Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Checking the corpses

Sur'tra tilts her head while listening to [member="Rowena Aesir"]. "Okay, but v'hat if you are attacked from behind? You vill not alvays be facing your foe. I find that my enemies sometimes shoot me in the back. Fortunately for me, my blade is usually there to meet their arrows and turn them aside." She smiles at the other warrior. "Sometimes... I don't even turn around."

Her words would sound as a boast in Midvinter society. But Sur'tra senses there is something familiar to herself in this other warrior. A presence she has not felt since her father was abducted. It is what sets her apart from other warriors, but she does not know its name. Sometimes, in battle, it speaks to her. At other times, it seems, it fights beside her. At first, she thought it was spirits or the Gods fighting beside her. But, if so, why her and not greater warriors? Why not her mother, the famous shieldmaiden who had taught Sur'tra how to fight? Why not the chieftain of her tribe? Or the heroes of legend?

"Do you ever... know things...? Things that... you cannot know? Like... vhere to kick the ice... to cause an avalanche. Or vhen an enemy vill attack? Do you...? Do you know vhat I'm talking about?"

Sur'tra looks at the other warrior meaningfully. She knows. She must know!
[member="Sur'tra Sunblade"]

Looking at her as Rowena had a grin to the mention of something going at her back and it was hard to explain the robes and armor how it wouldn't allow the material to rip but there is a lot to it. She was walking and then got a strange question when she turned to look back at the woman asking if she you know... vague but different. "Ah sometimes, it depends on what is happening. I grew up in the mountains almost by myself, you learnt o feel things and trust your instincts over just waiting for things to happen and then reacting to them. Keeps you alive and keep you safe." It was also where she got to fight vinterbound compared to many of the others so that was a bonus.

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