxian NPCs for background only; assume hits on them as you like.
NPC Equipment: Shields, Pikes, Swords, Concussive Javelins, and Black Runic Armor.

Centax Gear:
Armor: Khan-OSK | Crushgaunts (Permanent)
Weapon: Lightsaber (Hand)
Shield: Runic Oath Shield (Left Arm)
Thrown: SCJ Deadline-B x4/5 (Back)
MK2 Jack Knife (Hip)
WP-19 Incendiary Grenade x 5/5 (Belt)
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Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Outfit | Lightsaber
Tag: Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade

This had always been coming, Gatz knew.

From the day the Dark Empire had taken root in the Core, every Jedi had been on alert. Coruscant had evacuated its senators, and the Jedi had evacuated their younger students. The temple had been alert and on edge for weeks. Every day Coruscant hadn't been invaded had been a day of borrowed time. But no longer: the Dark Empire was here, with Sith at their back.

And Gatz, uncharacteristically, felt no fear.

He sat in meditation on the lower levels of the temple. There were entrances, even here—ones he'd used to sneak out as a child, actually. When the Dark Empire's ships had begun screaming through the atmosphere, Gatz had made a beeline here, knowing that someone would try to trespass from these lesser known entrances.

Though he worried for his comrades fighting above, and in the streets of Coruscant, Gatz knew that his place was here, in lesser traveled halls. He knew it in the same way he'd known Jakku was calling to him. He knew it in the same way he knew every pitch and yaw of his ship before he guided her through it. He knew it because, at long last, Gatz had learned to truly immerse himself in the Force—a lesson Romi Jade Romi Jade had imparted to him, perhaps a little unintentionally, by bidding him to attune himself to Jakku's energy.

Because of her wisdom, and her guidance, the Force had never been with him as strongly nor as wholly as it was now.

So, through all the violence and fury that raged throughout the temple, Gatz waited for his opponent calmly—trusting that the Force had guided him to this place, and this time for a reason.

in the footsteps of a stranger

Post 01
Interpretation unit: on
Malva'ikh Dralidok Malva'ikh Dralidok Astri Elyse Astri Elyse

—ah. And this here is a Zeffo sun stone.

Bogano involuntarily came to mind, followed by the image of Elias Edo Elias Edo cooking for her in his greenhouse. She smiled at the memory and taste of the shepherd’s pie he had made that evening. She hoped that he and sweet little Fenn were doing better than she had left them.

I believe,” she added, remembering that she was with another padawan learner now, “it once belonged to rebel and antique dealer Luthen Rael. The Zeffo, as a species, fell to the Dark side of the Force.

Much like this Temple soon would.

It wasn’t a thought but a feeling that tore through her, raising goosebumps on her skin. Its message was distinct and direct, uneasy and Dark. So very Dark.

They’re here.” Her hands found Astri’s shoulders, trying to usher her away from the display case before signing again. “To my dormitory, quickly.” That’s where she had stored their packed things and emergency supplies. It was on the other side of the complex and down a few levels, but they should be able to make it with little, if any, interception this early in the siege.

At least none of the physical nature. Dark side corruption had already seeped into the Temple. Without another thought, Efret reached out towards it in hopes of wicking a great deal of the battle meditation effects away from Astri. The master could endure heavy legs and a heavier heart for now.

When they reached the door out of the Temple museum, Efret and Nirrah peered out into the hallway to check it was safe before guiding Astri into it. “Follow closely.” The master then offered the girl her own hand and rushed down the hall.

Equipment: Field Apparel & Lightsaber.
Allies: Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte + New Jedi Order.
Opposition: Nouqai Veil Nouqai Veil + Dark Empire.
Location: The Jedi Concourse (Grand Hall/Temple Entrance).
Post: #1.


