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Character buffing for invasions

Should there be restrictions on when a character joins a faction in order to take part in an invasio

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[member="Darth Athora"]

[member="Yuroic Xeraic"] has a point in his original statement. Just think about real life circumstances today. There are lots of people out there with dual citizenship in different countries. For instance, I have a friend who is a citizen of both China and the USA, and another who is Korea and USA. Dual citizenships are actually more common than one might think
I'm a duel citizen of the UK and Australia and have passports for both.


I can see it very easy for someone to be a Jedi in SJO and also in ORC, or a Sith in CIS and TSE.

However this vote goes, we're not going to be stopping people be part of more than one major faction. That's off the table, and not part of this question.

Zrak Ren

Azure Djitred said:
Perhaps a better way to limit those joining a faction merely for an invasion, is to have:

1. Time limit: Must have joined the faction X amount of time BEFORE the invasion announcement. This would not apply to those brand new to the site.

2. Minimum faction thread activity limit: Must have joined and participated in X amount of faction threads BEFORE the invasion announcement. This would, also, not apply to those brand new to the site.

I believe this would prevent joining factions willy-nilly just to be in an invasion, while also allowing characters such as [member="Allya Vi'Dreya"] to participate in invasions involving both factions she is involved in.
1. Can understand this one, if they're already IC allies with them then as long as they joined expecting it I think it might be fine.

2. I disagree there because people may make a character new, and then have to throw them directly into an invasion because there haven't been any non invasion threads to be in before. I think it would be extremely limiting, especially if the faction doesn't do many non invasion threads.
To me, to impose a restriction on characters from joining invasions (or, rather, joining a faction to partake in an invasion) to an arbitrary date prior to the start of the IC thread is absolutely backwards. The website allows us to use submissions without approval in any thread started after the submission is posted into the factory or codex, why would this not be the same for characters/writers? We're on a medium for cooperative writing, regardless of the fact that invasions are inherently competitive, it is still going a step too far to deny access to invasions for people who join a faction before the start of the thread but after the announcement that an invasion is going to occur.

I'm not going to weigh in on fairness and all of that, but I do prefer consistency in rules, and the only consistency that would be found is to either keep things as they are, with no limits (the direction of restrictions in the factory and codex regarding when submissions can be used in threads/invasions) or the lowest limits possible (before the start of the IC thread).

Are people going to "join" a faction to partake in an invasion? Yes, some will. Can we prevent this? Can you prevent me from joining every major faction right now, voiding this entire discussion?

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