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Discussion Character of the Month Nominations, June 2024

It's a dark day, friends.

Trusted Community Member Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren has disappeared when we needed him most, but fear not. For this is a torch that we can take up in his absence.

Mandatory Quote of his earlier rules:

  • Nominate a character that is not of your writing that has impressed you in the last month.
  • Give the reasons why.
  • You may nominate someone that has already been nominated, they will be listed once in the voting stage and the reasons combined into one.
  • This is for In Character stuff.
  • During voting step, you will have the chance to ask IC and OOC questions of the character/writer with the most votes.
  • Character must have been active in the last month to qualify, would be great if you would keep it to the last months exploits too.
  • Characters can only win once.
  • Two weeks to nominate. Approximately. smile

I think it would be dope to also see some links to a post that really sold you. It's not mandatory, but plenty of folks will read em.

Have fun.

EDIT: I'm extending nomination time from one week to two weeks due to a diluted timeline. The May CotM nominations started back in April. We're technically a month late here, people. Can't let Brandyn down.
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Reposting my nomination, will expand onto after interview:

“I would like to nominate Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , you have written Empyrean beautifully, and though I have only seen a fraction of what the character was, you are able to give off the gravitas and weight of a character that is more an elder god than a man. Yet, even with that, you are able to play him as the kind of Sith that I find absolutely refreshing, and have wanted to play Malum as, a Sith that despite all the ills and evils they commit, you can fundamentally understand why they are that way.

And that even with all that they do, they have an absolute sense that what they are doing is right and necessary, for a greater goal than what mere morality could say. There is certainly a small essay worth of stuff I could say, but I'll leave it like that for now lol.”
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OOC Writer Account
I think that, when it comes to Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , we have been spoiled with so many quality posts, threads and stories over the years that the excellence which we associate with a nomination for 'Member of the Month' has become the norm with this character. But the fact of the matter is that it is very difficult to continue churning these types of posts out and these posts are why I am nominating Carnifex this month:
These posts, combined with the others he wrote during the Siege of Tion, made this invasion feel important to both the writer base in the Empire of the Lost and the Sith Order. I'd like to thank Carnifex for the quality of these submissions throughout May and I would like to see him recognised once again as this communities 'big bad'.
Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell

I've been reading the threads. I like where the writer is going with the character and his the minor faction they have created, pushing against some of the status quo of Jedi. Its been a great arc to read thus far and I am ready to see where the next month takes us in terms of story. Of course I will be keeping an eye out.

Also shout out to Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield , awesome article you posted the other day and its been nice to see you back on Chaos in some capacity and writing once again.
The month is young yet, but I think Jonyna Si Jonyna Si has really wowed me in the defense of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Some of her quotes have been fire to be brief! I think her use of the force is both unique and creative. It is true that Jonyna doesn't fit the mold of a traditional Jedi, but I find that to be one of her greatest strengths. She is wild, strong, and unflinching in her resolve to keep the galaxy safe, even if that means breaking some rules.

In particular I'd like to draw attention to this post against Darth Centax. I think it encompasses everything that's great about her character.

Sera Rosh

I'd like to nominate Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion

The character really captures the horror of a planet getting bombarded and his people almost genocided and how he as an heir now without a Seat has to deal with it all. It's raw emotion and powerful as seen in this thread and this one for example.

The character adds depth to what would otherwise have been seen by people as "just another orbital bombardment" and really gets you invested in the story and how it would unfold going forward.
I'd like to nominate Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion

The character really captures the horror of a planet getting bombarded and his people almost genocided and how he as an heir now without a Seat has to deal with it all. It's raw emotion and powerful as seen in this thread and this one for example.

The character adds depth to what would otherwise have been seen by people as "just another orbital bombardment" and really gets you invested in the story and how it would unfold going forward.
I would like to second this, and also nominate Tydeus of Tion Tydeus of Tion . Absolutely raw, brutal emotion coming from this guy in the Lightsworn threads right now. Amazing stuff!
I nominate Mig Gred Mig Gred

This dude is passionate about what he does, keeps his head down. Does the work. I’ve never seen him win MOTM, never seen his name stick out, never seen him gain recognition because he’s not playing the same Discord game.

While I understand its important to nominate community leaders, I strongly believe its even more important to notice and pick up these cats who think they can keep their eyes low and we aint be noticing all the good content they’re helping to push. Without these people, you dont have Major Factions.

This dude legit just does the work, enjoys what he does, keeps to himself.
———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge
I nominate Mig Gred Mig Gred Mig Gred Mig Gred

This dude is passionate about what he does, keeps his head down. Does the work. I’ve never seen him win MOTM, never seen his name stick out, never seen him gain recognition because he’s not playing the same Discord game.

While I understand its important to nominate community leaders, I strongly believe its even more important to notice and pick up these cats who think they can keep their eyes low and we aint be noticing all the good content they’re helping to push. Without these people, you dont have Major Factions.

This dude legit just does the work, enjoys what he does, keeps to himself.
I honestly Second this Mig Gred Mig Gred , dude is a loyal friend, causes no drama.

Probably one of the kindest people on site that you will get to know.

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