Balun Vale stood behind one of the great pillars of the vast Jedi Concourse, a massive interior hall that split off in all directions, leading deeper into the Temple and connecting to the entrance where the opposition forces were likely to try to breach in their attack. Other members of the New Jedi Order were positioned nearby, out of sight, and awaiting to spring the trap on the Dark Empire's elite warriors. Balun stood poised, his right hand tightly clutching the hilt of his inactive Lightsaber, tension readily apparent in his shoulders as the stress of the coming fight was ever present, gnawing at the forefront of his mind.

He had never been in a battle like this before, the odd fight here and there, though those had been single combat, not the pure chaos of an actual battlefield. However, the Jedi Temple had been his home for fifteen years, and the New Jedi Order was his would-be family; at least, it was the only one he knew at the time. Despite turning away and leaving the Order, Balun still held a fondness for the Jedi and could not deny that their teachings and practices were carried with him most days, living life in the greater Galaxy.

The boy's head touched with the solid stone pillar where he hid behind, his eyes looking towards the roof far above. The Jedi Concourse was a massive area able to hold thousands of people at a given time, with a central path from the entrance to the Temple towards the heart where turbo-lifts would ascend the countless floors. The Temple was built to house an immeasurable number of Jedi; it wasn't just their residence but a place of learning, training, socializing and living. And all of it was about to be threatened by the Dark Empire. Balun was soon to be introduced first-hand to the might of the Imperial Army and whatever Force Users allied with them. Where they to be Sith Lords? Rogue or Dark Jedi? He could only guess as he waited for the first sign of their entrance. Hanging on bated breath, his throat feeling parched with anxiety while he tried to remind himself to breathe and to listen to the Force for reassurance and guidance.

Nearby where he stood, Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte was positioned. Until recently, she herself had called herself a member of the Sith Order; however, she had gradually been swayed by his influence and a death-defying assault by her Father, Lord Seidon Dimitte. Whatever she had experienced in her loss of consciousness had tipped the balance of her alignment and faith in the Force to the extent that today, she stood to fight in defence of the New Jedi Order. Something Balun had never thought imaginable, though also something he would take for granted. Cordelia's journey back into the light would be arduous and full of trials that Balun hoped to support her with. He did not know what to expect, himself. They were still young, yet here they were, about to risk their lives against unknown odds again.

The Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order had been alerted to the Dark Empire's looming Fleet. So, as the pair of them had already arrived a day before the attack, they had unexpectedly become part of the trap that the Jedi hoped would spring upon the unsuspecting enemy force as they entered the Jedi Temple. Turning to glance at Cordelia, Balun briefly forgot his emotional turmoil. Instead, he sought to reassure her with a hand to her own, their fingers lacing briefly in the last quiet moment before the storm of war threatened to engulf everything within sight.
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Allies: Vorik Vorik , Orwrex Orwrex , Olorion Fossk Olorion Fossk
Enemies: Jedi Grandmaster Valery Noble Valery Noble
Equipment: Detritus Orbalisk Armor, The Ren Lightsaber
Location: Enroute to Coruscant aboard the Night Vulture.


Coruscant… Detritus never thought in his lifetime would he step foot on what some would call the Jewel of the Core. Coruscant he had heard of, but now it had finally come to it at last where the Dark Empire would assault and take the Jewel. At last would he finally fulfill the dream of Imperial supremacy across the Core Worlds, and it would all begin with Coruscant. The Alliance would fall, the Jedi Temple would fall, and all that the Alliance have built for decades would be torn asunder. The very dream of it brought a smirk to Detritus, even the Orbalisks that fed on his body hummed with darkness as they fed on their host. Though he could imagine getting onto the surface wouldn't be easy. The New Jedi Order had the Temple locked down, and the entire planet was armed to the teeth, heavily fortified. On the other hand, for the Knights of Ren this would prove to be more fun then a challenge.

For this Battle did he summon his Knights of Ren to the Night Vulture. A relic of the Third Imperial Civil War, but suitable as a stealth ship for the Knights to slip onto the surface. If they got shot down, then the Knights were all the more eager to improvise the way they know best. Detritus would watch the blue swirling vortex of hyperspace while he pondered the coming battle. His father the World Eater had long desired once to see Imperial flags reign across the galaxy, he also wished to devour all life in the galaxy till his unfortunate demise. The Son of the World Eater had felt proud to lead the Knights of Ren to this momentous day. He intended for the Knights of Ren to see to the desecration of the Jedi Temple. Nothing would survive against the wrath of the Ren, for at last revenge would be his.

