Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Choa Nahi

Choa Nahi


Choa Nahi

  • BirthplacePantora
    Age29 Years
    Faction(s)The Democratic Republic of Pantora
    Force Sensitive-
    Hair ColorPurple
    Eye ColorGold
    Skin ColorBlue
    Distinctive featuresGolden Forehead and Cheek Tattoos
    Image sourceEnter the Unknown

  • Social Skills

  • ShipPantoran Transport Ship
    ClothesFormal Pantoran attire
    RingGolden Star Ring


Choa like many of her kind was born on the moon of Pantora, which orbited the world of Orto Plutonia. Born into a political family, she grew up surrounded by the schemes and intrigue that came with it, but it also brought her an education that would leave many envious.

Her grandfather had served several terms as the supreme chairman for the planet, though had fallen out of favour several years after due to his indecisiveness, something she hoped to never follow in line with.

Her life changed in her teenage years when the Sith came, they brought war to the planet in search of some artefact. They did not come for conquest, no they came to ravage the planet and so they did, leaving millions dead and cities destroyed. The planet was said to be engulfed in flames for years, many of her friends and relatives died in the great war.

As soon as they came, they left. This allow for the planet to slowly be restored, cities rebuilt and livelihoods remade but the lives lost could not so easily be fixed, nor could the memories that remained with those who lived through the period.

Wanting to seek a better life for her people, she rose to become an ambassador of her people for the Galactic Alliance, attempting to find safety within their policies, and perhaps one day even join them.

Strengths & Weaknesses:
▲Skilled Negotiator
▲Backing of her planets government

▼ No Senate contacts
▼ Stubborn

Chao, like many of her species, had blue skin that was adorned and decorated with striking golden tattoos that covered her face and contrasted with her near-flawless skin. Her pastel purple hair was often neatly styled into an updo, held in place with a delicate golden clasp decorated with semiprecious stones.

She was considered relatively tall for her species, which was only further elevated with the shoes she wore. Often wearing clothes made from expensive fabrics that originated from her homeworld, she made sure to always look the part of an Ambassador, while not forgetting her culture or heritage.

Her personality could easily be described as kind and warming, but beneath the surface was a schemer who would do anything to ensure the safety and continuation of her kind.

Notable Roleplay Threads:
  1. TBC
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