Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction Charity Auction

If there was a way for Lily's eyes to have matched the color of her hair, her sclera at any rate, they were damn near appearing that way now. She knew right now that it wasn't right for her to upset, but all of this so suddenly was overwhelming, tears streamed down her face, her muscles twitched on impulse, and she held onto her father as tightly as possible, even while he confirmed her hopes. Of course, later one, there would be apprehension to get involved with certain things involving him, business for sure would be confusing now - not that it was even a subject on her mind right now. If there was one thing she'd kept absolutely manicured for her parents out of respect more than anything, it was their home estate, and right now all she wanted to do was go just there - home. "Sorry.. papa." She whispered, her voice ragged from crying so heavily. The moment she'd felt his tears dropping onto her she had lost any semblance of self-control, knowing that the unbreakable Titan was showing a more vulnerable side that rarely was exposed.

"Ca' we go home?" Lily asked, the question just as focused on her father as it was on her sister. She'd already succeeded in making one scene, she didn't need her father plastered over tabloids on his first day home.

[member="Alric Kuhn"]

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Lily Kirsche Kuhn"]


Home sounded good, it sounded like what he had wanted for weeks now. For a moment his eyes closed, his lips thinned, and then he nodded his head. Bright blue met bright blue as Alric opened his eyes again, an unspoken question flowing through his gaze as he looked at Rose. For a moment her expression was blank, a mix of anger, relief, love, and joy. It was hard to read her, hard to tell what she was thinking, but eventually she slowly gave him a nod.

"Yes." Alric said quietly, as Rose slowly loosened her grip on her father and sibling.

He knew that he would have to support Lily, she was still drunk and would likely fall over without his assistance. There was no judgement in him for that, no anger or even disappointment. He understood what his daughters had been through, he understood why they had done what they had done. It was his fault, and he would have to fix it. He had already accepted that.

"Lets go home." He declared as he cast a quick glance towards the auction room. "We'll rest there, then talk."

Rose caught her fathers eye again, and then slowly nodded. It was clear she was still apprehensive, but they were both glad to have him back, both glad that he was still alive. He gave his daughters one last squeeze, then prepared to go.

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