Detritus would rest his hand on the control yokes, for he looked back to see both Vorik and Orwrex. Both new to battle, but confident that the two of them would be able to hold their own in a fight. Combined with the might of the dark side would they all triumph in the name of the Shadow. Detritus would feel tension, excitement, nervousness for battle. Slowly did the black robed and parasite ridden Ren stood up. Slowly did he step out to his flock with his hands stretched out. "Gather, disciples of the shadow, and heed the call of the World Eater. The Jedi Temple, once a bastion of misguided light, now stands as a testament to our destiny. As Kyrel Ren's spirit consumes the light, so shall we eclipse the false hope that the Temple stands for. Let our darkness spread, seeping into the very stones of this ancient structure. With each step do we walk with the shadows, and soon, Coruscant will be reborn under the domain of a new Empire."

Detritus would look to his Knights of Ren, hoping that a dark sermon would put them at ease. As his words ended did the proximity alarm sounded. Detritus would quickly get back into the pilot's seat as the Night Vulture exited Hyperspace to the sight of Star Destroyers and Alliance Cruisers. Detritus would grip the control yokes tightly, a hand moved to pull up against a few switches. Already the cockpit filled with bright flashes of red and green. The hum of X-Wings and the roar of TIE Fighters as Detritus would guide the Vulture through the mess of his exit from hyperspace.

"Alright boys, strap in!" Detritus would say as he gripped the control yokes. Boosting the stealth generator of the ship, the speed of the Vulture accelerated, and quickly did he feel the pull of the Gs slam him back against his seat. The Vulture was speeding through space as he was making his descent towards the planet surface. "Hang on!" Detritus would yell as he guided the ship towards the atmosphere, his screen overcome by fire before the atmosphere cleared through rain soaked skies. Already were the guns firing on the Night Vulture, and a couple X-Wings on his tail. One hand remained on the yoke, and the other moved to grab the lever to the accelerator.

As the Night Vulture was making its way through the skylines, did Detritus have to maneuver around the X-Wings constantly avoiding laser blasts. He would spin the ship, gritting his teeth as he set his sights straight for the Jedi Temple. The intensity of the X-Wing pursuit only increased. The barrage of turbolaser fire seemed never ending. Detritus couldn't hold back against them for long, but he had one shot to do this.

The Night Vulture aimed directly for the Temple, at that moment a turbo laser struck one of the engines to the Night Vulture. "We're hit!" Detritus would yell back to his Knights, as he fiercely grabbed the controls trying to yank them upwards. He was losing control of the Night Vulture and fast. "Stabilizers are going! Looks like we got one shot!" Detritus would yell as the Night Vulture was racing towards the Temple, its left engine now a blazing inferno. Detritus would yell as the Vulture was sent crashing towards one of the landing pads of the Jedi Temple. His head sent crashing against the controls, absorbed by his helmet did he feel his vision slightly blurry. Lucky enough to not get completely blown out of the sky, now came getting off the ship and towards the Temple.

Hours Before

Down in the depths of Coruscant, where only the barest hint of natural light reaches between the towers, walkways and speeders, Selena Halcyon prepared for her day. She made a simple meal, a warm porridge in the Botham style. It was pleasant enough, but she did not eat to indulge. Between spoonfuls, she gathered up her belongings for another day of service.

When she opened the small trunk at the foot of her bed, something niggled its way into her mind. A subtle pull that beckoned her to move aside the small stack of books along the side. Tucked beneath them was a metal tube that could easily be mistaken as just being an eight inch rod of unutilized metal. Selena reached for it with some hesitation. As she turned it over, the pair of buttons revealed it for what it, albeit a very plain one.

