Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Chasing Shadows


Nir Si Nir Si

Braze looked about the mirror maze rather disoriented and shrugged. " I don't know... " He stated and started down one way. " I don't remember what way we came from..." He trailed looking at the near-endless images of the two.​


Nir Si Nir Si

"I didn't even remember what way we came in..." Braze pouted lightly, feeling a bit disoriented in the vast underground cavern. The ancient symbols and strange markings on the walls didn't help him find his bearings either. However, after several minutes of near-blind navigation and a few face bumps into glass walls, the group's instincts guided them to a new door that seemed to be calling them through the Force. The door was adorned with intricate patterns, hinting at something mysterious beyond.

As the group approached the door, they felt a faint hum in the air, and the door's ancient symbols glowed softly in response. With a gentle push, the door opened, revealing a magnificent hall bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. The room was filled with an awe-inspiring sight - rows upon rows of lightsabers, each mounted on a pedestal.

"Woah... "

The lightsabers were of various designs and colors, a symbol to the diverse paths the fallen Jedi had walked in the past. Some glowed with a brilliant blue, while others emanated a fierce gold or a serene green. Each saber seemed to carry its own history, its own tale of its owner's courage, sacrifice, and dedication to the ways of the Force.

The atmosphere was both somber and reverent, as if the spirits of the fallen Jedi still lingered within the room. Shafts of light from unseen sources above pierced through the dimness, creating an almost ethereal scene. The air was filled with a hallowed stillness, and the soft hum of the lightsabers seemed to resonate with the very essence of the Force. The room felt like a sanctuary, a place of reflection and contemplation. Each lightsaber held the legacy of a Jedi who had once walked the same path they now trod. It was a reminder of the responsibilities and challenges that came with wielding the Force.

As they walked deeper into the hall, they could almost hear the whispered voices of the fallen Jedi, guiding them, sharing their wisdom. The light from the sabers cast dancing shadows on the walls, adding to the mystical ambiance of the room.

For Braze, it was an overwhelming experience. He had never been surrounded by so much history and legacy before. It felt both humbling and inspiring.

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers


As the door opened, Nir let out a sign of relief. He'd hoped they wouldn't simply be trapped inside a maze of their own mistakes.

But now...he found a hall of fallen jedi. He went to inspect each pedestal, as if looking for one in particular. If he could find Nal's saber, he'd be happy. His ancestor that related him back to the woman who had inspired him to become a jedi.



Nir Si Nir Si

Braze was somewhat awestruck by what he saw in here, amazed by just how many there were. And if Nir looked hard enough. If their ancestor's saber was recovered it would indeed be present,

"Maybe we shouldn't be here?"
Braze paused to think about it.
Rock and Roll MotherFluffers


Nir thought of taking it. It was his ancestors, and heirloom of his family. But...

It wasn't his. He couldn't.

But Braze's words pulled him out of his own head. "Oh, now you realize that?" Nir quipped back, rolling his eyes. "...what are we even doing here again?"



Nir Si Nir Si

"Exploring a rumor about a strange door that wasn't on any of the temple's directories. " He offered lightly. Braze looked at the one Nir was staring at. " This was a family member's huh?" Braze asked curiously. " It must be pretty neat having ancestors who were jedi... kinda like being a part of some family tradition. " Braze said feeling a bit of bittersweet emotions as he considered the differences between his own experiences and NIr's.


Nir Si Nir Si

Braze's expression turned contemplative as he considered Nir's words. "No, I understand completely," he responded, his voice carrying a touch of empathy. "I don't want to live in my father's shadow either." It was a sentiment that resonated deeply with him, the desire to forge his own path and leave behind the weight of familial expectations.

The Padawans found themselves in a place that seemed to hold secrets and mysteries untold. "I wonder why this place isn't more... known?" he mused aloud. "Maybe it's to keep nosy visitors and prying eyes away?" The idea of deliberate obscurity made sense to him, as the temple's aura of isolation seemed intentional, shielding its ancient wisdom from those who might misuse it.

"This is a really neat place though," Braze continued, his eyes scanning their surroundings with a mix of fascination and curiosity. The air itself seemed to hold ancient energy, whispering tales of ages long past. "I wonder how we can leave..." he trailed off, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. The concept of departing from the temple's confines was suddenly a matter of consideration, their journey into the unknown prompting new questions about their return.

Rock and Roll MotherFluffers
"I wonder why this place isn't more... known?" he mused aloud. "Maybe it's to keep nosy visitors and prying eyes away?"


The boy wondered himself. Perhaps it was some sort of monument, only available for masters to wander and give reverence to the fallen. Perhaps it was a test of sort, given the maze it would make sense that the jedi of old would want to measure their resolve...

"Maybe it's a graveyard. Ya know, you don't exactly go around advertising that..."



Nir Si Nir Si

"A graveyard... r-right..." He felt a sense of uneasiness now considering the odd shadowy figures they saw in the mirror maze. He frowned briefly at this and looked about with a growing sense of concern. "There has to be a way out right?" He asked as he moved to start wandering the halls looking for an exit.

The way out was not that difficult to find in truth as a door led out to one of the areas closer to the deliberation chambers.
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