Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chase the Shadow [Maxine Avril]

Darth Imperia

The fear, the suffering, the despair that poured off of Maxine - all of it fueled the Sith Ghost, fed her, gave her strength. There was not a single drop of mercy to be found in her soul, not after millennia trapped in maddening isolation. And the Ghost knew just what, exactly, she was going to do to enjoy the first victim she'd had in ages.

First, of course, she'd finish blinding the girl - it wasn't permanent, of course, for it was only an illusory darkness that obscured Maxine's vision. Next? Next, the Sithly Spirit decided that it was time to have some real fun with her victim.

I've been trapped here for over 5000 years, girl. I wonder if you could bear the same...let's find out, shall we?

What the spirit was about to do was a rather advanced technique, and one not often used - at least, not in this modern era. It was a variant of Mind Trick, much like the illusion she'd used to cause Maxine's "blindness." But instead of tampering further with the basic senses of her victim, this ghastly poltergeist tapped directly into Maxine's Mind, attempting to alter the girl's perception of the flow of time - how effective it was, of course, depended on her subject's mental fortitude. Seconds might stretch to hours, or they might stretch to the span of days. Whatever the result, it was sure to be unsettling, perhaps even maddening, if Maxine wasn't particularly strong willed.


[member="Maxine Avril"]
Through this all, Maxine's weak will would tremor, though she was usually alone before and avoided others, this by far was too long for any being to remain sane. Humans craved contact with others whether they wished to or not, it was an instinctual need that drove many, and without it many often begin to lose their mind.

"Please! Make it stop! I just want to go home!" Were the only words this girl could muster in the first what seemed like hour of her lone travels, but it was merely a moment. Terrified, isolated, and completely blind, Maxine breathing grew heavy. Her mind clouded in connecting thoughts piecing together the words between hours and days. They were simple sentences... This wasn't real. But panic had still over taken her, placing an iron grip on her head, anger and fear working together.

"Stop this!" Maxine yelled, and this time, it was loud, much louder than she had ever spoken. "Stop it! Stop it, Stop it!" Still holding on tightly to the reference point she had found, she began thinking over the pieces. The sith was playing tricks, she had to be, though there was nothing she could do. Likely years in this time would pass before she could do a thing. It was twisting her, unlike most who would fall to despair, this young woman who once could never hurt a fly fumed with rage, great anger. They have no right.

Carefully the girl listened, she waited for the next noise, where was Darth Imperia, where was the vile creature that was letting this happen. She will pay, she needs to pay. She knew this would happen.


[member="Darth Imperia"]

Darth Imperia

Darth Imperia wasn't quite sure what to expect from the Ghost's interference with her false-Apprentice. Begging or crying were her best bets. The potential for rage had not crossed the Knight's mind - nothing about the girl had indicated that she had real fire - she was timid, shy and reserved, far too nervous and jittery to be truly wrathful.

And yet...there it was. Spite and anger and raw, unrefined rage. And it was beautiful.

The blindness was the first to go. Then, suddenly, time moved at a normal pace. The Sith Spirit let loose one final, mocking cackle, and then left the pair, Master and potential-Apprentice, alone in the cave.

Darth Imperia approached Maxine, lightsaber still thrumming with power in her hand, and spoke, her voice tinted with the barest hints of amusement.

"I thought, like you, that I had nothing to lose when I began my apprenticeship. I was wrong, and so were you. I was nothing, I was worthless. And still my Mistress ground me into dust, stripped my mind and soul to the core. And I clawed myself back to personhood. I will make you less than nothing, and you will thank me for it. If you can't handle that, get out of my way and allow me to find someone worth my time."


[member="Maxine Avril"]
Maxine's left eye twitched ever so slightly, a feeling that had never passed though her before crept into her mind, she wanted to hurt Imperia. No, Maxine wanted to kill her. But weighing her options there was little she could do in the moment, very little in fact without putting her own life at risk. But a plan began twisting and forming into something beautiful. Why not go along with this, it will give a chance later, much later. Curling her fist slightly the girl stared over the woman before of her, pure hatred coursing though her veins. Yes, she would wait, wait until the very moment Imperia needed her, the moment she was strong enough and the woman turned her back, that was when she would take revenge.

"You may do what you wish but I- have- nothing. There is nothing for you to break." And in truth, there was much, and it was all beginning to unravel right in front of Imperia's own eyes, the girls once quiet tone torn into that of aggression and harshness, her body language bolder and displaying anger, yes, she was falling apart already.


[member="Darth Imperia"]

Darth Imperia

Darth Imperia simply looked down at her apprentice. The girl was angry, furious, full of bile and hate and pain.

It was inconvenient that the anger and hatred were directed towards Imperia, but what could you do, really? If Maxine wanted to be Sith, truly wanted it, then one day she'd thank her Mistress. Today was likely not that day, but in honesty, the Sith Knight didn't truly care. Maxine could fantasize about taking vengeance on Imperia all she wanted - she'd grow out of it once she got a taste of real power, got a taste of everything she could accomplish as a Sith.

And Imperia knew just how to give her that little taste. Or scar her for life - that was also a possibility, but that was the way with everything Sith.

"Come with me, child," began the grey skinned woman, her voice soft and gentle, lacking the harsh edge that had laced every word she'd uttered since the pair had met. "You've proved that you have potential."

With that, Darth Imperia disengaged her lightsaber, clipping it back to the belt hid beneath her robe, and made her way once more into the outside world, returning to the Jen'Midwan. She didn't stop to check if Maxine was following her - she knew it to be the case.


[member="Maxine Avril"]
Maxine followed behind, through her mind flew the thoughts from before. As they made way onto the ship she separated herself, heading to the area near the torture chamber and sitting quietly against the wall outside the room. If she were really going to attack Imperia, it would take much planning and she would have to begin now. Maxine let her head rest against the wall and she closed her eyes for a few moments, thinking this over in the silence.


[member="Darth Imperia"]

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