She could not recall the last time she held her lightsaber. Especially since she simplified it. Nor could she remember the last time the Force called to her through the kyber crystal within.

For over seven decades Selena had lived in Coruscant’s lower levels. It had been so long she barely remembered why. Leading fleets and armies against the Sith Empire to reclaim many worlds had taxed her, she knew that much. So much death in the name of justice… She did not and had not regretted it but it wore on her.

In a brief time of peace she had vanished into the lower levels. Ostensibly as a Wayfinder, she left the order in the good hands of Master DragonFlame and a group of capable and wise masters. Most Wayfinders travel the galaxy, but Selena Halcyon felt hers a more self-imposed exile. But not to the far reaches of space in some barely inhabited world. Instead she threw herself at the heart of the Republic where, despite its wealth and grandeur, so many still struggled to survive. Families still struggled to make rent and put food on the table. Injuries went unattended to. Gangs preyed upon the weak.

In the early days, she spent more time on the latter issue. It was most similar to what she had spent most of her tenure as a Jedi doing. Fighting. That wore on her. It did not solve the issue. New gangs rose up. Desperation just fostered it.

So she shifted tactics, put down the blade she now held, and served. Anything to make life easier. To stave off the need.

Yet the lightsaber lay in her hand. Selena frowned, wanting to put it away and go out into the streets forgetting about it once more. But, as if to keep force her not to, the force pulled her attention upward. Something was coming.

In a hurry, she moved out, quite spry for a woman into her early hundreds, and flagged the first shuttle she could to take her towards the upper levels. The Sith were coming.

A few levels lower than the Jedi Temple

“Uh… comms are saying we need to turn around now,” the Gran taxi pilot said. He had put up with her beckoning him forward for some time already as news of the invasion rolled in over the channels. Selena would not push him further, his life was to be protected all the time.

“We are close enough, open the door,” Selena said as she handed him her credit chit. It was not much, more than the fair, but he would need it more than she.

He looked at her and his three large eyes grew even wider. She gave her best reassuring smile she could muster and held up the metal tube. In hindsight, she probably looked like a crazy old crone. And perhaps she was. But he pushed the button to open the door and just like that she jumped from the confines of the speeder toward a walkway.

She was a few levels lower than the Jedi Temple. Strange, Selena thought, I hadn't realized I was so close to it all along.

As the once grandmaster she knew if a few secret entrances but thought it best to leave them be for now. She could feel the dark malaise radiating from somewhere above. The Sith were already on their doorstep.

A small part of her wanted to back down. This would come to pass. She could lend aid to the people still if the city fell. No one would go looking for her. The Jedi didn't even know she was down there. But… if perhaps she could tilt the battle then she owed it to the world to stave off this darkness.

With the flick of her silver blade she hit a control panel. With a fwish a door opener. She would take the stairs the rest of the way up. Perhaps the Sith would be too arrogant to expect an attack on their flank. She doubted it, but she tapped into her past as a Jedi Shadow and turned her force signature to practically nothing as she ascended the eerily vacant tower.


Ally: Jenn Kryze Jenn Kryze
Enemies: Jogon Jogon | Isar Isar

The past few weeks on Coruscant had been like staring down the barrel of a blaster. You knew that the trigger was going to be pulled, but you didn't know exactly when.

When the Dark Empire finally struck, it hadn't been a silent shot. It was the roar of a cannon, crashing down on the Jewel of the Core Worlds with deafening vibrato. The Alliance probably hadn't been expecting anything different, but it was still jarring.

Grim as it was, the forewarning had given them time to prepare; evacuation of civilians and the younger Alliance personnel was swift, and allies had gathered planetside to support the defense of Coruscant.

"I never thought I'd find myself fighting side by side with a Mandalorian."

Cora's demeanor was sober, but not so rigid that she couldn't offer the leader of clan Kryze a bleak smile. It didn't quite reach her eyes, but the sentiment was there. After a rocky start, she'd come to respect Jenn for how she conducted both herself and her clan.

