The Wookiees lived close to nature, in a way that defied modern convention.
It was refreshing, to say the least.
The warm notes of sandalwood greeted him, as the young Dathomirian woke within the tree that housed the Jedi padawans studying at the Silver Rest. In contrast to the cloistered quarters of the Jedi Knights, it seemed that padawans and younglings kept more communal quarters. That suited the Nightbrother well, making the Jedi temple the closest thing to home that he'd experienced since, well, leaving home. probably helped that the home that the Mistwalkers had moved into was also a Jedi temple. Or former Jedi temple.
While the Jedi youth dressed in their tunics and robes, the Dathomirian wore Dathomiri spider silk and rancor leather. The black and red ensemble resembled the pattern of the boy's skin, as the Nightbrother set a satchel down on the bed. As he did, the small krayt dragon that was curled atop the bed stretched out with a yawn. A pair of leather-bound books and a folded lightsaber were placed inside the bag, before the satchel was looped across the boy's body as he headed out into the temple proper.
Leaping off the bed, the krayt dragon followed along before the Nightbrother. As the pair emerged into one of the open-air walkways connecting the treetops surrounding the temple, a butterfly seemed to flutter up the boy. An outstretched hand was met by the colorful insect landing on his palm. Soft whispers in Paecian passed in greeting before the boy stretched out his hand and the butterfly fluttered off into the breeze again.
As a Nightbrother, research was a task ill-suited to him. Jorah was used to more physical labor. Such detail-oriented work would have been better tasked to a Nightsister, particularly as the subject concerned their Mother. Except Jorah's Basic was considered excellent, by the standard of his tribe anyway, and it seemed the Jedi were comfortable enough with his presence that he was able to access some parts of the library.
According to the Book of Law, Allya had been a Jedi Knight. The legends said that she had gone into exile on Dathomir, where she founded the Witches of Dathomir.
But why had she gone into exile?
Who was she? If she had been a Jedi, how did she come to be knighted? What deeds had distinguished her, for good or for ill?
The Book of Shadows was silent on who Allya had been. Instead, it focused more on what she had written and foretold future glories of the Nightsisters, as revealed to Gethzerion. This was likely due to the fact that the Book of Shadows was a new testament based on the old canon. Well, he supposed the Nightster interpretation would be that the Book of Shadows was a restoration of the original work, correctly earlier versions that mistranslated the intent of the author. But it still held that the Book of Shadows didn't seem to speak authoritatively on who Allya had been.
For that, he'd turned to the original source in Dathomirian. Well, as close to that as one could arrive. There were as many interpretations, translations, editions, or manuscripts claiming to be the Book of Law as there were stars in the sky. Or so it seemed, sometimes.

The history of the Daughters of Allya, not the history of Allya herself.
So, it made sense to try the Jedi records. Though from what he could tell, there seemed nothing aside from where the Jedi were parroting back the stories told by the Dathomirians themselves.
A fruitless search, which was probably why his elders had given the task to a male, but at least it was Kashyyyk.
Taking a deep breath, the Dathomirian enjoyed the forest air.