Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

He really did know Thermodynamicles' law after all! However, as the conversation turned into a song about Kana herself she slowly started to nod. The slow nodding turned into a scoot to the side and followed by an equally slow attempt to get out of her seat while at the same time stare him down in shock and confusion. She didn’t utter a word. Not a single syllable.

Once standing up she looked at her watch (which wasn’t there) and then back at [member="Malkav Nissiku"] . “Oh look at the time! I really, uh, gotta go. Itwasgoodtoseeyoubye!”

She faked a hurried jog down the marketplace until she was out of sight. Her eyes shotout over her shoulder. No red-haired bards were in sight and she could exhale in relief. That was weird, she had no idea what just happened, but that was weird. Not in the force-sensitive kind of weird but the actual quite literal kind of weird. Was she supposed to be honored? Creeped out? Frankly she felt all of it at the same time.

The line to board the ship seemed to have slimmed down and it didn’t take long for her to get aboard. Now, what could a woman do to calm down? The most obvious answer would have been to check her accommodations but frankly a drink felt like a considerably more suitable alternative.

She made way for whatever they had around here that would count as a ‘bar’. She needed something, and she needed it now.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Malkav sat and watched the hooded man go by and board the ship. He wondered if the Jedi girl knew that as long as the Jedi put forth enegery into preserving thenthemselves they would never reach absolute zero value. Perhaps thermodynamics was a poor choice to explain the future to space monks.

The awkward situation finally behind him he couldn't help but think that she was a very odd woman and a good deal less knowledgeable than what was tomorrow called other than yesterday two days from now. He slowly rose and walked away and drew a woman to the side for a talk and maybe a quick bite to eat. She didn't seem to mind.

Darth Odium

He walked slowly his footfalls touching down silently as he passed through the crowd. A young girl pulled a bag in front of him as he walked up the boarding ramp to the ship. His cold black eyes unblinking as he moved into the ship and looked for his quarters. He had been on a public transport before many times It made him hungry.

<<Let's go to the food court.>>

"where's the food court?"


The girl giggled.

[member="Kira Liadain"] [member="Thalia Rist"] [member="Sabena Shai"] [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Jack Rand"] [member="Kana Truden"]
Thalia spied a newcomer with a rather different look to him than the others, focusing in on [member="Darth Odium"] now while she reached out now with her empathy to tell what he was feeling. She had seen few Nautolans in the past so he was also a rare sight for her in the first place and interested her immediately with that thouht where she couldn't shake the thought of wanting to learn about the species. But while she was reaching out for his emotions she seemed to stare off into space in a different direction, as if she was trying to hide the fact she was doing it while her guard sat across from her.

[member="Malkav Nissiku"] [member="Kana Truden"]
Walking with [member="Kira Liadain"], Sabena tilted her head back as her eyes looked up. She took a few moments of thought. Then, she looked to Kira once more and lifted up her index finger. She had a sly look on her face as she told Kira, “You remember Starwa and Rokal? The Padawans that I usually spared with?

Leaning in to keep her words at a near whisper, Sabena would then say, “Turns out they’re an item now.

The two Padawans that Sabena mentioned were known to bicker between each other - at least for those that personally knew them. Kira would have had many opportunities to have met them through Sabena.

Their walk brought them just outside the freighter. A walkway would have allowed them to enter the cabin. There was a final check of tickets in order to make sure people past customs were boarding the correct flights. Sabena walked up with Kira and presented her ticket. They were waved through.

The ship itself seemed crowded. They could no longer walk side-by-side down the aisle. Closely behind Kira, Sabena followed her. However, [member="Jack Rand"] accidentally bumped into Kira. The Jedi Master’s body would have jerked back. The crown of Kira’s head whacked Sabena in the nose. Sabena released a nasally gasp of pain.

Instantly, Sabena began rubbing her nose - groaning at the sharp pain and both eyes closed.
[member="Kira Liadain"] [member="Sabena Shai"]

His mind was now focused, driven onto thoughts of the future, his and Kira's future.

There wasn't really much to think about. Soliael had made his decision a long time ago, his thoughts on the subject were cemented quite firmly, but were hers? He already half knew the answer. Kira loved children, loved them more than she loved herself, perhaps more than she loved him.

Okay, perhaps not that far.

Yet there would be a choice she had to make, a hard one. His lips drew thin and all of a sudden his emotions began to turn very serious, wondering and contemplations turned into dark thoughts of what ifs and concern. Unabashed worry trailed through the back of his mind, leaking into the bond. Gilded around it however was something else, something much brighter.


The former God stared up at the ceiling, wondering.

Kira Talith

Kinetic Communication at its finest my Chick-e-dee
[member="Sabena Shai"] [member="Soliael Devin Talith"] [member="Jack Rand"]

"Gah!" came Kira's abrupt startled cry. She felt her body get knocked back, right onto Sabena - and unfortunately her nose too - her hands moving wildly to gather her bearings. Thankfully, the stranger's quick movement saved her from toppling over.

This was unfortunately, a tiny woman's bane. At five feet flat, the Jedi Master in hiding was pretty easy to knock around. It didn't help that she had balance issues already. A wince of pain drew at the dull ache at the back of her head, already her hands reaching up to rub where it had hit Sabena on the nose.

Poor Sabena! Kira already knew she had a hard head to begin with!

"ow..." blue eyes would flash up at the expression of concern of [member="Jack Rand"], and Kira would wave him off saying she's fine. Her more pressing worry was Sabena. That's when she caught the rush of worry, concern, and that rather baffling sense of hope from another. That threw her off and it was noticeable.

"You okay?" she'd ask her, giving a slight wince at seeing the younger woman hold her nose. "Sorry..."

She didn't even notice that she'd accidentally dropped the bag she carried, one apple already starting to roll away on the floor.

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member="Sabena Shai"] [member="Kira Liadain"]

Jack was instantly apologetic, sometimes he got too distracted by the minute things. "I'm so sorry ma'am, I didn't see you there." Jack crouched down onto his knees to pick up the woman's bag for her, he saw the things that they were carrying which, thankfully, wasn't anything illegal. Jack raised back up to hand the woman the bag. "Are you okay?" Jack was feeling a bit embarrassed for not noticing them earlier, but that's when he realized that he had dropped his stopwatch. Damn. Jack had to deal with the situation at hand, but he also needed that stopwatch.

Jack looked around for it, and that's when he noticed the second woman behind the first rubbing her nose. "Oh crap, I'm sorry." Jack somehow managed to injure two people on his first few minutes in the transport. Jack looked at both women who were caring for their abrasions and he noticed something about them, but he couldn't place his finger on it. "You know, you two look awfully familiar." Jack felt like he had seen them somewhere before, but he couldn't remember where. Jack had been to many, many planets after all.

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