Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Deaths: A Look Into Your Worst Nightmare

So recently I had a run in on a forum where characters deaths were the normal. Any given month 2-5 characters would perish and I have to say I quite enjoyed it. Now, granted, the moderation ran a bit differently than it does here and there was also nowhere near the member base as there is here, but at the same time I have to say that the death aspect of it brought a whole new level of intensity and fun writing. Over the next few days I would like to discuss the whole prospect of character deaths with you guys and see what the general feel is.

So to open up this little tangent I want to state the obvious thing here: No one wants their character to die. Absolutely no one, myself included, especially with Ben. Ben is an old... old.... old.... character. I think I first created him around 2005ish? If he died now, especially without my expressed written consent, I would not be happy. That is years worth or work and dedication to a character only to have it slip away on probably what I would consider to be a sub par situation.

At the same time, though, it adds an entirely new element to the game we are playing here. How would things have changed if that safety net was not there? Would some of your characters have done some of the things they attempted in the past if the fear of death was there? Isn't that such an intriguing thought? I know Ben would not have attempted some of the things he did if I knew there was a very real chance he would die. Hell, he made a living scraping by on some very hairy situations, chances are my man would have died when he was a Jedi Knight.

But of course the real question here is: How would this be regulated? Do we rely on the admins to make the decision to axe a character? Oh my god could you imagine some of the disputes that would generate? But, at the same time, who would thrive and who would hate it? Obviously there are characters that are god like, but, even god like characters have to die. How crazy would it be if everyone said "You know what, screw this guy, lets go and kill him." Even the best fighter in the world could not stave off 10-15 force users.

And therein lies another, much bigger, problem: Meta and Power Gaming. Oh yes, everyone loves those words, but most people do not even really understand them. To be brief, Meta Gaming is when you take information gained OOC ( IE I tell you that my character has a weakness and you exploit it in the very next post. ) Where as Power Gaming is when you collude with ( Typically ) a group of people to try and bone someone IC. ( I ask 5 other people to help me go and kill someone because they pissed me off OOC. ) These are very, very, very, loose definitions so don't murder me. The point is, if deaths were the normal, the increase in meta and power gaming would be absurd.

So I think a nice medium here, something I think you should all try, is to create a character that you are not afraid to let die and be very realistic with it. Know your limits and put yourself into situations you know you cannot handle. Go and fight a Sith Lord as a Jedi Padawan and see if you can write yourself out. The thing is, you have to be honest, and if they die they die. The thrill is so exciting, knowing that one mistake in your writing can lead to your characters death. One thing that I love about writing is how it can invoke such strong reactions from the people writing. How I can feel such pain and anguish over a character I created with nothing but my fingertips. It may not feel great, but damn it, you feel. And if you write and do not feel then maybe you are doing something wrong with your character.

Anyways, the floor is open after my little rant, how do you guys feel about Character Deaths? Do you support them? Do you think they are stupid? Is it your decision when your character dies or should it be left up to fate?

Ending disclaimer: I am not in any way trying to promote character deaths on the board. I am just interested in a discussion on the topic.

EDIT: I am pretty sure I accidentally posted this in the wrong sub forum. I meant to put it in the Writers Workshop. Sorry admins.
I'm never one to shy away from severe character injuries, and in the past a character's death wasn't something I thought was anathema to roleplaying.

Although on Chaos I've only ever written the one character.

He's died once before, but he came back to life during the Netherworld event.

Maybe one day I'll kill him for good.

But I wouldn't know what to do with myself after that, as my ideas for new characters is low lol

[member="Ben Watts"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Some of my favorite characters to write have died when I didn't expect it, and stayed dead. Their legacies have helped shape other stories. Boolon Murr, Brembla Kol-Rekali, Lyn and Reia Beorht, Velok, Seren Ordavo, Rach Kol-Rekali/Rasho the Hutt...

I'm all for character death. I enter every invasion and public thread aware that my favorite characters might fail and die. I enjoy the risk.
I like character deaths as well, but would prefer to kill mine off on my terms. I have already done this and have plans to do it again, in the future and my characters will stay dead too. I generally do this because of a muse problem, that the story for that character has ended or I don't have the inspiration any more for them.

