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Private Children of the Jedi

Jorah zos Darnus



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The Wookiees lived close to nature, in a way that defied modern convention.

It was refreshing, to say the least.

The warm notes of sandalwood greeted him, as the young Dathomirian woke within the tree that housed the Jedi padawans studying at the Silver Rest. In contrast to the cloistered quarters of the Jedi Knights, it seemed that padawans and younglings kept more communal quarters. That suited the Nightbrother well, making the Jedi temple the closest thing to home that he'd experienced since, well, leaving home. probably helped that the home that the Mistwalkers had moved into was also a Jedi temple. Or former Jedi temple.

While the Jedi youth dressed in their tunics and robes, the Dathomirian wore Dathomiri spider silk and rancor leather. The black and red ensemble resembled the pattern of the boy's skin, as the Nightbrother set a satchel down on the bed. As he did, the small krayt dragon that was curled atop the bed stretched out with a yawn. A pair of leather-bound books and a folded lightsaber were placed inside the bag, before the satchel was looped across the boy's body as he headed out into the temple proper.

Leaping off the bed, the krayt dragon followed along before the Nightbrother. As the pair emerged into one of the open-air walkways connecting the treetops surrounding the temple, a butterfly seemed to flutter up the boy. An outstretched hand was met by the colorful insect landing on his palm. Soft whispers in Paecian passed in greeting before the boy stretched out his hand and the butterfly fluttered off into the breeze again.

As a Nightbrother, research was a task ill-suited to him. Jorah was used to more physical labor. Such detail-oriented work would have been better tasked to a Nightsister, particularly as the subject concerned their Mother. Except Jorah's Basic was considered excellent, by the standard of his tribe anyway, and it seemed the Jedi were comfortable enough with his presence that he was able to access some parts of the library.

According to the Book of Law, Allya had been a Jedi Knight. The legends said that she had gone into exile on Dathomir, where she founded the Witches of Dathomir.

But why had she gone into exile?

Who was she? If she had been a Jedi, how did she come to be knighted? What deeds had distinguished her, for good or for ill?

The Book of Shadows was silent on who Allya had been. Instead, it focused more on what she had written and foretold future glories of the Nightsisters, as revealed to Gethzerion. This was likely due to the fact that the Book of Shadows was a new testament based on the old canon. Well, he supposed the Nightster interpretation would be that the Book of Shadows was a restoration of the original work, correctly earlier versions that mistranslated the intent of the author. But it still held that the Book of Shadows didn't seem to speak authoritatively on who Allya had been.

For that, he'd turned to the original source in Dathomirian. Well, as close to that as one could arrive. There were as many interpretations, translations, editions, or manuscripts claiming to be the Book of Law as there were stars in the sky. Or so it seemed, sometimes. Brooke Waters Brooke Waters had allowed the boy to borrow a copy of the Blue Coral Divers Book of Tides. Like his own grimoire, the Blue Coral Divers sacred text was vague on the details of Allya's history, though a few pieces here or there affirmed the legend of her exile. But, for the most part, it recorded the history of the Clan.

The history of the Daughters of Allya, not the history of Allya herself.

So, it made sense to try the Jedi records. Though from what he could tell, there seemed nothing aside from where the Jedi were parroting back the stories told by the Dathomirians themselves.

A fruitless search, which was probably why his elders had given the task to a male, but at least it was Kashyyyk.

Taking a deep breath, the Dathomirian enjoyed the forest air.



Location: Kashyyyk, The Silver Rest Outskirts
Nearby: Jorah zos Darnus

The Silver Rest differed greatly from the young wookiee's home city Rwookrrorro, largely due to the fact that there were far fewer 'People of the Wroshyr Trees', that were also among those force sensitive and privileged enough to train under the Jedi. For the Pup of a mere thirteen years of age, this left Fiyak feeling somewhat isolated and resulted in his spending the majority of his time teetering on the outskirts of the Silver Jedi grounds, seeking the most interaction possible with others of his culture. Tree life was much more suited to Fiyak's liking, able to climb better than most with the use of his claws, scaling the massive wroshyr trees helped the young pup to feel more at home within himself and one of his people.

Even so, Fiyak had been given a great honour and as a Wookiee, he had been taught to appreciate those who were good spirited, those who were loyal and honourable people. There were fewer words spoken in basic that better suited the Silver Jedi in his somewhat small experience with the Order of Kashyyyk, and thus he was often reminded by his conscience that he ought to return, to pay respect to those who had honoured him so with such a valuable path in life.

The nature of the Force as the Jedi saw it was unfamiliar to the young Fiyak. Instead, he knew only of the way that the great trees were connected to one another upon Kashyyyk, the life force of the wroshyr or natural energies that spread out to every root of the wroshyr through the soil of his homeworld. It would perhaps be considered a primitive spiritual view by some, but Fiyak had never before left the world of Kashyyyk and had only been influenced by those of his people, learning to grow fondly of the natural world, its flora and fauna, in all forms and splendour. Kashyyyk consisted of numerous forms of life, sentient and otherwise, and it was all greatly admired by the young pup.