In anticipation of a targeted strike, Jedi had gathered both in and around the temple. Jonyna Si Jonyna Si was manning the main gate, but there were a handful of other entrances - some innocuous and hidden - into the building. Cora and Jenn's company happened to be posted to the west wing.

"Thank you for being here. This fight will not be an easy-"

A wave of malevolent energy rolled over her, through the hall they'd been patrolling, and Cora stilled suddenly. The Dark was not unfamiliar to her, but it was always, always an unsettling sensation. It tried to work its way into her mind, and it took a few long breaths to shore up her mental barriers.

The Dark was powerful, but the Light was not to be underestimated. With so many Jedi concentrated in one place, they could draw on eachother's presence in the Force for support. They were here, the Knight reminded herself as she reached out into the great weave. They Jedi were woven into the fabric of the temple itself, and they would not give easily.

Cora swallowed down her nausea and exhaled slowly through her nose.

"So it has begun," she murmured.

It had been at least a year since she'd watched Ukatis burn, images of the flame-ravaged capital forever seared into her memory. It was a formative battle, one that had finally cemented her wavering resolve to walk the path of the Light. Now, war had come to Coruscant once more.

"I will not let another home of mine burn to the ground."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

Several days prior...

"Jedi Seleare, I'm glad you could join me." Valery pulled her gaze away from the large glass windows inside the Council Chamber and turned around to face Kaleleon Kaleleon . She still remembered his return and the subsequent decision that was made — he had to go through the Trials of Knighthood again and therefore stood before her as a Padawan, rather than a Jedi Knight.

But not for much longer.

Kale had undoubtedly completed his challenges and trials, and already taken initiative to do what was right for the Alliance and the Jedi with new threats on the rise. Now, with perhaps the greatest battle of this decade on the horizon, she needed Jedi like him to stand tall and help others. She needed him to be there alongside his fellow Jedi as a Knight.

"Given the circumstances, I want to keep this short." She looked across the horizon again and drew in a sharp breath, "Any moment now, everything we've shielded from conflict for many years will be thrown into chaos. I need good Jedi down here to defend this Temple and planet."

"I need you, but as a Jedi Knight. Someone our younger Jedi can look up to during these times of war. Someone we can rely on and someone who will help us defeat this new Empire."

"Do you accept, Knight Seleare?"

It sounded like a thunderstorm out there. The constant rumbling of fighters overhead, of explosions and thousands of soldiers, Jedi, Sith and more marching into battle. Through this storm, she felt the Force screaming. Each life lost weakened its strength, but so many were going to be lost today, that her mind slowly grew numb to those tremors. It was an awful feeling that reminded her of the Second Great Hyperspace war again.

The Battles for Empress Teta, the defense of Tython, and for her in particular — the Battle for Exegol that ended the war.

So many lost to the void.

Valery's eyes opened and focused on the hallway leading to the turbolift that brought one up into the Council Chambers. Here, she'd make her stand, away from the exposed towers of the Temple, and deep within its heart, where no enemy could easily walk. Somewhere out there, Aris Noble Aris Noble , her son, was fighting. Somewhere else, Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , her husband, was doing his best to protect people after securing their own children.

The Nobles were in the middle of yet another war, and she couldn't help but wonder how they'd get through this time. Would they lose their home again? Their limbs or their minds? The last war had claimed far too much, and each new conflict brought them closer to losing it all. For now, she forced herself to set aside those darker thoughts, and drew the hilt of her lightsaber into her hand.

They were coming.

Jedi were positioned at each entrance of the Jedi Temple, but there was no way to stop them from infiltrating. No way to stop them from breaking through the outer shells of this ancient structure and hunt down every Jedi inside. But they weren't going to get through her.

The Sword of the Jedi was waiting for them.

