Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Wounds?


Disney's Princess
Excellent question Sandis. And a big thanks to everybody who answered too. Education and discussion is an important part of helping our community become the best Roleplaying environment out there. We have a lot of new players out there with tons of questions. Way to go guys! :D

Lord Ghoul

Not all the surgery in the world or even bacta (which is basically just wound repairing bacteria) can completely heal a wound back to brand new. You're never going to be the full 100% you were before the injury.

Ava Solborne

Well, I didn't mean, how was it wounded, but how is it wounded... :D But I guess it's hard to understand me.
Verz Horak said:
Surgery can fix a shattered ankle
Well-Known Member
Daxton Bane said:
lol Jhar and here I thought you were going to cut down on your posting :) I told you couldn't resist the dark side.
Who told you that blatant lie? And I'm already evil :rolleyes:. No, that was temporary, but I should be.
Yes thats all true (running off of what Ashin said) When a foe expliots you weakness you cant jus shrug it off. like with ashin said about how the RPer with the injy says how much pain that it gave them. You cant just say
"I felt a slight pain in my [body part]"

you have to do something reasonable. like
"I fet an emence ammount of pain im my [pady part when I [did action] and now it hurts to do [action]"

It also matters on how reasent the wound took place. If it just happend your charater would stiil be possable to expliot it. If it took place a long time ago then it would be harder to expliot.

It would also matter what the actual injury was. if it was a cut on the finger then nothing will happen. BUt if it was a bone that shattered then you have some problems

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