Making his apprehensive return towards The Silver Rest, Fiyak lept from one branch to the next, using his claws and powerful (albiet smaller frame than his elders), to climb from tree to tree, using the higher walkways made for the Silver Jedi and Wookiee's to traverse, as his guide to follow back in the direction of his Jedi home.

It just so happened that during his loitering amidst the trees, Fiyak would spot that of another walking a similar path, causing the young wookiee to stop himself, landing upon one of the lower branches closer to the open-air walkway, now spotting the curious smelling Krayt Dragon creature that followed the...Horned black and red crest. Their kind had a name, but for the life of Fiyak's knowledge, he couldn't recall upon it.

"Wyaaaaaa. Ruh ruh." Fiyak called down to the other, triggering his Personal Universal Translator that hung around the wookiee pup's neck to activate and translate his Shyriwook speech into Galactic Basic.

"Hello. How are you?".

Jorah zos Darnus


As the Dathomirian youth sent the butterfly on its way, it seemed that something else was coming down from the branches above.

This one, however, was somewhat larger than a butterfly.

"Oen mai'ul," the red-and-black skinned youth intoned in Paecian, returning the greeting with one of his own. If the translator that the Wookiee wore took a literal translation, then the Wookiee might have heard good journey.

Switching to Basic, the Dathomirian hesitated a moment. How are you was not a commonly used phrase among his people. Such inquiries were typically reserved for family. "It is... beautiful day," the boy answered finally, struggling a moment to adopt the appropriate term in Basic. Giving a slight bow toward the larger Wookiee, the horned youth added, "I am enjoying the morning, as I hope are you."

As he straightened back up, the youth gestured toward himself as he offered, "I am called Jorah." Gesturing then toward the Wookiee, he asked, "And you are?"


Fiyak understood the Dathomirian's speech, Galactic Basic being widely used even on Kashyyyk and especially between the traders, visits and Silver Jedi people that would travel to the Wookiee settlements, sharing resources and coexisting rather easily together; the Silver Jedi Order was a people of compassion, rarely doing anything to earn the mire of his tribesman.

"Ruh gwyaaaag, arah gruh Rwuroh" Fiyak answered the stranger, the Wookiees words sounding like a series of growls, grunts and at times when he was excited, barks. Of course, once again his vocal translator kicked into action; "I am a friend, my name is Fiyak". The android like sentence did the Wookiees own speech little justice, yet it was better than being misunderstood by those who couldn't speak Shyriiwook, the tongue of his tribe.

Leaping down from the tree branch, the Wookie landed heavily with a deep thud on both feet, the impact and weight causing the wooden boards of the airway catwalk to shake, even for one so young as he. At the young age of thirteen, practically a baby of his people, he still managed to stand to equal height as the Dathormirian before him.

"Awruf ruh uragh arri addik?" Fiyak grumbled and growled another question, though once again his dialect was simply a natural part of his culture and not to be misunderstood as resentment or irritation towards another. It was, after all, pretty obvious to recognize when one had managed to anger a wookiee. Fiyak was nothing but intrigued and eager to meet the newcomer.

"Have you come from the Jedi village?".

Jorah zos Darnus

Jorah zos Darnus


"Have you come from the Jedi village?"

The Dathomirian cocked his head to one. Did the Wookiee think him a Jedi?

It was strange to be associated in that way. Yet, he supposed to an outsider, there may be little difference between one who used the Force and another who used Magick. "Yes and no," the Dathomirian replied cryptically.

Turning slightly, the youth gestured toward the direction that he had been coming from, the boy explained, "I am studying some records of the Jedi here on Kashyyyk." Turning back toward the Wookiee, the boy motioned to indicate the sky overhead as he added, "My village is on the moon of Alaris."

Folding his arms in front of him, the horned youth inclined his head toward Fiyak as he asked, "And you? Is your village near here?"



The young wookiee's head tilted to the right, a look of curiosity to the Dathomiri male who had motioned to the sky while speaking of his home. Fiyak had never left the world of Kashyyyk, the forest world was so large and wondrous that few could have ever claimed to have explored it all.

Naturally, he knew of others who came and went, travelling across the endless black ocean in transit from world to world. It was a curious thing, and an unimaginable wealth of planets to travel to in order to see all that the Galaxy had to offer. While Fiyak's people were long-lived, he had always assumed that the stars were endless and such a feat was an impossibility he could only dream of.

"Wua yrroonn warr bus Rwookrrorro, rohngr grgrff huu ruh ahuma chal-bus" Fiyak grumbled and growled loudly in his peoples tongue, quickly followed up by the mechanical monotone of his universal translator worn around his brown hair covered neck; "I come from the Wookiee City Rwookrrorro. I was brought to the temple by an honourable Jedi Knight".

Fiyak motioned in the direction of the Silver Rest once more, suggesting that where he now called home with thanks to the nameless Jedi who had discovered the young Wookiees proclivity to the Force. To be able to learn under the Silver Jedi was a great honour, and not one that many of his people could claim to own.

"Fro grah Rwuroh urgh ciir rohngr" Fiyak barked proudly, his body language suggesting something of excitement within his words, and his eyes widening slightly with a greater sense of wonder of the unknown.

"I am excited to learn from the Jedi here".

Jorah zos Darnus

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