I take a hit and incur injuries etc, and keeps it exciting for me. My characters deaths will be my own. ;)
Random but... I had Sarge try to get himself killed once. I was pretty committed to the idea, too but... in the end it just didn't feel right - like a shoehorned character death in your favorite TV show. If the story ain't good, I can't let it happen. As with all writing, what good is a story without substance?
I have a "Needs to die" list. Literally every thread I do with opposition is a chance for a character to die. I even had one die from self inflicted blaster bolt. Wanna kill a character? I probably have a few.


Disney's Princess
[member="Ashin Varanin"] once linked me to a very fun writer's blog that included a topic called: "Kill your darlings". Inside the writer described their experience with Mary Sue characters who you just knew were invincible. That kind of protagonists who the book author just refuses to let go of. No matter how stupid or unintelligent they are as a hero, the villain just can't win.

Funny enough. At the time of my reading. That was totally me. I had a character that I just wouldn't let die. So when this blogger mentioned that such a trait was holding my writing back? I couldn't believe it. I was dumbfounded. How could letting my hero die be considered progress? Harry Potter didn't die. Luke Skywalker didn't die. King Arthur didn't die. (He totally did.) How could letting my mighty hero die be considered a good idea? I loved my Mary Sue. They was ma' baby. Huehuehue.

Naturally the blog article went on to describe exactly that kind of false ideology. Why not exposing your Mary Sue to real life-threatening danger was essentially destroying any tension what-so-ever from my writing. In fact. It was probably boring my audience to death and causing my opponents to roll their eyes with fear and loathing. Now. It didn't also help that there were about 100 other articles all entitled: "How to be a bad writer" on this blog site. And... That I pretty much matched the criteria for ever single one.

  • Q: Are you a male writer who's characters are generally female fantasy lesbians with perfect bods?
  • Me: Yep
  • Q: Does your character face insignificant challenges in order to gain overgodly magical unicorn power?
  • Me: Yep
  • Q: Do your heroes have 100 pages of flavor text, uber strengths, zero weaknesses, and just-meh quirks whilst your mustache-twirling villain NPCs have less than none of these things?
  • Me: Um. Yep
  • Q: Is your name JSC?
  • Me: Um. I ugh... No moar questions plz. >.<''
I learned that in all fairness that if my characters weren't allowed to die? Welp. That I was basically just writing something that had more in common with a unicorn rather than with a real person. So. From now on? If I'm going to PvP?

My character better be ready to kick that bucket. :D
The threat that you could lose your character definitely adds a level of excitement to the scene. My characters (Karrus/Zarack) are still young and inexperienced but I've come into Chaos with the mind to know that they could be killed off, it's something that I consider when writing up posts and steers me away form the more suicidal / rambo types of plays (where someone runs into a group guns blazing and kills them all on their own).

It makes role-playing more immersive and easier to relate too knowing that whether by accidental or motivated means, something could happen to bring an end to it all. That sense of caution can be a great motivator.


Well-Known Member
Let's box!

On the note of death, I have started several characters only to have them die weeks in, had master characters that I loved to much to let stay dead, even had some I still plan for just need the right story. Death is a very real part of real life, so why not have it included IC?
I killed off Kamon for good. To be honest. I felt no small amount of relief at him being gone. There was a weird stigma around him anymore. Now I get to focus on new characters, like Barrien who, while Kamon's son, is basically the opposite of his father. It's quite fun. :)
[member="Ashin Varanin"]


Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
Sanya and Teresa I would never let die but I wana fluff taneas out more before I have him open to random killing off. (Also have the guns given to my main because Damn they are good guns) but my goal with him is to get somewhere in a good spot with both my main and that char that when he dies it will deeply effect Sanya emotionally and for her to get over that grief with her soon to be wife. As far as background goes there is a string bond between the two and I have him ready for when I have a good Muse to go full out and cause havoc. although I won't have him die in a ground battle but for a change an awesome dogfight. I don't see many of those.
With Strider Garon I have used dice many times through out threads, and death was a possibility in the game of chance i privately played with the character. Closest to death he has come by just a roll of a dice was when he blew himself up in a det tape accident during a botched rapid entry maneuver. I like rping with death in the back of my mind. It forces me to make "realistic", well what i think is realistic posts. I to have also rped on sites where death was common and also in my D&D group, i have died many times (Then again that could be Chevy aka Garrus, being an ass) but its all fun.
There are somethings far worse than death. Having a tortured and angry existence being one of them.

Hiss Hiss' "death" will be a sweet release compared to the torment I've put her through :)

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