Gee thanks, Nomad can be epic... once in a while He has had training [member="Captain Falcor"]
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 24, 2014 #121 Gee thanks, Nomad can be epic... once in a while He has had training [member="Captain Falcor"]
Captain Falcor Character Oct 24, 2014 #122 [member="Nomad Crimson"] every few years... tiny typers nanana!
Noamd Meme Knight. Character Bio Oct 24, 2014 #123 I object! Nomad is epic once every few months Your tiny tyoers application has been denied! [member="Captain Falcor"]
I object! Nomad is epic once every few months Your tiny tyoers application has been denied! [member="Captain Falcor"]
Serco Savar Guest S Oct 25, 2014 #126 I picture this song for Serco
Renato Sarkin Guest R Oct 25, 2014 #127 and for Sarkin we have or maybe this one. so many good choices for Sarkin
and for Sarkin we have or maybe this one. so many good choices for Sarkin
Maximus Stanforth Guest M Nov 3, 2014 #129 For Maximus I had to think about it for a minute as I had two really good ones in mind. In the end I choose this one.
For Maximus I had to think about it for a minute as I had two really good ones in mind. In the end I choose this one.
Darth Carnifex Eternal Father Character Bio Nov 19, 2014 #130 [youtube][/youtube] Kaine's themesong.
Connor Harrison Guest C Nov 19, 2014 #131 For Connor it has to be this:
Lucifer Erebus The Bloody Angel Nov 19, 2014 #133 [media][/media]
Nefertari Sovint Jedi Mom Dec 8, 2014 #135 Original Theme: Original Battle Theme:
Original Theme: Original Battle Theme:
Nei Laa Grumpy cat? No no no -- grumpy squid! Dec 9, 2014 #137 I was thinking for either Nei or Ahsen Edit: Kerstas, actually. Seems more like her thing. I was thinking for either Nei or Ahsen Edit: Kerstas, actually. Seems more like her thing.
Garith Darkhold Dark Kashi Character Bio Dec 9, 2014 #138 Here is what I used to always use before getting ready to write a fight scene with Garith.
Here is what I used to always use before getting ready to write a fight scene with Garith.
Coci Heavenshield Dawnguard Grand Master Character Bio Dec 10, 2014 #139 says it all.
Brad Solo Not Your Typical Jedi Character Bio Dec 10, 2014 #140 You know Brad is one of the few peeps I have not picked a theme song for.