On My Way To The Netherworld

Cordelia had been in a room of the temple that Jedi constructed lightsabers. Normally the rite was to sit in Lotus and disessemble the hilt, removing the emitter and pummel, and place the crystal inside. The Convert took a tool and began to take apart her saber, she decided to remove the sharp tooth shape part at the enitter as a sitn of her defsngung the dark side and leave it rounded. The Crystal she took was a cyan blue, which sparkled as she touched it, gently humming. She had bled crystals, never bounded with one, and so in a rather comicsl display she said,
Uh.. hi.. I am Cordelia.. I am new to this.. I confess I have made Kyber like you scream and.. go silent. I hope you can forgive me.. I have no idea if you understand.. all I ask is if you please help me.. I am a novice, and want to be of assistance in this fight.”

She bowed her head, her short bangs swaying, and her eyes closing as she drew her forehead to the crystal. It chimed like wind chimes, and she opened her eyes popper open and her greyish blue eyes fixed on the crystal that took its place as if by an invisible hand. The pieces she put back together and tightened with a tool as she raised the hilt up and said,
Now for the moment of truth..”

She hit the ignition switch and the blade rode in dazzling blue flame, humming:


She swept the blade back abd forth and could feel it responding to her thoughts, which was amazing! Her Sith crystals were completely silent, and did not obey thought. Satisfied she deactivated the blade and headed to the Great Hall, where Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell was standing behind a pillar. He looked so handsome, his curly locks falling at his neckline, and the focus he held, this was personal for him, this was his home. For Cordelia it was the cradle of Jedi Power, and for a time she had envisioned being among the invaders. That had all changed now, she was reborn as a Disciple of Light, and while far from perfect, she was genuine in her conversion.

The Ashla Acolyte felt the approach of the Darksiders, that famist chill. She leaned beside Balun and said, “They are coming.. I can feel them.. the cold of the shadow.
She reached for his free hand to hold for a moment before the inferno.


ALLIES: Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker | Sinestra Sinestra | Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin | Malva'ikh Dralidok Malva'ikh Dralidok | Aphon Aphon | Veli'ae Ashai Veli'ae Ashai | Sahar Sahar | Vorm Vorm | Creuat Creuat | @whatDSEamImissing? | DE
ENGAGING: Stennis Fel Stennis Fel
GEAR: Armour | Lightsaber | Pistol | Vibroblades | Vibroknife | Grenade loadout




It was deja vu.

Hopefully it would now be the last time that she'd be led back here to this cesspit. A lifetime ago she had been one of the fools that resided in this temple. That idiocy had come to an end on the fields of Vjun. She had returned here once as an Imperial Knight, not to protect the Jedi, but to continue the onslaught on the Maw.

Now she returned once more - as an Inquisitor of a new Empire.

They had received their gift from the Emperor himself. Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin had also made it clear what was to be done.

No one was safe from the Emperor's Wrath.

They were moving through some ancient passages that Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker miraculously knew about. She could scarcely remember them. It was so long ago. As they trudged through the tunnels, following behind the recently Fallen boy, Amena couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like if things had been different.

What would have happened if she had stayed with the New Jedi Order? Would she now be one of the men and women attempting to safeguard an empty temple? Would she have seen them as cowards for sending away the Younglings and Padawans and almost abandoning the Coruscantis? Would she now be one of those negatively affected by the sheer dread that Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin was unleashing upon the temple and its surrounds? Or the fear that Darth Vinaze Darth Vinaze was spreading?

Luckily it has been decades since she was that weak.

Instead, both influences bolstered the Viper while they came upon the split in the passages. Hopefully they helped Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker and his mad mumblings as well so he would have a clearer head when facing the onslaught ahead.

She split off in the direction of the Thousand Fountains. Her expertise as a toxicologist would be most beneficial there to bend whatever fauna and flora to the will of the Empire.

She was still in the passage a little ways from the exit into the Room, bolstered by all the gifts they had received, when the Inquisitor had the slightest of premonitions that she wasn't alone. Coiling like the desert serpent she had as a Guardian, Amena was ready for whatever the cowardly Jedi scum threw her way. That life had ended so long ago.

Her senses reached through the passage.

"Come on then, weaklings."


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