Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Relationships?

Well, im with it. Ive had plenty of english/authoring classes to know that love, or any emotion for that matter, makes a story more satisfying and in the end, it adds more depth to a character. Even at the moment im working to make a small book, hopefully about 200 pages.
Vault said:
Well, im with it. Ive had plenty of english/authoring classes to know that love, or any emotion for that matter, makes a story more satisfying and in the end, it adds more depth to a character. Even at the moment im working to make a small book, hopefully about 200 pages.
*Writer fistbump*

I just spent the whole month of April writing non-stop on my second draft. Yes, I've actually completed the book, just editing it now. About 190 pages, fifty chapters, and some pretty cool characters if I do say so myself.

Vault, my respect for you just went through the roof.


Oh! I write..... though I haven't really ever gotten beyond 5 pages. I get distracted.... though if you combined all of my 5 pages it'd make like a 500 pages book!
MAD said:
Oh! I write..... though I haven't really ever gotten beyond 5 pages. I get distracted.... though if you combined all of my 5 pages it'd make like a 500 pages book!
I used to be that way. You've gotta think about something different you can do to make it a good story. Maybe follow the story from the antagonist's perspective, or take a popular theme (Zombies) and do it completely differently, like instead of an apocalyptic wasteland, do it in a futuristic utopia.

What I did was I focused on making my villain, Xavier, THE most powerful villain. Ever. I'm trying not to have anyone be better than him.




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