Basaba Willamina
A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
The auction had been quite a show and the bladesisters always came out to show their support of things... plus chance to see the latest of everything as there were several other mandalorian clans here. Basaba standing in her armor with her short hair. The datapad while she looked over the specs of the various bokes but honestly a bidding war could only go so far... the first lot wasn't being bid on and it looked like one fo the most impressive being reverse engineered from a war droid she knew so it was able to land on and take off from a planet itself... and if you were in full armor if could bring a mandalorian.... so riding it down onto a world was a possibility or calling it to come in and help you with the right programming for defensive means of the user. She walked forward though seeing some fo the other mandalorian and crossed her arms over her chest as the first speeder was looking the best.
Lot A: 50,000
Lot A: 50,000